Welke short-story van Philip K. Dick moet ik lezen?

4 questions quiz about 5 short stories.

Mogelijke uitkomsten

The Gun (6 x uitgekomen)

The plot of The Gun centers around a group of space explorers who investigate a planet which appears deserted. However, they are shot down and crash land on the planet. While repairing their ship, a team of explorers sets to survey the surrounding area, where they discover the ruins of an ancient city.

Beyond the Door (4 x uitgekomen)

"Did you ever wonder at the lonely life the bird in a cuckoo clock has to lead --" wrote the editor of "Fantastic Universe" in January, 1954, blurbing this tale "-- that it might possibly love and hate just as easily as a real animal of flesh and blood? Philip Dick used that idea for this brief fantasy tale.

Beyond Lies The Wub (2 x uitgekomen)

"The wub, sir," Peterson said. "It spoke!"
The slovenly wub might well have said: Many men talk like philosophers and live like fools.

The Crystal Crypt (0 x uitgekomen)

Stark terror ruled the Inner-Flight ship on that last Mars-Terra run. For the black-clad Leiters were on the prowl ... and the grim red planet was not far behind.

The Eyes have It (5 x uitgekomen)

It was quite by accident I discovered this incredible invasion of Earth by lifeforms from another planet. As yet, I haven't done anything about it; I can't think of anything to do. I wrote to the Government, and they sent back a pamphlet on the repair and maintenance of frame houses. Anyhow, the whole thing is known; I'm not the first to discover it.



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