RollentopicPraattopic 1 & 2Speeltopic

    Dertien jaar geleden klom de Schotse familie Ackerman aan boord van de Mayfair, op zoek naar land waar ze een nieuwe thuis konden stichten: land waar geen monsters waren, land waarmee ze de macht van de Gemeenschap konden veilig stellen en uitbreiden, en waar ze hun kinderen veilig konden trainen zonder dat weerwolven of vampiers hen het leven zuur maakten. Alleen was een kleine groep vampiers hen voor. Zij wilden ook een nieuwe thuis, een veilige haven; hun leider was al eeuwenlang vastberaden om die voor hen te zoeken omdat in Europa geen plek meer bleek te zijn.
          De Gemeenschap wilde niet ophoepelen. Hoe konden ze dat ook? Vampiers hadden het recht niet om zomaar een stuk land te claimen. De Eerste Kolonie had al zo'n groot grondgebied in Europa - konden ze de rest van de wereld niet alleen laten?
          In de laatste dertien jaar zijn de spanningen opgelopen en hebben zich twee kampen gevormd: de Gemeenschap van Jagers, die ondertussen uitgebreid waren tot dertien families met de Ackermans aan het hoofd, en het groepje vampiers dat zij 'de rebellen' dubden, onder leiding van de legendarische, gevreesde vampier Helias Vanparys. Noord versus zuid, met enkel een rivier die hen van elkaar gescheiden houdt. Geen van beiden is gelukkig met het grondgebied dat ze hebben en willen de ander weg. Een gulden middenweg lijkt onbestaand, zeker wanneer het nieuws de oceaan oversteekt en Greenstone stilaan een haven wordt voor gevluchte piraten. Sommigen van hen zijn Europese vampiers die deel willen uitmaken van de nieuwe kolonie in Amerika. Anderen zijn vampiers die uit zijn op bloed en van de chaos gebruik willen maken. Dan zijn er de Jagers, die hun soortgenoten willen bijstaan - maar ook de Jagers die alleen zijn en de mogelijkheid zien om die institutionele Community onderuit te halen. Ten slotte is er de groep die liever onbekend blijft; weerwolven, gewone burgers en piraten die Greenstone opzoeken om de onbekendheid op te zoeken tussen al die andere bovennatuurlijke wezens die toch te veel kabaal maken om nog andere stemmen op te merken. In ieder geval begint de spanning een hoogtepunt te bereiken; zowel in Greenstone zelf als op zee, waar schepen met bovennatuurlijke bemanningen strijden voor hetgeen waarin ze geloven. Of gewoon voor de lol. Niemand die het echt duidelijk lijkt te weten. Niemand die weet hoe dit wetteloze stukje grond ooit verder zal komen dan één bloederige slachting.


    Je kan alle informatie over de wereld terugvinden in de lorestory. Alle informatie over vampiers, weerwolven, jagers en hun geschiedenis staat beschreven. Je kan uiteraard ook een mens spelen, maar dan is het alsnog handig om misschien even de geschiedeniscomponenten te lezen om me te zijn met de geladen onderwerpen.
    Mocht je nog ergens vragen hebben, stel ze gerust!

                Personages & invulijstjes

    Echte leeftijd (maximum 600)
    Fysieke leeftijd
    Paramount & eventuele Subjects
    Groep & positie (deel van Helias' groep of rogue?)
    Krachtbeheersing & skills
    Geschiedenis (leg ook even uit waarom ze naar Greenstone gekomen zijn)


    Groep & positie (zin om een roedel te maken? Ga ervoor, maar bespreek het even met de groep (: )
    Krachtbeheersing & skills


    Groep & positie (deel van de Gemeenschap? Welke familie; familiehoofd of niet? Algemene leider van de Gemeenschap in Greenstone is een Ackerman!)
    Wapens & skills

    Groep & positie (Hoe ligt jouw personage in de algemene maatschappij van Greenstone?)

    Forbidden characters/faceclaims from canon
    - Helias Vanparys (Niclas Gillis)
    - Thorne Madison / T. Magen (Anton Lisin)
    - Freya Ackerman (Pyper America Smith)
    - Clark Ackerman (Boyd Holbrook)
    - Egorov Vasilyev (Finn Cole)
    - Holden Ackerman (Cillian Murphy)
    - Lev Vasilyev (Ivan N)
    - Nora Quill (Starlie Cheyenne Smith)

    ⛧[P2] — Helias de Beaumanoir Vanparys (451/20-28?) — RSK | Marthe
    ⛧[P5] — Katherina Vasileiou (166/28) — Hammock | Selena
    ⛧[P4] — Nessa Craven (372/28) — drow | Sasha
    ⛧[P7] — Azrael Ishtari (75/26) — Barbarian
    ⛧[P5] — Madalena Belfiore (181/23) — calIiope | Daisy
    ⛧[P7] — Daphne (125/24) — Perchabeth | Anna
    ⛧[P7] — Adrian Vynall (284/43) — Moskowitz | Xanthe
    ⛧[G tot 26/2/24] — Thorne Madison (701/17) — Frisk | Liesje
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    ⛧[P5] — Farah Fenrir Parker (25) — Frodo | Bes
    ⛧[P5] — Sofia Cortez (AGE) — Saureus | Lisa
    ⛧[P7 tot 26/2/24] — Calian Reed (37) — Mijita | Maia
    ⛧[P4] — Robert Frankson (24) — amberkishatu | Amber
    ⛧[P7] — Lachlan Carmichael (25) — inktzwart | Rhys
    ⛧[G tot 22/2/24] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — Vespera | Naam
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam
    ⛧[P1] — Reed Ackerman (27) — Moskowitz | Xan
    ⛧[P2] — Mikhail Sergei Vasilyev (26) — Satoru | Mexx
    ⛧[P5] — Elizabeth Lavely (AGE) — Hammock | Selena
    ⛧[P4 tot 26/2/24] — Fiona 'Finn' Ackerman (27) — RSK | Marthe
    ⛧[P7] — Celeste Girard (26) — calIiope | Daisy
    ⛧[G tot 26/2/24] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — Frisk | Liesje
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    ⛧[P4] — Antigone Lamb (19) — inktzwart | Rhys
    ⛧[P5] — Carwen Weasmer (25) — drow | Sasha
    ⛧[P7] — Tamanend (21) — Satoru | Mexx
    ⛧[P8] — Thomas Crake (33) — Greenfeld | Lene
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    - Don't be a bitch
    - Bespreek gevoelige onderwerpen met je tegenspelers & duid trigger warnings aan boven je post
    - Reservatie blijft 10 dagen staan, daarna wordt die automatisch verwijderd
    - Als je langer dan 45 dagen niet antwoordt, wordt je personage automatisch verwijderd. Ik kom niet smeken.
    - Je kan zowel Engelstalig als Nederlandstalig schrijven, maar spreek misschien even af wat handig is voor je tegenspeler.
    - Topics worden aangemaakt door Coryo of Moskowitz. Stuur ons gerust een berichtje als we het niet meteen moesten zien!
    - Have fun!
    ©2024 RSK, Frisk & Moskowitz.

    [ bericht aangepast op 24 feb 2024 - 10:41 ]


    Frodo schreef:

    Ik zou graag een weerwolf reserveren (:

    + als iemand een roedel wil vormen, lemme knowww

    Zou ik een mannelijke weerwolf kunnen reserveren? En ik ben wel down voor een roedel :)

    "I wonder if life smokes after it fucks me"


    Ik twijfel heel erg, ik ben hier eigenlijk net niet sociaal genoeg voor, maar het idee is zo leuk :')

    obsessive rage

    inktzwart schreef:
    Ik twijfel heel erg, ik ben hier eigenlijk net niet sociaal genoeg voor, maar het idee is zo leuk :')

    Wat niet is kan nog komen! Just try, we're very friendly ^^

    inktzwart schreef:
    Ik twijfel heel erg, ik ben hier eigenlijk net niet sociaal genoeg voor, maar het idee is zo leuk :')

    Oh ik ook niet hoor


    inktzwart schreef:
    Ik twijfel heel erg, ik ben hier eigenlijk net niet sociaal genoeg voor, maar het idee is zo leuk :')

    Welkom bij de awkward club, uhm, we hate people, but we're still here?

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Robert Frankson

    Robert :

    Famed; bright; shining.


    Son of Frank

    Age : 24
    Seemingly : 22
    Group & Position :Part of the biggest pack of greenstone
    Follows the alpha and his opinions blindly.

    Personality :
    Fiercely loyal , Solitary Nature ,Protective instincts , Independent
    Distrustful, Impulsive, Primal ferocity, Determined

    "Let the blacksmith wear the chains he has himself made."

    Robert's priorities in life are straightforward: his loyalty to his pack is unwavering and absolute. He prioritizes their safety and well-being above all else, willingly putting himself in harm’s way to ensure their security. For Robert, the pack comes first, even before his own well-being. This is at least when he is thinking clearly.

    Despite his strong bonds with his packmates, Robert's impulsive nature occasionally leads him into unpredictable situations. While he exercises caution in his interactions with outsiders, his impulsive tendencies can override his better judgment, causing moments of tension within the pack.

    His deep-seated need to belong is fulfilled within his pack, leading to a strong distrust towards anything or anyone outside of it. Robert is a loner at heart, finding solace and peace in moments of solitude. He cherishes the quiet serenity of the wilderness, where he can retreat from the complexities of pack life and reconnect with his primal instincts."

    Robert is highly loyal to the alpha of the pack. He would defend and fight for him until his own death and doesn't see a problem with biting innocent people, as he does not see innocence. Besides it makes up for all his impulsive actions in the past towards humans.

    Appearance : FC: Louis Partridge

    Robert has the appearance of Louis Partridge, with rugged features and a strong physique reflecting his time spent working as a blacksmith. He is around 1m82 and has a strong jawline. He hates long hair as it interferes with his job and thus has to messingly cut it off himself, resulting in some unkept hairstyle that's not long enough to be considered short, but it's out of his eyesight and that's what matters. His dark brown eyes tell a whole other story than the fake friendly smile he wears as he does his job.

    Wolf :
    As a wolf, Robert possesses a formidable and imposing presence, reflecting his strength and resilience as a member of the pack. His dark brown fur is sleek and glossy, providing camouflage in the shadows of the dense forest. His muscular build and powerful limbs convey his prowess as a hunter and protector, exuding an aura of primal ferocity and dominance.

    Robert's keen amber eyes gleam with intelligence and determination, reflecting his unwavering loyalty to the pack and his fierce determination to defend those he cares about. His pointed ears twitch with alertness, attuned to the slightest sound or movement in the surrounding wilderness.

    Sharp claws protrude from his massive paws, ready to rend and tear through any threat to the pack's safety. His fangs glisten in the moonlight, a reminder of his primal nature and the instinctual drive to hunt and protect.

    Strength control & skills : He works as a blacksmith, he was an apprentice for his dad from the age of 12-14.
    He is skilled in shaping metal through the process of forging, including some metalworking techniques like punching, drifting and welding.
    He has an improved stamina and strenght in comparison with an average human.

    "Loyalty must be forged - to him, to his: stronger than iron, from experience, from risk - it can't be bought, or taught, or promised before the fact."

    Robert was born a werewolf, his father carried the werewolf gen being a member of the pack. His mother's identity remains unknown to him, as his father never spoke about her, he doesn't even know if she was a werewolf or not. He does remember she was Italian. From a young age, Robert found solace and a sense of belonging within the pack, where he was embraced as one of their own.

    At the age of 12, Robert began his apprenticeship under his father's guidance, learning the art of blacksmithing and the importance of craftsmanship and hard work. The forge became their shared sanctuary, where father and son spent countless hours shaping metal and honing their skills.

    Tragedy struck when Robert was just 14 years old, and his father fell victim to a hunter attack, leaving Robert orphaned and grieving. The loss of his father was a devastating blow, but the pack leader took him under his wing, offering guidance and support during this difficult period. It was during this time that Robert's blind loyalty to the alpha was firmly established, as he looked to him as a father figure and protector.

    With his father's legacy weighing heavily on his shoulders, Robert redoubled his efforts to become a skilled blacksmith, rigorously honing his craft and embracing the trade that had been passed down. The forge became his refuge, a place where he could channel his grief and anger into something constructive.

    Despite the loss of his father, Robert's determination to fulfill his father's wishes never wavered. He continued to pursue his training as a blacksmith with unwavering dedication, determined to honor his father's memory and carry on his legacy.

    Nevertheless with his father's untimely death, Robert's apprenticeship was abruptly cut short, leaving him with an incomplete training. Despite the loss of his mentor and the absence of formal training, Robert's passion for blacksmithing remained undiminished. He threw himself into his work with renewed fervor to make up for the technical aspects he had missed through sheer determination and practice.

    However, there was one aspect of the blacksmithing trade that eluded Robert: the economic side of things. His father had always handled the business aspects of their work, leaving Robert with little understanding of pricing, negotiations, and managing finances. This gap in his knowledge would prove to be a challenge as Robert navigated the complexities of running a blacksmithing business on his own.

    Meanwhile, in the absence of his own family, Robert formed a close bond with the alpha's daughter, Sofia. The two grew up together, sharing their joys and sorrows as they navigated the complexities of pack life. However, tensions arose when Sofia's opinions began to diverge from her father's, as the alpha's actions became increasingly more aggressive.

    From the moment the alpha bit Farah his stance on biting humans changed. Sofia questioned the morality of his choices. Despite her objections, Robert struggled to challenge the alpha's authority, believing that his actions were necessary to safeguard the pack. Still blaming the outside world for killing his father. This divergence in their beliefs strained their friendship, creating a rift between them .

    Relations :
    With Sofia: Robert and Sofia knew each other during their youth as they both grew up in the same pack, but they were not particularly close. It wasn't until after the tragic loss of Robert's father and the alpha took him in, that they formed a closer, almost sibling-like relationship. Bonded by their shared experiences within the pack, they relied on each other for support and companionship. However, their relationship began to strain after the alpha bit Farah. While Sofia questioned the morality of her father's actions and sought to challenge his authority, Robert remained steadfastly loyal to the alpha, believing in his leadership and the necessity of his decisions to protect the pack. This divergence in their beliefs created a rift between them, causing tension and distance in their once-close relationship. Despite their shared history and affection for each other, their conflicting loyalties threatened to drive them apart, testing the strength of their sibling bond.

    With Alpha Felipe : Since losing his father, Robert found solace and guidance in the alpha, who stepped in as a new father figure. Robert's admiration for the alpha runs deep, leading him to follow his every command, perhaps even feeling a sense of indebtedness he's not fully aware of. The alpha, in turn, took a keen interest in Robert, spending considerable time mentoring him, sometimes even more than with his own daughter, Sofia. This dynamic didn't go unnoticed, causing Sofia to feel a pang of jealousy at times, seeing her father's pride in Robert overshadowing his attention to her. Despite initial reservations, Sofia eventually grew closer to Robert, viewing him more as a brother figure, until the biting incident, which unveiled their fundamental disagreement with her father's actions.

    With Reed : Robert and Reed have met each other already a few times. Their relationship can be explained with three words : irritation, suspicion and a touch of rivalry. They had confrontations in the past consisting of fights in a tavern. Their relationship is characterized by sneers, insults and dirty looks, causing a strained dynamic which can easily be pushed to a brawl

    With Nessa : Nessa and Robert have a hostile relationship characterized by multiple confrontations. It happens often that Robert stumbles upon Nessa lurking in the woods after an evening at the bar, preying on unsuspecting individuals. Robert's impulsive nature leads him to react aggressively, seeing Nessa's actions as ungodly and deserving of attack. Moreover her unpredictable behaviour seems to touch his buttons. As a werewolf and a vampire, they naturally despise each other, with their allegiance to their respective factions further fueling the conflict. Nessa's alignment with Helias and Robert's loyalty to the pack exacerbate their animosity, resulting in a strained and combative dynamic whenever they cross paths in the wilderness.

    With Farah : Initially, Robert readily accepted Farah as a fellow member of the pack, viewing her as a valued human counterpart within their community. "Part of the pack is part of the pack, even if you are not a werewolf yourself. I'll fight for both of us." However, following the death of his father, Robert's trust in Farah wavered slightly, leading him to become more cautious around her. Despite any initial reservations, Robert's unwavering loyalty to the Alpha ultimately guides his actions, prompting him to fully accept/trust Farah after she is bitten. In an effort to demonstrate her belonging, Robert started overcompensating by offering support and assistance with Farah's werewolf transformations, although she rejected his aid. Robert is unaware of Sofia and Farah their ideas. He detects a hint of friction when interacting with her, which causes him to perceive Farah's intentions with a sense of wariness, as he recognizing her disagreement with the Alpha's leadership. Consequently, he maintains a guarded relationship with her, understanding that their differing loyalties may prevent them from becoming close allies."

    With Misha : Robert isn't that acquainted with Misha. He knows him as the one who breaks up his fights with Reed when they escalate. Apart from that, Misha doesn't seem to engage much with Robert and barely speaks to him. When he does he is quite rude to the werewolf ? Robert is aware that Misha dislikes him for some reason, but it seems that as long as Robert doesn't cause any harm (and remains in human form), Misha is unable to take action.

    With Daphne As a blacksmith, he sees potential opportunities in assisting her with her projects, finding it a refreshing and welcome change from his usual work on weapons. However, Robert remains guarded due to Daphne's vampire nature, which triggers his instinctual wariness towards creatures outside his pack.While there may be occasional tensions and misunderstandings, Robert views their interactions as a balance between skepticism and practicality.

    With Tamanend : Robert finds himself initially guarded when Tama begins showing interest in his blacksmithing work. suspicious of his intentions. However, as he observes the genuine wonder in Tama's eyes and hears the earnest questions about his craft, Robert's demeanor softens. He recognizes in Tama a reflection of his own childhood fascination with blacksmithing, seeing the same spark of passion that once ignited his own interest in the craft. This realization helps Robert to lower his guard and open up to Tama from time to time.

    With Katherina : Distrustful, because she is a vampire. Haven't interacted with each other in the past.

    With Helias : A bit distrustful about him
    will likely start looking into Helias' affairs very soon probably

    With Madalena :
    Someone to speak Italian with and/or someone she's teaching Italian . He knows some basic words and perks up when he Hears her speak italian because It reminds him vaguely of his mother. And that way She could teach him some words. Although the atmosphere has been awkward since recent. After a drunk evening the italian words flowed a bit too easy and sounded too romantic resulting in them hooking up. They have not spoken yet since, aside from some awkward salutations. It's not quite sure if it was just the booze talking or if there are some lingering feelings between the two.

    With Lachan :
    "Lachan as a rogue werewolf should be a threat to Robert his pack. While Lachan seems to go out of his way to annoy him, there seems more to it. Robert is conflicted about the strange feelings this rogue causes him. While the notion of indulging in a passionate encounter with Lachan may hold a certain allure for Robert, his steadfast dedication to his pack often acts as a barrier to acting upon such impulses. Still, Lachan's playful behavior intrigues Robert, even though he doesn't quite understand it. Despite his attraction, Robert remains wary of succumbing to his desires, acutely aware of the potential consequences such actions could have on his loyalty to his pack. Thus, he finds himself torn between the temptation presented by Lachan's charm and his commitment to his pack's cause, grappling with the unsettling possibility that his loyalty may eventually waver in the face of such temptation."

    With Azrael : He is new. No past interaction yet

    With Elisabeth : Elisabeth, a frequent visitor to Robert's blacksmith shop, deeply appreciates his craftsmanship and often seeks his services. Their interactions are characterized by a blend of friendship and professional rapport, with Elisabeth showing genuine interest in Robert's work. Robert is slowly warming up to her. But she doesn't know that he is a werewolf...

    (feel free 😊 )

    Extra :
    - Robert finds solace and a sense of control in working with metal, using it as a way to redirect his anger and impulsiveness into something valuable.
    - Despite never knowing his mother's identity, rumored to be Italian, Robert exhibits a curious instinct whenever he hears Italian being spoken. Though he's only familiar with a handful of basic words, his attention instantly shifts, drawn to the familiar cadence of the language, perhaps longing for a connection he's yet to discover.
    -He is not good with gold and counting and prefers to let other people break their head over it as a past experience of being conned by traders has left him extra wary. In the beginning he just let it slip, but after the alpha his change of perspective some traders seem to mysteriously dissapear.

    Sounds like :

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ9jNT3CVzA (explicit)

    "Allegiance must be earned so it will hold, win or lose."

    [ bericht aangepast op 19 feb 2024 - 19:51 ]

    "I wonder if life smokes after it fucks me"

    amberkishatu schreef:
    -> BTW how do you all do those cool fonts?

    Magic :p dit topic voor een uitleg van alle basis features die we als bouwstenen gebruiken en creatief inzetten en dit topic voor verdere vragen ^^

    RSK schreef:

    Oh ik ook niet hoor

    You're hiding it so well and I admire you

    Oké fuck it ik reserveer een mensenmeisje met Anya Taylor-Joy als FC (puur omdat ik vrees dat ik de andere rollen mogelijk verkeerd begrijp qua lore ookal heb ik de story nu al een aantal keer doorgelezen :') If I change plans because I suddenly grow more confident ehh I hope it's in time before the rest is full), al moet ik nog nadenken over wie ze is in het specifiek

    obsessive rage

    Satoru schreef:

    Magic :p dit topic voor een uitleg van alle basis features die we als bouwstenen gebruiken en creatief inzetten en dit topic voor verdere vragen ^^

    + Als het helpt mag je door mijn persoonlijke layout topic kijken naar specifieke code (no direct copying obv but I have so much in there I don't mind you taking small parts for the sake of learning) door te quoten en daar wat mee te prutsen, maar dat is uiteraard enkel als dat handig uitkomt voor je

    obsessive rage

    inktzwart schreef:

    You're hiding it so well and I admire you

    Oké fuck it ik reserveer een mensenmeisje met Anya Taylor-Joy als FC (puur omdat ik vrees dat ik de andere rollen mogelijk verkeerd begrijp qua lore ookal heb ik de story nu al een aantal keer doorgelezen :') If I change plans because I suddenly grow more confident ehh I hope it's in time before the rest is full), al moet ik nog nadenken over wie ze is in het specifiek
    Woo!! c:

    inktzwart schreef:

    You're hiding it so well and I admire you

    Oké fuck it ik reserveer een mensenmeisje met Anya Taylor-Joy als FC (puur omdat ik vrees dat ik de andere rollen mogelijk verkeerd begrijp qua lore ookal heb ik de story nu al een aantal keer doorgelezen :') If I change plans because I suddenly grow more confident ehh I hope it's in time before the rest is full), al moet ik nog nadenken over wie ze is in het specifiek

    years of masking lol

    Ik zet je erbij!


    A N T I G O N E      S A R A H      J A N E      L A M B
    𝟷𝟿 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚕𝚢 � 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚑𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕

    To some degree, Antigone was aware that he looked at her like she was a meal - more literally than figuratively. On the other hand, though, he had bought her this fancy silk dress - which seemed too expensive a wrapper to assume he was eating her anytime soon.




    One who is of the opposite opinion
    Saint's name; "Princess"
    God is gracious
    Pet form of Lambert; "Bright land"
    Though her first name is Antigone (AN-TIH-GUH-NEE), and she herself prefers it, her family has always called her Jane, after her now deceased grandmother, which is her third name. When people know her through her family, this is what she's known as. Ever since married and in Greenstone, though, she's been going by her first name. She enjoys getting to be a different person now; Jane was amenable, and Antigone isn't. Lamb is her husband's name.

    AGE: 19 years old Born March 27 Aries
    Antigone is still quite young, and therefore often assumed to be naive. In a way she can be - she's sharp and cunning, yet still generally listens to her elders over her intuition. Doormat fits better.

    'Antigone,' he said thoughtfully upon hearing her name, 'After the daughter of Oedipus, no? The girl who guides her father after he's been blinded?'
    The only place Antigone wanted to guide her hypothetically blinded caretakers to was straight into the fiery pits of Hell, but she elected not to share that.
    'Wait, really? I never heard that story,' she instead said, because she hadn't. 'My father did pick it, but he's dead,'


    Antigone is a human who doesn't enjoy being bitten, and thus does not benefit from siding with anyone except the hunters. Unfortunately for her, she's only arrived quite recently, and not yet aware of where exactly she landed. She lives in Montandon (idiot), but only because her vampiric husband took her there. While I personally find vampires and dying to be super sexy, Antigone doesn't really (yet*), so to her this is the plot of a horror movie. She is somewhat aware of what vampires are from stories around the English village she lived in, but where she lived exactly, no specific folklore had been established, and thus she is relatively clueless about the specifics. She recently began suspecting her husband might be a cannibalistic serial killer. She knows more of werewolves.

    She's thus far neutral within the ongoing conflict. If she cares for her own wellbeing, she'll side with the hunters once she realizes there's safety on the other side of the river - but right now she's wary of said place as her husband went missing there very recently (got killed by a hunter), and before that told her some lies about Hillside to keep her away. (Which sucks for her because she wants to go to church)
    * = okay just kidding lmao. (unless)

    Around her lips lay a perpetual grin, as though every situation she was in was somehow thoroughly amusing.

    She was innocent in the sense that she'd never had any power to abuse. Antigone feared she might not be so good if she'd had, and that idea frightened her a little.




    positive traits:



    negative traits:
          People pleaser





    "I like to think God has a sense of humor, so I'm sure He's laughing with me. Or at me."

    𝓕or most men it's difficult to dislike Antigone - even if it's purely because she's too traumatized by them to risk pissing them off. She's a sweet, playful jokester who isn't too loud and doesn't take up much space. She's attractive, but seems unaware of this, and is a bit of an oblivious daydreamer in general, and herefore often thought of as rather endearing. She has a very high tolerance for mistreatment before she stands up for herself, making her favorable among many, including those prone to abuse. She despises herself for this. It's hard for her to blame perpetrators for their actions, and in the end she somehow always seems to swallow the guilt as though she herself was the one responsible. She's a good person, without a doubt, but isn't sure she sees herself this way - and not only for her anger. She always feels complicit in other people's misdeeds. She's smart enough to recognize when manipulation occurs, but doesn't love herself enough to call it out. So once she cuts people off, it always seems very sudden and composed and almost out of character. People don't often expect it - she finally sheds the mask. When you've gone too far for too long, she will release all the build up resentment at once - for Antigone hates very deeply, and expresses it very selectively out of fear of punishment. This is not the same with mistreatment that happens to other people. At home she was known for her poor temper. She always begins shouting out accusations before she means to when others she deems innocent are hurt - her tongue sharp and her analyses cutting yet ultimately out of her control. Antigone has always felt like something unpredictable with her strong sense of justice. It's like it possesses her at times.
    Outside of her anger, she's not as emotional as most men think. She looks it, due to her excessive acting in ways she hopes will make her more accepted - which includes pretending to feel sympathy for people she can't at all sympathize with, and forcing herself to express worry she doesn't feel. But in truth, Antigone is apathetic and distant. There's few things she cares as much for as she pretends to.
    When not around people she fears, though, Antigone is clever and charismatic. While skittish and nervous around men and her elders, she can truly draw people in when at ease. She has a good sense of humor and has an innate boldness that rises and sinks depending on how grounded she feels. Antigone becomes human around people that do not threaten her, suddenly stubbornly opinionated, rational, and morbidly fascinated with things she shouldn't be. She is loving, and innovative, and terribly curious about the world around her. Antigone has a clinical fascination with many known sciences, languages, and the roots of folklore. To friends, she's helpful, laid-back, and cunning. To people who have never seen her triggered she seems almost fearless, never afraid of any sort of adventure or threat. While she fears a lot of mundane situations due to her lifelong trauma, she's not easily frightened by things many people would be. She enjoys lighthearted thrill-seeking. Antigone likes pulling pranks on people she deems bad, even when she knows she could get hurt with it. Her pranks are never violent or truly hurtful - but that doesn't mean they can't induce paranoia. She's clever enough to get away with this without her acts being traced back to her. Antigone usually aims to open people's eyes to the damage they're doing in the hopes to let them grow, rather than to only punish. Her morality follows the classical "and eye for an eye" concept. When you take something you do not deserve, God will make you pay back that same price eventually. However, she's too afraid to overstep and go too far as His messenger, and thus does not take on the role of executioner, even when robbed. Her husband considered her a stubborn pacifist who could only be driven to violence in defense of others. I consider her a coward more than a pacifist. Antigone does not frown upon violence - she simply fears to be bad.


                      Faceclaim: Anya Taylor-Joy

          𝓣hough somewhat strange looking with her wide-set eyes, Antigone is without a doubt beautiful. She has fair skin, rosy cheeks, reddish lips with a pronounced cupid's bow, large brown eyes, and a soft and youthful look to her. Her hair is long and golden blonde. During the day she usually keeps it in two braids that she wraps around her head in order to have it out of the way. She likes wearing flower wreaths. She loves her long hair and takes very good care of it - she's never cut it in her life, not even once, which is why it nearly reaches her knees when loose. She's neither remarkably tall nor short. She's always been slightly malnourished due to poverty, making her look physically weak, which she is a bit - though plowing the fields and doing housework every day before her marriage has kept her quite fit. She mostly wears cream colors and satin.

    A wise man would tell you to forgive. Luckily for you, I am
    neither wise nor a man. Put ants in his shift.

    you poor thing
    sweet mourning lamb

    there's nothing you can do
    it's already been done

    Trigger Warning: Sexual Abuse & Domestic Violence

          𝓜arch 27, 1614, Yorkshire, England. Antigone is born the daughter of a fisherman's wife and a carpenter who should not have been together, for clearly, she was married. After giving birth to Antigone, her mother dropped her off at her father's house, and never went to see her again.
    For reasons never quite explained to Antigone, she is given to her aunt and uncle to be raised right after receiving her first name - before even her formal baptism. So, she was brought up on a farm with extended family and properly baptised. The only thing she ever heard about her father was that he was a monster who murdered his youngest brother as a child and got away with it. These rumors at times even indicated her father might have been a werewolf, though it's very difficult to make out with all the secrecy and resentment her caretakers held for the man, especially with her father himself having disappeared before she turned one year old. She got compared to him constantly - how much she spoke like him, acted like him, thought like him. It placed a heavy guilt upon her shoulders from birth that her caretakers do not regret putting there.

    Childhood to Antigone much feels like a fever dream that she hasn't quite woken from yet. She doesn't remember a lot of it, nor of most of her life - recent years feel as surreal as those a decade back. Ultimately, she knows she did not like her home life. She was not a favorite among the six children, being the eldest, and took many beatings for offenses she can't remember well. Sometimes she dropped an egg, and sometimes she'd forgotten to clean her room. Usually it had to do with chores at first, then later with disrespect, and then later promiscuity (probably the one that made the least sense to her, for all she had to do was make eye contact with a boy for this, really). She'd usually shout once, twice, and then stop. She remembers the adrenaline better than the words spoken during these confrontations. She'd always stick up for her younger siblings when similar incidents happened and often take their beatings in early years, until two of her younger cousins (Polly and Cathy, three and four years younger than she) later grew to resent her once their mother began favoring them over Antigone, and would pick on her in result. After that, she bickered with them instead and lost that close sibling bond she'd had with them.
    Then, of course, there were the moments at night when she was half asleep where her uncle hurt her in a way she would later come to learn was rape. This mostly happened between age six and nine, and after that no more. She repressed these memories for a very long time.

    So, Antigone spent as much time as she was afforded outside. As a child, this entailed playing with other kids (she had no issues socializing and had plenty friends), and playing tricks on bullies. Bullies could be anyone to Antigone, whether they be grown and with three children or about her own age. Many of her friends' parents qualified for her pranks. As a child she didn't fear adults more than she did children.

    This fearlessness disappeared around age 16, for the memories of the sexual abuse she'd faced began resurfacing. The nightmares she'd had all her childhood suddenly became frighteningly real, and for about two years she slipped in and out of delusion. She could no longer tell what was real and what was not. Regularly her senses betrayed her. At times she saw people that weren't there, or felt things that weren't touching her, or smelled the foul scent of decay even when no rot was to be found near. At night she heard and felt demons (incubi, for the vivid flashbacks she had made no sense otherwise to her), and there was little she could do to cast them out. There were days she wasn't sure who she was or what her name was, and other days she would wake up and be incapable of any movement at all. Even blinking was nigh impossible while she'd lie frozen for hours with her caretakers standing over her bed and talking to her.
    These psychotic episodes strangely ended up making the abuse milder - her uncle stopped fighting her entirely, resorting to damage control more than anything once she began babbling about incubi visiting her at night and realizing this might be because of his deeds. At first, the abuse from her aunt got worse, and then after a few dreadful months it fully stopped.

    Antigone still wanted to leave. She was too ill to do so, but she badly wanted to anyway. She'd rather die than stay with her family forever. So, as if it was fate, during the winter of her seventeenth year, a strange man appeared into their village. His name was Geoffrey Lamb, and he was seeking for a wife.
    During the first full conversation Antigone had with him he was already persuading her parents to marry her. She'd seen him before, sure, and spoken a few words to him every now and then in passing, and probably he observed her among her friends where she was louder and talked and laughed until her throat was sore - but she didn't know him, and his proposal frightened her.
    He asked for no dowry, and thus her parents were sold easily. He was richer than the other men they'd had in mind for Antigone. She married him half a year later.
    Geoffrey was fond of Antigone, sure (too fond), and in the very least quite young (32, if she had to believe him), but she didn't really trust him. He was attractive, and intelligent, yes - but something about his obsession and intimidating aura warned Antigone that she was standing eye to eye with some kind of predator, even though she was not quite sure which kind exactly.

    In truth, Geoffrey Lamb (originally named Geoffrey d'Aubigny, closer to 300 years old than 32) was a vampire who'd grown smitten with her after watching her for a few years. He didn't want to be stuck with a teenage girl for too long, so decided not to turn her (maybe once she'd grown older, and would be more understanding of the violent nature he swore he saw glimpses of within her), but he wanted to keep her around, too, so elected to go the traditional route and simply marry her. For the time being, he decided against feeding on her too (later, once she'd let her guard down), but it was always in his plans to do this eventually. He decided that if she got too annoying, he could always just kill her - so why not?

    The first step would be to get her out of England, naturally. Isolating her from her friends so she couldn't run too far off was a top priority. Besides, he was sick of Europe - so after about a year of careful proposals to Antigone to leave, reminding her of how badly the land had treated her with faux concern, they took off to Greenstone. Antigone didn't fully let her guard down, but did cling to Geoffrey more in a grasp for stability.
    So, they arrive, move into a house in Montandon, Geoffrey continues to isolate her and makes sure she stays inside unless chaperoned so that no one else kills her before he can (growing increasingly impatient with her reluctance around intimacy but still trying to go slow and steady (occasionally failing at this and ending up hurting her) so she doesn't bolt and flee into hunter territory, something he hadn't anticipated could happen), and then in frustration, murders another girl vaguely similar to Antigone to feed on and is in turn killed by a hunter. His body is thrown into the sea and disappears forever. Antigone has no idea where her husband went. It's been about a week now, and she's beginning to grow seriously worried for her future. She, at this point in time, does miss him - but not as much as she would a man she'd married fully of her own volition.



    Antigone is a beautiful, talented young woman - but let's be for real, in combat she's useless. She's already not much of a match for another human bigger than she, let go anything more than human. She's quick and good at hiding, but she can't fight.
    To the surprise of most, though, she can use a rifle. She has a more than decent aim. This is because Geoffrey was a hunter, and taught her bits of the craft in order to bond with her (quite the effective technique, as well as showing her how to then skin the rabbit she'd shot, weirdly. Science nerds smh). This doesn't mean she can use one in combat, but it most certainly means she could learn to.

    Outside of combat Antigone is a bit more useful. She can sing well and memorize most songs and tunes despite only hearing them once. She's an engaging storyteller. She can act and lie well, though she prefers not to. Overall, performance comes to her quite naturally in any form, whether it be dancing or pretending she is severely in pain in order to distract a predator with a savior complex (like Geoffrey lol) from needlessly punishing a servant for something small.

    One thing to know of Antigone is that when she loves something, she'll know all about it she can learn. She yearns for knowledge. She can read and write (like about half of the English during the 17th century), so any information that Geoffrey held on biology and other sciences she has read or pried out of him. He's told her all of ancient stories and history that he knew (including much more recent history that he himself lived through), bits of languages he spoke (French and Latin, mostly - neither has quite stuck yet, Latin a bit due to the Bible she owns), what happens to a body while it decays and where human organs are placed. They've sat hours just discussing philosophy and unsolved mysteries and unethical ancient rituals that still echo through into Christianity. Despite the gruesome specifics of these, it actually only solidified her beliefs; to her, this meant her God had existed before he took on his modern form. He once lived in the old gods, and was known in fragments.
    These kinds of conversations revealed the main thing Antigone liked about Geoffrey: his knowledge of the wide world she hadn't yet lived in.

    She's recently taken a liking to writing essays, poetry, and prose to pass the time. Before her marriage she'd not had much time for doing this sort of thing, but she sang enough to understand rhythm and flow for poetic meters, and told many a tales that helped with writing. She's talented at this, though her handwriting is heinous and her spelling needs work.

    A fun but usually needless skill that Antigone has is that she can set a fire with an absolute minimum of tools. She loves setting things aflame an inordinary amount. It has always given her a sense of thrill when burning something - she can rarely resist it when knowing the fire can be contained.

    Girls like me have given up on lending out our eyes
    For if and when you bring them back, they've shrunk another size

    Theme song Moodboard Relationships
    Antigone is most certainly bisexual. She's had many "girl crushes" and pretended to be numerous of her friends' boyfriends back in England, without anyone batting much of an eye so long they didn't publicly kiss. She could fully get away with mutual obsession she had with girls her age. Men she is attracted to, too, but much more hesitantly, for she tasted the consequences of a man's entitlement to her body far too young. Her sexual desire is herefore less for most typically masculine men, though not entirely absent.

    Antigone is a very devout Catholic. She was baptised from birth and all, and cares for her religion very deeply. She doesn't believe that the Bible teaches objective history, and is very open to science, but does believe the stories contain lessons and morals that matter. She isn't used to people being less religious than she, but is overall accepting of this (especially after Geoffrey, who did not believe at all) and thinks theological discussions are interesting to have. Her belief can't really be shaken, though - even her disagreements with the church itself that would place many people in a predicament made her simply decide that the church was not the best messenger for God's will, and went on to simply decide her own morality. This does not mean she resents the church, just that she thinks some pastors are a little dumb.
    M Y      O N L Y      F A T H E R      I S      G O D

    [ bericht aangepast op 11 feb 2024 - 19:51 ]

    obsessive rage



    And honestly, I'm getting
    high of it

    𝕳𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 𝖔𝖋 𝖆 𝖁𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊
    Don't wake the BEAST
    𝖘𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖘 𝖙𝖔 𝖊𝖆𝖙

    Nessa's descent into darkness began centuries ago in a remote Eastern European village. Born in the year 1261, she hailed from middle nobility, a vibrant young woman full of life and dreams. Her family's status, while not of the highest rank, still afforded her a certain level of privilege and recognition. However, her life took a sinister turn when a mysterious figure arrived — a vampire elder known as Lord Vossler. Intrigued by Nessa's potential and her unique background, he saw an opportunity to utilize her as a pawn in his intricate chess game of power.

    Choosing her as his next progeny, Lord Vossler conducted the dark ritual under the pale moonlight that would forever alter Nessa's fate. The sinister whispers started immediately, an unsettling symphony in her mind suggesting morally ambiguous and nefarious actions. The malevolent force coursing through her veins granted extraordinary powers, but at a tremendous cost – the corruption of her very soul.

    Before her transformation, Nessa had enjoyed a comfortable life in the village, surrounded by the dense forests and haunting landscapes of Eastern Europe. Unbeknownst to her, the villagers had long been under the subtle influence of Lord Vossler, who had strategically chosen the village for its isolation and vulnerability. As a newly turned vampire, Nessa became a puppet to the dark desires and manipulations of her sire. Lord Vossler reveled in the chaos she unleashed upon the villagers, pushing her towards increasingly malevolent deeds. The once-thriving community now lived in perpetual fear, and Nessa's residence became a den of shadows and suffering.

    Her chaotic and power-driven nature emerged as she embraced the sinister influence that dominated her every thought. Uncertainty gripped her as she struggled between the vestiges of her inherent goodness and the overwhelming desire for power and malevolence. The whispers fueled this internal conflict, making every decision a perilous journey into the unknown. However, Nessa's servitude to Lord Vossler remained unbroken, as his tyrannical voice echoed incessantly in her mind. Lord Vossler trained and turned Nessa into his hitmen, her task was to track down and kill or return Subs that fled from Vossler.

    Eventually, Nessa's life took an unexpected turn when Lord Vossler met his demise. She expected the haunting whispers in her head to end, but to her dismay, they persisted. Fleeing the village, she embarked on a paranoid existence, constantly torn between seeking a way to silence the relentless murmurs and clinging to them as the only constant in her life since her transformation. The world around her had changed drastically through the ages, and Nessa found herself navigating an unfamiliar landscape. The only constant that remained in her life was the sinister voice in her head.

    Now, in the heart of Greenstone, Nessa Craven thrived in the uncertain moral landscapes. The ancient malevolent force that turned her into a vampire continued to whisper dark secrets and temptations in her ears, making her an unpredictable and unstable presence. The delicate balance between embracing or resisting these influences painted her as a figure of chaos, an embodiment of the sinister heritage that marked her transformation centuries ago. The sinister voice in her head remains a haunting presence, driving Nessa deeper into the shadows of her dark existence.

    sounds like

    Walks like a SAINT
    Floats like an ANGEL

    𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖕 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖆 𝖐𝖓𝖎𝖋𝖊 𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖊
    real age
    372 years old - born in the year 1261

    physical age
    28 years old - turned at the age of 28

    turned by
    nessa was turned into a vampire by the tyrannical vampire elder known as Lord Vossler.

    nessa no longer has a paramount. Lord Vossler died.

    nessa has no living subs.

    inner turmoil - the mysterious influence - potentially malevolent force - Sinister Whispers - intrusive thoughts that plague her mind - whispers often suggest morally ambiguous or nefarious actions - acts as a source of temptation - pushing others towards darker deeds - struggle between goodness and the corrupting influence of their divine heritage - making others question their own motives and actions - sinister or power-hungry at times - not sure if to embrace or resist these influences and urges - uncertain moral compass - chaotic evil - power-driven

    nessa possesses striking features with her radiant, light blonde hair that frames her face elegantly. Her cool complexion emphasizes the traditional appearance often associated with vampires.

    In the heart of Greenstone, Nessa Craven resided in the district of Montandon, primarily occupied by vampires known as the rebels. She had transformed her lifestyle; once avoiding the daylight, she now reveled in her newfound sociability. Nessa loved to chat with everything and everyone, fostering a vibrant social life. However, she remained elusive during the sun's peak hours.

    Fully dependent on blood, Nessa never eats human food, sustaining herself solely on the life force pulsating through the veins of those unfortunate enough to cross her path. Her nocturnal excursions through the city's dimly lit alleyways and concealed corners had transformed into a silent predator's calculated hunt.

    Despite her vibrant social life, Nessa never lost sight of her darker instincts. Among the rogue humans residing in Montandon, she found prey who relished the thrill of being drained by vampires – individuals drawn to the danger and ecstasy of their own blood being consumed. Always on the lookout for ways to indulge in the darker aspects of her nature without attracting unwanted attention, Nessa maintained a careful balance between her vampiric instincts and the necessity for discretion, especially in the face of potential conflicts with the Community.

    Furthermore, Nessa thrives in the social events in the vampire community. She takes delight in organizing gatherings, feasts, dances, and archery tournaments, further solidifying her role as a socialite within the rebellious district of Montandon.

    Nessa's alliance lay firmly with the rebel group of vampires, led by Helias Vanpary.

    I don't feel like myself anymore
    I can smell
    blood and it's trailin' out the door

    devout christian - still goes to church

    music - dancing - hunting - theater - gambling - wine - horses

    human food - werewolves - hunters - the changing of times - fishing - fish - ships - being out on the open ocean

    - haunted by a strange voice in her head pushing her to ungodly acts.
    - she once believed it to be the voice of her Paramount, but after his demise, the whispers stayed, while her Vampire Maker decayed.
    - very easily manipulated into violence.
    - likes to keep humans who get a kick out of being drank around.
    - once dreamed of being a nun before being turned into a vampire.
    - now believes she is never allowed to set foot in a monastery because God will strike her down there and then.
    - has been obsessed with sound of the violin ever since she heard it first in Lyon in the year 1566.
    - hated coming to America by boat and swore never to set foot on a big ship to sail the ocean again.
    - loves to drink blood during sex.
    - uses her vampire charisme on anyone who crosses her path.
    - plays for both teams, a sin she also attributes to her vampire lifestyle.

    - Best friend
    - Friend vampire group - m/f
    - She will probably want to maintain good contact with all prominent figures in town
    - Ex-fling with whom there is still unfinished business
    - Crush (Is there someone of Eastern European origin?)
    - People she hunted/drank from
    - People he fought with in the past
    - Hunters/werewolves she hates
    - Someone she blackmailed
    - Friend with benefits

    Always open to discuss anything else in DM.
    What if I'm ROTTEN
    𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖘 𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓' 𝖆𝖙 𝖒𝖞 𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖊

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 feb 2024 - 19:19 ]

    call me if you get lost




    White, fair
    Sun ray, merciful


    Fiona gebruikt al jaren haar volledige naam niet meer, maar staat bij vrienden, familie, vijanden en kennissen bekend als Finn - of Captain Stormheart.

    Finn is 27 en werd geboren op 4 mei 1606, tien minuten na haar tweelingbroer.

    Groep & positie
    Finn is een anarchist met een diepe haat voor welke autoriteit dan ook, maar houdt helaas ook heel erg veel van haar familie. Na acht jaar op zee door te brengen, is ze teruggekeerd naar Greenstone, waar ze nu, naar eigen zeggen, gevangen gehouden wordt binnen de Gemeenschap. Eigenlijk wil ze vrijheid voor iedereen, omdat ze vindt dat iedereen van het leven moet kunnen genieten en hun eigen ding moet kunnen doen. Omdat de Gemeenschap bang is dat ze te onstabiel en te onbetrouwbaar is om mee te nemen op jachten in Greenstone, heeft ze momenteel permanent huisarrest. Ze doet wel heel hard haar best (en slaagt er ook vaak in) om buiten te geraken en haar eigen ding te doen. Hoe graag ze ook terug op zee wil; ze weet dat het te gevaarlijk is. Er zijn een heleboel mensen die haar hoofd willen, en dat houdt ze toch liever nog even.

    Salt water holds secrets that can heal the likes of
    you and me.

    Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

    L U I (D)
    Finn is een storm in een waterglas. Wanneer je haar op het grote familieschilderij in Silverhouse ziet, lijkt ze op niet veel. Ze is klein, tenger en mager, ziet er meer als een kwajongen uit dan als de dame die haar vader liever gehad had. Wanneer ze echter een ruimte binnenwandelt, is er niemand die haar niet opmerkt. Ze is luid (een beetje grofgebekt ook), kan niet stilzitten, barst van de energie en heeft steeds een aanstekelijk enthousiasme. Ze heeft steeds iets om over te praten en gaat volledig op in alles wat ze doet. Finn gaat dan ook steeds op zoek naar nieuwe avonturen en uitdagingen en wordt gemakkelijk onrustig als ze zich verveelt. Ze is moedig en staat altijd open voor nieuwe ervaringen. Haar nieuwsgierigheid drijft haar om de wereld te verkennen en nieuwe dingen te ontdekken. Het is dus niet verrassend dat mensen Finn vaak als sterke persoonlijkheid zien. Ze is zelfverzekerd in haar beslissingen - soms een beetje arrogant zelfs - is uitdagend en niet bang om autoriteiten voor de spreekwoordelijke rechter te slepen wanneer ze het ergens niet mee eens is. Eigenwijs kun je Finn dus zeker wel noemen. Ze houdt zich vast aan haar principes met een vastberadenheid om u tegen te zeggen.
          Haar natuurlijke leiderschapstalent heeft ze meegenomen van haar ouders en is iets dat enorm floreerde toen ze op zee zat - zeker toen ze haar eigen schip en crew kon bemachtigen. Ze neemt vaak het voortouw in situaties, wat haar ook bazig kan doen overkomen. Helaas kan ze soms ook wat lui zijn en is ze te veel op haar gemak, waant ze zich koning van de wereld en wordt ze graag gediend door anderen.

    G E V O E L I G       E N       E M P A T H I S C H
    Finns trotsheid doordrenkt haar hele wezen, maar eigenlijk is ze ook best een gevoelig meisje - niet dat ze dat echt probeert te verbergen. Finn hecht veel waarde aan haar relaties en kan zich diep verbonden voelen met de mensen om haar heen. Wanneer ze iemand vertrouwt, laat ze die niet los. Ze voelt zich dan ook snel in de steek gelaten als iemand een relatie niet op een gelijkaardige manier beantwoordt - al zal ze eerder kwaad worden op die persoon dan dat ze zich onzeker gaat voelen. Of dat zegt ze zelf toch.
          Ondanks dat Finn diepe relaties sterk waardeert, vindt ze het soms ook fijn om oppervlakkiger te blijven. Soms is het leuker die air van mysterie op te houden, om de legende te blijven die ze rond zichzelf gecultiveerd heeft op zee.

    G E N I E P I G       E N       J A L O E R S,      
    Ondanks haar chaotische uiterlijk en domme, impulsieve beslissingen, is Finn best slim, al is het eerder op een geniepige manier. Ze heeft het strategische brein van een Ackerman en kan soms wat slinks zijn in haar benadering. Ze trekt de dingen graag naar zich toe (bazig, zoals al gezegd) en kan best jaloers worden wanneer iemand anders met de eer gaat lopen. Ook op vlak van relaties laat haar jaloerse kantje zich soms iets te vaak zien - en wanneer ze zich écht benadeeld gaat voelen, komt haar kattige kantje boven.

    W A N T E D



    will be paid to any person who can surrender The Aforesaid Person
    His Majesty's Government




    Finn heeft een jeugdige uitstraling met een slank figuur en een lengte van ongeveer 1,75 meter. Ze wordt vaker voor een jongen genomen dan voor een meisje, omdat ze haar bruine haren liefst kort houdt en de meer typerende vrouwelijke kenmerken van haar leeftijdsgenoten mist. Haar gezicht versterkt haar androgyne uiterlijk met een ovale vorm, scherpe kaak- en jukbeenderen en grote, expressieve blauwe ogen. Hoewel ze vroeger mensen voor de gek hield door zich als jongen te vermommen, had ze steeds lange haren die haar snel konden weggeven. Toen ze op zee vertrok, heeft ze het helemaal kort geknipt. Het is ondertussen alweer een beetje uitgegroeid.
          Finn heeft een gebrandmerkte P op haar pols van toen ze opgepakt werd in Port Royal. Ze heeft ook een groot litteken op haar buik ten gevolge van een keizersnede toen ze in Port Royal beviel van een miskraam en haar eigen dood in scène zette. Ze spreekt er niet graag over. Ten slotte heeft ze nog een aantal kleinere tatoeages aan de binnenkant van haar rechterbicep, waaronder een bloedende dolk met het opschrift 'Long live the king', een golf, een anatomisch hart en de piepkleine lettertjes 'A-N-N-I-E'.

    Wapens & skills
    Sinds haar zesde heeft Finn een wapen in de hand. Kruisbogen, langbogen, zwaarden en dolken hebben geen geheimen meer voor haar. Ze leerde ze allemaal gebruiken als een extensie van haar lichaam, een vervanging voor haar vuisten - die ze ook met veel enthousiasme gebruikt wanneer het nodig is. De laatste acht jaren heeft Finn een voorkeur ontwikkeld voor een pistool in de ene hand en een zwaard in het ander. De cutlass die ze van haar oude kapitein kreeg, hangt permanent aan haar zijde. Niemand anders mag het ook maar met één vinger aanraken. Daarnaast heeft ze steeds vier flintlocks bij zich; twee aan weerszijden van haar heupen en twee over haar borst. Eigenlijk werden die door haar ouders in beslag genomen toen ze weer voet zette in Greenstone, maar Finn weet hoe sloten werken, en de kluis van Silverhouse heeft voor haar geen geheimen meer.


    In a world tethered to the mundane, I am the restless soul,
    yearning for the untamed, the uncharted, and the extraordinary.



    Wapens & skills

    "In a world tethered to the mundane, I am the restless soul yearning for the untamed, the uncharted, and the extraordinary

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 feb 2024 - 18:53 ]
