Wat weet jij over Josh Hutcherson?

Sooo, how much do you know about Josh Hutcherson ? ;)
A game of chances || The Hunger Games

Mogelijke uitkomsten

A real Jhutch fan (; (89 x uitgekomen)

You really know a lot of Jhutch
He's probably your favorite actor (:
What's your favorite movie (with Josh in it ;))?
Have a nice day!
A game of chances || The Hunger Games

You just know him (7 x uitgekomen)

You just know him as an actor, I guess you thought of Peeta Mellark? ;)
You're not a really big fan or that kind of stuff (;
What's your favorite movie (with josh in it?:))
A game of chances || The Hunger Games

Josh? Who's that? (36 x uitgekomen)

You just really don't know him,
Maybe you saw one film (:
Well, just watch a few films with Jhutch in it and you know why I love him (:
I recommend the hunger games and red dawn
What's your favorite movie (with Josh in it ;))
A game of chances || The Hunger Games



Reageer (17)

  • Hutcherlover

    DI HARD FAN :)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Angela_M

    I love cirque du freak: the vampires assistent. Daar speelde hij steven in

    1 decennium geleden
  • AvecMoi

    A real, real, real, real fan

    1 decennium geleden
  • ISaidSo

    The Journey 2 . MAN DAT IS EEN GEWELDIGE FILM !!! Vooral als ie besjes met zijn borsten wegschiet, HAHAHAHAHAHA

    1 decennium geleden
  • ProtonicPanda

    A real fan... ? :|
    Mijn gokinstincten hebben me níét in de steek gelaten uiteindelijk :p
    Mijn favo film met hem erin? Reis in het midden van de aarde of zoiets (?). I'm short minded :p

    1 decennium geleden

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