• 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔰𝔢 𝔴𝔥𝔬 𝔳𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔡
    rollentopic | info story | praattopic | speeltopic



    1949, Saint Agnes. A group of four women, including famous novelist Liesbeth Witt, meet up during summer in the name of reunion. All mysteriously vanish on July 23 1949. They were last seen at 14:30 on a market place in Saint’s Haven by numerous passerbys to prepare for a beach party, and after that no more. The only thing found was one of the women's hats, drifting in the water along the coastline, and then numerous diaries by Miss Tina Smith with some highly questionable claims of the paranormal.

    •      •      •


    Saint Agnes, a small island between Cape Breton Island and Newfoundland, Canada, 1978. Two young men find a collection of diary entries and notes in the lighthouse near Saint's Haven. Upon some reading, they discover two things: firstly, these notes belong to the women that disappeared in 1949; and secondly, they detail how to develop paranormal abilities that would be very interesting to master. After a little bit of experimenting, they come to the bizarre conclusion that this is, indeed, possible - so they set up a small research group to help them with further discoveries.
    Caspian Sutherland is beyond excited to learn what happened to the vanished women. Julian Linden, on the other hand, is much more interested in something else: exerting power. Slowly but surely, their research group develops cult-like tendencies. If he plans it right, after all, he could perhaps even get away with murder - or worse.

    They are not the only ones who are excited, though. After giving the less exciting of the two diaries to the authorities, news that the vanished women were occultists spreads like wildfire and calls upon all sorts of conspiracy theorists.
    Paranormal researchers (none of which good at what they do) and journalists from all over the world flock to Saint Agnes to figure out just what actually happened in 1949, and how much of the girls' disappearance can truly be explained by the mundane.

    Unfortunately for all, the supernatural is not safe - especially not for the morally gray.


    There are a few categories of characters that can be played. All of which will be in our current timeline, 1978, for the mystery at hand is already worked out by me.

    julian's cultists:
    These are all college students invited by Julian to partake in his "research group". In truth, they may be about to commit a murder - they just don't know it yet. The cultists have been practicing paranormal abilities for about six months by the start of our RPG, and are thus relatively new at it - though some of them are quite the fast learners.
    Some have the goal of solving the disappearance of 1949, and others simply enjoy messing with the paranormal. Either way, they need to abide by Julian's rules.

    Character list that needs to be filled in:

          •      Name
          •      Age (18-30)
          •      Gender & sexuality
          •      Occupation (most likely will be a student)
          •      Personality
          •      Appearance (faceclaims are of course allowed)
          •      Backstory (can be kept to a summary, their early history is unlikely to be important)
          •      Gift (their paranormal ability; see the chapter on this)
          •      Hobbies & skills
          •      Relationships (Julian or Caspian needs to be in here, discuss how they know each other with me)
          •      Extra (anything you could not fit in)

    It's to be expected that these characters start out with a beginning set of powers and develop stronger ones over the course of the RPG. You can already put down what they will eventually learn, but keeping it to only a vague direction of what you think fits them most is also fine.

    researchers and journalists:
    These are the people that visit Saint Agnes in light of the recently found diaries that have paranormal suggestions in them. Not everyone who visits will be here just for the sake of ghosts, though. In fact, there may very well be true crime fans or legitimate (or, well, legitimate enough, anyway) investigators among them trying to solve the mysterious disappearance from 1949. They will be investigating the student cult by the time they are discovered.

    Character list that needs to be filled in:

          •      Name
          •      Age (21+)
          •      Gender & sexuality
          •      Personality
          •      Occupation (conspiracy theorist, journalist, paranormal investigator, detective, writer)
          •      Nationality
          •      Appearance (faceclaims are of course allowed)
          •      Backstory (can be kept to a summary, their early history is unlikely to be important)
          •      Hobbies & skills
          •      Relationships
          •      Extra (anything you could not fit in)

    Research groups that you discuss with other players are not only allowed, but encouraged. Rivalry is, of course, also good. Be creative with these characters. They don't at all have to be frauds - but have fun with them if they are!

    mortui vivos docent
    T H E · D E A D · T E A C H · T H E · L I V I N G



    •      Houd je aan de Qreaties huisregels.
    •      Je mag zowel in het Nederlands als Engels schrijven, maar de voertaal waarin de start topics worden geschreven is Engels. Mocht je hulp nodig hebben qua vertalen is dit geen enkel probleem.
    •      Mocht je graag een ander soort rol spelen dan de neergezette categorieën (oa. een gewone bewoner van Saint's Haven die per ongeluk verstrikt raakt) is dit mogelijk. Bespreek het echter wel met mij.
    •      Dit is een RPG die over volwassen onderwerpen gaat, en dus voornamelijk bestemd voor mensen boven de 18. Mocht je een paar jaar jonger zijn is dit geen punt, maar wees je ervan bewust dat één van de genres van deze wereld horror is, en dat het door true crime is geïnspireerd – dus gaat het over soortgelijke onderwerpen. (Denk aan moord, kannibalisme, trauma, misbruik, en mentale problematiek)
    •      Je posts zijn minimaal 150 woorden. Meer is uiteraard toegestaan.
    •      Je post in ieder geval eens per week, en als je dit niet kunt, laat je dit aan mij weten.
    •      Als je een maand lang helemaal niks post zonder uitleg, worden jouw rollen op inactief gezet.
    •      Er is geen maximum van personage per speler, maar denk wel na hoeveel karakters je daadwerkelijk lukt te schrijven.
    •      16+ mag, maar als het expliciet wordt, zet het erboven in het rood zodat anderen dit kunnen skippen als ze dit willen. Bespreek ook van te voren met je schrijfpartner als je hierheen wilt, zeker als het dubious consent bevat.
    •      Als er een gevoelig onderwerp in je rol of post staat (oa. misbruik, zelfbeschadiging, of zelfmoord), zet er een trigger warning boven.
    •      Aangezien dit een RPG is met donkerdere randjes en psychologische stoornissen vaker aan bod komen, hierbij een preventieve mededeling: als je geen volledig begrip hebt van een bepaalde ziekte of stoornis, sta ik niet toe dat je een personage hiermee schrijft. Oftewel, als je zelf geen ervaring hebt met een bepaalde stoornis (via jouzelf of een bekende), schrijf je er ook geen personage mee. Dit is om mensen met complexe stoornissen die wel ervaring hebben met dit soort problematiek te beschermen tegen stigma en triggers, aangezien niet goed doorzochte afbeeldingen van psychologische stoornissen dit vaak bevatten. (Voorbeelden van complexe stoornissen die vaak worden gestigmatizeerd in horror zijn gespleten/meervoudige persoonlijkheden [dissociatieve identiteitsstoornis], schizofrenie, en bipolaire stoornissen.)

    C H A R A C T E R S

    Yellow = NPC (played by only me, but different than player characters due to their role in the story, and do not affect the amount of characters allowed in each category.)


    Name | User: Age · Pronouns · Page

    Julian Linden | inktzwart: 25 y/o · He/Him · 1.1
    Caspian Sutherland | inktzwart: 22 y/o · He/Him · 1.1
    Luke Reid | Satoru: 23 y/o · He/Him · 1.2
    Tiffany Murphy | Valkyria: 24 y/o · She/Her · 1.1
    Jennifer McGhee | Hammock: 24 y/o · She/Her · 1.3


    Name | User: Age · Pronouns · Page

    Amelia Perreault | ChiIdhood: 23 y/o · She/Her · 1.3
    Name | Vespera: Age · Pronouns · Page


    Name | User: Age · Pronouns · Page

    Dr. Sutherland | inktzwart: 63 · He/Him · Story
    Charles Havisham | Coryo: 27 y/o · He/Him · 1.3
    Livia Hendrix | Saureus: 22 y/o · She/Her · 1.3

    I wrote down a bunch on worldbuilding, paranormal abilities, and the case of 1949!
    Check out the information story! (Pls I worked hard on it)

    also here's a moodboard

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 jan 2024 - 16:58 ]

    obsessive rage








    Charles Havisham. Despite the disdain he has towards his biological father, when Charlie was taken in by Jonathan, he did not take his last name.

    27. Charlie was born on the 8th of March, 1951. Because of his babyface, people usually think he's younger. It is eternally frustrating to have to show ID whenever he orders a glass of alcohol.

    Charlie was born a man and uses he/him pronouns.

    Besides the occassional tryst with a female stranger, Charlie has never really had time for romance, never mind think of labels. Especially after Jenny completely ghosted him.

    Charlie is finishing off his medicine studies but has also been an actively practitioning surgeon for three years now under doctor Anderson, former colleague of doctor Sutherland.


    I made it out of your home ALIVE,
    raised by the voices in my head.


          Q U I E T ( ? )      B U T      U N R E S E R V E D
    At first glance, Charlie seems to be the quiet type, always frowning, always thinking. One can only guess what's going on in that overstuffed brain of his. Oftentimes, people tend to attribute his quiet thoughtfulness to academia - and they're not wrong. Charlie's brain doesn't have the tendency to stand still. He's always reviewing patient cases, critically thinking on recent papers and essays he's read, forming opinions - or simply just too taken in with the world around him. Charlie can't quite grasp the beauty of the universe around him and has an irrefutable urge to somehow capture it. He tries to do so in his head, tries to memorise a scene or a face or a particularly beautiful flower and preserve it in his head until he finds the time to sketch it in the notebook he carries around everywhere.
          Once you get Charlie talking, though, all quiet disappears. He's passionate about what he does and completely lights up when he can share those passions with someone else. The only thing you have to be careful about, though, is talking back to him. You see, Charlie is a bit of a know-it-all, and his youth has left him uninhibited (or, rude, as the upperclassmen would say). He's a potty mouth and a wisecrack, and though he tries to hide it by shutting up, once you get him talking, it's near impossible to make him stop.

          I N T E L L I G E N T      B U T      I M P U L S I V E
    People back on the mainland never realised (neither did his parents, for that matter), but Charlie has always been an intelligent kid on any front. He's quick-witted and cunning, academically adept and people-smart. It just hadn't always had the opportunity to come out when he was younger. Even today, his impulsiveness (and, ironically, laziness) impede his competencies when he lets them. He'd like to believe his impulsiveness is just another form of quick thinking, but Charlie is never that lucky. He knows by now that thoughtless decisions could mean his downfall, and that it's far more important to think before he acts. In the operating room, it could mean the difference between life and death of a patient. In life, it could mean the difference between forever being alone and joining people who could mean something more to him.



    It was a powerful instinct.

          L O V I N G      B U T      U N L O V E D
    It could seem surprising, for someone who's gone through such tragedy as Charlie, to still be so loving in nature. Most of his life, the cards Charlie has been dealt have been nothing but downright hateful. His parents didn't want him, he's never had many friends, his adoptive dad basically just took him in as a second choice to his own dead son, and the girl he loved rejected him. Still, Charlie is inherently protective of life itself - and he will do anything he can in order to sustain it. His methods in doing so might not always seem like the most caring, but they always serve a bigger purpose - a kind of love Charlie himself is desperate for, and keeps hoping will be returned to him if he just keeps trying hard enough.

    Even at twenty-seven, people keep assuming Charlie is underage. Patients are surprised when it turns out that, yes, he will be examining them today. Barkeeps raise their brows when they check his ID three times to make sure it isn't a fake one. Though his general appearance is youthful, with his blond shabby hair and his thin frame, Charlie's eyes are filled with an almost ancient kind of wisdom and pain. He tries to, but he can't seem to hide it very well. Luckily for him, most people are too dense to really pick up on it.
          Despite having lived in upperclass society for over ten years now, Charlie still hasn't made a habit of carrying himself like it. He doesn't tend to take up a lot of space (literally and figuratively speaking) - really, the opposite, he often has the tendency to sink into the background. It's where he feels most comfortable; in the shadows, observing from afar. Startling people when he suddenly shows up out of nowhere.
          His dress style reflects this side of Charlie; his clothes, though expensive (because Jonathan would not allow him to wear anything poorly made), always a little scruffy. Always looking a little like he's slept in them for three days straight.

    A wolf is a wolf,
    even in a cage,
    even dressed in silk.

    TW: Alcohol & drug abuse, child abandonment & death.

    On a cold evening, March 8th of 1951, George Havisham rushed his screaming wife Edith into the hospital's emergency room in Churchill Falls, Labrador. Edith felt like she was dying; her stomach pains were killing her and she was close to passing out. Saying good-bye to her loving husband as the nurses wheeled her away, neither one of them would've ever expected that she was, in fact, not dying, but giving birth to a surprisingly healthy baby boy. Neither of them had any idea what to do with the little kid, but a couple of weeks later, when the hospital said 'no, ma'am, we can't keep him here', the happy upset couple was sent back home with a small, premature but healthy baby boy.
          Edith and George Havisham were never meant to be parents. They had never wanted to be parents. They liked their weed and liquor too much to ever even consider kids. They'd even had to bring their dog back to the shelter a year prior.
          Still, Charlie supposes sometimes (when he's not too busy grieving the childhood he could've had), they tried the best they could with the little means they had. Charlie had his own bedroom, got food to eat, even got a colouring set when he was four so he could draw on the walls and get yelled at for a minute before Edith and George got to busy yelling at each other, leaving Charlie to steal some cookies from the cupboard while they were busy arguing. Edith even got a job to provide for her little boy when her body had recovered enough. Sometimes, when Charlie was very lucky, he got a kiss on the cheek or a pat on the head when he'd made a drawing on a piece of newspaper while he showed it off as his parents were watching TV and drinking beer, telling him, 'well done, Charlie-boy, you're gonna be a real artist someday!'. They never really looked at it though, but Charlie supposed he couldn't blame them. The dog he'd drawn had looked more like a cat anyway.
          But yeah, Charlie supposes sometimes his parents had loved him. Like that time Edith came to school and smacked the girl who'd been bullying Charlie up the head. Charlie did get expelled because of it, but he hadn't really liked that school anyway.
          When Charlie was nine, George drank himself to death. He didn't really know what to do with it, didn't really get why the kids at school laughed at him more after he lost his father than when he still had one. What saddened him, though, was losing his mom at the same time. She distanced herself from him, got fired from her job because she'd called her boss a "filthy little..." Charlie can't remember the exact word, but it rhymed with maggot. Maybe it had been 'maggot'.
          In any case, every new job Edith managed to take on, she fucked up on. Their apartment had been shitty, but it had been home. It had Charlie's colourful drawings on the wall; his size through the years was on the doorframe. He had his own cozy bedroom and all the stuff he needed to be happy by himself. He didn't really understand why they had to move to a shittier apartment, why he had to share a room with his mom, or why there were bugs crawling out of the sink.
          When Charlie was twelve, he started realising that they weren't doing well, that they were on the edge of being evicted and that he had to step up to do something about it because his mom was too high or too drunk to do anything about it herself. He'd already gotten in with bad friends, and they were more than willing to help him out. Nobody would ever suspect an innocent little kid with a cute face like Charlie's to be carrying around drug deliveries. And, for two years, nobody does. On the day of Charlie's fourteenth birthday though, the first time he gets drunk, police catches him.
          Edith goes on a shouting spree - and Charlie shouts right back at her, using all the filthy words she'd ever taught him. He runs away for the first time that evening and spends the night in the doorway of a fancy building he supposes is empty. It's not. The family living there calls the police, and the police take him into custody. Child Protective Services is called and Edith gets put on a watchlist, which causes another screaming match. Things go wrong entirely when Edith absentmindedly drops a cigarette onto the carpet and sets the whole apartment block ablaze, nearly killing Charlie in the process.
          That same evening, Edith loses custody over Charlie. He is placed in a foster family in Saint-Augustin, Québec, which does not help the situation. Charlie does not want to be there, would rather be on his own than with people he doesn't know, a house packed with traumatised kids who would rather be elsewhere. He manages to find new friends in Saint-Augustin, but they are even worse than his friends back in Churchill Falls. Drug dealers and junkies; too old for Charlie to hang out with and be a kid. There is a flicker of hope, though, when Jonathan Duras comes to town to visit his friends, Charlie's foster parents. He's a wealthy man from Saint-Agnes, and, for some reason, seems to take a liking to Charlie - who doesn't really get why. They talk about poetry, about life on this earth and what lies beyond, about science and how it could revolutionise everything. Charlie doesn't know Jonathan Duras is here to adopt a kid - Charlie's too old to even consider himself to be eligible for adoption, it's not even an option in his head. And Charlie doesn't know that Jonathan Duras sees in Charlie the same passion his late son, Ansel, had. Ansel died from leukemia at age ten, but that's something Charlie only finds out a whole lot later.
          The day after the lovely talk with Mr. Duras, it turns out that things truly go to shit this time. He doesn't really know how it happened, was too high and drunk to really pay attention to what was going on himself. Until a knife was pulled and a boy was stabbed, and everyone - except for Charlie - ran away to leave him to die. He didn't want to let that boy die, did everything he could not to let that boy die. But he failed. And when the cops showed up, it was Charlie who had the boy's blood on his hands, and it were Charlie's fingerprints that had been left on the murder weapon that had been left behind.

    Very early in my life, it was far too late, Charlie thinks.
    And this is where it ends.

    Except it isn't. Because that one wealthy guy, Jonathan Duras, takes pity on him and decides to adopt him, convincing law enforcement not to give up on Charlie and send him to juvie. Maybe it's his charisma, maybe it's his money, maybe law enforcement just doesn't give a shit about kids like Charlie, but somehow, the next day, Charlie gets a new set of clothes and takes the ferry to Saint-Agnes. A new life is waiting for him.
          Charlie is skeptical. He isn't sure if he should trust his 'new dad', but it beats going to juvie. He can't seem to adapt to life on Saint-Agnes, though, and school proves to be a rough time. There's Tiffany, who does seem to want to talk to him and make an effort to become friends, but Charlie is weary of pretty much everyone. He secludes himself, picks fights with Jonathan, wonders why him. His grades are shit and keep going down when Jonathan gets pushy. Charlie does not want to make an effort and show what he's capable of - because he's scared those capabilities will turn out to disappoint him.
    At seventeen, still massively behind when it comes to school, Charlie feels like he's being pushed over the edge. He can't take the pressure Jonathan puts on him, doesn't understand why he expects him to perform so well academically when his whole school career thus far has been nothing but failure. Jonathan tells him about Ansel, his biological son, and the promise he'd shown when he'd been little. He tells Charlie he'd seen that same promise, that same spark when he'd talked to Charlie for the first time.
          Charlie is conflicted, unsure whether he should find Jonathan's story about Ansel pitiful; if he should feel guilty about acting like a little shit after Jonathan gave him a second chance Ansel never could've gotten; or whether he should be angry because to Jonathan, he is nothing more than Ansel's replacement. Charlie, up till that point, has never been loved for who he was. He's never really been loved period. And he's absolutely starving for it. He's hesitant when Jonathan takes him out of school and decides to teach him at home, but eventually it deepens their bond. It somewhat fixes Charlie's guilt, somewhat tones down his anger. He finds his spark again, finds his passion in science - particularly biology - and in the arts. He gets the opportunity to develop his skills, on his own terms, at his own pace, and when he turns twenty, Jonathan decides he is ready for the next step.
          With Charlie's extensive background - courtesy of Jonathan - university proves almost too easy. Almost, because social life seems harder to navigate than any of his academic courses. But Charlie passes with flying colours, and social life doesn't really seem to matter that much anyway. He has a goal in life, something worth living for - for the first time in his entire life. He outscores pretty much everyone in his first year, and soon grows cocky, even more so when he finds a friend in Julian. It makes Charlie feel important, for the first time in his life, and though he sometimes has an inkling that Julian might not truly be who he's pretending to be, Charlie is so starved for any kind of affection he can get he disregards the irks he feels.
          At age 23, Charlie is well on his way to become one of the best doctors Saint-Agnes has ever seen and is fully set on becoming its best surgeon in centuries. Things change when he meets Jenny, though, and for some reason keeps bumping into her. She seems to take up all of his favourite spots; she's in his way when he needs to hurry to class. She's smart, she's pretty, and Charlie can't seem to handle it. He grows infuriated, annoyed with her down-to-earth demeanor and jealous that she seems to have a better grip on things than he does. She continuously catches him off guard, and when rumours about Charlie's past start coming up around campus, his anger gets the best of him. He falls back into old habits, hangs out with the wrong people. When Luke, barely just a kid, gets caught with drugs Charlie sold him and Jonathan finds out, they have the fight of the century. Charlie realises he can't deal with pretending to be everything he's not, longs for the danger his old life used to give him. It's dragged on too long. He's been pretending all this time, trying to get in people's good graces while he shouldn't actually give a damn about it. He doesn't belong here, and he knows it. So he runs away.
    A big part of who I am
    is who I am not.

    Eventually, it's a stranger in a bar who convinces him to go back home. He doesn't really know how that happened, doesn't know what possessed her to sit with him and offer him a cupcake on the house, give him unsollicited advice. He's so stunned he doesn't actually talk back a whole lot, and the stranger - Liv, he later finds out - makes him realise that, actually, he's been a giant asshole to Jonathan. So he goes back, apologises, and they both cry a lot of tears because life is hard and it has been especially so for Charlie, who vows to do better. Not just for Jonathan, or Ansel, who didn't get a second chance, but for himself. Because he's not a lost cause, and he deserves to have some luck in life.
          Age 24, Charlie decides to better himself. He applies for a voluntary internship at a family shelter, where he reconnects with the stranger who lifted him out of that pit back at that bar back when he was wallowing in self-pity. Liv isn't like him at all, is too loud, too happy, too obnoxious, but they share a fondness over poetry and become friends regardless.
          Things finally look up, and at 25, Charlie starts his surgeon training and moves out of Jonathan's house (to a little studio in Jonathan's back yard, so he can still keep an eye on him - something Charlie thinks is fair). The next year, Charlie becomes a resident at Saint-Agnes Hospital under doctor Anderson. He grows closer to Jenny, starts developing a new kind of fondness for her that catches him off guard. He opens up to her more, but when he takes a leap of fate to show her how he really feels, Jenny is the one who locks him out.
          It's a massive door slamming in his face. Heartbreak. A sense of being cheated - not necessarily by Jenny, but by himself. Because could he have ever thought that he's someone worth loving? His past creeps up around him again, seizes him by the throat. It beckons him, urges him to give into that darkness again. Love was never meant for him - luck was never meant for him.

    I tried to be good.
    Am I no good?

    It's Julian who comes up with a solution, written down in an old, questionable diary. Though Charlie, a man of science, is skeptical about the book, he is so starved for love and affection that it doesn't even take Julian that much that much effort to convince him. Where Julian struggles with calling upon his powers, Charlie's come to him almost laughably easily. It makes Charlie wonder, why has he struggled in life so much? When it's this easy to turn it all around?
          Until the dreams start coming. Charlie realises he's made a mistake. He tries to shrug them off, the bad omens his dreams bring, but when he sees them coming true all around him, he can no longer deny that whatever powers he and the others have called towards them are far more dangerous than any of them could've suspected. Charlie gets somewhat paranoid, the dreams keeping him awake. It doesn't help that Julian becomes more obsessive, too, and Charlie starts getting worried about his friend's mental wellbeing, worried that he might bring something much, much worse onto all of them. He confronts Julian, but despite voicing his concern and worry for his friend, the conversation becomes a heated discussion, and then a fight. Charlie tells Julian he can shove that stupid journal up his ass and leaves the research group.
          Today, Charlie is focusing on his work and his studies, and tries to disregard all the weird stuff that's happening around him. It's not easy though. Premonitory dreams become more frequent, and he can't help but be curious about what the cult is up to (making sure they don't do anything bad, he tells himself). He finds himself unable to resist his curiosity, following people he knows are part of it and then telling himself off for doing so - only digging his own hole deeper while doing so.

    I am someone who did not die
    𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝕴 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖉.


          L U C K
    Luck is really all Charlie has ever wanted in his life, and though life has been looking up for him in the past few years, he feels like bad luck still haunts him. Desperate to secure this newfound stability in life, desperate for that love and affection that still seems so hard to come by, once he'd gotten over his skepticism and fully tapped into his want for it, his need, it was almost easy for Charlie to summon the gift of constructive manifestation. It took him longer to truly believe that what he was seeing and experiencing was actually the result of his newfound paranormal gifts. He was scared to really accept that he was now able to enforce his will on his own luck, simply by writing down what it was he wanted and burning it up. Little things, such as saving a plant that's on the brink of dying, or not getting any crisis calls while working standby, come easily. Charlie is too scared to wish for anything grand, hates himself for even thinking about wishing for that one specific person to love him after all. But he can't deny that something is at work here. People take an interest in him more easily - whether it's a flirt or simply someone on the streets telling him his outfit is nice - he gets better patients, gets more opportunities in complex surgeries and performs them well.
          Charlie is sure the day will come when these paranormal, foreign powers ask for something in return - and he's terrified of what that something might be.

          P R O P H E C Y
    A little over three months ago, Charlie started having strange dreams. He frowned when he woke up, confused by what his brain was trying to tell him. It took a while for him to get an inkling that the things he was dreaming, correlated with events happening in the following week. Once he realised, though, they only got worse - foreboding figures warning him about a terrible events that were sure to happen in the near future. They didn't just visit him during the night anymore, but during the day as well, lingering over patients on the edge of dying, warning him about incorrect diagnoses. He can never really get a grip on them, is never really sure if he's imagining things or if they are actually there. He isn't sure if he wants to dig deeper and find out which parts of it all are his intuition and which are actual spirits seeking him out. He knows Jenny could probably help him out; guide him towards answers, but he isn't sure if he wants to call on her either.
    - Reading & writing poetry
    - Music; he picked up guitar a couple of years ago, but doesn't really have the time to keep up with it
    - Dendrology & horticulture; ever since he was a kid, Charlie has had a strange obsession with plants. He keeps a journal where he catalogues every plant he ever comes across, drawing them out in detail. He has a small orangery in Jonathan's garden and cultures his own vegetables and herbs.
    - Art; though herbs and plants make up the biggest part of what he draws, Charlie likes sketching out sceneries that stick with so he can conserve those memories.
    - Sports; running, hiking and surfing when the weather allows it.

    - Intellectual prowess, mainly in biology and human anatomy, but also arts and music.
    - Sleight of hand and street smarts; Charlie doesn't really like to think of his past out on the streets, but he's an excellent pickpocket and knows his way around rougher neighbourhoods.
    - Surgery


    - The only thing Charlie still owns from his past life is his dad's watch. The glass is broken, but the mechanism still works and for some reason he doesn't have the heart to throw it away.
    - He has a couple of vintage anatomy books Jonathan gifted him when he started university. They are worth a fortune because they're first editions, though the information in it is outdated.
    - Relationships
    - Moodboard

    [ bericht aangepast op 6 feb 2024 - 19:24 ]


    Engels schrijven is niet mijn ding, maar ik wilde wel even melden dat dit er geweldig gedaan uitziet :Y)

    "Do you believe monsters are born or made?"

    Blackbeack schreef:
    Engels schrijven is niet mijn ding, maar ik wilde wel even melden dat dit er geweldig gedaan uitziet :Y)

    Thanks! Je mag in het NL schrijven tho ^^

    obsessive rage

    Zou ik een ''overig'' mogen reserveren? (:

    Saureus schreef:
    Zou ik een ''overig'' mogen reserveren? (:

    Jij altijd, adding you as we speak

    obsessive rage

    inktzwart schreef:

    Jij altijd, adding you as we speak

    Ahw, thanks!! <3


    • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •

    𝕴’𝖒 𝖓𝖎𝖈𝖊 𝖆𝖘 𝖋𝖚𝖈𝖐,
    𝕾𝖔 𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖘𝖊𝖊 𝖒𝖊 𝖇𝖊𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖒𝖊𝖆𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖘𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔𝖓𝖊, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖞 𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖙

    • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •

    𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓮
    Jennifer the fair one
    McGhee family name
    Nicknames Jen, Jenny

          Jennifer's parents chose a popular name for her when she was born, contributing to the widespread popularity of the name. However, Jennifer dislikes her name because of its commonality and prefers to be called 'Jen' or 'Jenny.'

    𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓪𝓰𝓮
    24 years
    October 10th, 1954
    ☼ Libra
    ☾ Taurus
    Asc. Gemini

    • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •

    𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕴 𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊
    𝖎𝖓 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖊𝖞𝖊𝖘

    • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •

    𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 & 𝓼𝓮𝔁𝓾𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓽𝔂

    Jenny is female and prefers to identify with she/her pronouns.

    Jen, a heterosexual individual, is deeply focused on her spiritual well-being and future. Despite her devotion to spiritual matters, her affinity for romance is began through reading romantic books. While she cherishes giving love and peace to others, when it comes to her own romantic entanglements, she retreats into her shell. A negative card reading about her love life deeply impacted her, leading to regrettable decisions—such as suppressing her feelings for Charlie. Since then, she harbors a fear of allowing herself to fall in love again.

    • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •

    𝕴 𝖆𝖒 𝖒𝖞 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙
    𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖞

    • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •

    𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓼

    active calm adventurous balanced selfish clever creative curious disloyal elegant energetic lier chaotisch cold unpredictable angryissue face of an angel, character of a devil plays innocent sarcastic moody focused alert playful relaxed talkative brutal cruel earthy moody private stubborn anxious clumsy cowardly insecure

    𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮
    FC: Blanca Soler

          Jenny, a captivating presence, has this graceful and mysterious vibe. Her skin is smooth and seems to glow a bit, giving her an elegant look. She's got long, dark hair that frames her face, and her eyes are deep and full of mystery, like they hold all kinds of secrets.
          Jen's hands, gentle but purposeful, handle a deck of tarot cards. She wears some simple jewelry that seems to have its own story. There's this quiet intensity about her that draws you in, like there's so much more to discover.
          In her appearance, Jen blends vulnerability with strength, revealing stories through her tarot readings. She's like a living mystery, unfolding enchanting tales with every shuffle of the cards.

    • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •

    𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖎 𝖆𝖒 𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖊
    𝖎 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖐

    • • • • •• • • • •• • • • •• • • • •

    𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓰𝓲𝓯𝓽𝓼

          Jenny possesses the skill of divination, using cards to unveil insights into the past, present, and future. Her interest in divination predates her involvement with the group, arising from her anxiety and a relentless search for answers about her future and herself. While religion was an option, she lost interest when answers eluded her, leaving her feeling lost and doubtful—especially about her capability to become a lawyer, a dream her father doesn't believe in, and about Charlie. This doubt led her to explore card reading, especially after hearing about Martha and her abilities.
          The first thing she did when she could read cards was to explore her love life. The cards depicted her as she expected, confirming her anxieties. The first card—The World, reversed—indicated that she had an opportunity but didn't take it. When she reflected on the kiss, she knew her skills were working. The second card—The Star, reversed—revealed her insecurity, not only about herself but particularly about her love life. That resonated with her. The third card was the one that shattered her. The Lovers, reversed, told her it was one-sided. Jenny stared at that card for a while, tears streaming down her face. Little did she know that a spirit was messing with her by reversing the Lovers card..
          Although she initially learned to read cards for personal use, Jenny is now eager to help others. She is curious about the disappearance of the women and actively seeks to be involved in solving the mystery.

          In addition to her skills in card reading, Jenny possesses the ability to communicate with spirits. One such spirit, named Rebecca, has become her friend. Their first encounter occurred during a shower when Jen, in her happy place, saw a girl behind her through the mirror. The ensuing scream startled both Jen and Rebecca. Despite not seeing anyone when she turned around, Jen later saw Rebecca in the mirror and, over time, their friendship blossomed. Jenny can only see Rebecca through reflections. Other than her, she often sees spirits but they wouldn’t talk to her.
    𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂

    Father Liam McGhee
    Mother Savannah McGhee
    Sister Amy McGhee
    Sister Kate McGhee

          Being the youngest child, Jen enjoyed life to the fullest. She was her parents' favorite—a fact she was well aware of—but it also came with high expectations. Her parents were strict believers. The McGhee family attended church every Sunday. Liam and the pastor became very good friends, so much so that the pastor and his child would come over to her house for dinner. The pastor’s child, Julian, and Jenny were somewhat forced to be friends by their fathers. Her father would only accept Julian into his house to hang out with Jenny because he was the pastor's child and hoped he would be a good influence on her. However, it wasn’t as he hoped.
          Her father, Liam McGhee, held old-fashioned views, believing that every woman should stay at home and cook for their husband, like his wife and his other two daughters—except for Jennifer. Jen engaged in many discussions with her father about this, leading to occasional fights. Fighting in the McGhee family wasn't common. This was mostly due to Liam's dominant nature as a father; with a simple look, he could silence the entire household. She didn’t want to be a woman whose only job was to please her husband; she aspired to be more than a housewife. Despite her father's silent protests and disbelief in her abilities, Jen pressed on. She studied hard to gain admission to Saint Agnes University in Eye, aspiring to become a lawyer and believing that her skills could make a difference, for herself. She wanted to prove her father wrong. Unfortunately, this pressure took a toll, causing increased anxiety about herself.
          Jenny thought she had everything figured out; life was perfect, she can do whatever she wants, she had friends. It was all good, until Charlie showed up. He took her attention, mostly because wherever she went, he was there. She heard whispers about him around the school, but was more focused on her own thing, so the news of Charlie running away passed her. But the moment she saw Charlie again, she couldn’t hold her smile. She was happy that he was back. That changed when he expressed his feelings by kissing her. It wasn’t the kiss itself—the romantic Jenny was in heaven—but what came after that. When she went home, smiling because she had her first kiss, all the negative thoughts went through her mind, leading to her ignoring Charlie.
          During the summer when Julian approached her with the notebook, she had doubts. However, the allure of gaining powers, combined with the mystery of the notebook belonging to the woman who disappeared years ago, sparked her curiosity. Wanting a few days to think about it, and with sleepless nights, she eventually joined the group with ease because of the McGhee’s wonder child, Julian.

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    𝕸𝖞 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖎𝖘 𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞
    𝖆 𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖇𝖊

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    𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓱𝓸𝓫𝓫𝓲𝓮𝓼 & 𝓼𝓴𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓼

    Journal Jenny carries a journal with her wherever she goes. In it, she writes down her thoughts, feelings, and brain dumps so she won't forget them. She enjoys decorating it.
    Painting Jenny is passionate about painting. She often creates artwork depicting buildings, flowers, and the beauty of Mother Nature.
    Nature Walks Jenny enjoys taking walks in nature to unwind and connect with the natural surroundings.
    Meditation She meditates regularly, primarily to declutter her inner thoughts and foster a peaceful connection with her inner spirit.
    Reading Jenny is an avid reader, exploring a variety of genres, from informative and romantic books to murder mysteries (her guilty pleasure) and fantasy.
    Studying She loves learning new things and frequently spends her time in the library.


    Likes Nature, Reading cards, Self-education, Alone time, Watching shows/movies, Playing games
    Dislikes Sometimes herself, Clichés, Dirt on her clothes, even the smallest amount
    Fears Being hated, Making a mistake, Falling in love,
    Job She doesn't currently hold a formal job due to school but works at the florist in the weekends. Her parents continue to support her.

    𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹𝓼

    [ bericht aangepast op 7 feb 2024 - 18:54 ]

    you're clearly disconnected, so
    who am i connected to?

          • amelia •
                                              Story obsessed & power driven

    name • •
    Amelia      🧭      industrious or hardworking
    Perreault      🧭      comes from the ancient name Petros, meaning rock
    Amelia's family name isn't very special and is often used in rankings of 'most used' surnames in Canada. Even though her last name is from French origin, she, nor her family, speaks french. She is probably related to one of the adventures who came to Canada in 1600. Amelia will not respond to the nicknames Em, Emma, Amy or anything that starts with the first two letters of her name. Some people are allowed to call her Lily, but she mostly uses her full name and expects other to do the same.

    age • •
    september 21 1955      🧭      23      🧭      virgo
    Amelia often tries to present herself older than she actually is. In a society where men often underestimate women, she feels like she has to, to some extend, act mature. This goes pretty well because of her wit, intelligence and her ambitious personality. But even though she can act like she is mature, she can be very childish. Amelia does look like a normal 23 year old.

    gender & sexuality • •
    Amelia identifies as a she/her. She doesn't have a problem with being a woman, but she does experiences the struggles of being a woman and it does frustrate her. Amelia is probably bisexual, but doesn't realize this because of (internalized) homophobia. She isn't really interested in love, but she is capable of feeling it. She does have a lot of charisma, and can be a subtle flirt. But nothing too serious, because that is scary.
    nationality • •
    Luckely for Amelia she lives pretty close to Saint Agnes. She grew up in Nova Scotia, in a beautiful home close by the sea. She has never set foot on Saint Agnes, it would be a long journey (five to six hours) and she wasn't really interested in the island, until now.
          •       •      •       •

          •       •      •       •
                            I always need to prove i have talent

    I want to be great, or nothing

    personality • •
                personality type mbti: intj
    positive traits
    🧭 ambitious
    🧭 intelligent
    🧭 charming
    🧭 compassionate
    🧭 rational
    🧭 self-reliant
    🧭 charismatic
                      negative traits
                      🧭 competitive
                      🧭 hardheaded
                      🧭 manipulative
                      🧭 impatient
                      🧭 obsessive
                      🧭 inquisitive
                      🧭 perfectionist

    Having the power to change the world (for the better); chaotic good is maybe the best explanation for her character: she wants to do the right thing, but sometimes her methods can be… questionable. Let me explain.
    For some she can be described as a power hungry, overly ambitious problem. They are not wrong, it is safe to say that Amelia will do (almost) everything to achieve her goals. If you are in her way or the goal is to expose you, she is definitely a problem. She will try to get to her goal using her intelligence, but she isn’t scared to break rules if cleverness isn’t enough. Some might say that she can become obsessive over her goals. Even though she has no problem with crossing some boundaries, she knows what goes too far and will not (deliberately) cross really personal boundaries . What I try to say is that she is not apathetic: she will get what she wants, but the things she want are morally good. Keep in mind that this is about innocent people; she will not care if you are not innocent. She can act like your friend or flirt with you to get what she wants.
    The thing is; Amelia is the opposite from apathetic, she is not emotional, but she cares a lot about people and wants to fight against injustice. She is compassionate and can easily make contact with different kind of people. She does not judge quickly nor harshly, but if you say certain little things that she absolutely does not agree on (sexist things for example), she makes up her mind really fast and will dislike you. Amelia will not show that she dislikes you. Why she does not show this she does not know, maybe the taste of dislike only comes when the person is gone and when she can think about it more carefully. When she actually is angry, she keeps calm and acts mature, most of the time.
    Her care for people also shows in her interest in them. Amelia loves to talk to people and hear about their life: their interests, their ambitions, their fears, highs, lows. That is why she makes contact with people so easily, she is just curious about their lives.
    Good, back to her ambitious side (that she most likely got from her father): Amelia is well read and intelligent, the frustrating part is that she lives in a time where women still get looked down upon. It bothers her. In a world full of men, she tries to become everything they are and be better. She has the urge to prove herself and that makes her really competitive (mostly towards men). Amelia can be impatient; she knows what she wants and to be honest, she wants it immediately.. That makes her efficiently. That is also how she learned to think for herself. She is really stubborn and does not like to be proven wrong.
    There is a chance that she sounds a little bit intense, but these are just the complex things that go on inside her head. Most of the time you will see her with a slight smile on her face. Her natural interest in people is charming. She acts calm and mature and can forgive easily (but again; she will not forgive the really weird views on the world).
                                        I always have to prove my worth.
    occupation • •
                journalist for The Chronicle Herald
    Amelia wants to make a change in the world, and her way of doing so is to write about it’s flaws. She wants to be the best journalist out there, have a lot of influence and power so her articles can have a serious impact on society.
    Meeting Amelia once is enough to realize that she is a perfect fit to be a journalist. She is a critical thinker, intelligent, determined and can read people pretty well. Her father, a rich, intellectual and influential individual, always encouraged her to learn as much as she could. He also paid for extra philosophy lessons outside of school to give her perspective on the world.
    She studied journalism and graduated last year. While she was studying she worked parttime at her local newspaper and eventually got offered a job at The Chronicle Herald.
    Wikipedia info because I am lazy: Founded in 1874 as The Morning Herald (now named The Chronicle Herald), the paper quickly became one of Halifax's main newspapers. The Chronicle Herald is now a broadsheet newspaper published in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
    Amelia experiences a lot of sexism on the workfloor, the ‘media’ environment isn’t really nice for women. She doesn’t give up and only wants to be better because of it. She is determined to write this story, this could be her breakthrough, and her colleagues laughed at her when she proposed this story. She will prove them wrong and will not come back without a good story.

    A woman on her way to write about the new paranormal evidence on a case about missing women. You should’ve seen the look on their faces when they she told her colleagues and, specifically, the news-editor about this idea. “You really think this will be a good story?”, he asked her with a smug smile and a frown.
    “Yes I do”, she answered calmly.
    “Well you may check it out.. if you are so sure”, he said to her and laughed.

          •       •      •       •

    But you know that when the truth is told
    That you can get what you want

          •       •      •       •

    it's hard to be someone, and it hurts to be nobody

    appearance • •
                faceclaim: Myriem Roussel
    Amelia has the blessing (and curse) that she is pretty good looking. Sometimes people underestimate her because of it, but most of the time her good looks help her. She has a soft and friendly face, a face that makes people trust her easily. There is something ethereal about her, but at the same time also very earth-like (grounded). She looks confident, calm and collected, walks up straight and always seems to be thinking about something.
    Amelia has brown hair, sometimes she cuts it short and sometimes she lets it grow. Right now she has long hair. She has brown eyes that seem to notice every little detail of her environment. Amelia is not tall, but not short either. She is short in comparison to a lot of her male coworkers, so she wears shoes who give her just 3 to 4 centimetres extra height. She is on the thin side and has almost no muscles. One does not get strong from studying and writing.
    She knows how to dress herself; most of the times she wears a pair of trousers with a blouse or a turtleneck. She loves to wear rings and will not go outside without her watch. She always has a (very) little bottle of perfume with her, so she always smells nice. She would absolutely hate it when people think she smelled bad.

    The faceclaim is the girl at the top, there are not many pictures of the actress so that is why you see two different girls (but they do look very similar in these pictures). Amelia looks most like the top one. Now that I write this: if I had to compare her with any other character she would feel a lot like Scully from the x-files. I think they have a similar vibe and even a similar personality.
                All those people, all those lives,
                      where are they now?

    background • •
    Amelia is the only child of Camilla and Arthur Perreault. She grew up in a beautiful house near the sea in Nova Scotia. Her father is a successful lawyer and earned a lot of money. It would be really unfair to just claim that her fathers money brought her to where she now is, she worked really hard for the things she has, but it obviously did make difference. When Amelia was born Arthur wanted her to get as much as possible out of life and he tried to educate her the best he could. For example: he hired a private teacher for Amelia so she could learn the basics of philosophy. So yes, if Amelia wasn’t born into this family she would not be where she is now, but that does not mean that it was all just handed to her. She never got any special treatment because of the influence of her father.
    Now she has a little apartment in the city close to work and works fulltime. And, dare i say, she does not use her fathers money, aren't we proud of her.

    relationships • •
    Arthur Perreault       *       father
    Amelia has a deep connection with her father; he saw her potential and always encouraged her. She has a lot of his personality; his ambition, sense of justice, intelligence, wittiness. They have deep conversations at night and read the same books. Even though she absolutely loves him, and despises anyone who says something negative about him, she does feel a lot of pressure to be the perfect daughter. She is his only child, so she is the only one who has to fulfil all of his expectations. She wants to make him proud, make him feel like all of these investments in her weren’t for nothing.

    Camilla Perreault       *       mother
    Amelia adores her mother. Camilla is more on the quiet side and is probably the one where she got her creativity from. Camilla was the one that wanted to live close to the sea, she loves walking, gardening and writing. She is a great moral support and Amelia can talk to her very easily; talking to your mother hits just different than talking to your father. And even then she feels like she has to be perfect for her mother; her only child has to succeed in life.

    Mr. Brown       *       the news-editor
    Other people she knows are from work; her boss, Mr Brown, for example. She obviously knows he has a first name, but she will not learn it out of spite (or so she says, she probably knows his first name). She does not like him at all and really wants to put him back in his place. She often argues in the mirror as if she has an argument against him (and wins).

    other characters will be added in impressionlist, soo who has ideas?? (:

          They were born, and then they             lived,       and then they died

    hobbies & skills • •

    This one is kinda obvious, but nonetheless pretty important. Amelia started writing when she was about nine years old and never stopped. Aside from work, where she writes a lot, she mostly writes poetry or short stories.
    She always loved looking at art, but she fell in love with photography when she followed photography classes in her first year of Journalism. She often has her camera with her, if the opportunity presents itself and she sees a story develop before her eyes, she can take pictures of it so the story can be published in the newspaper. Photos can be used as proof as well; she has the romantic idea that she can make a picture of an important document or a secret meeting.
    Amelia reads a lot, she likes classic literature, (murder) mysteries/detective stories, non-fiction, philosophy. The thing is; she is just interested in the world, so she likes reading about it. Mystery books are a way for her to romanticize journalism; she would love to be a detective unravelling a mystery.
    Ever since she got a private teacher outside of school, she was about 14 years old, she has loved philosophy. She learned the basics from her private teacher and then went on to read books that peaked her personal interest. She especially loves classical philosophy, not that she agrees with it, but she likes the way that it’s written and she finds it interesting to learn about how people thought in that time.
    Slow down you crazy child
    You're so ambitious for a juvenile
    What's the hurry about?
    You're so ahead of yourself that you forgot what you need
                If I don’t succeed, they will never take me seriously,
                                        and i need them to take me seriously

    extra • •
    Fear of failure: this is a fear that Amelia has to deal with almost every day. She wants to be so perfect that every little mistake is a mistake too much; one mistake at work and it will worsen the stigma that women can’t do anything right; one mistake at home and it her parents will be disappointed or sad that their daughter didn’t have the life they wanted for her. She wants her parents to feel like they did a good job raising her.
    She does have other fears; she is also scared for intimacy for example (others; not sure yet, i am tired)

    The sea, autumn, seagulls, classic literature, the apologie, symposium, classic philosophy, voltaire, smoking, writing, poetry, oscar wilde, virginia woolf, art, her family, library, learning, people, listening, mysteries, the idea of love, gold, snooping
    Misogyny, injustice, cold hands, her male coworkers, her boss, whiskey,
          •       •      •       •

                                  I can take care of myself just fine. All right?
                                                                •       •      •       •      •       •

    het is Schoonheid zelf op zichzelf eeuwig eenvormig met zichzelf [Plato, Symposium, 211b]

    ChiIdhood schreef:

    you're clearly disconnected, so
    who am i connected to?

          • amelia •
                                              Story obsessed & power driven

    name • •
    Amelia      🧭      industrious or hardworking
    Perreault      🧭      comes from the ancient name Petros, meaning rock
    Amelia's family name isn't very special and is often used in rankings of 'most used' surnames in Canada. Even though her last name is from French origin, she, nor her family, speaks french. She is probably related to one of the adventures who came to Canada in 1600. Amelia will not respond to the nicknames Em, Emma, Amy or anything that starts with the first two letters of her name. Some people are allowed to call her Lily, but she mostly uses her full name and expects other to do the same.

    age • •
    september 21 1955      🧭      23      🧭      virgo
    Amelia often tries to present herself older than she actually is. In a society where men often underestimate women, she feels like she has to, to some extend, act mature. This goes pretty well because of her wit, intelligence and her ambitious personality. But even though she can act like she is mature, she can be very childish. Amelia does look like a normal 23 year old.

    gender & sexuality • •
    Amelia identifies as a she/her. She doesn't have a problem with being a woman, but she does experiences the struggles of being a woman and it does frustrate her. Amelia is probably bisexual, but doesn't realize this because of (internalized) homophobia. She isn't really interested in love, but she is capable of feeling it. She does have a lot of charisma, and can be a subtle flirt. But nothing too serious, because that is scary.
    nationality • •
    Luckely for Amelia she lives pretty close to Saint Agnes. She grew up in Nova Scotia, in a beautiful home close by the sea. She has never set foot on Saint Agnes, it would be a long journey (five to six hours) and she wasn't really interested in the island, until now.
          •       •      •       •

          •       •      •       •
                            I always need to prove i have talent

    I want to be great, or nothing

    personality • •
                personality type mbti: intj
    positive traits
    🧭 ambitious
    🧭 intelligent
    🧭 charming
    🧭 compassionate
    🧭 rational
    🧭 self-reliant
    🧭 charismatic
                      negative traits
                      🧭 competitive
                      🧭 hardheaded
                      🧭 manipulative
                      🧭 impatient
                      🧭 obsessive
                      🧭 inquisitive
                      🧭 perfectionist

    Having the power to change the world (for the better); chaotic good is maybe the best explanation for her character: she wants to do the right thing, but sometimes her methods can be… questionable. Let me explain.
    For some she can be described as a power hungry, overly ambitious problem. They are not wrong, it is safe to say that Amelia will do (almost) everything to achieve her goals. If you are in her way or the goal is to expose you, she is definitely a problem. She will try to get to her goal using her intelligence, but she isn’t scared to break rules if cleverness isn’t enough. Some might say that she can become obsessive over her goals. Even though she has no problem with crossing some boundaries, she knows what goes too far and will not (deliberately) cross really personal boundaries . What I try to say is that she is not apathetic: she will get what she wants, but the things she want are morally good. Keep in mind that this is about innocent people; she will not care if you are not innocent. She can act like your friend or flirt with you to get what she wants.
    The thing is; Amelia is the opposite from apathetic, she is not emotional, but she cares a lot about people and wants to fight against injustice. She is compassionate and can easily make contact with different kind of people. She does not judge quickly nor harshly, but if you say certain little things that she absolutely does not agree on (sexist things for example), she makes up her mind really fast and will dislike you. Amelia will not show that she dislikes you. Why she does not show this she does not know, maybe the taste of dislike only comes when the person is gone and when she can think about it more carefully. When she actually is angry, she keeps calm and acts mature, most of the time.
    Her care for people also shows in her interest in them. Amelia loves to talk to people and hear about their life: their interests, their ambitions, their fears, highs, lows. That is why she makes contact with people so easily, she is just curious about their lives.
    Good, back to her ambitious side (that she most likely got from her father): Amelia is well read and intelligent, the frustrating part is that she lives in a time where women still get looked down upon. It bothers her. In a world full of men, she tries to become everything they are and be better. She has the urge to prove herself and that makes her really competitive (mostly towards men). Amelia can be impatient; she knows what she wants and to be honest, she wants it immediately.. That makes her efficiently. That is also how she learned to think for herself. She is really stubborn and does not like to be proven wrong.
    There is a chance that she sounds a little bit intense, but these are just the complex things that go on inside her head. Most of the time you will see her with a slight smile on her face. Her natural interest in people is charming. She acts calm and mature and can forgive easily (but again; she will not forgive the really weird views on the world).
                                        I always have to prove my worth.
    occupation • •
                journalist for The Chronicle Herald
    Amelia wants to make a change in the world, and her way of doing so is to write about it’s flaws. She wants to be the best journalist out there, have a lot of influence and power so her articles can have a serious impact on society.
    Meeting Amelia once is enough to realize that she is a perfect fit to be a journalist. She is a critical thinker, intelligent, determined and can read people pretty well. Her father, a rich, intellectual and influential individual, always encouraged her to learn as much as she could. He also paid for extra philosophy lessons outside of school to give her perspective on the world.
    She studied journalism and graduated last year. While she was studying she worked parttime at her local newspaper and eventually got offered a job at The Chronicle Herald.
    Wikipedia info because I am lazy: Founded in 1874 as The Morning Herald (now named The Chronicle Herald), the paper quickly became one of Halifax's main newspapers. The Chronicle Herald is now a broadsheet newspaper published in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
    Amelia experiences a lot of sexism on the workfloor, the ‘media’ environment isn’t really nice for women. She doesn’t give up and only wants to be better because of it. She is determined to write this story, this could be her breakthrough, and her colleagues laughed at her when she proposed this story. She will prove them wrong and will not come back without a good story.

                If I don’t succeed, they will never take me seriously,
                                        and i need them to take me seriously

    extra • •
    Fear of failure: this is a fear that Amelia has to deal with almost every day. She wants to be so perfect that every little mistake is a mistake too much; one mistake at work and it will worsen the stigma that women can’t do anything right; one mistake at home and it her parents will be disappointed or sad that their daughter didn’t have the life they wanted for her. She wants her parents to feel like they did a good job raising her.
    She does have other fears; she is also scared for intimacy for example (others; not sure yet, i am tired)

    The sea, autumn, seagulls, classic literature, the apologie, symposium, classic philosophy, voltaire, smoking, writing, poetry, oscar wilde, virginia woolf, art, her family, library, learning, people, listening, mysteries, the idea of love, gold, snooping
    Misogyny, injustice, cold hands, her male coworkers, her boss, whiskey,
          •       •      •       •

                                  I can take care of myself just fine. All right?
                                                                •       •      •       •      •       •


    obsessive rage

    Livia Sarah Hendrix


    Blue, envious
    Ruler of the home


    The grandmother she never knew
    Unfortunatly, her fathers last name

    ─•A G E•─

    22 years old
    14 December | Sagittarius

    Livia thinks someone's age is pretty much meaningless; it doesn't say much about a person. That, however, doesn't stop her from enjoying her birthday. It is one of her favorite days of the year, since she loves spending time with people she cares about. She also enjoys celebrating the birthdays of others, giving them handmade gifts while making sure they have the best time. If somebody is in need of a surprise party, she is the one for the job.

    ─•S E X U A L I T Y•─

    Labels. She's not ready to pick one yet. Not only because she has little experience in the romantic world, but also because she's not sure what she wants. Her parents keep asking about a boyfriend, but somehow she can also see herself with a girl. This is something she hasn't shared with them, mostly because she wants to avoid conflict. If she does fall in love with a girl, she promises herself she will try to explain it to her parents. 
    Livia is someone who loves deeply. She can be a little clingy, as she loves spending time with her partner. Besides quality time, she also needs physical touch, in particular cuddling. She loves hugs and will put her arms around almost everyone. She won't do it when the other doesn't want to, though, since she believes all boundaries should be valued.

    * *✿❀But a Book is only the Heart's Portrait
    - every Page a Pulse
    ❀✿* *

    ─•O C C U P A T I O N•─

    Art studio
    Family shelter

    | Part-time, since 1972
    | Part-time, since 1975
    | Volunteer, since 1973
    Cynthia Lansing, her aunt and role model, has taught her that she doesn't need a man to provide for herself. So at the age of sixteen, she went to the local bakery and applied for the job. She started as a cashier, always happy to talk to the customers. Every Saturday she's there and sometimes she even helps them out throughout the week. A year into the job they taught her how to bake, and it quickly became one of her passionate hobbies. She started baking at home too, making way too much and bringing her creations to school to share them with her friends. Nowadays, she still brings her creations everywhere, taking them to the art studio or the shelter, so everybody can enjoy them.

    A couple of months after starting her job at the bakery, she found out they donated everything they didn't sell to the local family shelter. Every week she brought them food, and a little while later she decided she wanted to do more for them. She became a volunteer at seventeen years old. Her focus is mainly on the children. Teaching them to color, paint, sing and dance. She even makes little plays with the ones that are staying there longer. She keeps the children entertained and happy while their parent(s) gets the help they need.

    Livia chose not to go to college. She didn't find anything that really interested her and her parents didn't really stimulate her going either. Especially her mother, who thinks it's irrelevant for a girl to go to college; she sees it as a waste of money.  Liv, however, decided to still follow her passion and went to a local art studio. The artist immediately recognized her talent, and so she began her life as an apprentice. It's her dream to make money as an artist and this is the first step in getting there. She would love to study the arts, but unfortunatly there isn't a fitting college nearby. 


    ─•P E R S O N A L I T Y•─

    Outgoing Forgetful, but somehow remembers small meaningless things Friendly Disorganized Hopeful Indecisive Likes to be alone, but not for a long period of time Caring Energetic Openmined Can talk for hours about things she loves Creative Can get a little jealous Picky Insightful Passionate Responsible Confident Adaptable Easily frustrated when things don't go her way Chaotic Forgiving Poetic Activist Panics in emergencies Loving People pleaser Supportive Unintentional flirt Perfectionistic

    ─•A P P E A R A N C E•─

    FC Arvida Byström
    When she was younger people used to make fun of her hair color; they said it was too white. Liv, however, loved it a lot. Having blond hair meant she could give it any color she liked. It started when she was 12 with some temporary dye and since her parents didn't approve, a friend helped her dye it. She likes to pick a different color each time, right now it's pink.

    Livia loves wearing bright colors, mixing them with fun patterns. Some might find it childish, but she loves her colorful outfits. She always makes sure to match her nails to make the look complete. Whenever she goes to a formal event with her parents, she always dresses appropriately, meaning neutral colors and no weird patterns. It's not something she feels completely comfortable with, but she also wants to avoid conflict with her parents.

    Most of the time she wears a variety of jewelry. She has colorful chunky ones, but also simple gold. It depends on her outfit and the event. All the expensive jewelry she owns was a present from her aunt and she's very careful with it. Her aunt also gifted her a tattoo for her eighteenth birthday, her parents still don't know she has it.

    * *✿❀Not knowing when the dawn will come
    I open every door
    ❀✿* *

    ─•B A C K S T O R Y•─

    Mother | Susanna Hendrix, 54, librarian (part-time)
    Father | Christopher Hendrix, 56, fisherman
    Brother | Arthur Hendrix, 26, student
    Aunt | Cynthia Lansing, 61, retired

    Born as the second child of Susanna and Christopher. They weren't expecting another child and most importantly, they didn't want one. Her father worked long days at sea to provide for his family. It soon turned out that this wasn't enough anymore. The little girl needed food too and soon her brother didn't want to share a bed with her anymore. So her mother decided to take a part-time job at the library in Eye.
    From a young age she realized she wasn't her parents favorite, they clearly loved their son more. She was always the one that had to help around the house, because Arthur had to study or he was hanging out with a friend. This is also the reason she helps her father out on the boat or why she sometimes accompanies her mother to the library. They never ask Arthur, assuming he has important things to do. To be fair, he did have incredible grades in school, she didn't. Her passion was never interesting enough, not as interesting as Arthur getting a scholarship to university. She tries to convince herself it doesn't bother her. Even though she cried herself to sleep that evening. They were so busy with their son, that they didn't realize their daughter was struggling in school. She had to work hard to pass her classes, getting overwhelmed by the stress it gave her. Thankfully she does have her amazing aunt, a woman who hates men. Unlike her sister, Cynthia believes a woman can provide for herself and so she did. She was a successful writer, selling internationally. She has been married three times and divorced all of them. Now she lives a happy single life, spoiling her niece when she can. At times when Livia is sad she only has to call her aunt and she will be there as soon as possible. Cheering her up, like no one else can.
    I'm propably going to add to this when inspiration strikes again, but my brain feels dead and I actually have to study oop

    * *✿❀TheHeart wants what it wants-
    or else it does not care
    ❀✿* *

    ─•H O B B I E S & S K I L L S•─

    Painting | This is something Livia is very passionate about. Her paintings can be either realistic or not, she doesn't really have a preference. All of them are made with very vivid colors. She hates landscapes and paints mostly people or animals. One of her favorite things to do, is making paintings about people she knows and gifting it to them. The canvas isn't the only thing she paints on, she also likes decorating the walls, flower pots, windows and furniture. She has little paintings hidden all over her room, so her parents won't notice.
    Baking | It started as something she tried at work and it quickly grew into something more. She likes baking all kinds of things, varying from brownies to bread. At home she keeps trying new recipes, leaving the kitchen messy. One time there was even batter on the ceiling, she thought it was very funny, her mother didn't.
    Rollerskating | She prefers doing this outside, where all the bumpy roads make it a real workout. One time, when she was fifteen years old, she decided to climb a hill, telling herself that going down would be amazing. Well it didn't turn out how she thought it would. Going down went a little faster than anticipated, a rock stopped her wheels and two seconds later she was on the ground. She broke her wrist in an attempt to catch her fall. The worst part? There was nobody around. She had to carefully proceed her way back into civilization, so she could be brought to the hospital.

    ─•E X T R A•─

    She loves swimming in the sea, but she hates the cold. The one time she decided she could handle it and went for a swim, she got stung by jellyfishes. She now believes cold sea water is cursed.
    When she was younger she used to go camping with her father and her brother. She really enjoyed it, except for the one time she had to pee at midnight and some spider decided to crawl onto her leg. She screamed so loud her father thought they were being attacked by a bear. From then on she had to check every cm of the tent to make sure there weren't any spiders. Her brother still thinks it's a funny story and he has to tell everyone he meets.
    Her aunt got a lot of money after her divorce and decided to buy her favorite and only niece a car. Liv has been the chauffeur ever since. If you need to be picked up, just give her a call and she will be there. She cares deeply for the vehicle and makes sure it's in its best condition. She's also very strict with no drinking and driving, so when she goes to a party and wants to drink, she will get somebody else to drive for her.
    Puts hot sauce on everything and still claims it's not spicy enough
    Needs to sleep with a dozen blankets, even in summer
    In high school she wasn't allowed to draw on the work so she started drawing on her hand. This is a habit that stuck after school, whenever she has a pen in her hand, she will start doodling on her skin. Or on somebody else if she knows that person well enough.
    Since she was younger she has occasionally assisted on her father's boat. When she was old enough she got her boating license, so she could sail on her own. On days her father was ill, she had to take the crew fishing, since she was the only one her father trusted to operate the boat. Sometimes, when her father is not using it, she takes the boat to go for a little sail. She loves watching dolphins and whales, while drawing them in the notebook she keeps.


    [ bericht aangepast op 30 jan 2024 - 15:53 ]


    [ bericht aangepast op 4 feb 2024 - 12:57 ]

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    -> Slotje op aanvraag.

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.