• 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔰𝔢 𝔴𝔥𝔬 𝔳𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔡
    rollentopic | info story | praattopic | speeltopic



    1949, Saint Agnes. A group of four women, including famous novelist Liesbeth Witt, meet up during summer in the name of reunion. All mysteriously vanish on July 23 1949. They were last seen at 14:30 on a market place in Saint’s Haven by numerous passerbys to prepare for a beach party, and after that no more. The only thing found was one of the women's hats, drifting in the water along the coastline, and then numerous diaries by Miss Tina Smith with some highly questionable claims of the paranormal.

    •      •      •


    Saint Agnes, a small island between Cape Breton Island and Newfoundland, Canada, 1978. Two young men find a collection of diary entries and notes in the lighthouse near Saint's Haven. Upon some reading, they discover two things: firstly, these notes belong to the women that disappeared in 1949; and secondly, they detail how to develop paranormal abilities that would be very interesting to master. After a little bit of experimenting, they come to the bizarre conclusion that this is, indeed, possible - so they set up a small research group to help them with further discoveries.
    Caspian Sutherland is beyond excited to learn what happened to the vanished women. Julian Linden, on the other hand, is much more interested in something else: exerting power. Slowly but surely, their research group develops cult-like tendencies. If he plans it right, after all, he could perhaps even get away with murder - or worse.

    They are not the only ones who are excited, though. After giving the less exciting of the two diaries to the authorities, news that the vanished women were occultists spreads like wildfire and calls upon all sorts of conspiracy theorists.
    Paranormal researchers (none of which good at what they do) and journalists from all over the world flock to Saint Agnes to figure out just what actually happened in 1949, and how much of the girls' disappearance can truly be explained by the mundane.

    Unfortunately for all, the supernatural is not safe - especially not for the morally gray.


    There are a few categories of characters that can be played. All of which will be in our current timeline, 1978, for the mystery at hand is already worked out by me.

    julian's cultists:
    These are all college students invited by Julian to partake in his "research group". In truth, they may be about to commit a murder - they just don't know it yet. The cultists have been practicing paranormal abilities for about six months by the start of our RPG, and are thus relatively new at it - though some of them are quite the fast learners.
    Some have the goal of solving the disappearance of 1949, and others simply enjoy messing with the paranormal. Either way, they need to abide by Julian's rules.

    Character list that needs to be filled in:

          •      Name
          •      Age (18-30)
          •      Gender & sexuality
          •      Occupation (most likely will be a student)
          •      Personality
          •      Appearance (faceclaims are of course allowed)
          •      Backstory (can be kept to a summary, their early history is unlikely to be important)
          •      Gift (their paranormal ability; see the chapter on this)
          •      Hobbies & skills
          •      Relationships (Julian or Caspian needs to be in here, discuss how they know each other with me)
          •      Extra (anything you could not fit in)

    It's to be expected that these characters start out with a beginning set of powers and develop stronger ones over the course of the RPG. You can already put down what they will eventually learn, but keeping it to only a vague direction of what you think fits them most is also fine.

    researchers and journalists:
    These are the people that visit Saint Agnes in light of the recently found diaries that have paranormal suggestions in them. Not everyone who visits will be here just for the sake of ghosts, though. In fact, there may very well be true crime fans or legitimate (or, well, legitimate enough, anyway) investigators among them trying to solve the mysterious disappearance from 1949. They will be investigating the student cult by the time they are discovered.

    Character list that needs to be filled in:

          •      Name
          •      Age (21+)
          •      Gender & sexuality
          •      Personality
          •      Occupation (conspiracy theorist, journalist, paranormal investigator, detective, writer)
          •      Nationality
          •      Appearance (faceclaims are of course allowed)
          •      Backstory (can be kept to a summary, their early history is unlikely to be important)
          •      Hobbies & skills
          •      Relationships
          •      Extra (anything you could not fit in)

    Research groups that you discuss with other players are not only allowed, but encouraged. Rivalry is, of course, also good. Be creative with these characters. They don't at all have to be frauds - but have fun with them if they are!

    mortui vivos docent
    T H E · D E A D · T E A C H · T H E · L I V I N G



    •      Houd je aan de Qreaties huisregels.
    •      Je mag zowel in het Nederlands als Engels schrijven, maar de voertaal waarin de start topics worden geschreven is Engels. Mocht je hulp nodig hebben qua vertalen is dit geen enkel probleem.
    •      Mocht je graag een ander soort rol spelen dan de neergezette categorieën (oa. een gewone bewoner van Saint's Haven die per ongeluk verstrikt raakt) is dit mogelijk. Bespreek het echter wel met mij.
    •      Dit is een RPG die over volwassen onderwerpen gaat, en dus voornamelijk bestemd voor mensen boven de 18. Mocht je een paar jaar jonger zijn is dit geen punt, maar wees je ervan bewust dat één van de genres van deze wereld horror is, en dat het door true crime is geïnspireerd – dus gaat het over soortgelijke onderwerpen. (Denk aan moord, kannibalisme, trauma, misbruik, en mentale problematiek)
    •      Je posts zijn minimaal 150 woorden. Meer is uiteraard toegestaan.
    •      Je post in ieder geval eens per week, en als je dit niet kunt, laat je dit aan mij weten.
    •      Als je een maand lang helemaal niks post zonder uitleg, worden jouw rollen op inactief gezet.
    •      Er is geen maximum van personage per speler, maar denk wel na hoeveel karakters je daadwerkelijk lukt te schrijven.
    •      16+ mag, maar als het expliciet wordt, zet het erboven in het rood zodat anderen dit kunnen skippen als ze dit willen. Bespreek ook van te voren met je schrijfpartner als je hierheen wilt, zeker als het dubious consent bevat.
    •      Als er een gevoelig onderwerp in je rol of post staat (oa. misbruik, zelfbeschadiging, of zelfmoord), zet er een trigger warning boven.
    •      Aangezien dit een RPG is met donkerdere randjes en psychologische stoornissen vaker aan bod komen, hierbij een preventieve mededeling: als je geen volledig begrip hebt van een bepaalde ziekte of stoornis, sta ik niet toe dat je een personage hiermee schrijft. Oftewel, als je zelf geen ervaring hebt met een bepaalde stoornis (via jouzelf of een bekende), schrijf je er ook geen personage mee. Dit is om mensen met complexe stoornissen die wel ervaring hebben met dit soort problematiek te beschermen tegen stigma en triggers, aangezien niet goed doorzochte afbeeldingen van psychologische stoornissen dit vaak bevatten. (Voorbeelden van complexe stoornissen die vaak worden gestigmatizeerd in horror zijn gespleten/meervoudige persoonlijkheden [dissociatieve identiteitsstoornis], schizofrenie, en bipolaire stoornissen.)

    C H A R A C T E R S

    Yellow = NPC (played by only me, but different than player characters due to their role in the story, and do not affect the amount of characters allowed in each category.)


    Name | User: Age · Pronouns · Page

    Julian Linden | inktzwart: 25 y/o · He/Him · 1.1
    Caspian Sutherland | inktzwart: 22 y/o · He/Him · 1.1
    Luke Reid | Satoru: 23 y/o · He/Him · 1.2
    Tiffany Murphy | Valkyria: 24 y/o · She/Her · 1.1
    Jennifer McGhee | Hammock: 24 y/o · She/Her · 1.3


    Name | User: Age · Pronouns · Page

    Amelia Perreault | ChiIdhood: 23 y/o · She/Her · 1.3
    Name | Vespera: Age · Pronouns · Page


    Name | User: Age · Pronouns · Page

    Dr. Sutherland | inktzwart: 63 · He/Him · Story
    Charles Havisham | Coryo: 27 y/o · He/Him · 1.3
    Livia Hendrix | Saureus: 22 y/o · She/Her · 1.3

    I wrote down a bunch on worldbuilding, paranormal abilities, and the case of 1949!
    Check out the information story! (Pls I worked hard on it)

    also here's a moodboard

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 jan 2024 - 16:58 ]

    obsessive rage

    Can I reserve a cultist? c:
    I can't decide on her power. I'm torn between illusionist, clairvoyance, empath, and retrocognition. I like all of them, so can someone help me decide? I'm very bad at making decisions :’)

    Muhh ik mag echt niet van mezelf, maar ik hou deze toch even in de gaten


    Hammock schreef:
    Can I reserve a cultist? c:
    I can't decide on her power. I'm torn between illusionist, clairvoyance, empath, and retrocognition. I like all of them, so can someone help me decide? I'm very bad at making decisions :’)

    i hadn't added illusionists, and they don't entirely fit into the universe, but clairvoyance, receptive empathy & prophetic visions (which include retrocognition, though to only some degree) could be combined. i don't see you in the reads of the chapter on supernatural abilities (al zou het kunnen dat ik nu scheef kijk), so maybe reading that could help you get a better feel of the possibilities at hand (:

    [ bericht aangepast op 27 jan 2024 - 12:15 ]

    obsessive rage

    Coryo schreef:
    Muhh ik mag echt niet van mezelf, maar ik hou deze toch even in de gaten

    not to be an enabler maar je zou van mij ook later mogen instromen into any category, i've seen your characters and they're rad as hell

    obsessive rage

    My character will be done tonight (with or without proper layout, depending on how much time I actually have). Though powers are always a struggle, currently going towards telekinesis and/or body manipulation stuff, but that might change still ^^

    Satoru schreef:
    My character will be done tonight (with or without proper layout, depending on how much time I actually have). Though powers are always a struggle, currently going towards telekinesis and/or body manipulation stuff, but that might change still ^^


    obsessive rage

    inktzwart schreef:

    not to be an enabler maar je zou van mij ook later mogen instromen into any category, i've seen your characters and they're rad as hell

    aw stahp u making me blush

    Ik zie of ik inspiratie krijg van andere personages (: feel free to hit me up if there's a specific person u'd want for a kind of relationship with anyone or whatever, misschien heb ik leuke ideeën


    inktzwart schreef:

    i hadn't added illusionists, and they don't entirely fit into the universe, but clairvoyance, receptive empathy & prophetic visions (which include retrocognition, though to only some degree) could be combined. i don't see you in the reads of the chapter on supernatural abilities (al zou het kunnen dat ik nu scheef kijk), so maybe reading that could help you get a better feel of the possibilities at hand (:

    Omfg, I totally forgot to check that out :') You worked so hard on it too... feeling so stupid rn
    Imma stalk you because I chose divination c:

    Coryo schreef:

    aw stahp u making me blush

    Ik zie of ik inspiratie krijg van andere personages (: feel free to hit me up if there's a specific person u'd want for a kind of relationship with anyone or whatever, misschien heb ik leuke ideeën

    I'm always in for some kind of sibling relation if you want ^^

    [ bericht aangepast op 27 jan 2024 - 14:56 ]

    ─────◇ ◈ ◇─────

    Luke Reid
    A streetrat and a lunatic

    ─────◇ ◈ ◇─────








    Luke doesn't really care what you call him, as he finds being tied to one name too restrictive and kind of bullshit. He is fine with about any nickname people come up with as he does not feel a particular connection to his own name. This idea about names tends to extend to other people as well, Luke often gives people different nicknames, only stopping when someone is very clear about not liking it.

    "Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing"






    April 2nd, 1955


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    Daredevil is about the best word to describe Luke's personality. He is a risk-taker and a thrill-seeker, always looking for something new and exciting to do and experience. He wants to do it all and he wants to it now and something that would be a desire for most people, quickly turns into a flat-out need for Luke. Whilst on the one hand this shows his courage and bravery, it makes him on the other hand quite impulsive, reckless and impatient. For Luke there is barely a tomorrow on in his planning, not to mention thinking about next week. If he starts something he will finish it as long as he can keep interest. He is someone who goes all out in the beginning, diving head first into something new until it stops being exciting. Luke will try to find the quickest and most efficient answer to a problem, knowing full well it won't get finished if it takes too long. This makes him very innovative and open-minded, always on the lookout for new methods or more effective shortcuts instead of going by the book.

    In his life he has learned to be very independent from a young age, though this self-reliance makes him rarely ask for or accept help as he believes the only one he can rely upon is himself. He is a confident young man and he knows this, always believing in his own abilities and he is not quick to back down from a competition. This makes Luke very bold and straightforward, which might be perceived as confrontational as Luke is not someone who bites around the bush. If he has something to say, he will say it to someones face, no hiding or gossip, no manipulation or sneaky plans.

    To Luke, looking back defeats the purpose of life; you always need to be moving forward. He is the guy with the weird and stupid ideas who will actually follow through, often against better judgement. He is the drug people get addicted to if they want a bit more excitement in their life.






    "But he triple dog dared me, what else was I suppose to do?"







    Greyish green
    Light tan
    Yes, 1, 2, 3
    Yes; tongue, nose and ears
    Many; rings, necklaces and bracelets
    Fregort Glez

    Luke is often mistaken for being younger than he actually is and his below average height, more slender build and clean shaven face don't help with that. Though he is slowly starting to pack some more muscle around his tiny frame. Luke doesn't do anything to correct this perceived image of himself. Sure, he could get more facial hair, but he hates the feeling of the scratchiness and the need to maintain a beard for it to look somewhat decent. He could also easily style his hair more mature instead of his lazily combed over look, but for now he likes the look and the ease of his hairdo so why change it? His skin has a slight tan, but not anything to write home about. For clothes he is currently rocking black drainpipe jeans, some kind of basic T-shirt and a leather jacket. Though it is also possible to see Luke in a plain sweater or another kind of jacket. It isn't uncommon to see the guy with a cigarette in his mouth, seeing as he has been smoking for many years now. Underneath his jacket he currently hides three tattoos; a snake surrounding a katana on his right forearm, an eagle on his left bicep and his moral code in his own handwriting on his left wrist so he can read it himself. There is little rhyme or reason to why these specific tattoos except the last one and knowing Luke he will probably amass more once he has the money for it. He also tends to wear quite a bit of jewellery at any given time, most of it silver to match his simple piercings.

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    ────────◇─◇ ◈ ◇─◇────────

    just hold onto life and move forward
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    It's all about the no guts, no glory kind of stuff
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    David Brown

    Mary Reid

    Richard Baker

    James Reid
    Oliver Reid
    Cathy Reid

    Susan Reid

    Helen Boucher







    Father, missing

    Stepfather, left



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    Luke grew up poor, very poor to be precise. With the big family they had and the economical crisis that happened, their financial stability plummeted. Though that did not mean Luke had a bad childhood, as a matter of fact he was a very happy and content kid. It was just that food was scarce and that their forms of entertainment were a bit more imaginative. Like racing away from an angry shop owner as he and his siblings had stolen some bread instead of playing soccer or climbing into trashcans to find leftover food instead of climbing a jungle gym. He lack of nutrition in his childhood gave Luke the body he now has, short and skinny, though he has started to pack some muscle now that he has enough food and is working a physical labour job.

    For most of his life he knows his mom and his older siblings were working multiple jobs just to keep them afloat, especially after his biological father left them when Luke was around two. He has no idea why their father did this or what exactly happened, Luke only knows the small amount of stories about him his siblings told him when he was older as their mom had banned the speaking of his name. Around Luke's fifth birthday a new man came to the house, he was introduced as his new father and that was that. But whilst he seemed to make his mom happy again, Luke didn't see him do more than sit on the couch all day drinking beer or having his friends over. But as long as he stayed away when the room reeked of alcohol, nothing bad happened. In the end, their situation did not improve much until Luke entered middle school and his mom finally kicked out Luke's stepdad. Well, he did get a younger half-siblings from the whole stepdad-fiasco so that was kind of fun.

    Luke had always been a very active kid, being quick and flexible and liking sports to release his energy. In middle school things finally started to look up a little, getting some more support and some better paying jobs did wonders for moral and Luke finally got to enjoy joining a sports club. He tried most things, but mainly liked ice skating, running and baseball, using his speed and agility to evade rather than confront the, often bigger, opponents. Highschool let Luke to form some friendships with people from the wrong crowd, exploring more dangerous hobbies and substances and using his childhood skills for more illegal activities. Just before Luke left for trade school he got caught bad, having to spend some time in jail before his brother got him out and set him straight. This is what solidified Luke's own moral code that had been in the making since his childhood, but which he had forgotten in highschool. Luke studied metal- and woodworking in the trade school, as he was not smart enough and they didn't have enough money for college.

    He currently works in the shipyard in Saint's Haven and has managed to find a little apartment for himself which is a basement sublet from an older lady who likes to dote on Luke as if he is her own son. Not that Luke minds as it means he gets free home cooked food about every Saturday.





    His upbringing has brought fort a very basic and almost childlike moral code, consisting of only four tenets. Grown out of necessity rather than higher ideals, it is something Luke sticks to religiously, as it has formed his childhood.

    ◈ Don't intentionally harm or kill someone
    ◈ Steal only from those who can afford to loose it and only what you need to survive
    ◈ Don't blame someone else for your own stupidity, getting caught was your own fault
    ◈ Don't bother someone else with your problems, go fix your own shit

    A line to fix spacing issues and make it more aesthetic ^^ A line to fix spacing issues and make it more aesthetic
    ◇ ◈ ◇






    Luke loves to act on the various desires he gets. This is mostly seen in his addiction to, often impulsive, thrill-seeking behaviour. He loves speed and high risk actions and especially the feeling that comes with it, not thinking about consequences that might occur when things go south. Going too long without doing something dangerous will make him very antsy and will often lead to impromptu drives on his motorbike. So far he hasn't had to deal with anything drastic except for some time in jail as he hasn't gotten seriously hurt, yet. Though people that know him quite well, start to notice that he is slowly searching for more risky things to do and being affected stronger when coming down from an adrenaline rush. This behaviour has also exposed him to try a variety of legal and illegal substances. In the end cigarettes have become a regular occurrence in Luke's life, though this is not very strange during this time and he often has a beer, or some more, when at home or out with friends. Luckily for Luke he doesn't have a dependency on more illegal substances yet, but he does use them occasionally when he wants to add some extra fun to his life.

    ◇ ◈ ◇

    "Luke is the kid that eats the first marshmallow, indulging in the sweet now rather than having patience and waiting fifteen minutes for a second one."

    Whilst Luke is very strongly rooted in his own gender, being a cis man and never feeling or wanting to be any different, his sexual orientation tends to change quicker than the weather. He tends to be outwardly flirty to anyone who catches his attention, regardless of their gender. When he feels an attraction he will act on that desire quickly, not taking time to deeply get to know someone before wanting to move to second base or even further. He is very straightforward in letting someone know he likes them and needs the other to do the same as he doesn't do subtle. He prefers one-night stands over long and complex relationships as those feel as too much of a commitment and Luke knows he could loose his desire at any moment.








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    As Luke has a very clear idea of what he wants, he only tries powers that are related to those desires. Learning of the abilities that Erica Lawrie possessed with telekinesis and especially pyrokinesis made him try those two specific things. The other examples they had, did not sound very interesting to him and therefor he would not have the resolve needed to learn those powers. Especially things connected to divination, dreams and prophecies would take away from the excitement of life itself and therefor not interest Luke at all.

    Traditional telekinesis
    This is Luke's most developed gift, though he is still working on perfecting his control. He can easily lift objects and move them around, though precise movements are still a work in progress. Breaking objects with his mind is also something Luke can do, though he mostly discovered this accidentally when trying to move objects in the beginning of his training, while he could still do this, he tries to avoid it for a lack of money to keep buying new items. Due to hesitance to use this, it takes more concentration for Luke to purposefully break a vase than to just pull if of the counter and let it shatter as it falls. He is currently practising precise manipulations of objects as to eventually be able to pick locks with his mind and can often be seen concentrating on various floating bolts and nuts, trying to thread them together. Another thing he is wanting, but still failing at, is being able to lift himself using telekinesis, though this is not something he has discussed with anyone and is practising this in secret.

    As an extend of his telekinesis, Luke has started to experiment with pyrokinesis, he is in the process of increasing his fire control, which is going pretty okay and so far he has been able to control existing flames to a higher lever than with pure telekinesis. Fire creation is something he wants to learn, but he is not there yet.

    Hormone regulation
    Luke has noticed that in the past six months his adrenaline rushes have become much stronger and last longer than before. This stems from his intense desire to feel the adrenaline coursing through his body and accidentally increasing his own adrenaline and when he pursues risks. He has no idea that he can regulate this and definitely does not have the medical know-how to experiment or practise other forms of hormone regulation or even wider body manipulation such as organ manipulation and pain inducement or even shapeshifting or resurrection. With the right incentive and/or knowledge Luke could develop his body manipulation skills more, especially hormone regulation, but since he doesn't realise he is doing this, he has not looked into this. Though people that know him quite well, notice that he is slowly searching for more risky things to do and being affected stronger when coming down from an adrenaline rush.





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    Luke likes fast sports, especially those that have a risk element involved like ice skating, ice hockey, running, baseball, cliff diving and racing motorcycles.

    His main mode of transportation is his motorcycle. He drives an orange and white Honda CL350 Shambler.

    Luke has finished trade school as a metal- and woodworker. Though he prefers wood, more and more of his jobs rely on metalworking

    Luke works full-time at the shipyard of Saint's Haven. Due to his slender frame he often gets tasked with getting in almost impossible positions to fix stuff.

    With Lukes love of experiences he often tries to capture them, either by writing or sketching. His work often conveys very extreme emotions, resulting in thick lines, heavy contrast and bold colors.

    Growing up with some bad influences has taught Luke a couple of skills, one of which is lockpicking with barely any tools. It is not something he will mention to others, but it works great as a backup when he forgets his keys.

    Luke has spend a couple of months in jail when he was around seventeen due to an incident with illegal drugs.

    Getting tattoos, going out for drinks, adrenaline rushes, flirting, trying new things, listening to music, looking at and playing with fire, sun rise

    Being bored, having to do the same thing for a long time

    "It's only illegal if I get caught"

    Lukes reputation isn't one of the best and he knows this. Most people in Saint's Haven know his family has always been very poor, even though they are doing better these days. This makes that for example many shop owners still look at him with a suspiscious eye, wondering when he is going to steal something, even though he hasn't done this in many years, always nicely paying for his goods. He still often wears second hand, dirty or torn clothes and is often covered in dirt from work. Besides that he has gotten a reputation of being a bit of a lunatic, always doing the weird stuff people dare him to and chasing highs nobody seems to like. Not to mention Luke being a bit of a known flirt and often way to straightforward for his own good.

    Julian Linden

    Caspian Sutherland

    Charles Havisham

    Come stalk me if you have time and ideas
    A line to fix spacing issues and make sure the aesthetics is what I want it to be ^^






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    [ bericht aangepast op 30 jan 2024 - 12:26 ]

    Satoru schreef:
    WIP, still struggling to find a satisfying layout, but at least the text is about finished.


    Luke Reid



    Luke doesn't really care what you call him, as he finds being tied to one name too restrictive and kind of bullshit. He is fine with about any nickname people come up with as he does not feel a particular connection to his own name.

    April 2nd, 1955


    Daredevil is about the best word to describe Luke's personality. He is a risk-taker and a thrill-seeker, always looking for something new and exciting to do and experience. He wants to do it all and he wants to it now and something that would be a desire for most people, quickly turns into a flat-out need for Luke. Whilst on the one hand this shows his courage and bravery, it makes him on the other hand quite impulsive, reckless and impatient. For Luke there is barely a tomorrow on in his planning, not to mention thinking about next week. If he starts something he will finish it as long as he can keep interest. He is someone who goes all out in the beginning, diving head first into something new until it stops being exciting. Luke will try to find the quickest and most efficient answer to a problem, knowing full well it won't get finished if it takes too long. This makes him very innovative and open-minded, always on the lookout for new methods or more effective shortcuts instead of going by the book.

    In his life he has learned to be very independent from a young age, though this self-reliance makes him rarely ask for or accept help as he believes the only one he can rely upon is himself. He is a confident young man and he knows this, always believing in his own abilities and he is not quick to back down from a competition. This makes Luke very bold and straightforward, which might be perceived as confrontational as Luke is not someone who bites around the bush. If he has something to say, he will say it to someones face, no hiding or gossip, no manipulation or sneaky plans.

    To Luke, looking back defeats the purpose of life; you always need to be moving forward. He is the guy with the weird and stupid ideas who will actually follow through, often against better judgement. He is the drug people get addicted to if they want a bit more excitement in their life.

    Greyish green
    Light tan
    Yes, 1, 2, 3
    Yes; tongue, nose and ears
    Many; rings, necklaces and bracelets
    Fregort Glez

    Luke is often mistaken for being younger than he actually is and his below average height, more slender build and clean shaven face don't help with that. Though he is slowly starting to pack some more muscle around his tiny frame. Luke doesn't do anything to correct this perceived image of himself. Sure, he could get more facial hair, but he hates the feeling of the scratchiness and the need to maintain a beard for it to look somewhat decent. He could also easily style his hair more mature instead of his lazily combed over look, but for now he likes the look and the ease of his hairdo so why change it? His skin has a slight tan, but not anything to write home about. For clothes he is currently rocking black drainpipe jeans, some kind of basic T-shirt and a leather jacket. Though it is also possible to see Luke in a plain sweater or another kind of jacket. It isn't uncommon to see the guy with a cigarette in his mouth, seeing as he has been smoking for many years now. Underneath his jacket he currently hides three tattoos; a snake surrounding a katana on his right forearm, an eagle on his left bicep and his moral code in his own handwriting on his left wrist so he can read it himself. There is little rhyme or reason to why these specific tattoos except the last one and knowing Luke he will probably amass more once he has the money for it. He also tends to wear quite a bit of jewellery at any given time, most of it silver to match his simple piercings.


    Luke grew up poor, very poor to be precise. With the big family they had and the economical crisis that happened, their financial stability plummeted. Though that did not mean Luke had a bad childhood, as a matter of fact he was a very happy and content kid. It was just that food was scarce and that their forms of entertainment were a bit more imaginative. Like racing away from an angry shop owner as he and his siblings had stolen some bread instead of playing soccer or climbing into trashcans to find leftover food instead of climbing a jungle gym. He lack of nutrition in his childhood gave Luke the body he now has, short and skinny, though he has started to pack some muscle now that he has enough food and is working a physical labour job.

    For most of his life he knows his mom and his older siblings were working multiple jobs just to keep them afloat, especially after his biological father left them when Luke was around two. He has no idea why their father did this or what exactly happened, Luke only knows the small amount of stories about him his siblings told him when he was older as their mom had banned the speaking of his name. Around Luke's fifth birthday a new man came to the house, he was introduced as his new father and that was that. But whilst he seemed to make his mom happy again, Luke didn't see him do more than sit on the couch all day drinking beer or having his friends over. But as long as he stayed away when the room reeked of alcohol, nothing bad happened. In the end, their situation did not improve much until Luke entered middle school and his mom finally kicked out Luke's stepdad. Well, he did get a younger half-siblings from the whole stepdad-fiasco so that was kind of fun.

    Luke had always been a very active kid, being quick and flexible and liking sports to release his energy. In middle school things finally started to look up a little, getting some more support and some better paying jobs did wonders for moral and Luke finally got to enjoy joining a sports club. He tried most things, but mainly liked ice skating, running and baseball, using his speed and agility to evade rather than confront the, often bigger, opponents. Highschool let Luke to form some friendships with people from the wrong crowd, exploring more dangerous hobbies and substances and using his childhood skills for more illegal activities. Just before Luke left for trade school he got caught bad, having to spend some time in jail before his brother got him out and set him straight. This is what solidified Luke's own moral code that had been in the making since his childhood, but which he had forgotten in highschool. Luke studied metal- and woodworking in the trade school, as he was not smart enough and they didn't have enough money for college.

    He currently works in the shipyard in Saint's Haven and has managed to find a little apartment for himself which is a basement sublet from an older lady who likes to dote on Luke as if he is her own son. Not that Luke minds as it means he gets free home cooked food about every Saturday.


    Moral code
    His upbringing has brought fort a very basic and almost childlike moral code, consisting of only four tenets. Grown out of necessity rather than higher ideals, it is something Luke sticks to religiously, as it has formed his childhood.
    - Don't intentionally harm or kill someone
    - Steal only from those who can afford to loose it and only what you need to survive
    - Don't blame someone else for your own stupidity, getting caught was your own fault
    - Don't bother someone else with your problems, go fix your own shit


    Luke loves to act on the various desires he gets. This is mostly seen in his addiction to, often impulsive, thrill-seeking behaviour. He loves speed and high risk actions and especially the feeling that comes with it, not thinking about consequences that might occur when things go south. Going too long without doing something dangerous will make him very antsy and will often lead to impromptu drives on his motorbike. So far he hasn't had to deal with anything drastic except for some time in jail as he hasn't gotten seriously hurt, yet. This has also exposed him to try a variety of legal and illegal substances. In the end cigarettes have become a regular occurrence in Luke's life, though this is not very strange during this time and he often has a beer, or some more, when at home or out with friends. Luckily for Luke he doesn't have a dependency on more illegal substances yet, but he does use them occasionally when he wants to add some extra fun to his life.


    Gender and Sexuality
    Whilst Luke is very strongly rooted in his own gender, being a cis man and never feeling or wanting to be any different, his sexual orientation tends to change quicker than the weather. He tends to be outwardly flirty to anyone who catches his attention, regardless of their gender. When he feels an attraction he will act on that desire quickly, not taking time to deeply get to know someone before wanting to move to second base or even further. He is very straightforward in letting someone know he likes them and needs the other to do the same as he doesn't do subtle. He prefers one-night stands over long and complex relationships as those feel as too much of a commitment and Luke knows he could loose his desire at any moment.


    Luke currently works full-time at the shipyard of Saint's Haven


    AAAH!!! IDK!!!!! Telekinesis (both traditional and to a lesser extend touch) sounds fun and body manipulation (hormone, organ and pain stuff) as well so I probably combine these in some way. Still thinking about specifics though, but I think traditional telekinesis and hormone regulation would fit the best when thinking about what Luke himself would try to get/begin with.


    Hobbies and skills
    Ice skating, ice hockey, running, baseball, cliff diving
    Driving his motorcycle
    Getting tattoos
    Going out for drinks
    Sketching nature scenes
    Probably more, still thinking


    Julian, known via Caspian
    Caspian, working at the same shipyard
    Come stalk me if you have time and ideas

    omg yeah caspian would absolutely befriend him

    obsessive rage

    Ik heb hier nu ook een praattopic - ik weet dat het ietwat vroeg is, maar dan kan ik meer spammen in de tussentijd terwijl ik ongeduldig wacht (unemployed high school dropout core)

    Praattopic (:

    obsessive rage

    Okay I'm watching The Artful Dodger and I'm in love with Jack so now I want a character based on him with Thomas Sangster as an fc haha

    Weet alleen niet of mijn idee haalbaar/toegestaan is: ik dacht aan een student geneeskunde die ooit besties/close was met Julian (of een van de andere cultists) maar in de afgelopen maand of twee door meningsverschillen uit de cult gestapt is. Nu wil hij eigenlijk focussen op zijn werk en levens redden enzo, maar voelt hij zich (door zijn gaven en gewoon algemene nieuwsgierigheid) nog steeds aangetrokken tot alles wat er aan de hand is. Dus nu is hij een beetje zijn eigen kleine onderzoekje aan het doen maar ook niet bc he should stay out of it and stuff.


    Coryo schreef:
    Okay I'm watching The Artful Dodger and I'm in love with Jack so now I want a character based on him with Thomas Sangster as an fc haha

    Weet alleen niet of mijn idee haalbaar/toegestaan is: ik dacht aan een student geneeskunde die ooit besties/close was met Julian (of een van de andere cultists) maar in de afgelopen maand of twee door meningsverschillen uit de cult gestapt is. Nu wil hij eigenlijk focussen op zijn werk en levens redden enzo, maar voelt hij zich (door zijn gaven en gewoon algemene nieuwsgierigheid) nog steeds aangetrokken tot alles wat er aan de hand is. Dus nu is hij een beetje zijn eigen kleine onderzoekje aan het doen maar ook niet bc he should stay out of it and stuff.

    Zeker haalbaar! I love that actually (: Kom erbijjjj

    obsessive rage

    inktzwart schreef:

    Zeker haalbaar! I love that actually (: Kom erbijjjj

    Aight let's do it then 😤
