• De vorige was vol.

    "Robbing someone of their smile and putting it on your face doesn’t make you happy." - Tablo

    haha hater;e eerst zien dan geloven;e

    "I believe that marriage isn't between a man and a woman; but between love and love." - Frank Ocean


    Change is for weirdos ~ Niall Horan

    Nadat ze die woorden gezegd had draaide ze zich om.

    The first rule of truly living is to do the thing you're most afraid of.


    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you


    Ha! I invent the word impossible. That's why I am the champ. Whether I like it or not.

    The covenant

    I hope you drown in all the cum you fucking swallow, to get yourself to the top.

    10 hoofdstukken:

    1D pictures: ^^

    Mijn SA's:

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Humanity stops where our love goes further, 'till the end of time we will be together. There lie my hopes and dreams.

    Inconceivable | [16+]
    Funny gif stuff
    Sadistic [16+]
    Themawedstrijd: Fantasy ~ By Aife
    Seduction [16+] (afgelopen)
    An eternal life. [Damon Salvatore] 16+
    Coverwedstrijd Memorial
    The fallen angel
    Till I Collapse - Pro ana.

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    Dat is zeven woorden minder dan het maximum.

    HAHAHAHAHA omg prachtig

    Shit happens but pee happens a lot more.

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\"

    I hope you drown in all the cum you fucking swallow, to get yourself to the top.



    Stevie Wonder Isn't She Lovely (HQ Song) + Lyrics


    It's hard to tell if the world we live in is either reality or a dream - Kim Ki-Duk

    xMuppet zei op 22 mei 2012 - 9:18:
    oeh lovely verderrr

    Dat was een reactie op een hoofdstuk van onze storie

    [ bericht aangepast op 22 mei 2012 - 9:27 ]

    I hope you drown in all the cum you fucking swallow, to get yourself to the top.