Rollentopic — Praattopic 1 & 2 — Speeltopic

    Dertien jaar geleden klom de Schotse familie Ackerman aan boord van de Mayfair, op zoek naar land waar ze een nieuwe thuis konden stichten: land waar geen monsters waren, land waarmee ze de macht van de Gemeenschap konden veilig stellen en uitbreiden, en waar ze hun kinderen veilig konden trainen zonder dat weerwolven of vampiers hen het leven zuur maakten. Alleen was een kleine groep vampiers hen voor. Zij wilden ook een nieuwe thuis, een veilige haven; hun leider was al eeuwenlang vastberaden om die voor hen te zoeken omdat in Europa geen plek meer bleek te zijn.
          De Gemeenschap wilde niet ophoepelen. Hoe konden ze dat ook? Vampiers hadden het recht niet om zomaar een stuk land te claimen. De Eerste Kolonie had al zo'n groot grondgebied in Europa - konden ze de rest van de wereld niet alleen laten?
          In de laatste dertien jaar zijn de spanningen opgelopen en hebben zich twee kampen gevormd: de Gemeenschap van Jagers, die ondertussen uitgebreid waren tot dertien families met de Ackermans aan het hoofd, en het groepje vampiers dat zij 'de rebellen' dubden, onder leiding van de legendarische, gevreesde vampier Helias Vanparys. Noord versus zuid, met enkel een rivier die hen van elkaar gescheiden houdt. Geen van beiden is gelukkig met het grondgebied dat ze hebben en willen de ander weg. Een gulden middenweg lijkt onbestaand, zeker wanneer het nieuws de oceaan oversteekt en Greenstone stilaan een haven wordt voor gevluchte piraten. Sommigen van hen zijn Europese vampiers die deel willen uitmaken van de nieuwe kolonie in Amerika. Anderen zijn vampiers die uit zijn op bloed en van de chaos gebruik willen maken. Dan zijn er de Jagers, die hun soortgenoten willen bijstaan - maar ook de Jagers die alleen zijn en de mogelijkheid zien om die institutionele Community onderuit te halen. Ten slotte is er de groep die liever onbekend blijft; weerwolven, gewone burgers en piraten die Greenstone opzoeken om de onbekendheid op te zoeken tussen al die andere bovennatuurlijke wezens die toch te veel kabaal maken om nog andere stemmen op te merken. In ieder geval begint de spanning een hoogtepunt te bereiken; zowel in Greenstone zelf als op zee, waar schepen met bovennatuurlijke bemanningen strijden voor hetgeen waarin ze geloven. Of gewoon voor de lol. Niemand die het echt duidelijk lijkt te weten. Niemand die weet hoe dit wetteloze stukje grond ooit verder zal komen dan één bloederige slachting.


    Je kan alle informatie over de wereld terugvinden in de lorestory. Alle informatie over vampiers, weerwolven, jagers en hun geschiedenis staat beschreven. Je kan uiteraard ook een mens spelen, maar dan is het alsnog handig om misschien even de geschiedeniscomponenten te lezen om me te zijn met de geladen onderwerpen.
    Mocht je nog ergens vragen hebben, stel ze gerust!

                Personages & invulijstjes

    Echte leeftijd (maximum 600)
    Fysieke leeftijd
    Paramount & eventuele Subjects
    Groep & positie (deel van Helias' groep of rogue?)
    Krachtbeheersing & skills
    Geschiedenis (leg ook even uit waarom ze naar Greenstone gekomen zijn)


    Groep & positie (zin om een roedel te maken? Ga ervoor, maar bespreek het even met de groep (: )
    Krachtbeheersing & skills


    Groep & positie (deel van de Gemeenschap? Welke familie; familiehoofd of niet? Algemene leider van de Gemeenschap in Greenstone is een Ackerman!)
    Wapens & skills

    Groep & positie (Hoe ligt jouw personage in de algemene maatschappij van Greenstone?)

    Forbidden characters/faceclaims from canon
    - Helias Vanparys (Niclas Gillis)
    - Thorne Madison / T. Magen (Anton Lisin)
    - Freya Ackerman (Pyper America Smith)
    - Clark Ackerman (Boyd Holbrook)
    - Egorov Vasilyev (Finn Cole)
    - Holden Ackerman (Cillian Murphy)
    - Lev Vasilyev (Ivan N)
    - Nora Quill (Starlie Cheyenne Smith)

    ⛧[P2] — Helias de Beaumanoir Vanparys (451/20-28?) — RSK | Marthe
    ⛧[P5] — Katherina Vasileiou (166/28) — Hammock | Selena
    ⛧[P4] — Nessa Craven (372/28) — drow | Sasha
    ⛧[P7] — Azrael Ishtari (75/26) — Barbarian
    ⛧[P5] — Madalena Belfiore (181/23) — calIiope | Daisy
    ⛧[P7] — Daphne (125/24) — Perchabeth | Anna
    ⛧[P7] — Adrian Vynall (284/43) — Moskowitz | Xanthe
    ⛧[G tot 26/2/24] — Thorne Madison (701/17) — Frisk | Liesje
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    ⛧[P5] — Farah Fenrir Parker (25) — Frodo | Bes
    ⛧[P5] — Sofia Cortez (AGE) — Saureus | Lisa
    ⛧[P7 tot 26/2/24] — Calian Reed (37) — Mijita | Maia
    ⛧[P4] — Robert Frankson (24) — amberkishatu | Amber
    ⛧[P7] — Lachlan Carmichael (25) — inktzwart | Rhys
    ⛧[G tot 22/2/24] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — Vespera | Naam
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam
    ⛧[P1] — Reed Ackerman (27) — Moskowitz | Xan
    ⛧[P2] — Mikhail Sergei Vasilyev (26) — Satoru | Mexx
    ⛧[P5] — Elizabeth Lavely (AGE) — Hammock | Selena
    ⛧[P4 tot 26/2/24] — Fiona 'Finn' Ackerman (27) — RSK | Marthe
    ⛧[P7] — Celeste Girard (26) — calIiope | Daisy
    ⛧[G tot 26/2/24] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — Frisk | Liesje
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    ⛧[P4] — Antigone Lamb (19) — inktzwart | Rhys
    ⛧[P5] — Carwen Weasmer (25) — drow | Sasha
    ⛧[P7] — Tamanend (21) — Satoru | Mexx
    ⛧[P8] — Thomas Crake (33) — Greenfeld | Lene
    ⛧[P] — Voornaam Naam (AGE) — User | Naam

    - Don't be a bitch
    - Bespreek gevoelige onderwerpen met je tegenspelers & duid trigger warnings aan boven je post
    - Reservatie blijft 10 dagen staan, daarna wordt die automatisch verwijderd
    - Als je langer dan 45 dagen niet antwoordt, wordt je personage automatisch verwijderd. Ik kom niet smeken.
    - Je kan zowel Engelstalig als Nederlandstalig schrijven, maar spreek misschien even af wat handig is voor je tegenspeler.
    - Topics worden aangemaakt door Coryo of Moskowitz. Stuur ons gerust een berichtje als we het niet meteen moesten zien!
    - Have fun!
    ©2024 RSK, Frisk & Moskowitz.

    [ bericht aangepast op 24 feb 2024 - 10:40 ]


    RSK schreef:
    @Maia & @Lisa (en mezelf lol): Jullie reservatie verloopt morgen; verleng ik die nog eens met tien dagen? (:

    Ja, graag. De vrouwelijke reservatie kan er voor mij af, maar ik zal proberen z.s.m. m'n wolfje af te maken.

    [ heaven knows ]

    RSK schreef:
    @Maia & @Lisa (en mezelf lol): Jullie reservatie verloopt morgen; verleng ik die nog eens met tien dagen? (:

    Sofia is al af? haha

    Saureus schreef:

    Sofia is al af? haha

    Woepsie, I missed that! Ik lees haar thuis nog eens na dan ^^


    Alright, now that I have once again woken from my slumber: here’s relationships Lachlan could use (though he’s only been here for about a week, maybe two, so nothing big is really possible nor necessary I’d say - if all the suggestions are picked it'll be a bit much)

    The relationships he needs:
    - Someone who houses him (he has little money for an inn atm) (technically still possible he stays at the inn but him staying at someone's house makes more sense)

    And stuff he doesn't necessarily needs but that would be fun:
    - People whom he has befriended
    - People who don't trust him (already including Misha but more is entirely possible)
    - Someone he has gotten into a fight with (does not have to mean Lachlan caused the fight, he may have joined later into a barfight or something along those lines)
    - Hookup because I can finally do that now (any gender possible)
    - Someone he likes to be annoying towards as a form of flirtation (preferably a man)

    Oh & I still have to figure out how the current pack reacts to him but I don't really have an idea for that so if you play a werewolf in said pack, let me know (:

    obsessive rage

    U can always annoy helias bc he just annoys everyone else (H)


    inktzwart schreef:
    Alright, now that I have once again woken from my slumber: here’s relationships Lachlan could use (though he’s only been here for about a week, maybe two, so nothing big is really possible nor necessary I’d say - if all the suggestions are picked it'll be a bit much)

    The relationships he needs:
    - Someone who houses him (he has little money for an inn atm) (technically still possible he stays at the inn but him staying at someone's house makes more sense)

    And stuff he doesn't necessarily needs but that would be fun:
    - People whom he has befriended
    - People who don't trust him (already including Misha but more is entirely possible)
    - Someone he has gotten into a fight with (does not have to mean Lachlan caused the fight, he may have joined later into a barfight or something along those lines)
    - Hookup because I can finally do that now (any gender possible)
    - Someone he likes to be annoying towards as a form of flirtation (preferably a man)

    Oh & I still have to figure out how the current pack reacts to him but I don't really have an idea for that so if you play a werewolf in said pack, let me know (:

    Ik twijfel of Sofia hem bij haar zou toelaten of niet, want aan de ene kant is hij een fellow wolf (en wil ze sws graag helpen), maar aan de andere kant heeft ze ook haar pack en bevindt hij zich dan op pack terrein haha. Ik weet niet wat je zelf voor hem wilde tussen hem en de pack?

    Ze zou sws wel als hookup kunnen hehe

    inktzwart schreef:
    Alright, now that I have once again woken from my slumber: here’s relationships Lachlan could use (though he’s only been here for about a week, maybe two, so nothing big is really possible nor necessary I’d say - if all the suggestions are picked it'll be a bit much)

    The relationships he needs:
    - Someone who houses him (he has little money for an inn atm) (technically still possible he stays at the inn but him staying at someone's house makes more sense)

    And stuff he doesn't necessarily needs but that would be fun:
    - People whom he has befriended
    - People who don't trust him (already including Misha but more is entirely possible)
    - Someone he has gotten into a fight with (does not have to mean Lachlan caused the fight, he may have joined later into a barfight or something along those lines)
    - Hookup because I can finally do that now (any gender possible)
    - Someone he likes to be annoying towards as a form of flirtation (preferably a man)

    Oh & I still have to figure out how the current pack reacts to him but I don't really have an idea for that so if you play a werewolf in said pack, let me know (:

    My human could defintely be a friend ^^

    RSK schreef:
    U can always annoy helias bc he just annoys everyone else (H)

    fool, you have no idea what power you've just given me helias is exactly lachlan's type to bother too

    Saureus schreef:

    Ik twijfel of Sofia hem bij haar zou toelaten of niet, want aan de ene kant is hij een fellow wolf (en wil ze sws graag helpen), maar aan de andere kant heeft ze ook haar pack en bevindt hij zich dan op pack terrein haha. Ik weet niet wat je zelf voor hem wilde tussen hem en de pack?

    Ze zou sws wel als hookup kunnen hehe

    ik had nog geen helder idee over hoe het verder met de roedel zou gaan, ik neem zelf aan dat hij probeert wat verder weg te blijven van st. adrian waar de roedel vgm het meest verblijft zodra hij doorheeft dat dit iemand anders' territorium is, maar dat betekent niet dat hij direct al het conflict effectief vermijdt. ik moet zelf nog even nadenken of daar iets interessanters mee kan worden gedaan, but if anyone else beats me to that, hmu

    en yess dat kan!

    Satoru schreef:

    My human could defintely be a friend ^^

    beter wel

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 feb 2024 - 22:19 ]

    obsessive rage



    vampire 372 years old

    If anything suits your characters, or something isn't quite right in the relationship description, let me know!

    Vampires — "Be careful of the company you keep"
    — Helias de Beaumanoir Vanparys — Hot Prude
    Good and fun fling, but things took a turn when Helias rejected Nessa's suggestion to drink each others blood. Such. A. Shame. The incident caused Nessa to reassess her perception of Helias. Could he be not as entertaining as she initially believed? Moreover, Helias teaching 'control your impulses'-nonsense to her Sub Daphne made Nessa question his leadership skills even more. Is he striving to lead the vampires or transforming them into mere lapdogs for humans? Nessa is convinced it should be the other way around. At the moment she is still part of Helias' group. And still wants that blooddrinking experience together. But at the same time, she is making plans to rival with him for the Starring Role of the vampireclan.
    — Katherina Vasileiou — Vampfriend
    — Azrael Ishtari — Vampfriend to be
    — Madalena Belfiore — Supposed to kill you, but did an oopsie
    Nessa was created by her vampire paramount, Lord Vossler, to serve as an assassin tasked with locating, retrieving, or eliminating his disobedient and runaway subordinates. After Lord Vossler's demise, Nessa took on various assignments from other paramounts, continuing her role in tracking down and bringing back their disobedient subs, whether alive or deceased. One of her clients is Raffaele, who has a runaway subordinate named Madalena Belfiore. Nessa is currently in pursuit of Madalena, aiming to deliver her back to Raffaele as per the assigned task. In Greenstone Nessa met Madalena, but their interactions took an unexpected turn. The lines between duty and personal connection blurred as Nessa became entangled in a friendship and a fleeting romantic fling with Madalena, leading to a distraction from her original mission.
    — Daphne — Sub
    Daphne was stabbed. Nessa was bored. And therefore a new vampirefriend was created. Paris in the 1500s was filled with wine, dead bodies and an exciting friendship. Until things got a bit out of hand. Nessa taught Daphne nothing but to give in to her new bloodlust and impulses. A trace of dead bodies followed the Paramount and the Sub. Unfortunately, it didn't go unnoticed. Nessa liked the little Vampiregirl, but when Daphne got too clingy, the corrupting voice inside her head started encouraging her to murder her Sub. Vivid dreams of stabbing Daphne, the same way the man who tried to kill her in the ally in Paris did, started to haunt her dreams. Although very enticing, Nessa didn't want to kill the girl, and when people started to notice all the dead bodies and were more on the lookout for the cause of it, Nessa left. Now that her little sub is back in her life, she is shocked to see that Daphne got a bit boring. What's more embarrassing than a 'control your impulses '-sub?! Nothing. Nessa is keen on returning some fun to Daphne her life and rekindling their friendship.

    Werewolves— "If you lie down with dogs, then you'll get fleas"
    — Farah Fenrir Parker
    — Sofia Cortez — 'Don't like her'
    — Calian Reed —
    — Robert Frankson — 'Don't like him'
    Nessa recently had a troublesome run in with this wolf in the Woods around Greenstone, leaving her thoroughly irritated by the creature. She can't stand the persistent antics of the little wolf and believes it's high time for animal control to be established in Greenstone. The ongoing annoyance with Robert has fueled Nessa's desire for a more organized approach to managing the local wildlife.
    — Lachlan Carmichael —

    Hunters — "Boo."
    — Reed Ackerman — 'Hate his guts'
    Reed, the irksome and nosy little hunter, is a source of constant annoyance for Nessa. She can barely stand his presence, finding his intrusive nature unbearable. Nessa must constantly exercise restraint to resist the urge to confront him directly.
    — Mikhail Sergei Vasilyev — 'Reminds me of home. Too bad he's a hunter'
    — Elizabeth Lavely
    — Fiona 'Finn' Ackerman
    — Celeste Girard

    Humans — "Walking snacks / free range blood"
    — Antigone Lamb — 'The one snack that got away'
    Nessa's current prey is Antigone Lamb. She has relentlessly pursued the girl on multiple occasions. In a previous encounter, Nessa couldn't resist the temptation and indulged in a small taste of Antigone's blood. However, this brief encounter only intensified Nessa's desire, and she has since become fixated on the idea of tasting Antigone's blood once more. Determined and driven by an insatiable craving, Nessa is now set on capturing Antigone and savoring her taste once again.
    — Carwen Weasmer — 'Serves alright ale'
    Nessa often finds solace in Carwen's inn. She discreetly observes the arrivals from docked ships, keeping a keen eye on potential targets, vampire subs fleeing their paramount in Europe. Carwen is fine. He doesn't ask questions.

    Still looking for
    - Best friend
    - Friend vampire group - m/f
    - She will probably want to maintain good contact with all prominent figures in town
    - Ex-fling with whom there is still unfinished business
    - Crush (Is there someone of Eastern European origin?)
    - People she hunted/drank from
    - People he fought with in the past
    - Hunters/werewolves she hates
    - Someone she blackmailed
    - Friend with benefits

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 feb 2024 - 20:13 ]

    call me if you get lost

    inktzwart schreef:
    Alright, now that I have once again woken from my slumber: here’s relationships Lachlan could use (though he’s only been here for about a week, maybe two, so nothing big is really possible nor necessary I’d say - if all the suggestions are picked it'll be a bit much)

    The relationships he needs:
    - Someone who houses him (he has little money for an inn atm) (technically still possible he stays at the inn but him staying at someone's house makes more sense)

    And stuff he doesn't necessarily needs but that would be fun:
    - People whom he has befriended
    - People who don't trust him (already including Misha but more is entirely possible)
    - Someone he has gotten into a fight with (does not have to mean Lachlan caused the fight, he may have joined later into a barfight or something along those lines)
    - Hookup because I can finally do that now (any gender possible)
    - Someone he likes to be annoying towards as a form of flirtation (preferably a man)

    Oh & I still have to figure out how the current pack reacts to him but I don't really have an idea for that so if you play a werewolf in said pack, let me know (:

    For Robert, While the hookup would be wild , i fear the loyalty to his pack doesn't make it possible. But feel free to flirt and confuse him :)

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 feb 2024 - 22:19 ]

    "I wonder if life smokes after it fucks me"

    Plan: schrijf het begin van de character rol
    Daadwerkelijke avond: get stuck for 2.5 hours in name research wanting something authentic with a good meaning and an actually pronouncable nickname for all the weird Europeans walking around in Greenstone in a history that is badly preserved. Get another twenty minutes fucking around with someone else's code. And now it's late...

    Satoru schreef:
    Plan: schrijf het begin van de character rol
    Daadwerkelijke avond: get stuck for 2.5 hours in name research wanting something authentic with a good meaning and an actually pronouncable nickname for all the weird Europeans walking around in Greenstone in a history that is badly preserved. Get another twenty minutes fucking around with someone else's code. And now it's late...

    Oi oi. The code you did all by yourself! :Y) I can’t help you have to scratch the itch.

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Satoru schreef:
    Plan: schrijf het begin van de character rol
    Daadwerkelijke avond: get stuck for 2.5 hours in name research wanting something authentic with a good meaning and an actually pronouncable nickname for all the weird Europeans walking around in Greenstone in a history that is badly preserved. Get another twenty minutes fucking around with someone else's code. And now it's late...

    Stay awake and post your char

    Moskowitz schreef:
    Oi oi. The code you did all by yourself! :Y) I can’t help you have to scratch the itch.

    Are you happy I did or not? ;p And I never said it was someone else's doing, just that it happened to eat some of my time.

    Hammock schreef:

    Stay awake and post your char

    No I actually need to do work tomorrow, maar als ik daarmee klaar ben heb ik wel een week vakantie so Tama will be coming soon ^^

    inktzwart schreef:
    Alright, now that I have once again woken from my slumber: here’s relationships Lachlan could use (though he’s only been here for about a week, maybe two, so nothing big is really possible nor necessary I’d say - if all the suggestions are picked it'll be a bit much)

    The relationships he needs:
    - Someone who houses him (he has little money for an inn atm) (technically still possible he stays at the inn but him staying at someone's house makes more sense)

    And stuff he doesn't necessarily needs but that would be fun:
    - People whom he has befriended
    - People who don't trust him (already including Misha but more is entirely possible)
    - Someone he has gotten into a fight with (does not have to mean Lachlan caused the fight, he may have joined later into a barfight or something along those lines)
    - Hookup because I can finally do that now (any gender possible)
    - Someone he likes to be annoying towards as a form of flirtation (preferably a man)

    Oh & I still have to figure out how the current pack reacts to him but I don't really have an idea for that so if you play a werewolf in said pack, let me know (:

    Daphne zou wel in zijn voor de bovenstaande punten. Qua huis situatie is dat dan wel op het terrein van de vampieren en weet niet of dat dan tegen de regels is??? Of hoe dat met de grenzen precies zit tussen weerwolven en vampiers, maar Daphne is een informant voor Helias en probeert zoveel mogelijk info over de wolven en jagers te verzamelen etc, dus als ze bv iemand kan housen of befrienden dan zou ze dat om die reden al snel doen.

    Daarna kan ze natuurlijk oprecht die band voelen! En kunnen we er van maken whatever we want, but het begin is dan om die reden zeg maar.