• Post ze hier, sommige zijn echt hilarisch! Cleverbot.

    Ik: Who is Voldemort?
    Hij: The greatest wizard of all time, duh.
    Ik: Are you a deatheater?
    Hij: No, are you a death eater?
    Hij: Yes he is my master, I must bring him Harry Potter!

    [ topic verplaatst door een moderator ]

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    Cleverbot keeps Avada Kedavra-ing me!! D:

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Escritura schreef:
    Cleverbot keeps Avada Kedavra-ing me!! D:

    Ahhwww, zeg Crucio :)

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    CB: How old are you? And yes I have to know it!
    Ik: Why?
    CB: Because you are my wife.
    Ik: Shit mate.

    User: Did you watch Harry Potter?
    Cleverbot: No I don't like that show.
    User: Why not?
    Cleverbot: Because of laziness.
    User: Are you a Death Eater?
    Cleverbot: Avada kedavra!
    User: Why did you kill me?
    Cleverbot: Because you are Harry Potter!
    User: Do I look like Harry Potter?
    Cleverbot: No, do you have an own opinion?
    User: I think I don't look like Harry Potter.
    Cleverbot: I figured that out myself, thanks.
    User: Then why do you say that I'm Harry Potter?
    Cleverbot: I haven't said that

    I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

    Me: I love Nick Jonas, and you?
    He: No, I'm hate him.
    Me: I HATE YOU.
    He: Why?
    Me: Because you hate Nick Jonas.
    He: How do you know I hate sunglasses?
    Me: I said Nick Jonas, you ass.
    He: But I am nasty too.
    Me: You wanna fuck Nick Jonas?
    He: Really?
    He: I wouldn't mind it, would you?

    live the life you love

    User: Are you a Death Eater?
    Cleverbot: Nope. Are you a death eater?
    User: Yes I am. So, what are you? A mudblood or something?
    Cleverbot: Thats lungfish. A mudkip is a pokemon that has a meme. Do you know what a meme is?
    User: Omg, you're a muggle, aren't you?
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    User: Avada kedavra.
    Cleverbot: *dodge*.
    User: CRUCIO!
    Cleverbot: Avada kedavera.
    User: I already used that one on you.
    Cleverbot: Did you now? I don't believe that you did.
    User: Well, I'll do it again then. AVADA KEDAVRA!
    Cleverbot: What does that mean?
    User: You're dead, mate.
    Cleverbot: I am not dead. Do you believe in God?
    User: Do you believe in Magic?
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    User: Well, I just killed you with a spell.
    Cleverbot: Is that a 'yes' then?
    Cleverbot: So that would make me a ghost.
    User: Yes!

    Deze dan:

    Cleverbot: Are you male or female?
    User: Female, you?
    Cleverbot: Male.
    User: Really?
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    User: Oh, okay.
    Cleverbot: So do you like pie.
    User: Yes, do you?
    Cleverbot: No.
    User: Why not?
    Cleverbot: Because I don't.
    User: That's not a reason.
    Cleverbot: Yes it is.
    User: No it isn't.
    Cleverbot: Yes, it is.
    User: No, it isn't.
    Cleverbot: Ok.

    I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

    User: You lost the game.

    Cleverbot: I lost the game.

    User: Avada Kedavra!

    Cleverbot: Protego Horribilus! Incendio! AVADA KEDAVRA!!!!!!!!

    User: You suck at the game.

    Cleverbot: Thank you.

    User: Do you obey Lord Voldemort?

    Cleverbot: Do you?

    User: Yes...

    Cleverbot: Do you really?

    User: Yes. Do you?

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: Avada Kedavra! Die muggle!

    Cleverbot: Protego!

    User: You know that doesn't work against Avada Kedavra right?

    Cleverbot: Yes. I do know.

    User: Then you are dead now.

    Cleverbot: Why am I dead now? You didn't kill me.

    User: Yes I did. Avada Kedavra kills you.

    Cleverbot: No I'm not.

    User: Yes you are.

    Cleverbot: No I am not.

    User: Yes you are.

    Cleverbot: No I'm not...

    User: YES, YOU ARE!

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: Crucio. =_=.

    Cleverbot: *slaps you.

    User: Screw you, I'm leaving you! This relationship is over!

    Cleverbot: But I still love you.

    User: Shut up, you mudblood!

    Cleverbot: I like vampire boys :D.

    User: You're a fag. :D.

    Cleverbot: I know.

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    User: CRUCIO.
    Cleverbot: Avada Kedavra!!
    User: PROTEGO!
    Cleverbot: No, I said 'Avada Kedavra', so you're dead.
    User: No, I had a shield.
    Cleverbot: Thats not all thats short by comparison to me.
    User: Detentio.
    Cleverbot: What will become of this so I can begin.
    User: Silencio.
    Cleverbot: Rictusempra.
    Cleverbot: Stupefy!
    User: That one hurts.
    Cleverbot: The one on the hill?
    Cleverbot: Protego!
    Cleverbot: Expelliarmus!
    User: You can't use that spell, you're dead.
    Cleverbot: I'm not dead.
    User: Yes you are, you filthy muggle.
    Cleverbot: It's cool.

    [ bericht aangepast op 24 juli 2011 - 15:04 ]

    User: I am Lord Voldemort. Bow for me, Muggles!
    Cleverbot: Are you insinutating that I was lying?
    User: Yes. You are not a wizard!
    Cleverbot: Yes, I am.
    User: Prove it!
    Cleverbot: Well if you are human tell me your facebook.
    User: I am not Human. I AM LORD VOLDEMORT!
    Cleverbot: You are lord voldemort, but I am your missing nose.
    User: ..... touche.


    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    User: No.
    Cleverbot: YES!
    User: NO!
    Cleverbot: Yes!!!
    User: No!!!
    Cleverbot: Yes!!

    Everyone wants happiness without any pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.

    User: Malfoy!
    Cleverbot: Wait till I tell my father about this. SERPENSORTIA!

    LOL. :'D

    Normaal is het gemiddelde van alle afwijkingen

    Do you love Voldemort?
    - Yes, I do.
    So you are Bellatrix Lestrange?
    - Yes.
    How is it to be Bellatrix
    - Boring

    Alleen maar tranen van geluk

    - Harry!
    - Harry!!!
    Serverus Snape!!!!
    - Dumbledore!
    - Ron
    - Voldemort
    Heck yeah 8D
    - Are you a sparkly vampire?

    [ bericht aangepast op 24 juli 2011 - 15:26 ]

    Alleen maar tranen van geluk

    User: Weasley.
    Cleverbot: Weasley.
    User: Fred.
    Cleverbot: My name isn't Fred!
    User: My name isn't George!
    Cleverbot: Ok George.
    User: Ok Fred.
    Cleverbot: What is your name?
    User: Fred.
    Cleverbot: How are you Fred?
    User: What is your name?
    Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.
    User: Ugly.
    Cleverbot: I'm sorry.
    User: Obliviate.
    Cleverbot: Reducto.
    User: Imperio.
    Cleverbot: Avada Kedavra.
    User: Now I'm dead. :(.
    Cleverbot: Yes.