Which dream type are you? Test it now with the Dream Quiz!

Everyone has dreams. But what are your dreams? Have you been able to realize your dreams or are you working on them? Do you suddenly come across a new dream or an old dream? Have you helped others with their dreams? Do the Dream Quiz and find out what kind of dream type you are. Who knows, maybe you might want to start working as a coach to help others realize their dreams.

Mogelijke uitkomsten

The Dreamer (6 x uitgekomen)

The dreamer. The test has shown that you have many dreams. Dreamer characteristics: explore, innovate and understanding. The dreamer has personal goals and dreams in life. You are creative and have many innovative ideas. It could also be a challenge for you to take a first or next step to realize your dreams. In addition, it can be nice to share your dreams with an encouraging sparring partner.
Through your imagination you can understand the dreams of others!
Would you like to use your creativity and innovative ideas as a coach for a young person or family? By using your own talents you can help them realize dreams. The beauty is that it also gives you more experience and insight into how it works to realize it.

The Striver (1 x uitgekomen)

The striver. You are ambitious and a real go-getter. Characteristics of the striver: create, organize and drive. The striver has insight and sees very well what steps are needed to realize the dreams in a structured way. With the structured working method the striver has everything in order and the possibilities are close. You have a good drive.
With the insight and perseverance that you have, you can help others to get started with their dreams! Would you like to coach a young person or family with the enthusiasm of realizing their dreams? Or would you like to get started with your own dreams?

The Doer (0 x uitgekomen)

The doer. Characteristics of the doer: preparing, targeting and organizing. The doer is a real entrepreneur and a strategist! You have realized one or more dreams! You have the right insight and are good at achieving the dreams. You know what to do with adversities in dreams. You look and work in a tactical way and where necessary you adjust the steps. By achieving your goals and dreams you have a lot of knowledge and experience.
Would you like to use your knowledge and experience as a coach to help a young person or family realize their dreams? Or do you like to get started with your (other) dreams?

The Dream Catcher (0 x uitgekomen)

The dream catcher. Characteristics of the dream catcher: flexibility, research and inspiration. The dream catcher is helpful and has empathy. You are good at letting others' dreams come true! Because you have an overview of the situation and the dream process from the outside, you can give the right direction.
In the dream catcher lies a coach who can inspire and motivate others. Would you like to give direction and coach others with their dreams? Through your helpfulness and guidance you can help realize the dreams of a young person or family!
Or would you like to start working on your own dreams?



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