of Arcane Arts

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    map cloakwoods


    Welkom bij de prestigieuze Academy van Arcane Kunsten in het weelderige en betoverende bossen ver van Baldur's Gate. Verscholen te midden van de levendige bossen en bloeiende weilanden, staat deze academie als een veilige haven van kennis en kracht voor warlocks, druids en scribes.

    Studenten in hun laatste twee jaar aan de Academie bevinden zich voor de meest uitdagende beproevingen tot nu toe. Onder het bewind van een Shadow Druid genaamd Imogen, die sinds vorig jaar schoolhoofd is, is de Academie een plek onzekerheid geworden. De Schaduw Druïden zijn een factie van druïden die hun toewijding aan de natuur tot extremen voeren. Ze geloven dat beschaving inherent slecht is en dat het hun taak is om de natuur te beschermen door steden en dorpen te vernietigen.

    De greep van hoofdmeesteres Imogen verstevigt met elke voorbijgaande dag, waarbij ze een reeks dodelijke tests orkestreert die zijn ontworpen om de zwakken en onwilligen eruit te halen. Sinds de overname van Imogen is de cultuur van de Shadow Druids steeds meer de norm. Gebruik van extreme vormen van magie worden aangemoedigd, walmen van het gerookte cloaksleaf hangt voordurend in de schoolen structuur vervaagt. Steden, huwelijken en vooral de zogenaamde 'beschaafden' worden afgekeurd.

    Imogen lijkt erop gebrand de Academy te gebruiken om beschaving ten onder te brengen. Bovendien doen er geruchten de ronde over een oud bloedoffer, waarbij gefluisterd wordt dat dit ritueel het dodelijke gevolg is van het niet succesvol afronden van dit jaar en het behalen van alle tests.


    De Academy ligt in het Cloakwood, een diep bos ten zuiden van Baldur's Gate. Cloakwood staat bekend om zijn grote verscheidenheid aan beesten, monsters en kwaadaardige feeën, waardoor de meeste mensen het bos vermeden. Deze wezens omvatten reuzenspinnen, kampfults, quicklings, satyrs, stirges en andere zeldzame wezens. Doordat het bos niet veelvuldig door buitenstaanders wordt bezocht is het de uitgewezen plek voor de Academy waar jonge geesten worden opgeleidt in magische kunsten.

    Studenten beginnen grofweg aan hun studie op Academy wanneer zij achttien jaar zijn en zullen afstuderen wanneer zij tweeëntwintig zijn.
    Jaar 1 • 18 - 19 • basis opleiding
    Jaar 2 • 19 - 20 • keuze specialisatie
    Jaar 3 • 20 - 21 • verdere specialisatie en partyvorming
    Jaar 4 • 21 - 22 • afstudeerjaar

    Zoals elke school heeft de Academy ook regels waar de studenten zich aan moeten houden. Al worden die regels steeds vager. Voor nu geldt vooralsnog:
    • Het verlaten van de Academy zonder toestemming van de Academy is ten strengste verboden.
    • Vechten buiten de lessen om is niet toegestaan.
    • Scribes mogen een kat én uil als huisdier houden. Warlocks en Druids mogen één huisdier: een vos, een otter of een egel. In jaar 1 kiezen de dieren hun eigenaar in een ceremonie.
    • De studenten worden geacht zich niet in de privévertrekken van de professoren te bevinden.
    • In jaar 3 worden studenten een party toegewezen (een team). Het wisselen tussen partys is niet toegestaan.
    • Gebrek aan respect voor de professoren kan leiden tot onmiddellijke schorsing. In het uiterste geval wordt de student permanent geschorst.
    • Het is niet toegstaan voor studenten om een geloof van buiten het bos te belijden op de Academy.
    • Heilige teksten van buiten het bos zijn ter strengste verboden.
    • Nieuw Studenten zijn verplicht aanwezig te zijn en deel te nemen aan het wekelijkse rookritueel, waarbij de cloakleaf gezamenlijk wordt gerookt met alle studenten en professoren en waarbij experimentele magie wordt beoefend.
    • Nieuw Sinds de overname van de Shadow Druids heeft niemand meer een eigen bed. Alle bedden in de dorms zijn gemeenschappelijk goed. Wel worden studenten voor alsnog verdeeld over de dormitories. .

    Warlocks onderscheiden zich door hun uitgebreide kennis van arcanemagie, die ze verwerven door rigoureuze studie en het beheersen van oude boeken en toverboeken. Warlocks moeten vertrouwen op hun intellect, discipline en educatie om spreuken te leren en te gebruiken. Ze duiken in oude teksten, waarbij ze nauwgezet magische formules overnemen en memoriseren.

    Algemeen: spreukgebruik • het kunnen leren van spreuken uit spreukenboeken • het brouwen van toverdranken • rituelen
    Specialisatie: necromancy • shaduwmagie • supernatural (visioenen, handlezen, spirits zien)

    Druids zijn nauw verbonden is met de natuur en de elementen. Ze hebben een diepe connectie met de aarde, planten, dieren en elementen zoals water, lucht en vuur. Druïden ontlenen hun magische krachten aan de natuurlijke wereld. Ze gebruiken hun connectie met de elementen om spreuken te gebruiken die gerelateerd zijn aan natuurlijke fenomenen, zoals het controleren van het weer, genezing, het oproepen van planten en dieren, en het beïnvloeden van het terrein.

    Algemeen: beperkt spreukgebruik • plantenkennis • connectie met de natuur
    Specialsiatie: warging • wildform • naturetongue {het kunnen spreken met bomen, planten en dieren)

    Een scribe is een gespecialiseerde persoon die verantwoordelijk is voor het schrijven, onthouden en vastleggen van belangrijke informatie. Ze beheren de bibliotheken van het land en adviseren heersers bij het nemen van beslissingen. Scribes worden gekenmerkt door hun spreukgebruik, fotografisch geheugen en bovennatuurlijke intelligentie. Ze hebben vaak specialisaties in vakgebieden zoals geschiedenis, religie en wiskunde. Iedere scribe wordt ondersteund door zijn/haar kat en een uilen.

    Algemeen: beperkt spreukgebruik • fotografisch geheugen • bovennatuurlijke intelligentie
    Specialsiatie: warfare • history • medicine


    Personages kunnen een warlock, druid of scribe zijn. De races die worden toegelaten tot de Academy zijn mensen, elfen, drows en forestlings. Gelieve nog even af te wachten met het afspreken van relaties zodat iedereen hier tegelijk mee kan starten.

    Het meest voorkomende ras. Mensen staan bekend om hun volharding, creativiteit en eindeloze capaciteit voor groei.

    Met een etherische uitstraling en lange levensduur zijn elfen thuis in de kracht van de natuur, gedijend in zowel het licht als het donker. Elven hebben puntige oren. Huidskleuren varieëren van menselijke huisdkleuren (high elves) tot groentinten (wood elves).

    Drow zijn een subras van elfen, ze zijn vaak afgebeeld als donker en kwaadaardig van aard, in tegenstelling tot hun meer bekende tegenhangers, de oppervlakte-elfen. Ze leven meestal ondergronds in duistere rijken zoals de Underdark en staan bekend om hun vaardigheid in magie, hun meedogenloze maatschappij en hun bedrevenheid in het gebruik van vergif en listige technieken in gevechten. Hun samenleving wordt vaak geleid door machtige priesters die de duistere godin Lolth aanbidden (het aanbidden van Loth is ten strengste verboden op de Academie).

    Met hun dierachtige kenmerken zijn forestlings een minderheid in de wereld, behalve in de bossen. Forestlings vallen op door hun dierachtige uiterlijkheden, zoals hoorns, webbed fingers etc. Vleugels komen voor, maar gevleugelden worden als baby geclipped, waardoor gebruik van vleugels onmogelijk is. Huidkleuren variëren sterk, van menselijke huidskleuren tot paars en roze tinten. Vaak zijn forestlings druids, maar dat hoeft niet perse.


    Leeftijd 20 - 23
    Warlock, Druid of Scribe
    Jaar 3-4


    - Asterin Mairi| Jaar 3| Drow | Warlock| djerq| artreides
    - Aemon Blackthorn| Jaar 4| Human| Warlock| drow
    - Atticus Dekarios| Jaar 4| Human| Warlock| ancunin
    - Arden ''Portia'' Yarbrough| Jaar 3 | Half-Elf| Warlock| christmaself
    - Naam | Jaar| Race | Warlock| Schrijver

    - Nimue Artison| Jaar 3| Woodelf | Druid| Savannah La Rain |artreides
    - Leiff Navin| Jaar 3| High Elf| Druid| Samara Weaving | drow
    - Naam | Jaar| Forestling| Druid| ancunin
    - Arlen Brightleaf| Jaar| Woodelf | Druid| frodo
    - Zarxes| Jaar| Forestling| Druid| silverwalker
    - Naam | Jaar| Race | Druid| Schrijver

    - Elion Avenell| Jaar 4| Human| Scribe| George Mckay | artreides
    - Vesper Archembeau| Jaar 3| Drow| Scribe | Warfare | Halston Sage| drow
    - Ciaràn 'Charlie' Miaorlriain| Jaar| Half Elf| Scribe| Medicine | vanparys
    - Hjalmar Vaernes| Jaar 3| Human | Scribe | History | Emil Andersson | satoru
    - Ianthe Harrowhark| Jaar| Race | Scribe | Specialization | greenfeld
    - Naam | Jaar 4| Race | Scribe | History | irregular

    Regels van de RPG

    • Het woordenminimum is 100 woorden.
    • Deze rpg is geïnspireerd op Baldur's Gate 3, maar staat daar wel los van. Niet alles zal overeen komen. Het is niet nodig om het spel te hebben gespeeld.
    • De huisregels van Quizlet en daarbij in het bijzonder het RPG-forum gelden uiteraard ook hier.
    • 16+ is toegestaan, maar gelieve hier wel voor te waarschuwen zodat anderen het kunnen mijden als zij het liever niet lezen.
    • Bespreek gevoelige onderwerpen op voorhand met je schrijfpartner.
    • Als drow niet online is, maakt de laatste die reageert een nieuw topic.
    • Maximaal 3 characters per schrijver.
    • Als ik 21 dagen niets van je hoor, stuur ik je een reminder PB.
    • Als je 45 dagen niets post, wordt je char opgeofferd in een blood sacrifice.
    • Reserveringen blijven 10 dagen staan.

    I was screaming long live all the magic we made

    [ bericht aangepast op 14 april 2024 - 22:21 ]

    call me if you get lost

    MT, Ik had via dm een scribe aangevraagd (had ik dat vermeld, ik had een rol aangevraagd, maar ik weet niet meer wat ik exact heb gezegd).
    Fc = Hannah Dodd
    Specialization = history
    Year = 4
    Age = 21

    [ bericht aangepast op 14 april 2024 - 22:00 ]

    irregular schreef:
    MT, Ik had via dm een scribe aangevraagd (had ik dat vermeld, ik had een rol aangevraagd, maar ik weet niet meer wat ik exact heb gezegd).
    Fc = Hannah Dodd
    Specialization = history
    Year = 4
    Age = 21

    You've been added 🌹🤍

    call me if you get lost

    𝕲𝖎𝖗𝖑𝖘 shouldn't play with K N I F E S.
    They should play with 𝖘𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘








    𝕸𝖊𝖑𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖊 {name of a folkoric serpentine fairy}
    𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖆𝖓-𝖉è {surname, meaning butterfly}

    HIGH ELF ▭▭ι═══════ﺤ ℭ𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔶𝔯 nobility

          O, my dear child. Listen to my advice and listen to it carefully. Smile when smiled at, speak only when spoken to and act kind to them who are kind to you, even if it's just pretend. What will be given to you will be worth the pain you'll suffer. Never show them who you trully are.
    - Melusine's mother to Melusine.

          Melusine probably wasn't the first duchess to attend the academy, but when she first entered the school with her noble status, it did raise some curiousity among students. The girl had agreed that, before she would be fully part of the noble household, she would finish her studying, as from a young age she had been good at it and she didn't want to let her talents go to waste. She had worked hard and told her in-laws that she wanted to be of use to the family, even if that meant going back to the school who's leader is now a Shadow Druid. In reality, she just wanted to escape her future.













    ⚔︎ FULL NAME & STATUS ⚔︎
    Melusine Dealan-dè, duchess of Silversword.

    ⚔︎ AGE & DATE OF BIRTH ⚔︎
    21. Born on the 6th of May, making her a Taurus.

    - Melusine Dealan-dè, 12 y/o.
    I shall not cheat, nor shall I ever lie and never shall I put a book down without reading it from back to back. But most importantly: Never shall I follow a path I do not believe in. Fully, with my whole heart.
    𐀔      𐀔      𐀔

    𐀔      𐀔      𐀔

    𝕿he seats are empty, the 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖗𝖊 is D A R K, why do you keep 𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌?

    Born • Cormyr, Suzail. Suzail (pronounced: /suːˈzeɪl/ soo-ZALE) was the capital of Cormyr and the seat of power. It was named after Suzara Obarskyr, the mother of the first king. It was originally the farm of Ondeth Obarskyr, the father of the first king. Suzail was a large port city on the shores of lake Dragonmere. The capital had a direct link to Waterdeep via the Waterdeep portal.
    Moved to • The Silversword Estate, a manor outside of Cormyr.
    Parents Nationality • The Feywild (both are High Elves).

    Species • High-Elf.
    Main Studies • Scribe, Mel is in year 4 now.
    Specialization • Mel had interest in warfare, due to her own sword fighting abilities, but was not allowed to choose this of the previous Duchess. She now picked history.
    Other Interests • Mel is a swordfighter. Her father taught her how to use a sword and after his death she continued to do so in secret. Her mother wanted to erase everything that reminded her of him and violence. All weapons left the house except the sword that Mel had secretly kept. Mel had to become a neat, presentable girl and that did not include her violent and aggressive hobby, but Mel continued to practice. Now she is a talented swordsman and very agile and developed. Sometimes she still practices late at night to remember him.

    I will leave such an imprint on your heart that anyone you entertain after me will have to know me in order to understand you.

    𐀔      𐀔      𐀔

    𐀔      𐀔      𐀔

    friendly • everyone's friend • curious • helpful • neat • cheerful • playful • forgiving • loving • bookworm • hopeless romantic • dreamy • often in her own world • creative • loves to dance • eager to learn • listening ear • intelligent • photographic memory • enthusiastic • once you ask her something she's excited about, she won't be able to stop talking • charming • ambitious • loyal • can easily start conversations with people and isn't afraid to be the first to try something • good • sincere • spontaneous • great liar • insecure • can't stand being alone • always looking for confirmation • is irresponsible, but within the rules • stubborn • perfectionist and can get stressed if something doesn't work out as she had in mind • can run away from confrontation
          Mel was supposed to be a free-spirited, loving girl, but instead got stuck under her under her mother's wings. Her mother raised her as ''the perfect princess'' and you can see that in Mel. The young lady is always friendly and never seems sad or angry. She is always there for others with a sweet smile and most of the time this smile is pure. Mel genuinely has no problems helping and being there for others. If you need advice or are having trouble with anything, Mel is the one who will help you, even if you are her worst enemy. She was raised to have no prejudices and to always be good. She is sweet, wouldn't hurt a fly and spends most of her time with her nose in books. Some will say that books are actually her best friends, since she even reads books that don't seem interesting to her at all and you can always find her with a book. Actually, Mel is just very romantic and, in addition to knowledge, she also looks for a kind of escape in her books, a fairy tale that she will never live. People finding their true love, her dream, but since her prince was chosen for her she has no choice but to accept it.
          The young lady is charming and nice. Everyone she talks to quickly notices that they feel comfortable with her, a talent she also inherited from her father. This also ensures that she often ends up in good standing with teachers and working with her will ultimately lead to high grades. She works hard for her perfect report, doesn't mind studying for hours and also reads quickly. She also likes to listen to what others have to say about their own research and theories, she likes to participate in debates and she would give good tips about what you could add to your research. She is creative and uses this for new innovations and making up solutions for problems.
          Because of her father, Mel is not a faint-hearted person. She likes to be the first to raise her hand, likes to try new things and always tries not to be afraid. She is not afraid to approach newcomers and have a chat, but the moment someone points out her imperfections, she immediately becomes silent. Her hand lowers and gradually she will fade herself into the background, afraid to speak another word. She tries to hide her insecurities, but her mother has taught her to always be perfect and when this doesn't work, she fails and Mel hates failure. Mel is a perfectionist and always tries to do everything right the first time, but if this goes wrong it can be difficult for her.
          But this fear doesn't stop her from going on adventures. Well within the rules of course, since this young lady does not break the rules and absolutely does not want to be kicked out of school (then she would have to return to the Duke and his family sooner and she would like to avoid that), but she still likes to think of new things to do and to research. She wants to use her freedom before it's gone forever. Mel is spontaneous, likes to do things that she just came up with and enjoys spending time with her friends outside of school hours. What the girl loves most are puzzles, looking for the symbolism behind things. The girl likes to focus on the details, is good at combining A with B and could just as well have been a detective. Mysteries don't remain a mystery for long around Mel, so curious is she to investigate and find out the unknown. The outside world has remained unknown all her life and now that she is finally independent at school, she does not hide the fact that she wants to know, taste, try, do and invent everything. Hanging out with her is never boring, since she can always fill the time with activities or conversations.
          If there's one thing she hates it's being alone. Loneliness is her greatest fear, since she thinks a lot about everything that she dares not talk about with anyone. Her mind is sometimes a maze of poetic thoughts and dark things she would like to forget, such as the death of her father. Mel can sometimes forget these things a bit because of others and she finds that reassuring, but this can also sometimes make her clingy. But on the other hand, Mel is a good friend. She can talk enthusiastically about anything and everything, but has no problem leaving some space for you to talk. She is flexible, can switch from a listening ear to a waterfall of words and therefore conversations with her often flow smoothly. When Mel comes in, people often look up to her, since she has a sunny appearance. From the way she walks to the way she talks, you know she should have been a free bird. Flying in the air, seeing and discovering new places, like what she dreams of, and going wherever she wants. Overall, she's happy. She is truly good in her heart, but dark things happened to her that sometimes changed her foregood.

    𝕳𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘 is to hold F L O W E R S.
    in both 𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖘










    𐀔      𐀔      𐀔

    𐀔      𐀔      𐀔

    𐀔      𐀔      𐀔

    ⚔︎ TALENTS ⚔︎

    What Mel is known for is her loyalty. She has never passed on a secret that was not hers to tell. She has never spoken out or done anything vengeful with the premeditated intention of hurting anyone. Melusia is loyal and you can always expect her to have your back.

    Mel received sword fighting lessons from her father as a child and this continued until his death, after which she continued learning how to fight. This is purely a hobby and for self-defense, if ever necessary. It's hard to beat her when she has one in her hands. She is very dexterous and has a lot of balance.

    Melusia loves riddles, especially when she can solve them. She is very good at playing with this. She also enjoys deciphering codes, finding answers through an underlying meaning and puzzles and knows what to do with them.

    Floriography is the language of flowers. All flowers hold different meanings, often based on the type of flower, the colour of the flower, or both. For example bluebells stood for “kindness,” peonies meant “bashfulness,” rosemary was for “remembrance,” tulips represented “passion,” and wallflowers stood for “faithfulness in adversity.” However, plants could also have negative meanings such as aloe, which meant “bitterness” and pomegranate which meant “conceit'. Even as a child, the young lady has been impressed by this and has carefully studied every meaning of flowers. She can also often be found in the school greenhouse, since flowers and their various colors, leaves and other characteristics interest her very much. Mel also uses this to convey messages or when she gives flowers, she uses this to choose the perfect one for the recipient.


    𝕸𝖊𝖑𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖊 {name of a folkoric serpentine fairy}
    𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖆𝖓-𝖉è {surname, meaning butterfly}

    HIGH ELF ▭▭ι═══════ﺤ ℭ𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔶𝔯 nobility

          O, my dear child. Listen to my advice and listen to it carefully. Smile when smiled at, speak only when spoken to and act kind to them who are kind to you, even if it's just pretend. What will be given to you will be worth the pain you'll suffer. Never show them who you trully are.
    - Melusine's mother to Melusine.


    𝑫𝑶 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑴𝑬 𝑬𝑵𝑶𝑼𝑮𝑯 𝑻𝑯𝑨𝑻 𝑰 𝑴𝑨𝒀 𝑩𝑬      wₑₐₖ wᵢₜₕ yₒᵤ?













    ⚔︎ ''WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?'' ⚔︎
          Melusine probably wasn't the first duchess to attend the academy, but when she first entered the school with her noble status, it did raise some curiousity among students. The girl had agreed that, before she would be fully part of the noble household, she would finish her studying, as from a young age she had been good at it and she didn't want to let her talents go to waste. She had worked hard and told her in-laws that she wanted to be of use to the family, even if that meant going back to the school who's leader is now a Shadow Druid. In reality, she just wanted to escape her future.

    ⚔︎ FULL NAME & STATUS ⚔︎
    Melusine Dealan-dè, duchess of Silversword.

    ⚔︎ AGE & DATE OF BIRTH ⚔︎
    21. Born on the 6th of May, making her a Taurus.

    - Melusine Dealan-dè, 12 y/o.
    I shall not cheat, nor shall I ever lie and never shall I put a book down without reading it from back to back. But most importantly: Never shall I follow a path I do not believe in. Fully, with my whole heart.

    ⚔︎ NATIONALITY ⚔︎\
    Born • Cormyr, Suzail. Suzail (pronounced: /suːˈzeɪl/ soo-ZALE) was the capital of Cormyr and the seat of power. It was named after Suzara Obarskyr, the mother of the first king. It was originally the farm of Ondeth Obarskyr, the father of the first king. Suzail was a large port city on the shores of lake Dragonmere. The capital had a direct link to Waterdeep via the Waterdeep portal.
    Moved to • The Silversword Estate, a manor outside of Cormyr.
    Parents Nationality • The Feywild (both are High Elves).

    Species • High-Elf.
    Main Studies • Scribe, Mel is in year 4 now.
    Specialization • Mel had interest in warfare, due to her own sword fighting abilities, but was not allowed to choose this of the previous Duchess. She now picked history.
    Other Interests • Mel is a swordfighter. Her father taught her how to use a sword and after his death she continued to do so in secret. Her mother wanted to erase everything that reminded her of him and violence. All weapons left the house except the sword that Mel had secretly kept. Mel had to become a neat, presentable girl and that did not include her violent and aggressive hobby, but Mel continued to practice. Now she is a talented swordsman and very agile and developed. Sometimes she still practices late at night to remember him.

    I demand unconditional love and complete F R E E D O M. That is why I am terrible.
    friendly • everyone's friend • curious • helpful • neat • cheerful • playful • forgiving • loving • bookworm • hopeless romantic • dreamy • often in her own world • creative • loves to dance • eager to learn • listening ear • intelligent • photographic memory • enthusiastic • once you ask her something she's excited about, she won't be able to stop talking • charming • ambitious • loyal • can easily start conversations with people and isn't afraid to be the first to try something • good • sincere • spontaneous • great liar • insecure • can't stand being alone • always looking for confirmation • is irresponsible, but within the rules • stubborn • perfectionist and can get stressed if something doesn't work out as she had in mind • can run away from confrontation
          Mel was supposed to be a free-spirited, loving girl, but instead got stuck under her under her mother's wings. Her mother raised her as ''the perfect princess'' and you can see that in Mel. The young lady is always friendly and never seems sad or angry. She is always there for others with a sweet smile and most of the time this smile is pure. Mel genuinely has no problems helping and being there for others. If you need advice or are having trouble with anything, Mel is the one who will help you, even if you are her worst enemy. She was raised to have no prejudices and to always be good. She is sweet, wouldn't hurt a fly and spends most of her time with her nose in books. Some will say that books are actually her best friends, since she even reads books that don't seem interesting to her at all and you can always find her with a book. Actually, Mel is just very romantic and, in addition to knowledge, she also looks for a kind of escape in her books, a fairy tale that she will never live. People finding their true love, her dream, but since her prince was chosen for her she has no choice but to accept it.

          Because of her father, Mel is also not a faint-hearted person. She likes to be the first to raise her hand, likes to try new things and always tries not to be afraid. She is not afraid to approach newcomers and have a chat, but the moment someone points out her imperfections, she immediately becomes silent. Her hand lowers and gradually she will fade herself into the background, afraid to speak another word. She tries to hide her insecurities, but her mother has taught her to always be perfect and when this doesn't work, she fails and Mel hates failure. Mel is a perfectionist and always tries to do everything right the first time, but if this goes wrong it can be difficult for her.
          But this fear doesn't stop her from going on adventures. Well within the rules of course, since this young lady does not break the rules and absolutely does not want to be kicked out of school (then she would have to return to the Duke and his family sooner and she would like to avoid that), but she still likes to think of new things to do and to research. She wants to use her freedom before it's gone forever. Mel is spontaneous, likes to do things that she just came up with and enjoys spending time with her friends outside of school hours. If there's one thing she hates it's being alone. Loneliness is her greatest fear, since she thinks a lot about everything that she dares not talk about with anyone. Her mind is sometimes a maze of poetic thoughts and dark things she would like to forget, such as the death of her father. Mel can sometimes forget these things a bit because of others and she finds that reassuring, but this can also sometimes make her clingy. But on the other hand, Mel is a good friend. She can talk enthusiastically about anything and everything, but has no problem leaving some space for you to talk. She is flexible, can switch from a listening ear to a waterfall of words and therefore conversations with her often flow smoothly. When Mel comes in, people often look up to her, since she has a sunny appearance. From the way she walks to the way she talks, you know she should have been a free bird. Flying in the air, seeing and discovering new places, like what she dreams of, and going wherever she wants. Overall, she's happy. She is truly good in her heart, but dark things happened to her that sometimes changed her foregood.

    If you must die I will envy even the earth that wraps your body.

    ⚔︎ PAST ⚔︎
    Mother • Freda Vahorn Dealan-dè • 269 y/o • high-elf
    Father • Silvanir Dealan-dè • would have been 279 y/o • high-elf • passed away in his duties for the king
    Older Brother • Corelian Dealan-dè • 82 y/o (looks 30) • high-elf • advisor to the royal king of Cormyr

    Older Sister • Morsara Dealan-dè Iglesias • 71 y/o (looks 20-ish) • high-elf • rich, got married, housewife.

          When you've lived the same way for centuries, had several partners and enjoyed the valley, life may get boring. This was how Freda and Silvanir felt among their own kind, they felt like outsiders. When their youngest daughter, in this case Morsara, also reached half a century, the family decided to move to a new kind of existence. Something that perhaps better suited the parents' desire, human existence. Even though the elves would live longer than their environment, they still wanted to try to adapt. Silvanir, as a skilled magician and swordsman, soon attracted the attention of employers under the king and eventually his advisors, who also introduced Silvanir to the king. He soon gained a position at court and fought for higher ones, eventually becoming the man's bodyguard. Meanwhile, the small family had a third child, a girl born named Melusia.

          Melusia's birth was anything but comfortable, but her mother's wounds healed before anyone could notice. Everyone saw that this girl would be a child prodigy from the start, she was a beautiful baby with an intense fairness that would later make people look up and adore her. Friends of the family invited their friends, who invited their friends, who invited their friends to admire the child. The family was showered with gifts, but the only gift that counted, according to her mother, was from the then Duke and Duchess Silversword. That's where everything that would later go wrong began.

          Everyone had warned her mother to protect the girl well, since there was a golden future in front of her and her mother took these warnings extremely seriously. Mel was allowed to spend little time outside, was allowed to have few friends except the ones her mother chose for her, and was given several nannies who taught her everything about how to behave, dress and talk perfectly. Little of her time could be spent on the subjects Mel wanted to learn more about, such as astronomy and mathematics, but fortunately she had her father for this, who sometimes smuggled her away to the palace and introduced her to important scientists and researchers at court. This is where she not only learned about these subjects, but also magic and the acient magical arts could be taught and here too she often practiced swordsmanship with her father.
          Ultimately, many lower courtiers came to know Melusia best. These were the cooks, the cleaners, the servants etc, because this was where Mel preferred to be. She loved being helpful, serving, helping with cooking and doing the dishes. She had no problems with this as a child. She was often also rewarded with delicacies that only a palace could have. Mel liked to get her hands dirty, as she was absolutely not allowed to do this at home. At home she was ordered to just keep her nose in the books and although she had no problem with this, she also wanted more practical lessons. See more, do more, practice more. She lived in the kingdom's capital, Suzail, but was not even allowed to take two steps outside before her mother pulled her back inside by the collar.

    I want to write a N O V E L about silence. The things people don't say.
          x her father was sent by the king to protect the duke and former duchess from an uprising.
    x He did so, but died in the act.
    x The family got rewarded by the former duchess with jewellery, land and property, but for Melusia they had another idea in mind. The former duchess wanted to restore her families honour (her husband went mad and dissapeared on an adventure that probably got him killed, her nephew stabbed someone and got improsined and her son is a monster, but atleast alive).
    x At that moment, her sister got married, and her mother saw no harm in also giving her daughter away. She only cared about the rewards and gold she'll get from it.

    Mother In-Law • Willa Silversword • 61 y/o • human • former duchess of Silversword
    Former Duke, dissapeared • Narlan Silversword, disappeared on a journey to Myth Drannor without a trace.

    Future Husband • Melot Silversword • 36 y/o • human • The suave, aging, still-handsome head of the Silverswords is a self-serving, greedy man who deeply enjoys the pleasures of life despite the costs to those around him who might suffer from his appetites. Part of the nobles who care nothing for laws, allegiances, or appearances-save as such things affect their luxuries, profits, and lifestyles.

    Other Family - In Law • Ammanadas Silversword • Ammanadas Silversword was a member of the Silversword noble house of Cormyr. In 1369 DR, he stabbed Ensibal Threen, a War Wizard, in the throat for believing him to be a supporter of Vangerdahast's proposed regency. He was quickly subdued by Lareth Gulur, a passing Purple Dragon.

    TW! Abuse.
          When, during her mother's secret meeting with the former Duchess and the Duke, it was decided that Melusia was too young to fulfill her wifely duties (much to the disappointment of the Duke, who seemed unable to wait for the Elvin), a treaty was signed in which Melusia would first be further educated within the Silversword family in the coming years, so that she would learn to fulfill her future position with excellence. The fifteen-year-old girl was told to pack her things and ride with Willa, who took her to her new home on the outskirts of Cormyr where the family owned lands. Because of her, the young girl was dealt with even more severely, but she was sometimes also given free hours when the woman traveled to the capital for work.
          When the woman was at home, only strict order and regularity was maintained. If Mel got up too late, it immediately meant no breakfast, since her food was fed to the dogs. When she was quizzed from the books assigned to her and Mel made a mistake in reciting the words, she would be hit on the fingers with a ruler until her fingers bled as to whether she knew the verse. When Mel and Willa got into an argument, it often led to Mel being locked in her closet. This is also where Mel had to go when the pain of getting hit by the ruler was too much and she started crying. Expressing an emotion was punishable by imprisonment until Willa freed her. Willa often threatened to deliver the little girl to her son early, knowing what a beast he was, to ensure that a fear lingered. According to Willa, fear led to respect, something Mel strongly disagreed with. When Mel started to cry and Willa couldn't stand her anymore, the young lady got locked up in the darkness with only her thoughts. This is where Melusia was forced to consider her future as the possession of the beast Melot and this is something that terrified her enough to kneel at Willa's feet and beg for forgiveness.
          Everyone seemed to love Melot from the outside and when it came to his appearance, the young lady had nothing to complain about. The man didn't seem to have aged since he turned twenty, but it was the inside that frightened her. The contract also states that when Melot travelled, he could take his future wife with him whenever he pleased. The way he grabbed what he could and made women his servants made Mel sick.

    S T A R S got tangled in her hair, whenever she played in the sky.

          The ladies who, according to him, were old enough, became victims and while Melusia slept alone at night, she sometimes heard her future husband in the other room, something that only made her more afraid for the future. Sometimes his pleasures were offered to him by the house. Because of this, Melusia did not like to travel with him, but it was stated in the contract. Due to the crime in Baldur's gate, this place was one they visited often, but Melot had other friends, many friends from all over the world, but most of the time he left the girl at home. She wasn't yet big enough to learn about all his dark dealings and still had to spend a while with her nose in the books. A place they never visited was the capital. Melusia was never allowed to see her family again, to highlight the fact that she is now a possesion of the Silversword family. To them, her life only started the day she entered their manor. They didn't care about who she used to be or who she wanted to be, they were rich and powerful. If anything, according to them, Melusia should be grateful.

          When Melusia turned eighteen, she begged the previous Duchess to send her to the academy. The young lady convinced her with good deeds and supplications and finally got her way. Previous members of the family had also studied at the academy, so Willa had nothing negative to say about the school. It gave Mel a few extra years to avoid her future womanizer husband and it also gave her some freedom for once. Away from everything she had known, she could finally gain experience in peace in something that really interested her. She has always been at the top and is known as a "know-it-all", but she has no problem with this. At this moment she still radiates success and she is very happy with this, even though she is under pressure from Imogen in her last year, she would rather die in a ritual than in the arms of Melot Silversword.

    ⚔︎ EXTRA ⚔︎
    Cat: Her cat, Keyleth was allowed to have wings. This was so that it could protect her from the air and always keep an eye on things, but what the grouch does is actually the opposite. All he does is sleep on her pillow, her bed, her bag, basically everything she needs is taken over by Keyleth. Lost something? Her lazy white cat is probably on top of it. But she still loves him dearly, he doesn't really like attention, only in exchange for sweets.
    Owl: Her owl also is not usual. People often ask how old he is, but are shocked by the answer. The actually adult owl fits exactly in her trouser pocket, jacket pocket or hides in the nest of her bag. He can fly just fine, but just has a growth disorder. His name is Feather, because he has feathers.
    Loves ... animals (especially her own), cooking & reading, dark green & other colors of the forest.
    Likes All fruit kinds (except the basic banana), gerberas, snowdrops, winter, spring, warm soup, when someone gives her compliments, when someone touches her hair and braids it, petting every cat she sees, romantic books with distant travels, vanitas paintings (she loves the meaning behind the paintings, the symbolism), riddles, difficult questions to which she can tell the answer, if someone listens to her, if someone takes the time to get to know and understand her, swimming in lakes & rivers (there is something beautiful about being among the trees in nature, often naked), painting, cleaning up (she sees this as something fun), only white or pink roses, looking at the stars during an evening walk, sword fighting, her favorite meal of the day is lunch (she makes the best sandwiches), practicing magic, when she is succesfull and gets a high grade.
    Hobbies ... writing poems, telling stories, sword fighting. Her secret talent is paleography. Paleography is an auxiliary science of historiography. She studies and deciphers old manuscripts and archive documents, but can also read and copy any modern manuscript. If you need to fake an autograph or write a letter as if it's from someone else, Mel is the one to go to.

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 april 2024 - 23:38 ]



    — Naam
    Nephiah - (Elvish); born for darkness
    Taedian - (Elvish); bright and witted

    — Leeftijd
    Nephiah is geboren tijdens een stormachtige nacht
    Ze is 21 jaar oud

    — Ras
    Nephiah is een drow / dark elf

    Drow, also known as dark elves, were a dark-skinned sub-race of elves that predominantly lived in the Underdark. They were hated and feared due to their cruelty

    If you think it’s impossible, it happens in the Lowerdark
    — An old adage

    — Geschiedenis
    Nephiah groeide op in een van de laagste tunnels in het Underdark - specifiek in het Lowerdark, 10 kilometer onder de grond. Het Lowerdark was een plek waar zelf degenen die opgegroeid waren in het Underdark afkerig waren om te gaan. Nephiahs ouders waren naar de tunnels verbannen, na een misdaad waar ze nooit over spraken. Net zoals vele andere drows, waren het koude wezens die zelden of nooit hun emotie toonden.

    Toen Nephiah twaalf werd, ontdekte ze haar druïde-krachten. Ze voelde een sterke connectie met de natuur en vooral met de vele schimmels, paddenstoelen en zwammen in het Lowerdark. Er viel niet veel te beleven in het Lowerdark dus spendeerde ze uren tussen de schimmels. Zo ontdekte zo welke giftig waren en welke niet. Na een accident dat bijna haar leven kostte, leerde Nephiah hoe ze gif kon losmaken uit de schimmels.

    Rond Nephiahs zestiende levensjaar, besloot ze om het Lowerdark achter zich te laten. Ze had niet meer dan een kleine rugzak met wat kleren bij zich - en natuurlijk haar flesjes gif. Deze bracht ze naar het Middledark, waar een stuk meer steden waren en dus ook meer klanten. Nephiah verkocht daar haar gif aan iedereen die het nodig had. Ze werd al snel een gewild verkoper; Nephiah stelde geen vragen én haar gif had altijd het bedoelde effect. In korte tijd kon ze van een stalletje op straat naar een echt winkeltje verhuizen, dat ze uitbaatte in de stad.

    Nephiah baatte haar winkel drie jaar uit toen ze het beu werd. Ze wilde zelf deelnemen aan de actie - het gif maken en overhandigen was simpelweg niet genoeg. Dus sprak ze een van haar vaste klanten aan, die regelmatig een grote voorraad in kwam slaan. Het was een jonge drow, niet veel ouder dan Nephiah zelf, die gretig op haar voorstel inging. De drow, Balok genaamd, zou Nephiah alles leren wat hij wist, in ruil voor haar geheimen rond het gif. Zo zou hij zijn eigen voorraad kunnen maken.
    Balok volgde zijn deel van de afspraak. Al snel wist Nephiah perfect waar ze in het lichaam haar in gif gedoopte dolk precies moest planten, als ze een tegenstander uit wilde schakelen. Ze leerde hoe ze muisstil en ongezien een kamer in kon sluipen om het gif in een beker te laten vloeien. En als laatste leerde ze hoe ze snel ze zichzelf een tegengif moest toedienen, als ze een slachtoffer had gemaakt met gif op haar lippen.
    Na een jaar was het Nephiahs beurt om haar geheim te delen met Balok. Ze vertelde hem alles. Toen ze klaar was, nam Balok hun pasgemaakte gif, hield hij Nephiah in een wurggreep en dwong hij het goedje door haar keel. Het glas brak en liet een lange wonde over Nephiahs gezicht achter. De wonde brandde, maar het gif had geen effect. Nephiah, die sinds haar kindertijd kleine dosissen gif innam, was er ondertussen zo goed als immuun voor geworden. Ze nam haar dolk en stak die in een van de vijf plekken die Balok haar getoond had: recht in zijn nek. Zo maakte Nephiah haar eerste slachtoffer; de drow waar ze al die jarenlang verliefd op was.

    Nephiah ontdekte al snel dat er heel wat meer geld te verdienen viel in de donkere hoekjes van Baldur's Gate dan in haar winkeltje. Ze hield van de spanning en het geld, maar vooral hield ze van het moment dat ze het leven uit een wezen zag vloeien.
    Hoe langer Nephiah in Baldur's gate werkte, hoe meer mensen haar begonnen te herkennen - zeker met het grote litteken dat over haar gezicht liep. Ze verdiepte zich opnieuw in haar druïde-krachten en ontdekte dat ze met haar wildshape niet alleen in een dier kon veranderen. Steeds vaker kroop ze in de huid van een woud- of high elf, aangezien daar het meeste geld te rapen viel.

    Enkele maanden geleden kreeg Nephiah een nieuw doelwit: Arlen Brightleaf, de dochter van een hooggeplaatste woudelf. Nephiah zou een aardige som geld krijgen, als ze de klus kon klaren. Ze bestudeerde Arlen, om erachter te komen wie ze was en vooral wanneer ze alleen zou zijn. Voor het eerst in haar leven voelde Nephiah echter iets dat ze nog nooit eerder gevoeld had. Jaloezie. Ze zag hoe de jonge woudelf omringd werd door familie en vrienden die Arlen adoreerden en plots wist Nephiah wat ze wilde. Op een donkere nacht, sloop ze de kamer van Arlen binnen. De moord was snel gebeurd. Daarna bestudeerde ze ieder klein plekje in Arlens gezicht, van de sproeten op haar neusbrug tot de rode schakeringen in haar haren. Nephiah veranderde in Arlen en nam haar plek in.

    Power belongs to those who take it

    — Klasse & specialisatie
    Nephiah is een druïde.

    Whether calling on the elemental forces of nature or emulating the creatures of the animal world, druids are an embodiment of nature's resilience, cunning, and fury. They claim no mastery over nature, but see themselves as extensions of nature's indomitable will.

    Nephiah heeft Arlens plek ingenomen. Arlen zit in het derde jaar van haar studies en heeft zich gespecialiseerd in wildform. Ze is al aardig goed in het transformeren tot ree en witte wolf, maar haar beer-vorm heeft nog heel wat oefening nodig.

    — Uiterlijk
    Nephiah is een kleine, smalle elf die atletisch gebouwd is. Ze heeft een lichtblauwe, grijzige huid. Ze heeft zwarte tanden, die ze zelden toont aangezien ze ook zelden lacht. Haar ogen zijn enkele tinten lichter dan haar huid en neigen naar het witte toe. Als je goed kijkt, zie je dat ze een gele schijn hebben door het vele gif dat Nephiah heeft ingenomen doorheen haar leven.
    Het meest opvallende kenmerk bij Nephiah is het grote litteken, dat recht over haar gezicht loopt. Het is een constante herinnering aan Balok en hoe ze werkelijk niemand kan vertrouwen.
    Nephiah heeft lange, zwarte haren met een blauwe schijn erin. Ze houdt ze meestal gewoon los.

    — ARLEN
    Arlen is met haar 170 cm een middelmatig grote elf. Ze heeft een olijfkleurige huid, die in de zon nog meer naar groen neigt. In de zomer komen ook haar zomersproeten naar buiten, die haar hele gezicht, schouders en bovenlichaam versieren.
    Arlen heeft roodbruine haren - die meer naar het rood neigen dan naar het bruin. Ze stoppen ongeveer aan haar middel.
    Arlen heeft lichtgroene ogen met goudkleurige spikkeltjes, die amandelvorming zijn. Ze worden omringd door lange wimpers. Haar lippen zijn aan de kleine kant. Ze heeft een lange, smalle neus en een duidelijke 'cupid bow' (kuiltje bovenaan de lippen). Arlen heeft duidelijk afgetekende jukbeenderen, die een beetje uitsteken in haar gezicht.
    Als Arlen, draagt Nephiah elegante kledij, in de kleuren van het bos. Aan het hof draagt ze doorgaans lange jurken met dunne stof, die haar vrij laten in haar bewegingen.
    Arlen houdt van simpele en elegante juwelen. Ze draagt wel vaker haar tiara of de ringen in haar puntige oren.

    "She wears strength and darkness equally well
    the girl has always been half heaven, half hell"

    — Innerlijk

    Nephiah is erg zelfzeker en arrogant. Ze denkt niet alleen dat ze beter is dan anderen - ze wéét het. Het enige ras waar ze nog een beetje respect voor kan opbrengen, is dat van haarzelf: de drows. Ook daar heeft ze echter haar gelijke nog niet ontmoet. Als Arlen moet Nephiah doen alsof ze bevriend is met iedereen, wat haar soms geweldig kan irriteren.
    Nephiah is meedogenloos en manipulatief. Ze heeft al snel door hoe anderen in elkaar zitten en gebruikt deze informatie tegen hen. Ondanks haar duistere aard, bezit Nephiah een charismatische uitstraling waar ze anderen mee kan verleiden. Ze gebruikt haar uiterlijke schoonheid en scherpzinnigheid om haar doelen te bereiken, vaak met verwoestende gevolgen voor degenen die zich aan haar zijde bevinden. Voor Nephiah is het doden van andere wezens niet alleen een daad van macht, maar ook een bron van genot en bevrediging, waardoor ze een angstaanjagende en onvoorspelbare vijand is voor iedereen die haar pad kruist.

    — ARLEN
    Arlen is een zachtaardige elf, die dolgraag omringd wordt door haar familie en vrienden. Ze is goedlachs en spontaan, wat haar een geliefde elf maakt in hun kringen.
    Ondanks hun slechte band, is de dood van haar vader Arlens grootste nachtmerrie. Sinds het verlies van Arlens moeder, heeft Arlen terugkerende dromen waarin ze ook haar vader verliest. Arlen heeft geen broer of zus en is bang om zonder familie achter te blijven.
    Arlen heeft een diepe liefde voor de natuur die haar omringt. Haar respect voor het leven in al zijn vormen is een integraal onderdeel van haar karakter en drijft haar om te streven naar harmonie tussen de elven en hun omgeving.
    Arlen heeft een levendige verbeeldingskracht en een neiging tot dagdromen. Ze vindt vreugde in het verkennen van nieuwe ideeën en mogelijkheden, en haar optimisme en enthousiasme zijn aanstekelijk voor degenen om haar heen. Ondanks de uitdagingen waarmee ze geconfronteerd kan worden, blijft Arlen geloven in de kracht van hoop en de mogelijkheid van een betere toekomst.

    — Relaties
    Melusine (Mel) Dealande (High elf - Scribe): Mel is een van Arlens beste vriendinnen, waardoor Nephiah genoodzaakt is om vaak met de elf om te gaan. Arlen en Mel hebben elkaar leren kennen tijdens Arlens eerste jaar aan de academie, waar Mel haar een rondleiding gaf door de school. In het begin clashten de twee persoonlijkheden (Arlen teruggetrokken en stil, Mel het zonnetje in huis) maar Arlen ontdooide toch, dankzij een lange zomeravond waar Mel advies kwam vragen aan Arlen over het leven aan het hof.
    Nephiah kan Mels zonnige karakter niet uitstaan, maar heeft niet echt een andere keuze. Tot nu toe heeft Mel nog geen idee wie er achter het gezicht van Arlen schuilt en dat wil Nephiah liefst zo houden ook.

    Ciaran 'Charlie' Miaorlriain (Half elf - Scribe): Arlen heeft Charlie leren kennen toen ze veertien was en hij in het woud verbleef. De schuchtere Arlen bleef wat op de achtergrond. Toen ze twee jaar later in de vorm van een hert toekeek hoe Charlie Zarxes' leven redde, wist ze het zeker; deze jongen was een ongezien talent. Opnieuw zocht ze geen contact, tot ze een eekhoorn in het bos vond dat dringend medische hulp nodig had. Ze bracht het naar Charlie en dat was het begin van een langdurige vriendschap.
    Deze informatie heeft Nephiah echter niet teruggevonden in Arlens dagboek, dus ze is hier niet van op de hoogte. Toekomstige gesprekken met Charlie kunnen dus vrij gênant worden.

    Atticus Dekarios (Human - Warlock): Arlen en Atticus kenden elkaar al een tijdje. Arlen was erg verlegen rond de intimiderende rebel, waar Nephiah 'verlegenheid' niet in haar woordenboek heeft staan. Atticus heeft dus een gevoel dat er iets niet klopt maar kan de vinger er nog niet op leggen wat dit precies is. Nephiah probeert hem een beetje te vermijden, om zijn vermoedens niet te bevestigen.

    Asterin Mairi (Drow - Warlock): Nephiah heeft Asterin leren kennen in het Underdark. Of beter gezegd: Asterin heeft zich in Nephiahs leven gesmeten. De twee hebben elkaar ontmoet op een jaarlijks festival ter ere van Loth (koningin der spinnen) en sindsdien is Asterin niet meer uit Nephiahs leven te denken. Nephiah geeft het niet graag toe aan zichzelf, maar ze heeft een enorme crush op Asterin. Nu ze echter het lijf van Arlen draagt, kan ze daar onmogelijk iets aan doen. Asterin is immers niet op de hoogte van Nephiahs kleine geheimpje.

    Elion Avenell (Human - Scribe): Elion was Arlens eerste liefde en een blok aan Nephiahs been. Arlen en Elion zijn op enkele dates geweest, wat volgens Arlens dagboek "de beste momenten van haar leven" waren. Nephiah heeft een hekel aan de jongen want 1) hij een mens, 2) hij is een man en 3) zijn zachtaardige karakter komt steeds weer boven drijven. Het liefst blijft Nephiah zo ver mogelijk uit zijn buurt. Om de schijn echter hoog te houden, zoekt ze af en toe contact op met de jonge man.

    [ bericht aangepast op 18 april 2024 - 12:52 ]

    “Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” - Tolkien

    Clementine Lapine

    : ̗̀➛ Clementine was born into a large family with three brothers and a younger sister. The boys claimed a lot of their parents' time, which lead to Clementine quickly learning how to entertain herself. She could spend hours drawing forest animals and magical creatures she saw in her storybooks. Her druid mother Irina would find pages upon pages of drawings depicting mermaids in all colors, shapes and sizes.

    : ̗̀➛ Her father Valentin left the family when Clementine was around 9 years old. It deeply affected the divorcee he left behind, who now had to take care of her children all by herself. The nurturing Clementine tried to help her mother as best as she could, looking after her younger sister Holly and cleaning up after her brothers. She never asked for anything herself, not wanting to put an even heavier burden on her mother.

    : ̗̀➛ Since day one, her mother and little sister were her biggest fans when it came to Clementine's art. Holly looked up to her older sister, trying to dress just like her and asking Clementine to paint her face and teach her how to draw. Irina was so proud of her eldest daughter's talents and encouraged her to never stop creating. Clementine's unique creative vision became the only thing she was very (outwardly) confident about and took pride in. It was the introverted girl's way of expressing herself in a way she couldn't do with words. Art was the most precious part of her soul.

    : ̗̀➛ Clementine was always considered an oddball in her town and at her school. She never quite knew how to connect with the main crowd and got bullied for being different. People picked on her style, her insecurities and her social awkwardness. Not fitting in was hard for Clementine, but throughout the years, she managed to befriend other misfits with her kindness and authenticity.

    : ̗̀➛ These days, Clementine is still considered a unique bird at the Academy. She's not as shy as she used to be, but still doesn't like being the centre of attention whatsoever. Her quiet, introverted nature combined with her expressive looks and creations, makes her difficult to read for many of her peers. Therefore, people still giggle about her behind her back and she only has a handful of people she trusts and can truly be herself around.

    : ̗̀➛ Clementine feels like she is slowly losing the connection she has with her mother. Irina, who is locally recognized as a strong druid, has become affiliated with the Shadow Druids. She's adopted a belief system that is much darker and more violently radical than the Oak Father's teachings she raised her children with. It worries Clementine deeply, as her mother can hardly be reasoned with anymore.

    sounds like

    21 years old



    : ̗̀➛ bother (human) - Irina Gold, Shadow Druid
    : ̗̀➛ father (elf) - Valentin Lapine
    : ̗̀➛ sister (half elf) - Holly Lapine
    : ̗̀➛ brother (half elf) - Julien Lapine
    : ̗̀➛ brother (half elf) - Lucien Lapine
    : ̗̀➛ brother (half elf) - Léandre Lapine

    dreamy - chaotic - deeply empathic - artistic - kind - forgetful - messy - odd - afraid to stand up for herself - trustworthy - listener - idealist - socially awkward - very creative - introvert - can be very funny when she's with the right people - wants to see the good in people - accommodating - not a leadertype - always puts the comfort of others before her own - nurturing - doesn't like conflict - therefore often keeps her head down to not rock the boat - sees art, beauty and inspiration everywhere in the world around her - loyal - misunderstood - wonders what's wrong with her sometimes... - ... but takes pride in her style and artskills - loves animals - warm

    Clementine has sparkling eyes that are either blue or green, depending on the light source. She has a soft face, with summer freckles framing her nose and wildish, rose pink hair with straight bangs. Her height is around 170 cm tall and she has a skinny built. Clementine loves experimenting with her style and is often seen wearing a bard beret on her head. Her ears are relatively pointy for a half-elf.


    Creating potions and tonics, using nature's gifts. Animals seem to be drawn to her and she has a way of comforting them when they're feeling distressed.

    i'll follow you where you go
    yes i'll be there, just so you know
    i need your condolence and your trust
    but i won't ask, won't ask for much

    Recognizes and deeply respects the Oak Father Silvanus and his beliefs, like many other druids. She does not feel comfortable with the Shadow Druids ruling the school these days. In her eyes, they do not respect the beliefs of their God of Wild Nature, who values all life and strives for balance and peace among living creatures above all else.

    drawing - painting - creating in general - taking long walks through the forrest by herself, picking natural ingredients for her potions and face tonics - creating potions - daydreaming - art in all its forms - both the sun and the moon - cats - little creatures - taking care of plants - empty canvasses - escaping in her own little world - collecting trinkets - playing with make-up - bright colors - pink clouds and evening red - one-on-one conversations - the smell of rain - wild flowers - pumpkin soup

    wild parties - being whispered about - her cat killing little creatures and presenting them as gifts - drunks - scary horror-type things (scary stuff genuinely terrifies her and gives her nightmares)

    : ̗̀➛ Has a bunch of useless little trinkets lying around of things she finds funny or pretty.
    : ̗̀➛ Always has a hint of dried paint on her fingers or clothes.
    : ̗̀➛ Has a vicious cat called "Bodyguard" ("Body" for short). He's a half-feral creature that only trusts Clementine. She nurtured him back to health after finding him in the Cloakwoods one day, heavily wounded after a fight with a magical creature that was probably too much for him to take on. Body never left and is scarily protective of his owner ever since.
    : ̗̀➛ Loves wearing colourful muffin hats (bard barets).
    : ̗̀➛ Loses her stuff all the time.
    : ̗̀➛ Likes experimenting with her hair and clothing style. She's been magically dying her hair into all kinds of different colours throughout the years with the help of homemade potions she brew herself.
    : ̗̀➛ Was asked to paint a beautiful mural in the school by the school administration (before the Shadow Druids took over). It depicts a scene of mermaids bathing in a golden lake in the Cloakwoods, referring to an old fairytale.
    : ̗̀➛ Loves mermaids and always wanted to be one herself growing up.
    : ̗̀➛ Paints her nails in all kinds of bright colors and loves letting her younger sister Holly create nail art on them.

    i hold no grudges
    i come bearing forgiveness
    only love, only love
    even if it's not enough

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 april 2024 - 15:44 ]

    it's not you, it's me. i have standards.


    – NAME
    Aoth Dongyue Xiao. His nickname is Ao, which happens to be the Lord Overgod of the Realms.

          Aoth | EY-ah-th
          Dongyue | Donhj-UW-AY
          Xiao | SHYOW

    – RACE
    High-elf. Forestling.

    – AGE

    Warlock with a specialization in Shadow magic, Year 2.

    you can have my heart
    if you have the stomach to take it.

    – INNER
    Obsessively religious, chaotic, humoristic, charismatic, prankster, has a serious side, terrible moodswings, can be violent, will cry and shout when you least expect it, rampage-man, emotionally all over the place but also chill af, just needs a hand to hold tbh, likes to dissect dead animals, sadistic, unpredictable, slightly insane, compulsive and great liar, narcissistic, paranoid, antisocial, jealous and possessive.

    Aoth is truly a sociopath. He has no care about social norms – including gender roles, literal laws, who owns what ... – and ignores them on a daily basis. This results in stealing from his fellow students and destroying school property. It also results in a lack of respect for his fellow students.
          He's manipulative and a pathological liar, meaning he doesn't even realize he's lying because he just takes whatever he fantasizes as fact. You can't trust anything that comes from his mouth, eventhough he makes himself very believable.
          You see, Aoth is very charismatic. He's funny and he can be calm and serious if he wants to be. He's basically a great politician. He can sell himself very well and mean none of it. He isn't particularly popular, but he isn't the biggest outcast at school either, despite being generally very anti social.
          Pranking is one of Aoths joys at school. They're mostly very impulsive and not at all thought out, but those are the best pranks in his opinion. He doesn't really understand social cues of what's an acceptable prank and what isn't, so he can go overboard with them and end up destroying something or hurting someone. But he doesn't mind making those sacrifices for a good time.
          Aoth doesn't like being contradicted, but he loves getting on others' nerves. He can turn violent really quickly due to mood swings – caused by substance abuses – and often gets into fight or physical conflicts with others. Whenever these conflicts occur, Ao will never apologize even when someone gets hurt because they should've been stronger. In his mind, everyone is inferior to him. He'll always justify his actions, no matter how horrible they are.
          This also means he's a danger to himself, and not only others. His impulsive behavior has often nearly cost him his own life, but that's not a good enough reason to quit whatever he's doing.
          Eventhough Aoth lacks respect for other peoples belongings, his possessions are his. He doesn't fuck around with that and he'll get very very defensive and offensive whenever people touch things that don't belong to them. This includes not only things but also people. Aoth isn't a romantic type, he's possessive and jealous but that's love to him. That's the only source of love he's ever known.
          To Aoth, religion is everything. There would not be a world without Gods, there would not be creatures without Gods and without creatures that worship, there would no longer be Gods. Its a vicious circle. Everything he does is for religion and he believes that all his actions are also fated by religion. It's the main motive in his life and it leads to his own goal in life too: to become a God. To master all power and bend other Gods to their knees, to forge a pact with a God as the Dead Three had once down with Jergal.
          However, there is still some humanity left in Aoth. Nobody is just born evil, not even Ao. The loneliness of his youth, the choices he had to make for survival, even his obsession with religion, are all contributing factors to his grand demise. But perhaps not all is lost yet, perhaps the right person, goal, group of friends or common enemy is what's going to drive Aoth back to the good side.

    well fed devils behave better
    than famished saints.

    – OUTER
    FC: Ding Yuxi

    Aoth takes great pride in his looks. He's handsome and he knows it. He knows that beauty comes with power and authority, so he takes great care of the way he presents himself.
          Ao has short an black hair. It's cut in an effortlessly disheveled style, but he spends at least half an hour on it every morning, especially since he grew his horns. The horns are offsetting in contrast with his otherwise flawless appearance and Aoth loathes them for it. They're long and upturned, a vague dark green-ish color. Sometimes they shimmer in the sun, so he tends to avoid direct sunlight whenever possible.
          His eyes are pure black, the pupil barely discernible from the irises. Staring into them is like staring in an abyss and he's been told before that his habit of uninterrupted eye-contact makes people uncomfortable.
          Aoth has flawless pale skin. It's nearly see-through and has a faint green sheen to it. He also spends a lot of time performing skincare rituals and mixing herbs and potions to keep his skin healthy and perfect.
          He's quite small for a man, never the smallest in the group but definitely below average. His frame is skinny and scrawny. Aoth would never win in hand-to-hand fight, he has almost no muscle buildup. He prefers fighting with spells and words over physical combat.
          His clothing style is sober and minimal. He always wears all-black perfectly fitting slacks and dress-shirts. Always the same ones. Sometimes he accessorizes with a minimal chain necklace or snake-skin boots, but standing out has never been a priority of the man.

    i am the righteous hand of God
    i am the devil that you forgot.

    Family: dead.

    It's unclear what exactly the moment was that made Ao snap. Perhaps nothing did and he was just born this way. Or perhaps it was the death of his parents at a young age. The death of his brothers and sisters. He never talks about it and when he does, it's never the same story twice. He's told people his family drowned during a shipwreck and he was the lone survivor. In another story, he murdered them all because they were poor and couldn't offer him much. And in yet another, they're still alive and they just abandoned him. Or maybe he abandoned them?
          What is clear is that it – whatever it is – left a mark on the boy. Because that's what he still is, despite it all. His moodswings, his temper, his cruelty. Psychologists would have a blast with just one day with him.

    Unknown to most, Aoth was part of the Zhentarim, also known as the Black Network. He fell in with them as a young child and stayed under their protection until he left for the Academy.
          They're were mainly based in Baldur's Gate but traveled back and forth between the big city and Darkhold Vale, though as a child, Ao stayed mostly in Baldur's Gate. He was trained there in the wizarding ways, but also in thievery and espionage.
          It's during this time, a curse was bestowed upon Ao. Born a High-elf, the curse made him grow horns and a tail: he turned into a forestling. One of his goals at the Academy now is to reverse this curse and get rid of those blasted horns.

    is it better to out-monster the monster
    or to be quietely devoured?


    – EXTRA
          Religion: Church of Cyric. He despises any worship of Bane, even though that's who the Zhentarim worship now. Cyric may have lost most domains after the Banedeath, he was once the called the ''One and All'' God and Aoth believes he can be again. He's a devout believer of Cyrics ''One True Way'' and still follows the customs that come with this Holy Word, such as the violent opposition of any other God, especially Oghma, Mystra and Kelemvor.
          Shadow Druid opinion: Support. Ao thinks Imogens brutal ways are a great way forward for the Academy and region. He applauds her encouragements of wild magic and her unethical ways to create the ultimate civilization.
          Dislikes: extreme sunshine, being either too hot or too cold, religion, public display of affection.
          Likes: dissecting things, setting fire to stuff, stealing, pranking, religion, sex, bdsm, smoking cloakleaf.
          Lifegoal: To become a God.
          Sexuality: Does not care about things like gender, sexuality or monogamy.

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 april 2024 - 15:50 ]

    kindness is never a burden.