• De persoon boven je zegt een liedje en als je dat nummer op je iPod/iTunes/Windows media Player hebt zeg je ja, anders nee. Dan post je weer een nieuw liedje -link ervan hoeft dus niet-
    Persoon #1; You me at six - Save it for the bedroom
    Persoon #2; ja
    Britney Spears - if u seek amy.

    ik begin; Fall out boy - sugar we're going down.

    There are several things that I have been doing wrong.


    my apocalypse - escape the fate

    Ja. =]

    Miley Cyrus - The Climb.

    hoi, jij bent leuk.

    Jaa :'D

    All time low - weightless

    There are several things that I have been doing wrong.

    You - Evanescence.


    Silverstein - smile in your sleep ?

    Choke on the words that were your last goodbye.


    this is me - camp rock x']

    nee xD

    Paramore - Misery Business

    Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't wanna live there.


    panic at the disco - I write sins, not tragedies

    There are several things that I have been doing wrong.

    Ik heb dat gehad.

    T.I. - Whatever you like.


    bring me the horizon - black & blue


    Forever or never - cinema bizarre

    Bill is lekker.


    Signs (acoustic)- Bloc Party

    It's all for you, my butterfly.

    neeeeuh ^^

    Panic at the disco - time to dance

    jup n_n

    Forever the sickest kids - coffee break

    There are several things that I have been doing wrong.


    hero - mariah carey