of Arcane Arts

    ⊹⊱•••《 ✮ 》•••⊰⊹
    map cloakwoods


    Welkom bij de prestigieuze Academy van Arcane Kunsten in het weelderige en betoverende bossen ver van Baldur's Gate. Verscholen te midden van de levendige bossen en bloeiende weilanden, staat deze academie als een veilige haven van kennis en kracht voor warlocks, druids en scribes.

    Studenten in hun laatste twee jaar aan de Academie bevinden zich voor de meest uitdagende beproevingen tot nu toe. Onder het bewind van een Shadow Druid genaamd Imogen, die sinds vorig jaar schoolhoofd is, is de Academie een plek onzekerheid geworden. De Schaduw Druïden zijn een factie van druïden die hun toewijding aan de natuur tot extremen voeren. Ze geloven dat beschaving inherent slecht is en dat het hun taak is om de natuur te beschermen door steden en dorpen te vernietigen.

    De greep van hoofdmeesteres Imogen verstevigt met elke voorbijgaande dag, waarbij ze een reeks dodelijke tests orkestreert die zijn ontworpen om de zwakken en onwilligen eruit te halen. Sinds de overname van Imogen is de cultuur van de Shadow Druids steeds meer de norm. Gebruik van extreme vormen van magie worden aangemoedigd, walmen van het gerookte cloaksleaf hangt voordurend in de schoolen structuur vervaagt. Steden, huwelijken en vooral de zogenaamde 'beschaafden' worden afgekeurd.

    Imogen lijkt erop gebrand de Academy te gebruiken om beschaving ten onder te brengen. Bovendien doen er geruchten de ronde over een oud bloedoffer, waarbij gefluisterd wordt dat dit ritueel het dodelijke gevolg is van het niet succesvol afronden van dit jaar en het behalen van alle tests.


    De Academy ligt in het Cloakwood, een diep bos ten zuiden van Baldur's Gate. Cloakwood staat bekend om zijn grote verscheidenheid aan beesten, monsters en kwaadaardige feeën, waardoor de meeste mensen het bos vermeden. Deze wezens omvatten reuzenspinnen, kampfults, quicklings, satyrs, stirges en andere zeldzame wezens. Doordat het bos niet veelvuldig door buitenstaanders wordt bezocht is het de uitgewezen plek voor de Academy waar jonge geesten worden opgeleidt in magische kunsten.

    Studenten beginnen grofweg aan hun studie op Academy wanneer zij achttien jaar zijn en zullen afstuderen wanneer zij tweeëntwintig zijn.
    Jaar 1 • 18 - 19 • basis opleiding
    Jaar 2 • 19 - 20 • keuze specialisatie
    Jaar 3 • 20 - 21 • verdere specialisatie en partyvorming
    Jaar 4 • 21 - 22 • afstudeerjaar

    Zoals elke school heeft de Academy ook regels waar de studenten zich aan moeten houden. Al worden die regels steeds vager. Voor nu geldt vooralsnog:
    • Het verlaten van de Academy zonder toestemming van de Academy is ten strengste verboden.
    • Vechten buiten de lessen om is niet toegestaan.
    • Scribes mogen een kat én uil als huisdier houden. Warlocks en Druids mogen één huisdier: een vos, een otter of een egel. In jaar 1 kiezen de dieren hun eigenaar in een ceremonie.
    • De studenten worden geacht zich niet in de privévertrekken van de professoren te bevinden.
    • In jaar 3 worden studenten een party toegewezen (een team). Het wisselen tussen partys is niet toegestaan.
    • Gebrek aan respect voor de professoren kan leiden tot onmiddellijke schorsing. In het uiterste geval wordt de student permanent geschorst.
    • Het is niet toegstaan voor studenten om een geloof van buiten het bos te belijden op de Academy.
    • Heilige teksten van buiten het bos zijn ter strengste verboden.
    Nieuw Studenten zijn verplicht aanwezig te zijn en deel te nemen aan het wekelijkse rookritueel, waarbij de cloakleaf gezamenlijk wordt gerookt met alle studenten en professoren en waarbij experimentele magie wordt beoefend.
    Nieuw Sinds de overname van de Shadow Druids heeft niemand meer een eigen bed. Alle bedden in de dorms zijn gemeenschappelijk goed. Wel worden studenten voor alsnog verdeeld over de dormitories. .

    Warlocks onderscheiden zich door hun uitgebreide kennis van arcanemagie, die ze verwerven door rigoureuze studie en het beheersen van oude boeken en toverboeken. Warlocks moeten vertrouwen op hun intellect, discipline en educatie om spreuken te leren en te gebruiken. Ze duiken in oude teksten, waarbij ze nauwgezet magische formules overnemen en memoriseren.

    Algemeen: spreukgebruik • het kunnen leren van spreuken uit spreukenboeken • het brouwen van toverdranken • rituelen
    Specialisatie: necromancy • shaduwmagie • supernatural (visioenen, handlezen, spirits zien)

    Druids zijn nauw verbonden is met de natuur en de elementen. Ze hebben een diepe connectie met de aarde, planten, dieren en elementen zoals water, lucht en vuur. Druïden ontlenen hun magische krachten aan de natuurlijke wereld. Ze gebruiken hun connectie met de elementen om spreuken te gebruiken die gerelateerd zijn aan natuurlijke fenomenen, zoals het controleren van het weer, genezing, het oproepen van planten en dieren, en het beïnvloeden van het terrein.

    Algemeen: beperkt spreukgebruik • plantenkennis • connectie met de natuur
    Specialsiatie: warging • wildform • naturetongue {het kunnen spreken met bomen, planten en dieren)

    Een scribe is een gespecialiseerde persoon die verantwoordelijk is voor het schrijven, onthouden en vastleggen van belangrijke informatie. Ze beheren de bibliotheken van het land en adviseren heersers bij het nemen van beslissingen. Scribes worden gekenmerkt door hun spreukgebruik, fotografisch geheugen en bovennatuurlijke intelligentie. Ze hebben vaak specialisaties in vakgebieden zoals geschiedenis, religie en wiskunde. Iedere scribe wordt ondersteund door zijn/haar kat en een uilen.

    Algemeen: beperkt spreukgebruik • fotografisch geheugen • bovennatuurlijke intelligentie
    Specialsiatie: warfare • history • medicine


    Personages kunnen een warlock, druid of scribe zijn. De races die worden toegelaten tot de Academy zijn mensen, elfen, drows en forestlings. Gelieve nog even af te wachten met het afspreken van relaties zodat iedereen hier tegelijk mee kan starten.

    Het meest voorkomende ras. Mensen staan bekend om hun volharding, creativiteit en eindeloze capaciteit voor groei.

    Met een etherische uitstraling en lange levensduur zijn elfen thuis in de kracht van de natuur, gedijend in zowel het licht als het donker. Elven hebben puntige oren. Huidskleuren varieëren van menselijke huisdkleuren (high elves) tot groentinten (wood elves).

    Drow zijn een subras van elfen, ze zijn vaak afgebeeld als donker en kwaadaardig van aard, in tegenstelling tot hun meer bekende tegenhangers, de oppervlakte-elfen. Ze leven meestal ondergronds in duistere rijken zoals de Underdark en staan bekend om hun vaardigheid in magie, hun meedogenloze maatschappij en hun bedrevenheid in het gebruik van vergif en listige technieken in gevechten. Hun samenleving wordt vaak geleid door machtige priesters die de duistere godin Lolth aanbidden (het aanbidden van Loth is ten strengste verboden op de Academie).

    Met hun dierachtige kenmerken zijn forestlings een minderheid in de wereld, behalve in de bossen. Forestlings vallen op door hun dierachtige uiterlijkheden, zoals hoorns, webbed fingers etc. Vleugels komen voor, maar gevleugelden worden als baby geclipped, waardoor gebruik van vleugels onmogelijk is. Huidkleuren variëren sterk, van menselijke huidskleuren tot paars en roze tinten. Vaak zijn forestlings druids, maar dat hoeft niet perse.


    Leeftijd 20 - 23
    Warlock, Druid of Scribe
    Jaar 3-4


    - Asterin Mairi| Jaar 3| Drow | Warlock| djerq| artreides
    - Aemon Blackthorn| Jaar 4| Human| Warlock| drow
    - Atticus Dekarios| Jaar 4| Human| Warlock| ancunin
    - Arden ''Portia'' Yarbrough| Jaar 3 | Half-Elf| Warlock| christmaself
    - Naam | Jaar| Race | Warlock| Schrijver

    - Nimue Artison| Jaar 3| Woodelf | Druid| Savannah La Rain |artreides
    - Leiff Navin| Jaar 3| High Elf| Druid| Samara Weaving | drow
    - Naam | Jaar| Forestling| Druid| ancunin
    - Arlen Brightleaf| Jaar| Woodelf | Druid| frodo
    - Zarxes| Jaar| Forestling| Druid| silverwalker
    - Naam | Jaar| Race | Druid| Schrijver

    - Elion Avenell| Jaar 4| Human| Scribe| George Mckay | artreides
    - Vesper Archembeau| Jaar 3| Drow| Scribe | Warfare | Halston Sage| drow
    - Ciaràn 'Charlie' Miaorlriain| Jaar| Half Elf| Scribe| Medicine | vanparys
    - Hjalmar Vaernes| Jaar 3| Human | Scribe | History | Emil Andersson | satoru
    - Ianthe Harrowhark| Jaar| Race | Scribe | Specialization | greenfeld
    - Naam | Jaar 4| Race | Scribe | History | irregular

    Regels van de RPG

    • Het woordenminimum is 100 woorden.
    • Deze rpg is geïnspireerd op Baldur's Gate 3, maar staat daar wel los van. Niet alles zal overeen komen. Het is niet nodig om het spel te hebben gespeeld.
    • De huisregels van Quizlet en daarbij in het bijzonder het RPG-forum gelden uiteraard ook hier.
    • 16+ is toegestaan, maar gelieve hier wel voor te waarschuwen zodat anderen het kunnen mijden als zij het liever niet lezen.
    • Bespreek gevoelige onderwerpen op voorhand met je schrijfpartner.
    • Als drow niet online is, maakt de laatste die reageert een nieuw topic.
    • Maximaal 3 characters per schrijver.
    • Als ik 21 dagen niets van je hoor, stuur ik je een reminder PB.
    • Als je 45 dagen niets post, wordt je char opgeofferd in een blood sacrifice.
    • Reserveringen blijven 10 dagen staan.

    I was screaming long live all the magic we made

    [ bericht aangepast op 14 april 2024 - 22:21 ]

    call me if you get lost




    There's only 24 hours in a day
    And half of those, you lay

    W̷̻̫͠i̵̢͖͎̰͔̲͋̍̏̅̀͒̔̄̉̕ț̷̹̾̽̽͝͠h̷͖̙̠̖͚͍̾͌̇̂͆̀̊͘͠ ̵̙̠̯̼̝̳͠ť̵̲̞̱͎͜h̶̢̿͑͊̈͝ǫ̶̡̖̩̼̤͖̞́̒͠ṵ̴̪͙̝̯͗̋͌͆̄͝ͅģ̸̢͔̣̘̝͈͍̔̋͜ͅh̶̭͚̜̝̦͑̇̎̉̋͋́t̸̠̫̔́̓̆́͛̀̂͘s̴̹̜̬̳͌̒̈́̾ ̴̥͖̀̏̍͌̕ó̵̧̢̟̣͇̼͖͌̿f̵̨̤̩̩̘̩̲͗̏́ ̷͈̺̭͗̾̋́̀̆̌m̶̰͇̮̭̃̍͐͌̉̈́̓̔̃̕ũ̷̢̪̩̜̺͓̑͝r̵̥͈͎͍̘̞͊́́̇ͅd̶̙̗̟̔̌͒͜e̸̺̼͇̺̩̅͌́̍͐̃͝͝r̶̟͎̱̝̭̭͚̠̂̋͋̏̍̂̏̔̇͝ ̴̪̀̈́̅̀̃͛̿͝͝ǎ̷̢̦́̊̆̎̓͑̕͜n̷͔͈̭̦̙̈́͗͛̈͊̂̔̚̚͘d̴̮̠̳̘͊̉̄͝͝ ̸̡̳͈̥̘̪̑ç̷̛̛̙̀̀̾̋̉ȧ̷̖̞͇̲̀̎́̄̀ṟ̶̡̛̪̣̻̠̦̼̥͚́̃́̌̀̅͆͘n̴͚͈̐̐á̴̮͗́̀́͒̐̓͠g̸̢̢̼͍̠̺̰͓̗̳͗̅͌̃̃͗͋͐e̶̳̺̜̺̥̋̂͊̿̿ͅ

    ʜɪꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ᴏꜰ ᴀ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ

    Growing up in a foster family with 6 siblings, Aemon was the middle child of 7. His father hailed from the countryside, where poverty was prevalent, and moved to Baldurs Gate to seek employment. Life in the countryside was harsh; goblins and orcs often held sway, making it difficult for the family to gather wealth. Up until the age of 15 Aemon knew only poverty. It was only when the family moved to Baldurs Gate, marking a turning point for the Aemon his life, that things changed. His father had some contacts in the harbour and started an illegal trade in the big city. Suddenly, there was more money available, and more opportunities. Aemon loved it. His mother didn't. She became scared for the future of her son, seeing that he was getting deeper and deeper sucked into illegal trade. Aemon's mother feared the move to Baldurs Gate was a mistake.

    After a few years in Baldurs Gate Aemon his mental state began to falter. For the first time in his life, he experienced visions—visions of various situations in the future. Fearful of deviating from his family and changing anything about the good fortune of the family in Baldurs Gate, Aemon kept what he experienced from his parents. The violent visions stirred deep frustration in him, which he didn't know what to do with. That was when he met the cultists of Bhaal. Were Mother's initial fears justified? She started to keep Aemon away from the sewers and cultists. In turn, Aemon began to resent his Mother. He began to reshape the narrative about her in his mind, believing she had always fallen short of giving him the love he needed. Aemon was set on becoming a Bhaalist unholy assassin. These intentions made Aemon his parents decide to send their so away to the Academy of Arcane Arts.

    During his first year at the academy, Aemon continued the beliefs he had cultivated at home; he took some Bhaalist books with him and was often violent with other students. He bullied others and frequently got into fights. One particular Warlock teacher took a liking to him, seeing the potential in is following nature. At the Academy Aemon learned that his visions made him special, not dangerous. He now sees his Sight as one of his biggest strengths.

    𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞

    You're hard to reach
    You're cold to touch

    Name Blackthorn • father
    Name Blackthorn • mother
    Az Blackthorn • 25
    Elken Blackthorn • 24
    Lore Blackthorn • 17
    Hans Blackthorn • 15
    Annie Blackthorn • 14

    Aemon is currently 21 years old.

    He is a Human.

    Aemon is a Warlock.

    He is in his 4th year at the Academy.

    the Sight.

    energetic thrillseeker ⌖ mystical ⌖ active ⌖ wild ⌖ obsessive ⌖ impressionable ⌖ elusive ⌖ imaginative ⌖ fantastist ⌖ fanatic ⌖ pleasure seeking ⌖ drunk ⌖ likes to dance ⌖ party animal ⌖ hostile ⌖ jealous ⌖ judgemental ⌖ power hungry ⌖ superstitious ⌖ responsible ⌖ unforgiving ⌖ vain ⌖ reliable ⌖ ambitious ⌖ powerhungry ⌖ playful ⌖ knows no boundaries ⌖ socialable ⌖ impatient ⌖ unstructured ⌖ estp ⌖ impulsive ⌖ strong self thaught social skills ⌖ persuasive ⌖ dramatic at times ⌖ competitive ⌖ easily bored ⌖ insensitive ⌖ short attention span ⌖ seeks connection ⌖ fear of commitment ⌖ strong people skills / manipulative ⌖ inexaustible thirst for adventure ⌖ grows bored of routines ⌖ psychopath ⌖ vengefull ⌖ popular

    Pale skin. Sun and moon tattoo on his chest. Dark blonde buzzcut. Greyblue eyes.

    Hates the hippies.


    No more cloudy days, even when
    The storms come, in
    the eye we'll stay

    the Cult of Bhaal. The Cult of Bhaal is a faction of cultists that serve the Faerûnian God of Murder, Bhaal.

    violence - baldurs gate - alcohol - magic - the sewers - the sea - humans

    poverty - rules - the color pink - high elves - scholars - naivety - foreign food -monarchies

    - fears being unloved
    - and fears being poor
    - hates long hair on guys
    - speaks very loud when drunk
    - really territorial
    - with his father has an illegal potion ingredients trade in baldurs gate


    Always open to discuss anything else in DM.
    There's only 24 hours, so you'd say
    For most of them you pay

    F̸̤̤̐͋o̸̥̳̍͊̌́͌r̵͚̪̆͛̚͠ ̶̧͔̣̀̐ͅͅͅa̸̡̡͈͎͓̞̹̦̽̌l̵̘̹͒̔͑̎́̈́̓̏͝l̴̟͐̂ ̵͔̳͖́̈́̂̋̈́̕t̵̢͓͓̭̠̖̠̓͆̊̆̈̔̀ͅḧ̵̢̦̠̻̪̻͇͎͕́̿̓̍̓̋͊͠͠͝ȩ̴̹̫̬̖̓̊̽ ̶̬͔̠̖̀́͑́̚ṱ̷̈́̇͒̏̑̿̔̕͠͝h̴̛̬͍͊͗̄́͐̊͛ḭ̶̡̛̤̠̦͂͒̇ͅn̶̡̖͕̽̓̿ģ̸̢͍̭͇̞̗̯̤̦̐s̷͓̱̖̻̼̀͌́̔̀͊́̈ ̷̝̰̤̼̞͎̊̒́̈́͂͘t̸̰̝͍̪̻͖̀͒̒̂̒́ḩ̶̝̭̞̦͙̞͛ͅe̴͚̹̖͔͉͂̀̍͘͜ỳ̶̼̼͂̓͆ ̸̞̮̝͇̇͒̂͠ṕ̵̢͕̖͇͓̖̳̑͗ä̶̡̡̛̝̺̤̻́̄̀̽̌̌͐͠ǐ̶͓̞̯͌̊͐ḑ̴̢͔͔̩͔͔̀̏̄̎̂̔̄̄ ̵̛̫͉̫̭̗͖̫͕̖̋̅͜y̶͎̅ͅǫ̶̌̄̉̔͠u̴̟̠͖͊ ̴̨̗̺͑̀̊f̵̩͂̔́̀̒̀̽̐͝͝ọ̵̧̢͉̺̭̫͕͛̚r̴͍̼̮̻̮̲̝̘͂͌̾̌͠,̸̟̼̜͉̮̳̭̱͕̱̈́̃̈̿̑̓̌̔̎͝ ̸͚̝̠̱̲̞̦̮̈́̇̆͊͂ͅm̴͙̱̲̪͕͎͛̒̈́y̶̯̞͈̾̀͌͌͆͐̆͠ͅ ̵̡̫̺͊̈ḷ̴̛̓͘ͅo̸̼͇̹̱͇̰̗͇̅̄͜͜ṿ̸͉̭̝̭̺͛͛̈́̒̀̀͆̓ͅȩ̶̞̗͓̙̻͕̣̯̅

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 april 2024 - 16:39 ]

    call me if you get lost



    ╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ❀ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

    𝔠𝔞𝔫 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔟𝔢 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔪𝔢
    𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔣𝔲𝔠𝔨 𝔦'𝔪 𝔱𝔯𝔶𝔦𝔫𝔤

    ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ❀ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯


          Aerwyna English friend of the sea ER ⋅ WHEN ⋅ NA



    ╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ❀ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

    𝔧𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯
    𝓷𝓸 𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮

    ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ❀ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯


          High elf






          active adventurous caring cheerful colorful curious dramatic enthusiastic faithful forgiving friendly humorous kind lovable peaceful sweet romantic trusting warm


          anxious clumsy dreamy too emotional sarcastic too soft stubborn cowardly impatient insecure messy moody naive petty

    ╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ❀ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

    𝔥𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶 𝔦𝔰 𝔞 𝔤𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔱 𝔱𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔯
    𝔬𝔣 𝔥𝔲𝔪𝔞𝔫 𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢

    ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ❀ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

          FC: Sage Tullis

    oval freckles silky baby-soft pale shine

    milky white skin soft

    blue warm sharp small twinkling when she is happy mesmerizing bright sympatric dreamy

    light pink full soft mostly smiling

    white long thick wild sleek wild

    slim 1.64 curves full-figured

    ╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ❀ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

    (𝗇.) 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝖻𝗈𝗈𝗄𝗌

    ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ❀ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯


    tw: abuse

    Father Dimitri 55
    Mother Elora dead
    Sister Solana 34
    Brother Kao 25
    Father figure Calix 45


    Elora, a wonderful woman with a heart of gold, was loved by her village, yet no one could understand how she could fall in love with a pirate. They couldn't fathom how she failed to see the danger he could bring. The first time she realized he wasn't the man she wanted him to be was when he returned home drunk after a long journey, in a bad mood. It was the first time he hit Elora. He promised he would never do it again, and he didn't. At least, not to her. Dimitri troubled himself a lot, leaving a wife who always made excuses for his behavior. During that period, Solana was born, a child who didn't receive enough love she deserved. Elora tried to give all her love to Solana, but having a troubled man caused her to give her attention more to him than to her child.
    Aerwyna, the youngest of the Camarin family, was born on a warm summer day in The Sea of Fallen Stars. Her mother passed away after her birth, leaving her youngest daughter behind with her older daughters and a son. Her father, Dimitri, was not present during her birth. His occupation as a pirate kept him scarcely at home, but enough to father several children.
    It was a messy household. The oldest was only 13 when she became the new mother figure in the house. All the pressure fell on her, making her a young woman at an early age. It was a difficult situation for her, one that Aerwyna didn't fully comprehend.
    Her brother, Koa, contributed nothing to the household. He had no purpose, no job, yet he was the apple of his father's eye. Whenever Dimitri was home, he would only give money to his son, who would squander it away. Dimitri was a frightening father, especially after losing his wife. He solely blamed Aerwyna, causing her to never be loved by her father. Not that he needed specific reasons, as he didn't particularly care for his other daughters either. He treated his son like an angel, while his daughters were not even worth mentioning. He treated his daughters like stress dolls. So, the daughters were relieved when he set sail again. The two daughters struggled. Unloved, impoverished, neglected, and feeling constantly unsafe. They were on their own.

    When Aerwyna was old enough to realize that it wasn't supposed to be this way, she sought solace in books. Her neighbor, Calix, taught her how to read, and since then Aerwyna couldn't stop. At the age of 5, she progressed rapidly. It all began when she saw the letters her father wrote to Koa, describing the world he saw when his children only saw a wooden house that could collapse any minute. The world he described was so beautiful that she wanted to see it so badly. It didn't even bother her that he only sent her brother a letter (and sometimes money). She just wanted to learn about the world, that's it. Later on, she sought escape through books, regardless of their content. Calix was a history geek, had a lot of history books. And that was the beginning of her love for history.
    Books became Aerwyna's refuge from the harsh reality of her life. Within their pages, she found worlds far removed from her own, where she could imagine herself as anyone or anywhere else. Each story offered a temporary escape from the turmoil of her surroundings.
    As she grew older, Aerwyna's thirst for knowledge only intensified. She devoured every book she could find, hungry for the wisdom and insight they contained. Through reading, she discovered new passions and aspirations, dreaming of a life beyond the confines of her tumultuous upbringing.
    Yet, amidst her academic pursuits, Aerwyna never forgot the reality of her situation. She remained acutely aware of the dangers lurking outside their doorstep and the uncertainty that plagued their future. But with each page turned, she found a glimmer of hope, a belief that one day, she would rewrite her own story and carve out a path to a brighter tomorrow.
    Despite the darkness that surrounded her, Aerwyna clung to the light of her dreams, determined to defy the odds stacked against her. And as she stood on the precipice of adolescence, she vowed to never let go of the one thing that had always sustained her: the power of imagination found within the pages of a book. That Aerwyna was special, was noticed by Calix. A girl who didn't forget anything after one read was remarkable. He knew she was special and wanted to help her. He didn't want to leave her in a chaotic house with that kind of talent. He sponsored her to go to the Academy, which Aerwyna was happy to accept. Not only her, Solana was also happy that one of her siblings could save herself. Despite the hardships, Aerwyna was determined to ensure a better future for herself and her sister. She didn't want to live in poverty anymore and wanted to move out from the place where her father had a reputation.

    ╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ❀ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

    𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔞𝔲𝔯𝔞 𝔦𝔰 𝔪𝔞𝔡𝔢 𝔬𝔣
    𝔭𝔬𝔢𝔱𝔯𝔶, 𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔢𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔥𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶

    ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ❀ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯[/center]


          cat, Ivy
          owl, Mystique
          loves: cooking, sun, music (old songs), drama, sleeping, cozy, nature, sea, animals, candles, tea, coffee, energy drink, talking to herself,
          hates: loud places, shadow druids, being late, winter
          wants to take a journey around the globe
          Religion: The Seldarine


    Its free to DM me with ideas or imma stalk you c: (discord, @tellmeway)

    [ bericht aangepast op 8 april 2024 - 18:48 ]

    hahahaha amazing

    kindness is never a burden.

                            Hjalmar Vaernes
                            Keeper of Stories



    Hjalmar Vaernes

    Hjalmar Vaerneste

    Born mid-winter

    Hjalmar Vaerneste



    Hjalmar Vaerneste

    Snow always preserves everything so nicely



    Hjalmar Vaerneste



    Hjalmar Vaerneste



    Hjalmar Vaerneste


    FC: Emil Andersson
    Hjalmar is noticeably short for a human with pale skin, icy-blue eyes and light blond hair that reaches past his shoulders. He has a thin, slightly sunken in face and frame which make his clothes often look a bit baggy on him. Regardless of the weather, Hjalmar always wears long sleeve tunics, full pants and often a woollen scarf or fingerless gloves as he tends to always be cold. He is often seen in darker blues combined with browns and ochres. Most of his clothes have decorative embroidered trim depicting snow and plants like most the traditional clothes of the people in the cold north of the sword coast. For winter times he has thick fur laces cloaks and boots to keep out the cold air. A weathered looking leather messenger bag is what he uses to carry his belongings. When working Hjalmar wears his hair in a low ponytail to keep it out of his face and has a pair of thin round glasses for reading. His cat Runa often travels on his shoulder even though she is getting a bit large to do that.



    Hjalmar tends to be quite reserved in his actions and speaking. He listens more than he talks, allowing others to take the spotlight and observing what happens. This can sometimes come across as daydreaming and not paying attention, but he is always thinking and often multiple steps ahead or exploring different opinions. Even when he is not in conversation, he will listen in on those happening around him. Whenever he is in conversation, he is friendly and kind, though he can give some snarky comments that seem to come out of nowhere whenever he is with people he considers friends. Since he has been sickly ever since his youth, Hjalmar has a longing for travel and adventure, but he knows his body wouldn't do too well in that setting, which has resulted in him finding solace in books and stories, resulting in becoming a scribe. Hjalmar is also quite clumsy, often leading to bruises and scrapes. Since he has spend most of his time at home, Hjalmar is very good at entertaining himself and is quite creative, often adding hand drawn illustrations to his work.

    Books might be destroyed, but someone will always remember

    Dairy entry 1

    Ever since I was young, I've always hated a blank page. The ever expanding voids of uncertainty that scream at you to be filled, to be loved, to have someones heart poured onto. But now I have to. Olayra asked me to fill this book, the one she so carefully taught me how to make, with everything I feel and think and experience. Though so far the travel down south has been quite uneventful. The merchants she asked to take me were nice and all, but they weren't really in the mood to talk, mostly complaining about the weather we've been having. Sadly they didn't have interesting stories, though even stories that people deem uninteresting can be worth writing down. But since they aren't sharing, maybe I should write some about the life I had back home, of the life I had before I met Olayra and lived with her for some years. It all started in a cold, small fisher village north of Luskan. The conditions were harsh and the winter's long. In the winter it had air that burned every bit of exposed skin and froze all the hairs on your head. Not that I had reason to spend any amount of time outside. My mom, Aida, always had me near the fire as to make sure I didn't get sick. Not that it worked, I got sick anyways. But it meant that I spend my days looking outside, watching everyone at work, looking at the boats leave the harbour and coming back, most of the time. Though the books we did have got boring quickly, a story is only fun the first couple of times you read them, after a while you know about every word in them. Lucky for my parents I have four more brothers who can work. Dad thought them everything he knew about fishing, though he never had much time for me. I was stuck with Elin, my older sister, when she wasn't working with the seamstress and my mom inside. It does mean I can cook and clean pretty decent, though going outside and playing or fishing always seemed more fun. At least Brynjar and Elin always tried to cheer me up when they got home. Well at least until my father and Feliks never came back. The weather had taken a turn for the worse somewhere early afternoon which had been unexpected. I had seen the waves go as high as the houses. Many boats hadn't returned that day. Luckily Aksel was too young to understand, but everyone had to work twice as hears, especially my mom since she had to take care of me and Aksel. Even Torben had start helping Brynjar earn money instead of going to school. In the end, it was clear that me being there was just useless, so leaving was better. It might not have been the smartest thing to do, but it's what I had to do. I just couldn't live at home anymore after not being able to do much for this long already. I could never be helpful enough. So I left early on a spring morning to Luskan. I knew where how far away it was, but I hadn't expected the road to be so difficult. In the end, I couldn't even be strong enough to deal with it on my own, so I can call myself lucky that Olayra found me when she did, as I'm not sure what would have happened otherwise.








    Died at age 39

    Died at age 16



    Dairy entry 2

    At least I filled a couple of pages by now, so that makes writing much easier. Ever since I met Olayra, my life did get a lot better. She took me to an inn in Luskan to get me back on my feet. The first couple of days I couldn't do much more than lay in bed, but she would tell me stories when I was awake. They were all about some mystical place full of jungle where the time didn't work the same and everyone had two sides. I'm still not fully sure what she was talking about, but it might have been the Feywild. After she offered me to stay at her place for a bit, learning from her as she noticed how much I liked her stories. It took a bit to get there and we travelled south more and more before reaching her house. It was in the middle of the woods, a cosy cabin that looked deceivingly small, but was much bigger on the inside. Her collection of books was larger than the amount of snow that can fall from the sky! I had more books I could read than I had time to spend on it, so I wasn't getting bored anytime soon. Now that I think about it I'm not sure how long I've actually spend with Olayra. She wasn't one to celebrate holidays or otherwise have year markings, especially not with the long stretches of time she would be gone. The times she was home, she would tell me more stories, especially the ones about the academy were always interesting. Olayra told me she reckoned I might have a knack for some magic, especially with how quickly I memorised information. The jobs as librarian or adviser sounded cool to do, I think it would really suit me to do one of those. So that's why I'm writing now. I'm currently on my way to the academy Olayra had studied at! She thinks I could be a Scribe which would be so cool! She also asked me to fill this book with my own stories, as a start for when I have my own collection later. Not that I'm very good at it yet, so far I haven't even found any new stories, but I try to tell the ones Olayra told me as entertainment for the other patrons at the inns we stay at. Luckily, I have read the most interesting ones a couple of times by now so I know them by heart which makes telling them accurately much easier. I would hate not knowing the full story or leaving out important details. I didn't even know that telling stories would be a valid way to make some money on the side. It allows me to pay for my own room and food, which is better. I know that Olayra said it was all fine and that the merchants owed her a favour, but the looks I got from them when I made some money and paid for myself were clear enough. I believe we will arrive soon so I'm not sure how much time I will have at the academy to write, but I will try to collect some more stories of the other students whilst I'm at it. I hope the academy is as nice as in Olayra's stories, I'm really looking forward to seeing it. Now that I think about it, I haven't even writen down how Olayra looks. She is a dark skinned woman with round glasses. Her eyes are light grey, almost white and her hair is very dark and wavey to just below her shoulders. No matter the outfit, she always wears a bolo tie with a dark teal gem in it, but she never told me what kind of gem it was. Maybe the academy has a book that I can use to research gems. Oh, she also got me a pair of thin glasses, they make reading so much easier.


    Time is the most valuable resource you own


    ❅ Bad constitution ❅
    Hjalmar has always been sickly and often has a slight cough or a runny nose. He was born much smaller than his twin brother who did thrive which is the explanation for this. If someone around him is sick, large chance that he will have it too the day after and might have to spend a day or two in bed. He tends to always be cold and his body bruises and breaks easily which doesn't really help with him being clumsy.

    ❅ Likes ❅
    Stories, snow, reading, writing, being outside, travelling, listening, sun, snowdrops, freedom, drawing, the sea, Runa (his cat)

    ❅ Dislikes ❅
    Being sick, someone not listening, being forced to do something, laying awake in bed, being cold, Nuisance (his owl, who never listens), the shadow druids



    ❅ Zarxes ❅
    Vrienden, ze kunnen het goed met elkaar vinden en delen meerdere interesses zoals hun liefde voor de zee en intellectuele gesprekken en hun afkeer voor de nieuwe overname van de shadow druids. Daarnaast vind Nuisance Zar helemaal geweldig terwijl de uil Hjalmar zoveel mogelijk negeert. Stiekem wil Hjalmar Zarxes' wasbeer vorm altijd aaien als hij die ziet, maar dit heeft hij tot op heden nog niet gedaan.

    [ bericht aangepast op 8 april 2024 - 15:04 ]



    N A M E
    Asterin Mairi
    Asterin – starlight
    Mairi – of the sea
    Nickname: Aster, Asta

    A G E

    C L A S S
    Specialisation: Shadowmagic

    S P E C I E S

    S O N G S
    i hope ur miserable until ur dead – Nessa Barrett
    Take me to church – Hozier
    I wanna be yours – Arctic Monkeys
    Heavenly – Cigarettes after sex
    Religion - Lana del Rey

    C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
    devoted • outrageous flirt • extreme perfectionist • craves affection • almost like an addiction • obsessive • all or nothing • doesn't do things by halves • competitive • works best with ‘to do’ lists • heart > head • will stay up all night if she needs to finish something • or perfect something • sweet talker • gets annoyed when things don’t go according to plan • needs to escape everything and everyone once in while • self-sabotaging • melodramatic • adrenaline junkie • gracefully lethal • kinda psycho • looks cute while doing it though • hates what she can't have • wanderer • rather breaks someone's else heart then to get hers broken • patient • kinda • manipulative • prideful • doesn't forgive and doesn't forget • wants the kind of love she would destroy the world for • intens • observant • witty • bold • ambitious • high tolerance for physical pain • extremely private • make the delulu come trululu • wishes her enemies the worst • but can brutally soft if she cares about you • will take your secrets to the grave

    L O O K S
    delicate, high cheekbones • pouty lips • silverblonde locks • amber coloured eyes • pointed ears ofc. • athletic • long nails • snug clothing • or clothing that shows skin • scars on her ribs

    L I K E S
    ghost stories • lace • night clubs • lollypops • eight hours of sleep • personalised perfume • going on dates • planning parties • dress-up parties • dancing until her feet hurt • tailor made clothing • lightning • alcohol

    D I S L I K E S
    sharing • losing at anything • losing control


    H I S T O R Y
    F A M I L Y
    Mairi • mother • high matron mother
    father • deceased • barbarian
    Mahnoor Mairi • half sister • priestess of Lolth • 28
    Corvina Mairi • half sister • priestess of Lolth• 26
    half sister • priestesses of Lolth • 24

    • Matron mother chose all of her daughters' fathers with great care. She never 'used' the same man twice, all of them with a different class.
    • Family lives in the Middledark, one of the top noble houses.
    • All of her sisters followed the path to become a priestess of Lolth. It is expected of Asterin that she'll do the same.
    • Complicated relations with her sisters, as they are all jealous of each other.
    • Asterin was trained in fighting since she was very young.

    T E E N A G E      Y E A R S
    tw: selfharm
    • She never had many female friends and is distrustful of them.
    • The aspect of 'survival of the fittest' in the drow society has made Asterin extremely perfectionistic in every aspect of her life. Whenever she isn't the best at something she wants excel at, she spirals and drives herself to extreme exhaustion. As a punishment to herself, she carves a thin line on the skin at her ribs.
    • Around the age of fifteen, she stole a book of one of her tutors. This book, written by druids, changed her outlook on life. Things such as love and affection had been very foreign concepts to her until then. Her curiousity piqued, she tried to get some affection from her family, but any softness was quickly squashed by her mother.
    • Since reading the book, she's struggling with the pressure of drow society to be cruel and longs for affection, of any kind. Though she still longs to be a priestess of Lolth, which she has been preparing for her entire life, a sprinkle of doubt has settled in. Her natural instincts are at odds with what she now is questioning whether it is morally right.

    T H E      A C A D E M Y
    • One of the topstudents in her specialisation.
    • It took her a while to get used to all the other races, but thriving socially now
    • Currently in her third year

    E X T R A
    • She drinks her tea scalding hot
    • She calls almost everyone by their surname. There are only a select few for whom she uses their first name. She believes this is something special and that calling people by their first name should be treasured.
    • She stabbed one of her ex'es for cheating on her. He survived, sadly enough.
    • She's better at the reverie than most drows are


    [ bericht aangepast op 4 april 2024 - 22:22 ]

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue



    N A M E
    Elion Avenell

    A G E

    C L A S S
    Specialisation History

    S P E C I E S

    S O U N D S      L I K E
    Brother – Kodaline
    How do I say goodbye – Dean Lewis
    Silence – Marshmello
    Panic room – Au/Ra

    C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
    loyalty is his fatal flaw • anxious bby • romantic soul • sometimes feels as if it is his personal job to save the world • golden boy that kinda fell off the wagon • doubts himself when he makes a mistake • friends&family > himself • without a doubt, would give his life for people • idealist • natural born leader but doesn't always want to be that • old soul • overthinker •romantic • selfless • soft boi • takes his responsibility • a bit too much • fully packed schedule • restless • tense • doom thinker • finds it difficult to relax • giver rather than a taker • soft spoken • not shy per se though, just doesn't desire that attention • or rather, that is what he likes to think • likes to constantly be in company but won't admit that • but only with the right people • pensive • mumbles the right answer in class under his breath • melancholic • disconnected • not the silence before the storm, but the moment the wind slowly starts to pick up • not always entirely there • doesn't trust his own thoughts • would, without a doubt, die for his friends • not for anyone else though • doesn't have the desire to be popular • he just wants to be remembered by the right people • it takes a lot of effort to get to know him • but once you have him, you have him for life with some exceptions • small touches comfort him

    L O O K S
    tall boy • ocean blue eyes • toned body and well-defined muscles • darkblonde hair is rather messy and has giving up on taming it long ago •

    L I K E S
    the ocean • smoking • cats • languages • maps • the library • the colour blue • cigarettes

    D I S L I K E S
    the dormitory • being stuck in the same place for too long


    H I S T O R Y
    F A M I L Y
    little brother • deceased

    T H E      S E A      G I V E S...
    • Pirate fam, so born and raised at sea
    • He has always loved exploring the languages and cultures of the places he visited with his family. He was always a very curious child and a quick learner. So much so that his parents decided to hire a tutor that would be on board with them permamently.

    ...A N D      T H E      S E A      T A K E S
    • His little brother drowned a few weeks after Elion himself turned seventeen. Elion was supposed to watch him and felt guilty ever since. From a social, curious and enthusiastic teenager, he became extremely withdrawn and has become afraid to let people in.
    • The loss of his brother weighs heavy on his heart, a constant reminder of his perceived failure to protect him. In moments of solitude, he finds himself haunted by memories of that fateful day.
    • Ever since the death of his little brother, Elion struggles with parasomnia, with both sleepparalysis, night terrors and the occassional sleepwalking. His nightterrors can take multiple shapes. His least favourite is the night hag. During this nightterror, a young woman sits on his chest and strangles him, while he can't move.
    • When Elion turned eightteen, he left his parents' ship to attend the academy. Though he still loves to see the ocean, he has only been back on his parents' ship once. That one time he got a severe panic attack. They mostly keep in contact through letters. His mother often pleads for him to come back in her letters, but Elion flat out refuses.

    E X T R A
    • He absolutely hates sleeping in the dorms. He's ashamed of his nightterrors and feels guilty whenever he wakes someone up with them. Rather than sleeping in the dorm, he prefers to sleep in a (sort of) comfortable lounge chair in the library. In the occasion he does sleep in the dormitory, he puts a silencing spell on himself.


    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    Wordt deze RP in het Engels geschreven?

    Mi amore <3

    christmaself schreef:
    Wordt deze RP in het Engels geschreven?

    Er mag in het Nederlands en het Engels geschreven worden! 🤍🎀

    call me if you get lost



    N A M E
    Nickname: Nim

    A G E

    C L A S S
    Specialisation: Naturetongue

    S P E C I E S

    S O U N D S      L I K E
    Dorothea – Taylor Swift
    hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have – Lana del Rey
    cinnamon girl - Lana del Rey
    eternal sunshine – Ariana Grande
    The Yawning Grave – Lord Huron

    𝒶 𝓂𝑜𝓉𝒾𝓋𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝑒𝒸𝒽
    𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 1

    you have no idea how many other people's days have been so much better just because you purely exist
    how many times people have laughed or felt joy because you've been around them
    and i know that at times it can be really hard to even comprehend or believe
    but for some reason you're still stuck in this track of believing that this world would be better off without you
    that people wouldn't even really notice that you were gone
    that the impact that you're making isn't even that big so what's the point

    C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
    nurturing spirit • dreamer • perspective • feels deeply connected to the beauty of the natural world • joy in the small moments • emotionally driven • the glue in friendship groups • girls girl • extravert • generally not too bothered with what others think of her • glass half-full kind of gal • has no impulse control • warm • like a campfire • or wildfire • will make you feel unconditionally loved • sometimes also accidentally • argumentative • bad at accepting criticism • boefje • fiery • rather out and about than at home • the best plans are unplanned • can handle fifteen things at once • will hold up your hair when you're throwing up • and get you safely in your bed • doesn't need to be tipsy to go skinnydiping • unfazed • what you see is not what you get • thoughts are always running and running and running • lights up the room • always there if you need to talk about your feelings • but doesn't want to talk about her own • self-medicates • extremely self-protective • cuts people off when she feels as if they get too close emotionally • finds flings and hook-ups easier • wants someone to tell her they love her though • but also runs away from it • lashes out • fools plenty of people with her smile •

    L O O K S
    messy brown curls • copper skin • brown eyes

    L I K E S
    singing in the shower • cello • wine •

    D I S L I K E S
    text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

    𝒶 𝓂𝑜𝓉𝒾𝓋𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝑒𝒸𝒽
    𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 2

    you have no idea of the impact that you've had
    and you can say to me no
    you don't know me you don't know
    I don't make any impact
    nobody cares about me
    it's not true
    someone else's world is better because you exist
    and if you can't see that right now
    that's fine


    H I S T O R Y
    F A M I L Y      &      C H I L D H O O D
    ... Ariston • father
    ... Ariston • mother • deceased
    ... Ariston • little sister • 16

    • Her mother died while giving birth to her little sister
    • Daddy dearest became an alcoholic
    • Her father never remarried, had some short flings though

    T E E N A G E      Y E A R S
    • Because of her father's drinking habit, she also saw drinking as a way of coping with overwhelming emotions.
    • Nim became accustomed to dealing with everything herself, while taking care of her little sister and herself

    T H E      A C A D E M Y
    • Nim feels guilty for attending the Academy and leaving her sister at home. She tries to see her whenever possible, sometimes missing classes for a week.

    E X T R A
    • Once almost knocked someone's eye out when opening a bottle of champagne
    • In our boring lil' human world Nim would be a guide dog trainer, a trauma specialist or ...
    • Nim likes to get gossip from the animals she can talk with
    • Sometimes kinda boozy woozy in class

    𝒶 𝓂𝑜𝓉𝒾𝓋𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝑒𝒸𝒽
    𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 3

    i'll hold that for you
    as long as you are still breathing
    there's still hope for change
    and i know that it's hard
    but you gotta keep fighting
    not for everyone else but because you are worth it
    you are enough and you deserve happinness

    [ bericht aangepast op 9 april 2024 - 20:34 ]

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    drow schreef:

    Er mag in het Nederlands en het Engels geschreven worden! 🤍🎀

    Mag ik voor nu dan een half-elf, een warlock, gespecialiseerd in het supernatural ? Uit jaar 3?

    Mi amore <3

    christmaself schreef:

    Mag ik voor nu dan een half-elf, een warlock, gespecialiseerd in het supernatural ? Uit jaar 3?

    Of course! 🌹🙏

    call me if you get lost

    Atticus Dekarios


    : ̗̀➛ Was born as a young, happy boy with big ideas, a fondness for stories and a fascination for magic. Growing up with a warlock mother and wizard father, Atticus' curiosity and enthusiasm for both of these things was rewarded and encouraged.

    : ̗̀➛ Aside from a handful of friends, Atticus never managed to fit in at school. Everything was fine at first, until he started standing up for a dragonborn kid that got bullied for acting and looking a little bit different. Instead of making fun of him, Atticus felt drawn to his uniqueness and how they seemed to be much more openminded, fun and creative than the other children at school. His classmates didn't take kindly to this though. It didn't take long before he became a victim of heavy bullying himself, which spanned all the way through his childhood. It made the enthusiastic little boy feel smaller and smaller, until there wasn't much left of him anymore. He'd become a ghost of himself and counted the days until he could leave this hellhole of a school behind.

    : ̗̀➛ Once he finally graduated, Atticus was over the moon when he got accepted into The Academy of Arcane Arts. Finally, he had a chance to start all over again.

    : ̗̀➛ His confidence grew the moment he started attending The Academy. People took kindly to him again. He started making new friends and found that people were actually interested in dating him. With the growth of this newfound love and attention from his peers, came the growth of his self-confidence. Atticus grew into a strong young man that dared to speak up and take up space again. And after getting bullied for most of his life, he stopped taking shit from anyone anymore. He had learned that nobody was going to show up for him and that the only person he could rely on to do so, was himself. These days, Atticus can be confrontational, unkind and to some even intimidating when he feels like he himself of someone he cares about is being treated unfairly.

    : ̗̀➛ When Atticus was 19 years old, his mother tragically passed away. Atticus was with her when she died. The trauma of seeing her die, her long sick- and deathbed and the fact that not even the extremely advanced magic of his father could cure her, has stayed with Atticus ever since. It is why necromancy became something he is infatuated with - something he wants to master, beyond anything other warlocks have managed to do. Because what if there would be a way to bring his mother back to him again?

    sounds like

    angel, he calls me
    does he know that i'm falling
    from a precipice that i tripped off long ago

    22 years old



    Atticus' father is Gale Dekarios, a famous wizard who meant a great deal to the city of Baldur's Gate. He met his wife Silvan during a turbulent time in their lives when Faerûn was faced with the threat of The Absolute. After defeating the Elder Brain, he proposed to Silvan and settled down in his hometown of Waterdeep. (this happened after one of the canon endings; Gale proposes to the player). Not long after, the now married couple welcomed their first and only son, Atticus Dekarios.

    The family lived their life in the lively city of Waterdeep, until tragedy struck. When Atticus was only 19 years old, his mother passed away due to a heavy marsh fever. No magic had been able to cure her, which is something both Gale and Atticus have great difficulty dealing with to this day. Whenever he is not at the Academy, Atticus has been living with just his father and their tressym Tara ever since.

    rebellious - passionate - no regard for the rules - feisty - ambitious like his dad - openminded - stands up for what he feels is right - but his morality has a way of bending in his favor - has both a quick and a sharp tongue - leader type - very opinionated - ... and not afraid to ruffle people's feathers when speaking out - a meddler - charismatic and friendly - but with darkness within himself - intense - deeply loyal to those closest to him - … but harsh to people who betrayed his trust - emotional - thrillseeker - has a lot of anger and anxiety inside of him - stubborn - not a fan of authority - intimidating to some - cheeky - a lover but also a fighter - brave - risk taker - quick to draw conclusions - great storyteller

    Atticus' fiery eyes are of such a striking amber that they look like topaz. He's got long brown manes that easily reach his shoulders and an olive colored skin with a couple of lost freckles sprinkled around his nose. Atticus likes wearing silver jewellery, including several rings and a little shiny dagger in his ear. He has a slender to normal built and is around 1.83 cm tall. Every now and then, he likes to wear kohl around his eyes.

    closeted bisexual

    Tapping from his temperamental nature, the Weave and the incredible skill of his father, Atticus is proficient at producing and directing energy. This power can take form as blue lightening bolts, but also in moving objects, water or fire in a direction he wants. Having an extremely proficient wizard father, sure comes with its benefits. Every since Atticus was a young boy, his enthusiastic father has been teaching him about all forms of magic within the beautiful world of Faerûn. All except for necromancy.

    Atticus didn't inherit the pure wizard blood of his father. Instead, he was blessed with the warlock powers from his mother. At the Academy, Atticus turned out to have a knack for necromancy. It was something he was deeply fascinated by, to the dismay of his father. It was a fascination that became much more serious and much darker after his mother tragically succumbed to marsh fever.

    moonlight, burning the flower
    hold tight, don't lose the power

    Even though he does not condone what she put his father through, Atticus recognises the limitless powers of the Goddess Mystra.

    telling tales during nights by the campfire - stargazing - powerful magic - smoking tobacco or something stronger with a pipe or cigar - parties - fables, history and the stories of old - trssyms - reading - duels - necromancy magic - doing those things that would make a day or night unforgettable - making bets - getting drunk on ale - ... and then having singing competitions - being present with his friends - adventure

    healing houses - weak people - vampires (secretly just scared of them) - lack of authenticity - people who are simply wrong in his eyes - scaredy cats who are afraid to ever step outside their comfortzone

    : ̗̀➛ Is a surprisingly good singer
    : ̗̀➛ Would love to have a tressym of his own. His father Gale promised to create him one if he finishes his schoolyear with exceptional grades.
    : ̗̀➛ Doesn't drink kaethae (coffee).
    : ̗̀➛ Will do anything for a good plate of grilled rothé ribs with mashed potatoes on the side though.
    : ̗̀➛ Has dated girls in the past, but is really curious to what it would be like to date man. However, homosexuality is not accepted among humans, so it's difficult for him to find someone he's both interested in and who would be willing to go out.
    : ̗̀➛ Has several random scars over his body that communicate his adventurous, fearless nature.
    : ̗̀➛ Has the useless talent of blindly telling different flavors of ale apart.
    : ̗̀➛ Big fan of Mermaid Whiskey.
    : ̗̀➛ Has several tattoos, with the most visible one being a simple amphitere on the side of his neck.

    None yet

    [ bericht aangepast op 11 april 2024 - 13:38 ]

    it's not you, it's me. i have standards.

    A R D E N
    Arden ''Portia'' Yarbrough

    half-elf, warlock they / them 20 y/o


    In the 𝖔𝖗𝖕𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖆𝖌𝖊 &
    among 𝖙𝖊𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘/𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗𝖘

    among 𝖆𝖈𝖖𝖚𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘/𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘








    Meaning: Great forest; High valley; Eagle valley. Arden is a gender-neutral locational name of British origin that finds its roots deep in the Forest of Arden. The biblical meaning of the name Arden is derived from the Hebrew word for the garden of Eden, meaning 'a place of solitude and great beauty'. (Shakespeare used this name for a solitary and beautiful forest in his play, as a mark of respect for his mother, Mary Arden).

    Earthworks; fortifications

    The only people who know this are Ardens birthmother and first adoptive parent. When Arden was a child, they were given the choice to pick their own name or getting to know this birthname. Ardens adoptive mother did tell Arden the name she found in the basket, but after that Arden picked Arden.
    The name Portia is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning "pig". After the death of their adoptive mother, Arden was sent to the orphanage to find a new care parent. To look more approachable and to increase the changes of adoption, Arden was forced to take a more feminine name by the headmistress. The name that was forced upon them was Portia, with still a disparaging undertone. Arden was not the headmistresses favourite, quite the opposite. Arden has been registered with this name since this was done by the headmistress. Teachers and strangers use this name to adress Arden or use their surname.
    Anyone who truly knows Arden, uses their right pronouns and also their true name. Giving someone this knowledge about their name and who they were, means that Arden also trusts this person with a part of their past and a part of themselves. If you have the right to use this name, you are probably starting to become friends or are part of their inner circle.

                            ''Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive.''


    Arden identifies themselves with three gender indetities. These three gender identities can be male, female and/or any non-binary identities. They may shift between these genders or be all of them at the same time. In their head, Arden stands above the basic idea of a 'gender cage', but uses them to not make it too complicated for others. Arden has been raised to just be themselves, whether this means hunting (something that can be seen as a male-activity) in a dress (something that can be seen as a female way of dressing). Arden has only kissed one person in their life and after this, haven't felt the urge to do it with someone else. Their partner can be anyone, but falling in love is really complicated for them.

    𓆸 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖘.
    Arden was born in a human hospital, but came out with hair white as snow, big and long, pointy ears and almond eyes in a blueish-green color. ''Hideous,'' their mother screamed. ''Take this creature away from me!'' Their parents, filthy rich, traded their child with the child born in the room next to them. They paid those parents a huge amount of money for their daughter and then sent Arden away. Arden was born a half-elf and their ''ugly'' features were actually their elf-features. Her father was a high-elf that had seduced their mother out of boredom, which is why Arden also has a human skincolor and bodytype.






    A      N      G      E      L

    G      O      D

    𓆸 𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖘.
    Arden is a warlock student. Currently they are in their third year. Their specialisation is the supernatural, because they are very interested in visions and ghosts. In the orphanage Arden already got a headstart on spells and and their execution, but their speciality is potions. Imogen herself had once nodded in approval, watching Arden create one in class, which equals to a proud shoulder pat from a parent (Arden never had). Sometimes students come for help on handreadings or the meaning of their dreams, but Arden is the best at potionmaking and also does this a lot in their free time.

    ''A lady shouldn't curse.''

    Arden screamed, in trigender

    𓆸 𝖙𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖗.
    Like the people from Grave go to the Tearmaker to feel, students from the Academy of Arcane Arts go to Arden. Does your breath smell weird? Would you like to be taller? Or do you need a study-boost for a certain test coming up? Arden has the answers. Their potions can usually help you out, but only last for max. a few hours. It's their own little trade inside of the school and this makes Arden an important ally to have, because their potions can also be used against you. Recently a rumour has spread out that Arden holds a copy of a certain, old, banished book of acient potion recipes. No proof has been found to support this rumour, but Arden did not confirm or deny stealing ??? renting ??? getting a book from the closed-off side of the library.


    Hair white ・ curly ・usually messy ・ long, up to half their back
    Eyes blueish-green・almond eyes
    Ears pointy・long
    Nose wide nose tip・small nose bridge ・with brown freckles, that also go over their cheeks
    Mouth Soft lips・pink-to-brown range・
    Body slender・5 feet and 3.779528 inches (162 centimeters) ・olive skin
    Hands small hands ・ small fingers ・they bite their nails, so usually those are short too
    Feet small feet ・they love to walk around barefoot
    Scars they got many small scars of them playing around in the woods. They often fell out of trees or scraped their knees on stones.

    Arden can be described as impulsive, temperamental and short-tempered. The way to their boundaries is short and the more you try to unravel them, the more they try to cut you off. They weren't always like this, it was actually a behavior that was learned. When they entered the orphanage, everything they used to be was taken away from them, even their name. So when they trust someone with even a little bit about their past, even if it's just their name, it's something really special. Arden does not trust people easily anymore and doesn't always feel comfortable talking about themselves, but they do try to be open and honest. Arden just really protects their heart and if someone gets too close, they can explode.
          But overall Arden is a very calm person. They are insanely creative, as their brain can come up with the most far-fetched ideas. They will always try out new things, making new potions or building the unthinkable. Nothing is too much for the tiny figure, as they are ambitious and hardworking for their goals. Even if it's an insane adventure, even if everyone will judge them for it, Arden will try. That is their strenght that got them where they are now. Following their mind through the path of life, and choosing a path based on what feels right, instead of what's the most strategic thing to do. Arden never says no to the impossible, maybe this makes them naive, maybe this makes them insane, or maybe this just makes them a hopeful. Even if everyone else says no, Arden will probably go with it anyways. This definitely makes them stubborn too, there is no denying in that.
          The elf is a silent-type, but can be loud when they need to be. Yelling while arguing is nothing like them, nor fighting or any kind of agressiveness. Arden would never do anything that disrupts their peace, yes maybe they will eat your sandwich or play some dirty tricks with potions against you, but you'll never know it was them. Actually fighting or aguining is something Arden will never play a part in. Although, when something happens they do absolutely not agree with, they will use their bad temper to stand up and fight for what is right. Arden does have a strong feeling for justice, since what happened against them in the orphanage was definitely not right, and will always try to balance things, so the world around them can be calm again.

          Ardens loyalty is unmatched. Never have they shared someone elses secret and never have they turned their back on someone who did not deserve it. Everything they believe in, they protect, sometimes this is a thing, but it can also be a person. Arden can be seen as overprotective, acting like the 'mother' and making sure everyone gets over the bridge, but that is because they care. They care deeply and an insane amount, even though they will probably not admit this. When everything is falling apart, Arden will be the one who keeps your head from drowning. They are definitely not giving their potions away for nothing, and can be seen miserly when it's about their creations, but when in deep trouble Arden is probably your savior, or going down with you.
          And at last, some basics about the elf. When you ask their opinion, Arden does not lie and they will not bring it softly. They are very neat, always cleaning up their mess behind them (with this I mean material possessions, not the chaos their potions create for a human life). Everyone that approaches them, they are kind to, they will not see you as an enemy, unless you treat them as an enemy. Arden is a very good listener and will remember every single thing you tell them, they will remember your birthday and will definitely remember all of your allergies and favourite color. When they say they forgot something, it's a lie, because Arden does not forget. This also means she is not that forgivable and when you cross their line once, it's over for you, because Arden has no desire to be liked. Arden has no desire to be popular or to be or to become anything someone else wants them to be. Arden sticks with Arden, they will speak their mind and are brave enough to make mistakes and continue after that. They are nature-loving, most of the time peaceful and smart, but when eventually bored or tired of someone, the peace is gone within a second. Also, they do not see themself responsible for the implications of their potions (definitely not for the love potion), they will tell the possible consequences, but will not stop you from creating some drama.     

    [ bericht aangepast op 10 april 2024 - 20:17 ]

    Mi amore <3

    Ola. Ik schrijf me toch uit. Ik merk dat ik geen energie en tijd meer heb om nog mee te doen aan deze rpg. Have fun! c:

    Nephalem schreef:
    Ola. Ik schrijf me toch uit. Ik merk dat ik geen energie en tijd meer heb om nog mee te doen aan deze rpg. Have fun! c:

    Dankjewel voor je berichtje! En je bent altijd welkom in de toekomst 🤍🌹

    call me if you get lost