• Vrij simpel: je plaatst al je usernames hier en degene onder je zegt dan welke het mooiste is (ja, ook de usernames waarvoor je je schaamt :'D )

    I'll start:

    VampireLaura, W1ng3dAng3l, EmpireAngel,
    Celestial, Celestia, Altair, Nightcrawler, Brute,
    Chimera, PewDiePie, Howl, Alucard, Kanade,
    Strider, Lioncourt, Silverlance, Elvenking, Draculea.


    AnNTje2000, Polyhymnia, Camel, Madonna, Svale, Atomic, Whitmore.

    “I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun.” - Billy Joel


    JCullen, LoveHStyles, StarDancer, StormRavie, Graffel, Detentio, Evanescae, Dicapri, Leviosae, Younique, Alley, Malfoyes

    Thank you for the tragedy, I need it for my art.


    Trollface, Trolldad, Desperados, Citadelle, Dickinson, Parera, Preysler, Lancaster, Sandrachips, Blanes, Villique, Heathrow, Monterrey, Wario, Thicke, Curitiba, Leicaster, Filister, Barrett, Puckett, Carlisle, Chico, Jankowski, Facinelli, Xenophilius, Pharrell

    "Fuck feelings, be a bitch" - Blair Waldorf


    haha.. kom ik met me duizend usernames... kidrauhlarmy, euphoric

    “Voel je het?”


    LovingStyles, xHeavenlyx, xMarvelous, Amorphous, Bisous, Stiles, Lahey, Reyna, Khione, Winchesterr, Neiva, Aurorea, Gamgee, Jemima, Alyssum, Bran, Maniae

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered


    AnNTje2000, Polyhymnia, Camel, Madonna, Svale, Atomic, Whitmore.

    “I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun.” - Billy Joel


    Trollface, Trolldad, Desperados, Citadelle, Dickinson, Parera, Preysler, Lancaster, Sandrachips, Blanes, Villique, Heathrow, Monterrey, Wario, Thicke, Curitiba, Leicaster, Filister, Barrett, Puckett, Carlisle, Chico, Jankowski, Facinelli, Xenophilius, Pharrell, Dinoshell

    "Fuck feelings, be a bitch" - Blair Waldorf


    You dare to gaze upon me?

    Ik heb nooit Rossy gehad? Lol

    "Fuck feelings, be a bitch" - Blair Waldorf

    Uhu. Ehm. Dan ga ik gewoon verder bij Dinoshell? :s


    CatnipFire, xAvis, Libera, JustArchery, Aelin, Months, Holes.



    MusicLover97, SkyeFaerie, PurpleLife, Bluefure, Clouded, Caelan, Outsider, Soibhan, Draiochta, Flannery.

    "Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us." - Jane Austen