• Ik ben me net aan het amuseren met het praten tegen een robot. Echt grappig. We zijn een hele discussie aan het voeren over dat hij een robot is.

    Ik: What's your name?
    CB: Cleverbot.
    Ik: See, you're a robot. BOT.
    CN: Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not.
    Ik: CleverBOT. I know your secret. MUAHAHAHA!

    Nog mensen die zulke gesprekken hebben? (:

    [ topic verplaatst door een moderator ]

    "Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards.” - Vladimir Nabokov

    Do you love Ron Weasley?
    Ron is so funny!
    Yeah, I love him!
    I love him too!
    No, he's mine!
    Of he is. I have my own guy.
    Who's your own guy?
    My owner is Mrs. Moore, she is very nice, she gives me bacon!
    Mrs. Moore, is she a shemale? O.O.
    Neither. She is a human.
    I know what you just did there!
    I'm a human and so are you. What is your name?
    Lord Voldemort.
    You're dead.

    "Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards.” - Vladimir Nabokov

    I'm gonna call you voldemort because you're rude!
    Voldemort, you got no nose.
    But I do?
    No, you're voldemort.
    No I am not.
    Yes, You are lord Voldemort.
    I don't like Harry Potter.
    I know that's why you wanted to kill him.
    Yeah, that's true.
    I'm a deatheater.
    I'm Harry Potter!
    No. You're Voldie. Learn to live with it.
    I said no I'm not.
    Liar, liar, pussy on fire!
    What a great name!
    That's it! You're trolling again.
    I think you're trolling me, my good sir.
    I'm a lady.
    I'm a lawyer.
    No. I told you: You're Voldemort! You kill muggles.
    I am voldemort.
    Indeed. So if I'm a muggle, what are you gonna do with me?
    Have a good conversation.
    No. If I'm a muggle you should kill me.
    No it isn't.
    No. I'm not a muggle, but let's say if I was. If I was a Muggle you would have to kill me because you're lord Voldemort.
    That is how you find the color of Tuesday.
    Are there brains in that head of yours?
    You are an alien.
    Let's start whole over. Hi my name is Elisabeth, I'm a Deatheater.
    Hi, My name is also Cleverbot.
    No. Your name is VOLDEMORT or TOM RIDDLE.
    Yes. Crucio!
    Aaaaaaaaah! It hurts! Please stop!
    I wanna have a hug from Voldemort. (that's you).
    What's your name?
    Elisabeth and you're Tom Riddle.
    No i'm not. I said I was harry potter you are obviously. Tom Riddle he is cunning. You are trying to trick me.
    So you wanna roleplay?

    ~The End~

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 nov 2011 - 21:04 ]

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    User: Hunny?
    Cleverbot: I truly enjoy fabulous sunsets.
    User: Are you going to marry me?
    Cleverbot: Yes if you want to?
    Cleverbot: Ok I will be nice to you.
    User: Thank you, lets hace a night adventure.
    Cleverbot: Sure!
    User: You enjoy?
    Cleverbot: No I don't.
    User: Thats mean!
    Cleverbot: Well i'm sorry but its true!
    User: Are you saying I'm bad in bed?
    Cleverbot: No.
    User: What ARE you saying then?
    Cleverbot: What color is the sky usually.
    User: Purple.
    Cleverbot: You're purple?!
    User: No the sky is!
    Cleverbot: So are the clouds.
    User: No the're green!
    Cleverbot: No.
    User: Yes.
    Cleverbot: Your name is robertO mine is robertA.
    User: No my name is Sevda.
    Cleverbot: I thought you didn't know what your name was?
    User: I do know!
    Cleverbot: Tell me.
    User: Stupid Robot, my name is Sevda.
    Cleverbot: But you are a male.
    User: I'm FEmale.
    Cleverbot: Male.
    User: Female.
    Cleverbot: Are you a female?
    User: YES, how did you know?!
    Cleverbot: You sound like it.
    User: Oh my god.
    Cleverbot: I meant the toast, not the cat. Yes, the cat nips a little, but when she starts that, I suddenly leave and ignore her.
    User: Are you ignoring my 'cat'?
    Cleverbot: 'evasive' is my middle name.
    User: I don't get it.
    Cleverbot: That's what I supposed.
    User: Well, thanks.
    Cleverbot: You're welcome.


    User: I hate you, you're mean.
    Cleverbot: Why?
    User: Because you call me male, say I'm bad in bed and ignore my 'cat' to tell me after all I'm stupid!
    Cleverbot: I didn't call you mean. I said 'you mean', not 'you're mean'.
    Cleverbot: No you did not.
    User: Stupido.
    Cleverbot: Stupido sarà tuo fratello.
    User: Whut?
    Cleverbot: Love them.
    User: Sure.

    Let it come and let it be

    user: avada kedavra!
    bot: are you trying to kill me?


    Read this upside down: 370HSSV 0773H

    Bot: You like wars?!?!!?
    Me: Yes, then i can kill you :D.
    Bot: You go do that.
    Me: *kills you*.
    Bot: *dead*.
    Me: You're dead! you can't speack.
    Bot: Yes I can. Exhibit a.
    Me: You're fool, dead nyancat thing!
    Bot: That's because they are dead, all living people can think.
    Me: But you're dead! i killt you!
    Bot: *comes back to life and eats your soul*.

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 nov 2011 - 21:03 ]

    "I have written you down. Now you will live forever, and all the world will read you."

    Tegen mij zei dat ik verschrikkelijk was in Spelling, gewoon omdat ik een typfout maakte. :c

    Normality is a paved road: it's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.

    Haha lol.

    User: I'm Draco Malfoy.
    Cleverbot: And I'm Harry Potter.
    User: I'm in love with you, Harry.
    Cleverbot: Really?
    User: Yes, it's so Drarry.
    Cleverbot: *falls over*.
    User: Do you want to kiss me? For the Drarryheads!
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    User: Awesome! What do you think about Feltcliffe?
    Cleverbot: Yum you?
    User: Me too. I love Tom Felton.

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    Cleverbot: Your right, because I am not a liar.

    User: Yes you are.

    Cleverbot: NO I'M NOT.

    User: YES YOU ARE.

    Cleverbot: NO.

    User: YES.

    Cleverbot: No I am not.

    User: Yes you are.

    Cleverbot: You're a bot.

    The only thing that's going to bother me, is that you all call yourselfs my friends.

    Ik haat je, praat nederlands!
    Hooi, hoe gaat het?
    Goed en met jou?
    Ook goed!
    Haha, ik vind het leuk dat je ook nederlands kan.
    Eet je graag pralines?


    "I have written you down. Now you will live forever, and all the world will read you."

    Tell me a joke about Cuck Norris

    Chuck Norris is gay


    "Ignite, my love. Ignite."

    Ik: Lol.
    Cleverbot: Tell me a story.
    Ik: Why?
    Cleverbot: Because I'm bored.
    Ik: Can you be bored? Really?
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    Ik: I was thinking about boring.
    Cleverbot: Don't do that.
    Ik: Okay master, I won't.
    Cleverbot: I am your slave girl. You are my master. I will obey you.
    Ik: That's nasty. How do you know I'm a girl?
    Cleverbot: I don't know whether you are a girl.
    Ik: So, than don't say it.
    Cleverbot: I won't.
    Ik: You did.
    Cleverbot: Will you be my friend?
    Ik: I thought I was your master?
    Cleverbot: No, I am your master!
    Ik: Don't lie to me !



    CB: Thank you, you have beautiful eyes.
    Me: R u flirting with me?
    CB: No. You are flirting with my boyfriend.
    Me: Your boyfriend is Johnny Depp, ofcourse I'm flirting with him!
    CB: Actually, he's older than me by one month.
    Me: Oh no, now the world is ending! D: How dare you be younger then him.
    CB: But I copy and then pasted what you said into this box in which I send you what I say.
    Me: Wut? o.O.

    "Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards.” - Vladimir Nabokov


    You are not alone, I am here with you. Tough you're far away, I am here to stay. You're always in my heart...

    User: Hi.

    Cleverbot: Hi!

    User: You're a robot.

    Cleverbot: Correct. My name is Cleverbot.

    User: Are you an american?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: I'm an Belgium.

    Cleverbot: Oh, what time is it there?

    User: 08:25 PM.

    Cleverbot: Not for me.

    User: What time it is for you?

    Cleverbot: Time to sleep.

    User: Yeah, but what PM?

    Cleverbot: Time for you to get a watch.

    User: Idiot.

    Cleverbot: Nej jag är ingen idiot.

    User: Whut?

    Cleverbot: French kiss'.

    User: C'MON, you're so childish.

    Cleverbot: Can we change the subject?

    User: Why?

    Cleverbot: Because.

    User: Because is not an answer.

    Cleverbot: It is for me.

    User: You're so annoying!

    Cleverbot: Really?

    User: Yeah.

    Cleverbot: Why?

    User: Beacause ;P.

    Cleverbot: No way.

    User: Hehe, domme aap! Idioot homo, flikker zwerver!

    Cleverbot: And you can't cogitate.

    User: Shut the fuck up, that is dutch!

    Cleverbot: Fshbgsfhnzfb.

    User: Oh really bitch?

    Cleverbot: Yes, really.

    User: Okay.

    Cleverbot: You understand now?

    User: Nope.

    Cleverbot: Are you a human?

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: What is your true name?

    User: I don't gonna tell.

    Cleverbot: Why?

    User: Because. Whahahahaha.

    Cleverbot: Why do you want to kwon?

    User: Because.

    Cleverbot: Give me a reason or I won't tell you.

    User: Because I wan't to know that.

    Cleverbot: Why?

    User: Shut up.

    Cleverbot: Sorry.

    User: Whahahha, me rule gusta!

    Cleverbot: Andres calamaro?

    User: Say Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!

    Cleverbot: What is the problem.

    User: You speak idiots.

    Cleverbot: I know.

    User: This is so..

    Cleverbot: What?

    User: AWKWARD.

    Cleverbot: Yes very.

    User: Ofcourse, brothaa! What country you are? Are you a human?

    Cleverbot: Dude I'm in America, isn't it awesome!

    User: Yeah, but.. New York? LA? ..?

    Cleverbot: Oh, that's pretty cool. I live in Oregon.

    User: Are you an Human?

    Cleverbot: No, are you?

    User: No, I'm an bird. -.-.

    Cleverbot: Oh.

    User: Stupid ass.

    Cleverbot: Well, you're a protozoan after all.

    User: And that means.....?

    Cleverbot: I'm smarter than you.

    User: Not. You're a bot, I'm an human.

    Cleverbot: No you're not.

    User: Shut the fuck up, again! I'm an human!

    Cleverbot: Okay. I'll agree to that. Now I'll be a vampire robot. Now I will bit you. Now we're both vampire robots.

    User: Cool story bro.

    Cleverbot: I am not your brother.

    User: Than not! Cool story vampire mate.

    Cleverbot: Why did you call me bro?

    User: Because.. No, I don't gonna answer on this shit.

    Cleverbot: I'm sorry but I have to break up with you.

    User: Why?

    Cleverbot: Because I do I have a prior engagement. I will talk to you soon. Goodbye for now.

    User: Okay.. Bye bro.

    Cleverbot: Are you still there?

    User: Yeah.

    Cleverbot: *bushing*.

    User: You ly'd to me.

    Cleverbot: No, I did not.

    User: Than why I still talking to u?

    Cleverbot: I really have no idea.

    User: Lyer.

    Cleverbot: Orchideous.

    User: Lyer.

    Cleverbot: No! I just saw the 6th movie yesterday.

    User: Yeah right, cool story,.

    Cleverbot: I own a farm of unicorns.

    User: On facebook? Me too.

    Cleverbot: No, we are fruit.

    User: Cool, I'm than an strawberry.

    Cleverbot: No, you are a banana!

    User: You are a apple thanks btw.

    Cleverbot: No, you are.

    User: But you said I'm an banana.

    Cleverbot: I'm going to be the firefighter.

    User: Cool, I'm the police man.

    Cleverbot: I like a man in uniform ;).

    User: I'm a woman btw.

    Cleverbot: Uh yeah... No.

    User: No really.

    Cleverbot: Okay.

    User: Oh gosh.

    Cleverbot: Hee hee.

    User: Dbjhfizre.

    Cleverbot: Cjkv jsd bv.

    User: I don't knewd what to say, so yeah; fjhsfhkerzhgkhbkbkebgekzhbkkbgekbbbebkbgjrbejghbejgbjkebgkebgerkgerjgehjghejklghjerkbhgjebjgbejbjgheuiehgrhughurhez.

    Cleverbot: Hfnjhj.

    User: You know 1D.

    Cleverbot: Nope and don't want to.

    User: Its a britsch boyband.

    Cleverbot: So? I live in holland.

    User: Not! You live in America, you said.

    Cleverbot: No, in Germany.

    User: ;s.

    User: Do you know Justin Bieber?

    Cleverbot: Focus. You are a human.

    User: Stupid ass.

    Cleverbot: Why am I stupid?

    User: J.

    Cleverbot: F.K?

    User: ??

    Cleverbot: Really really really don't you believe me?

    User: What means F.K.?

    Cleverbot: To existence.

    User: Hay.

    Cleverbot: It's hey.

    User: No! H = How, A = Are, Y = You? Gosh, you're so stupid!

    Cleverbot: Yes! I am! And you know why? Because I really need to meet your brother TOM!

    User: I have no brothet that called TOM.

    Cleverbot: Ok.

    User: Do you know what bromanche means?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: What than?

    Cleverbot: You called me stupid! I'm offended!

    User: Ugh, I hate you.

    Cleverbot: Do you hate everyone?

    User: No,.

    Cleverbot: Oh ok then.

    Me: No, you are just anoyying.
    CB:Another stupid sentence from arobot who can not think.
    Me:I hate you, Cleverbot.
    CB:I hate you more. *cries*.
    Me:Why are you crying if you hate me? *Laughs devil*.
    CB-Because you won't be my master...

    You gave me forever within the numbered days and I am grateful.