Jadelie May Dow/Flack.
Harry Edward Styles.



You can break my bones,
with sticks and stones.
But you can't hold me down.
I think its time I'll break,
the rules you made.
And make some of my own.

It sucks you know,
when everything is doing fine,
and then it all crashes again.
And the worst part is.
I really don't want to try,
and put it all back together again.
But I have to.

have you ever done something you can't change?
something you can't never rearrange?
I have, I have.
have you ever feel so sad you can hardly stand?
lying on the ground, head in your hands?
I have, I have.
Have you ever tried to smile and hide your pain?
even if tho’ you’re really not okay?
I have, I have.
Have you ever been caught in the pouring rain?
wondering if anything can ever can feel the same, again.
I can feel it all down deep inside.
but oh, I only let these feelings rise.
I don't wanna cry.
I don't wanna cry.
I know it will be fine.
but I don't wanna cry.

Life is a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up.


*Start with 10 abo's
.*One Direction Exists.
*Ends on ..


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Prologue O1. 367 141 1 decennium geleden
*WARNING* 124 181 1 decennium geleden

Reageer (1)

  • yaraloves

    Klink interessant, abbo (:

    1 decennium geleden

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