Will you survive the Hungergames?

When you are a tribute in the Hungergames, you could get murdered pretty easily. Only one will come out of the arena, alive. Will you be the one? Let's look at what your skills and choices are. Good luck! May the odds be ever in your favor...

Mogelijke uitkomsten

Killed by your alliance (5 x uitgekomen)

You were killed by your alliance.

You trusted your partner, and you thought you could trust him/her.
But when you were on your weakest, your ally striked and murdered you brutually.

Dead by the cornucopia (12 x uitgekomen)

You were killed by a tribute at the cornucopia.

You thought you would be faster than any of them. You thought you could get that weapon. When you reached for the sword, someone throwed a knife in your back. You died.

Killed by another tribute (3 x uitgekomen)

You were killed by another tribute.

You were cold and desperated for food, so you had to make a fire. But another tribute find you, because of your heat and light-source. He sneaked up behind your back, and killed you.

Killed because of poisoned berries (11 x uitgekomen)

You were poisoned by berries.

Hmm, that berries looked delicious. You were not thinking, that they might be poisoned. Without any thinking, you swallowed the berries. In less than ten seconds, you died.

Dead because of starvation (8 x uitgekomen)

You are dead because of starvation.

You were to scared to run to the cornucopia, so you ran into the forest without any food. You survived two weeks of terror, but than finally you died because of starvation. Maybe if you grabbed a bag, you would survive longer...

Winner (71 x uitgekomen)

You are a winner.

Congratulations! You are the very lucky winner of the Hungergames! You must be proud of yourself! Hurray!



Reageer (17)

  • drawmusegirl

    Deze quiz is echt leukk

    9 jaar geleden
  • Iritepiet1

    Winner! Yeah!!!!

    9 jaar geleden
  • mewharry

    Winner gelukkig ik wil ook niet dood hahah

    9 jaar geleden
  • Maelah

    Winner, hoewel ik denk dat ik het toch nooit zou overleven. Ik miste: zelf een boog maken om dieren neer te schieten tussen de keuze opties haha dat zou ik namelijk doen

    9 jaar geleden
  • Gashina

    Winnaar , misschien kan je ook een quiz maken, bij welk district je het meest past

    9 jaar geleden

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