• Vrij simpel: je plaatst al je usernames hier en degene onder je zegt dan welke het mooiste is (ja, ook de usernames waarvoor je je schaamt :'D )

    I'll start:

    VampireLaura, W1ng3dAng3l, EmpireAngel,
    Celestial, Celestia, Altair, Nightcrawler, Brute,
    Chimera, PewDiePie, Howl, Alucard, Kanade,
    Strider, Lioncourt, Silverlance, Elvenking, Draculea.

    MickeyMousee :-)

    xVampirez, xAffelay, xObsessed, xPiepschuim, xVILLAx, Sonatina, VILLA07, Absolution, United, Villalicious, Veeyah, Megalomania, Balloonatic, Valkyrie, Instrumental, Corvette, Discography, Memento, Palestina, Futurism, Evanesca, Hitzone, Pachelbel, Mozart, Brunito, Royce, Chopin, Adler, Bach, Diabelli, Louvre, Parcifal, Cadenza, Patrol, Keaggy, Eclare, Cosmic, Cavallo, Screenager, Survival, Bastille, Recharge, Castillion

    Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind


    chicagirl15, Vampchica, Eyes, Occhi Oczy, Azulchica en Rybak

    Physics is awesome


    java5, Symptoms, Already, Cathedra, Sunlights, Proudfoot, Scorpia, Moore.

    Some people are art and do art at the same time


    ColouredWind, HEStyles, DirectionOne, MrCarrotCake, Cray, DrayMalfoy, DoctorReid, PercyWood, ElfCitadel, Hotchner, Boromir

    "Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.” - C.S. Lewis


    xSATELLITE, Demii0, xFlyy, Paralyzedx, Europe, Arriver, Paradises.

    That is a perfect copy of reality.


    DamnBieber Scairp en Cairde

    Baby, when I know you're only sorry when you got caught,

    Norietje, xXWolfLove, LuposCorde

    'The best way to predict the future is to create it'.


    Sunrise, xButtercup, Clocks, FixYou, Parachutes.

    "No one is born in this world to be alone."~ (Saul, One Piece.)


    RememberYoux, xClove, xAmnesia, Sicam, Helium, Magicals, Hour, After & Go.

    [ bericht aangepast op 29 juli 2013 - 19:59 ]

    These rings that I'm breaking are making you a personal debt.

    DamnBieber Scairp en Cairde


    Baby, when I know you're only sorry when you got caught,


    CatnipFire, xAvis, Libera, JustArchery, Aelin, Months, Holes.



    Trollface, Trolldad, Desperados, Citadelle, Dickinson, Parera, Preysler, Lancaster, Sandrachips, Blanes, Villique, Heathrow, Monterrey, Wario, Thicke, Curitiba, Leicaster, Filister, Barrett, Puckett, Carlisle, Chico, Jankowski, Facinelli, Xenophilius

    "Fuck feelings, be a bitch" - Blair Waldorf


    java5, Symptoms, Already, Cathedra, Sunlights, Proudfoot, Scorpia, Moore.

    [ bericht aangepast op 29 juli 2013 - 20:08 ]

    Some people are art and do art at the same time

    mmm kan niet kiezen

    DamnBieber Scairp en Cairde

    Baby, when I know you're only sorry when you got caught,

    Scairp (:

    Trollface, Trolldad, Desperados, Citadelle, Dickinson, Parera, Preysler, Lancaster, Sandrachips, Blanes, Villique, Heathrow, Monterrey, Wario, Thicke, Curitiba, Leicaster, Filister, Barrett, Puckett, Carlisle, Chico, Jankowski, Facinelli, Xenophilius

    "Fuck feelings, be a bitch" - Blair Waldorf