• Vrij simpel: je plaatst al je usernames hier en degene onder je zegt dan welke het mooiste is (ja, ook de usernames waarvoor je je schaamt :'D )

    I'll start:

    VampireLaura, W1ng3dAng3l, EmpireAngel,
    Celestial, Celestia, Altair, Nightcrawler, Brute,
    Chimera, PewDiePie, Howl, Alucard, Kanade,
    Strider, Lioncourt, Silverlance, Elvenking, Draculea.


    FUCKMEBIEBS, IKBENMEREL, supremerel, STRATFORDGUY, kissesmerel, Bieberen


    JCullen, LoveHStyles, StarDancer, StormRavie, Graffel, Detentio, Evanescae, Dicapri, Leviosae, Younique, Alley.

    Thank you for the tragedy, I need it for my art.


    Jorane, dooddoenervo, Martenvilijn

    Queer zijn is gewoon alles


    chicagirl15, Vampchica, Eyes, Occhi Oczy, Azulchica en Rybak

    Physics is awesome


    CatnipFire, xAvis, Libera, JustArchery, Aelin, Months, Holes.



    Innuendo, Mercury, Riba, Cheshire, Extravagant, Kuyt, Outside, Jovi, Stekelenburg, Anfield, DIRK, Tortuga, Meddows, Pitera, Notredame, Clopin, Sherley, Sarabi, Huntelaar, Apocalyptic, Bayern, Ribery.

    Fuck, dat zijn er veel. :'D

    ars moriendi

    Apocalyptic blijft epic ;3

    JCullen, LoveHStyles, StarDancer, StormRavie, Graffel, Detentio, Evanescae, Dicapri, Leviosae, Younique, Alley.

    Thank you for the tragedy, I need it for my art.


    AnNTje2000, Polyhymnia, Camel, Madonna, Svale, Atomic.

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 juli 2013 - 17:01 ]

    “I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun.” - Billy Joel


    xSomewhere, 4Everdeen, Synaisthmata, Tsubaki, Kwijt, Found, Puzzel

    Tijd voor koffie.


    chicagirl15, Vampchica, Eyes, Occhi Oczy, Azulchica en Rybak

    Physics is awesome


    xSATELLITE, Demii0, xFlyy, Paralyzedx, Europe, Arriver, Paradises.

    That is a perfect copy of reality.

    Europe. Die had ik ook graag gewild.

    AnNTje2000, Polyhymnia, Camel, Madonna, Svale, Atomic.

    “I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun.” - Billy Joel


    JCullen, LoveHStyles, StarDancer, StormRavie, Graffel, Detentio, Evanescae, Dicapri, Leviosae, Younique, Alley.

    Thank you for the tragedy, I need it for my art.

    VampireLaura, W1ng3dAng3l, EmpireAngel, Celestial, Celestia, Altair, Nightcrawler, Brute, Chimera, PewDiePie, Howl, Alucard, Kanade, Strider, Lioncourt, Silverlance, Elvenking, Draculea.


    Lipsy, January, Dreamwalker, Fearow, Muchamore, Chansey, Flowery, Skyward, Tynki, Manzano, Sesame, Cruise, Arielle, Myers, Kylar, Nighthawk, Aliciana, Amarelo, Runaways, Hensley, Treadstone, jamesarthur, Roamer, Ruess, Yassen, Haggerty & Lovestein.

    effort never betrays you