• De persoon boven je zegt een liedje en als je dat nummer op je iPod/iTunes/Windows media Player hebt zeg je ja, anders nee. Dan post je weer een nieuw liedje -link ervan hoeft dus niet-
    Persoon #1; You me at six - Save it for the bedroom
    Persoon #2; ja
    Britney Spears - if u seek amy.

    ik begin; Fall out boy - sugar we're going down.

    There are several things that I have been doing wrong.

    the fame - lady gaga

    De wereld is weer plat ja. Op je bolle bips na.

    neee :')
    Disturbia - The Cab (nerd)

    neee :')
    candles - hey monday

    De wereld is weer plat ja. Op je bolle bips na.

    Jaaa (:
    Turn the clock - hey monday 8D


    Papa Roach - Getting away with murder


    Quin induco in Abysuss, quam servo in Caelum!

    jaaa ;d
    breathe gentle - kelly rowland ft. tiziano ferro ;d

    De wereld is weer plat ja. Op je bolle bips na.

    neee (:
    Remembering Sunday [LIVE] ahaha - ATL

    You're a Dickhead - Nothing Personal.

    Metallica - Hero of the day

    Everything means nothing, if I ain't got you.

    Nee :')

    Six Feet Under The Stars - ATL

    You're a Dickhead - Nothing Personal.

    nee, denk ik...(cat)


    Veronicas - All I have

    Jaaa (:
    When I Grow Up - Mayday Parade

    You're a Dickhead - Nothing Personal.

    a thousand miles - vanessa carlton

    De wereld is weer plat ja. Op je bolle bips na.

    nee (':
    Three Cheers For Five Years - Mayday Parade (:

    seven nation army - the white stripes

    De wereld is weer plat ja. Op je bolle bips na.

    nope :Y)

    hit the floor - big ali & dollarman xD