16+ recommended
    A Sonder's production

    Did you ever see something that wasn't quite right? Like a glance of darkness in a stranger's eyes, or a shadow that shouldn't be there? No?
    Good. You don't want to.
    But there are people who do. They can see the monsters; they hunt them and they kill them.
    No, this isn't Twilight.

    It's October 2015 and Greenstone (USA) has never been so un-dead. The Werewolf-packs are bigger than ever, the Vampire-colony has never had this much power, but the Hunters are still managing to keep the city at balance. It's hard, it's difficult, it's even nearly impossible, but they can do it. With Codes, agreements and a try for peace, they can keep up.
    Until the Outcasts arrive and everything they have worked for has come to an end. These cruel Hunters won't stop until the last creature has burned to death. They will succeed, and nobody stands in their way, or at least not for long. Suddenly, the city is at the brink of war, and nobody can be trusted anymore. Hunter, Vampire or Werewolf, they all have the same question;
    Who is hunting whom?

    Dark souls are old souls.

    Before you claim a role, you have to read the information about the city.
    This information can be found here: GREENSTONE

    You also have to read the information about your creature very well.
    It's recommended to read the others too, but you can do that later.

    If you participated in the old MSV (A Bloody Hell), you'll have to read them too. I made some changes and they are quite important. I hope you'll see them as improvements (:
    If you want to reclaim your role, you can, but you'll have to change a few things, and ofcourse, rewrite it in English.

    If something remains unclear, don't be afraid to ask - in English or in Dutch.

    Vampires VOL
    Marthe ~ Aincrad ~ Helias ~ idk ~ Colony (2nd ic)
    Liesje ~ Sonder ~ Thorne ~ 16 / 815 ~ Loner
    Lene ~Tamaki ~ Theodore Zachariah Wren ~ 26 / 239 ~ Colony | 2 AF
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age/Real Age ~ Status
    Nichelle ~ Fukari ~ Marley Georgia Paleari ~ Age/Real Age ~ Colony (3th) | 4
    Cheryl ~ Feyre ~ Catherine Amelia Kingston ~ 20 / 187 ~ Colony | 2 AF
    Amber ~ Vulcan ~ Daelyn Orsay Willow ~ 22 / 677 ~ Leader colony | 4

    Marthe ~ Aincrad ~ Freya Historia Rose Maria Ackerman. ~ 16 | 3
    Mirte ~ Caster ~ Zachaël Nathanael Ackerman ~ 19 | 5 AF
    Gabriëlle/Gaby ~ Feared ~ Obsidian "Sid" Elladore Genefray ~ 19 | 5 AF
    Amber ~ Vulcan ~ James Maximus Watson ~ 27 | 5
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age

    Loïs ~ Serenata ~ Claire Gena Brooks ~ 26 | 2 AF
    Lene ~ Tamaki ~ Vester Wolfgang Morgenstern ~ 22 | 5
    Megan ~ Kepner ~ [Reagan Catalina Brennan] ~ 20 | 5
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age

    Liesje ~ Sonder ~ Fox Jonathan Francis Timaeus Ackerman ~ 26 ~ Alfa St.-Louis | 2 AF
    Cheryl ~ Feyre ~ Leilani Kiera Dawson ~ 23 ~ Warrior St.-Louis
    Robin ~ Yisha ~ Rebecca Ann Ravens ~ 20 ~ ? St.-Louis
    Nichelle ~ Fukari ~ Celaena Karolyna Madar ~ 24 ~ Oméga St.-Louis | 5
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age ~ Status
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age ~ Status
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age ~ Status

    (if you want something, just ask (: )
    • Alfa
    • Béta
    • Oméga
    • Others
    • Alfa: Fox Jonathan Francis Timaeus Ackerman
    • Bèta
    • Oméga: Fukari
    • Others: Leilani & Rebecca

    • Leader:
    • Second in command:
    • Third in command:
    • Others:
    • Leader: Deceased: Paxton Cornelius Ackerman Now:
    • Second in command:
    • Others:

    Vampires (colony):
    • Leader: Daelyn
    • Second in command (2): Helias
    • Third in command (3): Marley
    • Others:


    • Name
    • Creature
    • Status (Vampire: Loner, or Colony (think logically about the numbers. There aren't many Loners),
    Werewolf: Loner, Alfa, Bèta, Warrior, Oméga or just a pack member (and which pack),
    Hunter: OldHub or Outcast.)
    • Age: (Vampire: Age of Death between 16 and 35, Real age between 16 and 750. Thorne is 815, but that's because he is my inspiration for all of this and he has been the oldest one since I was six (this is based on a fantasy from when I was a little weirdo.) It's just a part of him, and I hope you'll understand.
    All the others: Between the age of 16 and 35. When you're a hunter and younger than 18, your training has not been completed yet. Even if you're an Outcast!)
    • Residence
    • Inner: (Not just single words, I want a bit of explanation.)
    • Outer: (Vampire: Remember it's possible your char has a scar from his death.
    Werewolf: Wolf-form too, especially fur, height and eyecolour. Scars will be adapted from his human form.
    Hunters: Don't forget the Artifact and tattoo! Most of them have scars too.)
    • History: (Vampires: How'd they die?
    Werewolves: When did they change? In which environment?
    Outcastmembers: When, why and how did they join the Outcasts?)
    • Extra:
    • Relationships. (The Outcast hunter group has been in Greenstone for about a week. They haven't hunted yet, because of the many preparations, but it won't take long anymore. There are rumours about their arrival, but they are still just rumours.)

    Vampires: • Master (killed, or not?)
    • Subjects
    Hunters: Partners

    • Quizlet's Houserules!!
    • Reservations will stay for 48 hours.
    • You have until next Saturday (24/10) to finish your role.
    • Maximum 3 roles, with different creatures, unless I say otherwise.
    • I want decent roles.
    • Don't leave me hanging. This was really a lot of work. If you don't have time, then don't make a role.
    • If you don't react, I WILL NAG YOU! Be warned.
    • Please tell me if you change your name.

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 dec 2015 - 18:06 ]


    Theodore Zachariah Wren

    Theodore Zachariah Wren. He's often called Theo, though, since Theodore Zachariah Wren is a mouthful.
    He has the physical age of a 24-year-old, but is in fact 239. Theo was born in January 1776 and died on the sixth of June, 1800.
    Montandon. He lives in a fancy loft in The Scrabs with Cat. They also own a club there, called No Sanctuary.
    Seven words to describe Theo with are sarcastic, kinda funny, arrogant and just plain rude, nonchalant, flirty and overprotective. This might be an odd combination of characteristics, and it surely is, and yet these are the pillars on which his character is based. Of course he isn't that superficially. There's a lot more to him that meets the eye. Anyway, he's known for his sharp comments and for being mean or rude on random moments of the day, but he obviously doesn't really care. He's very arrogant, so this doesn't really help much either. He thinks he's better than most vampires and that all vampires are better than werewolves and hunters. And of course humans. Everyone is better than those tiny, insignificant ants. He also thinks he's very funny and will more often than not laugh with his own jokes, even if they are extremely rude and just not funny at all.
          Even though he is, as I just stated, very cocky, he's also kinda nonchalant. After nearly 240 years of roaming the earth, he had finally understood that time means nothing if you're immortal, so he just takes everything at his own pace. He doesn't really care what happens to what's around him, so you could also call him indifferent and careless. The only person he really cares about is Cat.
          He's a flirt and everyone knows it. "What's life without a little fun", he says whenever someone tells him he's a casanova. He can be very charming when he needs to be and this in combination with his good looks in humor, is the thing that the ladies love about him. He gets a kick out of hitting on married women of girls with boyfriends and likes to challenge himself from time to time by flirting with a guy or multiple people at once (this often results in threesomes). He's also very experienced when it comes to sex.
          And lastly, Theo can be very aggressive when it comes to protecting those he loves (which used to be his father, then the other orphan children and now Kittycat). He's not afraid to start a fight and he's so arrogant and self-assured he thinks he's gonna end all of time. Until this day, he did, but one day it'll backfire and he knows it.

    [FC: Diego Barrueco] Theo doesn't really have a special appearance. He has dark brown hair, which he keeps semi long and rather messy. He has a fringe, which something he just lets it do the fringething and something he put gel in it. For special occasions he put a little bit of gel in his hair but he hates the stickiness of the substance, so he tries to avoid using it.
          Theo's eyes are dark brown, though there's a bit of green in them, and they don't really show much emotion. It is rather with his face he expresses certain emotions and feelings, yet he makes sure he keeps a blank and expressionless face. His eyelashes are rather long and feminine, though, and that is the thing he hates most about the way he looks. He has a sharp jaw and he does the 'jaw thing' quite a lot.
          He has a height of 1.77 meters. In the 18th century, this was rather tall, because men born in England in that time were about 1.69 meter. And even now, Theo's height is above the average of 1.75 meter for British males. Yet there are still guys taller than him. He doesn't really mind. People taller than him don't intimidate him or whatever. Most of the time he also wears fancy shoes with a tiny heel, so he looks a bit taller, though he doesn't wear them for that purpose.
          He mostly wears smart clothing, like trousers with a neat shirt and a blazer. He prefers to look professional over casual. Though, when he's at the loft, he dares wearing only a shirt and some jogging pants, although he doesn't feel that comfortable in them.
          Theo has a few tattoos. On his right arm he has flowers and a rising sun with wings. They don't really mean much, it was more that he liked the look of them. He also has another tattoo, which is one part of the couple tattoo he and Cat share. His is a red King of Hearts and Cat's is a red Queen of Hearts.
    All his tattoos are in color. Theo also has a lip piercing, but he takes it out more, than he leaves it it.
    Theo was born to Helena and Edward Wren, a prostitute and a blacksmith in 1776. His parents were never married and only met once, the night on which Theodore was conceived. After that he grew up in a community of blacksmiths and other craftsmen, yet one by one they all had to quit due to the Industrial Revolution. It became harder and harder to compete against the factories, so eventually they are went bankrupt. Because Edward couldn't take care of the now ten years old Theodore, he abandoned him on the streets and fled the city.
          For sixteen years Theo lived on the street with some other orphans. They went working in the multiple factories and lived together in an old building. Some of the other kids went on the streets and stole food and money, but after a while a lot of them just disappeared.
          On the sixth of June, 1800, when he was walking towards the building where he and a few other 20-year-olds were staying, a hooded figure appeared in front of him and tackled him on the street. Theo doesn't remember much else about that night, only that he woke up a few days later in a bed that wasn't his, looking up at a face he'd never seen before. The person told him he had become a vampire and was now undead. Egnatius (that was the name of Theo's master) also explained quickly what the young vampire needed to know about the new him. After that Egnatius left to never return again.
          Theo knew he couldn't stay in that city where everyone knew who he was, so he fled the city and eventually the country. It wasn't until the 1830s he met other vampires. He hung around with two vampires and their subjects for a while, but it was obvious that their way of life was very different from Theo's, so he left the group again.
          In 1848 he thought for the first time about changing a human himself and thus creating a companion for himself. Being alone for 45 years had made him very lonely and even though he barely ever spend the night alone, it took its toll on the young vampire. In the winter of 1848, he was roaming the streets of London dressed as a poor man. He had already made a lot of money at this point by fraud and stealing, yet sometimes he preferred dressing like a hobo. Never before had anyway payed attention to him when he was dressed like that, until that one day. He as sitting in the snow, thinking about what to do with his immortal life (at this point he was slightly depressed) until a young, charming girl came up to him and offered him her coat. It was obvious that the girl herself wasn't the richest in town, so it struck Theo as odd that she would just give her coat to him. Before he could decline, she put it around his shoulders and walked away. From that day on, he started to follow her around. It turned out he was a poor servant girl of a rich merchant, and Theo had been right. He didn't want to be a creep, but he became kind of intrigued with her. Until she got hit by a coach. It had been in the middle of the night and the driver of the coach had dumped her in a alley, afraid that he would have to pay a doctor. Theo had found her lying there, not yet dead, but definitely dying. He fed her his blood, without thinking of it and then stayed by her side, until she died. He waited for several hours in the cold, until she started waking up and then, just before dawn, he left, just like his master had done. He didn't exactly know why he left, because he had intended for her to become his companion so he wouldn't be alone again. Except when she started waking up, he was terrified she would hate him and began to think about how he had felt after Egnatius had changed him, so he left the town and the country once again.
          It wasn't until 1865, 17 years later, he met his subject again. In a bar where a lot of vampires often met, he heard about an old vampire and his subject, who owned a fortune and was challenging others to fight him in exchange of his entire fortune. Obviously Theo answered that challenge, since money was the only thing that still mattered in that age and he had nothing to loose anyway. If he died, so be it. They agreed to meet in an arena, with a live public of nearly 200 other vampires. Right before the fight started, noticed the old vampire's subject. A blond female vampire who he thought he'd never see again and who was most definitely not the old vampire's subject. Theo's subject. When the old vampire caught Theo gazing at the female vampire, he mocked him by saying that "my Cat will never be yours, even if you win" and then forced her to kiss him. This made Theo so angry that he won the fight and the money and told the female vampire, Cat, that he, not the creepy old dude, was her master. Of course Cat didn't believe him at first, but using the mental connection he convinced her. He got angry, obviously, acusing him of leaving her all alone after she turned and that it was his fault she ended up with the old vampire. Theo warned her that the outside world was a dangerous place for a vampire alone, but she didn't listen to him and they parted ways. For a few years, Cat lived alone, but Theo always knew what she was up to through a network of greedy vampires who'd love to earn some more money by just shadowing someone.
          They met up after three or fours years, Theo can't really remember, as Cat went looking for him and agreed to become partners, rather than have an inevitably abusive master-subject relationship. They've been together ever since and moved to the States after Word War I, during the roaring twenties. Although they still traveled the world a lot after that, America kinda became their home.

    • Likes: Cat, sports and sporting, coffee, alcohol, Rage Against The Machine, rapcore, rap metal, american football, New England Patriots, pizza, cursing, cleaning, cars, blood, cooking, smoking.
    • Dislikes: Cat, cats, Hunters, Werewolves, other Vampires, anyone other than Cat really, the subway.
    He's a pro at cooking. He loves to make food and is also very good at it.
    Theo and Cat also own a club in The Scrabs, called No Sanctuary. The name refers to the multiple humans who enter and have no sanctuary from the vampires in the club.

    • Master: Egnatius. He was a former Catholic monk and died in 1258. Five hundred years later Theo was the eleventh human he turned. After Theo became a vampire, Egnatius gave him a quick 'Vampire 101' and then left. To this day, Theo still doesn't know if Egnatius is still alive or his whereabouts, neither does he know if any of his 'vampire siblings' are still alive and even know of his existence. Though, a few decades ago he heard about a vampire called Egnatius who got murdered by a bunch of Hunters for raping and abusing Human women and men. It was also revealed that he had raped and abused many of his subjects.
    • Subjects: Catherine Amelia Kingston. He often calls her Kittycat, Kitkat, Malutki/Malenstwo (Polish for "little"/"little thing") and almost never refers to her as Catherine, but rather as Cat. The only time he calls her Catherine is when he's extremely angry. He turned her in 1848 and she became his partner in 1865 until present. (see History) They can be called soulmates, but are not together-together, meaning they aren't in love with each other.
    • Daelyn Orsay Willow: The two are huntingpartners and sexpartners. There's a mutual respect
    • Fox Jonathan Francis Timaeus Ackerman: They obviously don't get along well, and not only because they are natural enemies, but also because Fox threatened Cat once and Theo still wants revenge.
    • Obsidian Elladore Genefray: Every now and then Theo likes to challenge himself by hitting on a Hunter or a Werewolf. An example of this was Sid. The fact that she turned him down, didn't please Theo at all and even less that he now has her partner behind him. He's not the sort of guy to let a 'prey' go, though, so a meeting in the near future is assured.

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 nov 2015 - 14:13 ]

    kindness is never a burden.

    Sonder schreef:

    Oucast or not?


    Seasons will change, but I shall remain


    “The coldest depth of Hell is reserved for people who abandon kittens.”

    Catherine Amelia Kingston
    She introduces herself as "Cat", but Theo often calls her Kitkat or Kittycat, which annoys her greatly.

    Catherine • Greek • pure
    Amelia • Latin • rival

    Cat was barely twenty years old when she died. However, she pretends that she is twenty one, since this is the legal drinking age in the US. In vampire years Cat is 187.
          Montandon, the Scarbs

    “You know that old saying. Once you go dead, no one's better in bed."

          Cat is best described as a young, wild kitten. She is clumpsy, reckless, stubborn, either very lazy or very active, playful, social and sarcastic (what cats definitely would be if they could speak).
          Everyone knows some gracious girl. Cat is not one of those girls. On the contrary even: she is extremely clumsy. She is often trips over her own feet or walks into glass doors. When something breaks and Cat is around, it is likely her fault. It is a good thing Theo and she have enough money, because they spend a fortune on dishes since she keeps breaking everything.
          She is also kind of impulsive, which makes her reckless. She does things without thinking about it, even after 187 years. It is not uncommon that she gets into trouble and Theo often has to save her ass. People frequently tell her she shouldn't do something, but than she is even more likely to do it.
          Cat is also likely to be one of the most stubborn persons you will ever meet. When someone says one thing, she will do the other thing when she is convinced that is better. She is also very stubborn when she has a goal in mind. She doesn't like giving up on her goals and she can get very frustrated and stressed when something doesn't work out. It would be safer when you stay out of her way when this happens.
          Cat is quite whimsical on the area of "activeness". One moment she can be eager to do some running or another active thing, the other moment you will literally have to drag her of the couch if you want her to do something.
          Furthermore, she is always in for some pranks or mischief. If she was still human, you could wake her up for it, even in the middle in the night when she is really tired. This gives her a bit of playfulness. Her flirtiness also shwos her playfulness. If she wants to, she can be a charming young lady and she likes flirting with men, but she rather plays a bit hard to get. It doesn't really matter for her whether they are vampire or human.
          You could call Cat a peoples-person, but she also has her moments that she wants everyone to fuck off and leave her alone. When someone keeps bothering her when she wants to be left alone, she can get quite cranky. It isn't difficult for her to talk with strangers. This is good for her, since she secretly doesn't like being completely alone. She absolutely hates this and almost wants someone around her.
          Sarcasm is one of Cat's favourite languages and she loves using it. It doesn't really matter to her whether people understand her sarcasm or not.
          Cat is rather petite. When she was a human, she was already shorter than the average woman of her time. Now, with her 1.52 centimers, she is quite a shorty. It doesn't really help that she has a frail figure. She has some womenly curves, altough they aren't overly present. Sometimes this irrates her tremendously, but she is also well aware that people will often underestimate her and see her as innocent. What adds to her innocent appereance, is that everything about her is light. She has light blond hair that falls a few inches below her shoulders. It is slightly wavy, which causes it to look messy at times. Her light blonde lockes frame her square face, but her face has soft edges. Her eyes are palegreen. Eventhough they are light, they stand out. This might be because of her eyebrows, which are darker than her blonde locks. She has a small nose that is tilted slightly. Her full lips have a light, rosy color. Her skin color is light as well, although one wouldn't call it pale. Cat is glad with this, because it is not like she can go lay in the sun to get a nice tan.
          She doesn't really have a main clothing style. She just wears whatever she wants. Furthermore, she doesn't really use a lot of make-up. Mainly mascara, since her lashes are long, but not that dark.
          Cat has a tattoo on the back of her neck. It is a Queen of Hearts. Theo has the other part, the King of Hearts.
          Cat's voice is quite husky.

    "God only lets things grow until they're perfect. Some of us didn't take as long as others."

          Cat grew up in quite a poor family, put she was lucky enough to get a job as a servant for a rich, but kind merchant. She used to still live at home, but when her parents died when she was seventeen, the merchant let her life at his house. One night, when she was heading to the house after a late night errant, she was hit by a coach and got knocked unconscious. When she woke up in an unknown, strange room. In the room was a thirty-something man named Joseph. He told her what happened and that she was a vampire now. She didn't believe him at first, but then she started to get a thirst for blood. Joseph pretended to be Cat's master and told her all kinds of bullshit what would happen if she wouldn't obey him. Cat was still rather naive at this point and didn't have any knowledge about vampires, so she didn't know better than to believe Joseph. Joseph wasn't what you call a kind master. He was rather abusive and possessive. Cat was scared of him and wanted to be as far away for Joseph as possible, but she didn't want to get hurt.
          About seventeen years later, Cat and Joseph were in a bar in Poland. Joseph's arrogance had risen to his head and he dared other vampires to challenge him for his money. On one of the nights a familiar face appeared. It was the young man she once gave her coat to, but he didn't appeared any older. When Joseph spotted the young man looking at Cat, he told the man that he wouldn't get Cat if he would beat him, after which he forced Cat to kiss him.
          When Joseph started to realise he was going to lose, he ordered one of his other subjects to kill Cat. Because if he couldn't have her, no one could have her. Luckily for Cat, the young man managed to kill both Joseph and the other subject. The young man introduced himself as Theodore and said he was her real master, but she only believed him after he used their mental connection and it was confirmed by the other vampires in the bar. Cat, however, got quite angry at Theo because he left her alone after she'd turned into a vampire and if he had stayed with her, she wouldn't have fallen into Joseph' hands. Theo tried to convince her that it wouldn't be safe to be all alone, but she didn't listen to him. After a few years Cat realised that Theo was actually right and she searched and found Theo. She didn't want to get into the same relationship as with her old "master" though, and she was glad to find out that Theo agreed with this. Ever since this moment they have been together.

    Theodore Zachariah Wren • Words can't describe how much she cares about Theo. She honestly wouldn't know what to do without him. She always gets upset when Theo is in some trouble with other vampires, werewolves or hunters. She loves calling him Theodork, Teddybear or Theobear. However, she sometimes feels undervalued by him, although that is not really the right word. She's quite afraid that he will just "dump" her at some point.
    Daelyn Orsay Willow • Cat doesn't really like the woman. She thinks Daelyn is cruel for no apparant reason. Cat often thinks of Daelyn as "the embodiment of pure evil". Of course, since Daelyn is the leader of the Colony, she isn't about to go all rude in her face, so she talks to Daelyn like she doesn't dislike her.
    Fox Jonathan Francis Timaeus Ackerman • Cat doesn't really know what to think of the guy. He grabbed her when she just tried to be nice, but he also let her go, although not that friendly, when she made her intentions clear.

    Theodore Zachariah Wren
          • Cat is one of the most horrible cooks you will ever meet. Even after living 187 years, she can't manage to make proper pasta. It basically always ends up on fire. When she tries to make pancakes, the pancakemix usually end up somewhere on the wall or on the floor. Sometimes she even screwes up oven pizzas.
          • Cat has a little kitten called Simba, after Simba from the Lion King.
          • Cat and Theo own a club in the Scrabs, called...
    Play the violin and piano • cupcakes • alcohol • storm • thunder • music • insult Theo • Disney • kittens
    Get up early • drugs • being alone • slow people • not being able to stand in the sun for as long as she wants • cars and coaches

    [ bericht aangepast op 25 okt 2015 - 17:53 ]

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Mag ik een vrouwelijke weerwolf?

    Yisha schreef:
    Mag ik een vrouwelijke weerwolf?

    Sure (:
    Do you want to tell your name, or rather not?


    Sure, my name is Robin. c:

    Yisha schreef:
    Sure, my name is Robin. c:

    You're in (:


    Claire Gena Brooks
    'I'm not afraid'

          Claire Gena Brooks
          Claire is a fighter. She is brave and determined to get what she wants. When she is busy with her 'job' and fighting, she looks emotionless. She goes for her target and gets the job done. Claire is really smart and know what to do in unknown situations.
    Claire can be a complete different person when she is not busy slaying monster. Claire cares for her family and friends. She will do anything to protect them. Also her softer side shows. She is more friendly and helpful. She sees the good in people and will not bring them done for a few bad sides. Although she sees the good in people, she can only see the bad in monsters. Claire holds on to the past, but tries to live in the present.
    Claire has besides her job a dream. She tells no one of her dream, because it could be a sign of weakness. And that is something she doesn't want : Look weak. She wants a normal life and not being a hunter. She dreams of being with someone, get a job and live in a nice house. She known that she will never fulfill this dream, because the monsters will have to go first. She is determined to kill every monster on this earth and she will trade her dream for that.
          Claire is around 1.70 meters, just a little bit taller than averege highed. Her hair is medium brown, long and straight. She normally wears tiny braids in her hair, so her hair doesn't get in her face when she is busy. She has a light olive skin colour and bright blue eyes.
    Claire wears comfortable clothing if she is not busy with the job. When she is, she wears clothing that are more suitable. Most of the time in the colour black.
    Claire is very athletic and strong. Claire has some visible scras on her body, which most scars on her arms. She has a big scar that goes from her belly to her back.
          Claire grew up with the outcast. Her parents were one of the first to join the movement. She has heard the ideas of the group her whole live. As a little girl, she disagreed with most of them. Why kill everyone? She believed that there could be good in the monsters. She went to harsh training since the age of 6. She finished the training at the age of 16. At the age of 16, she still didn't agree with much of the ideology of the group. She never told anyone, except her parents.
    At this age she also started to date a woman named Naomi. She than started to dream of a normal live. She told no one about this, not even her parents, who were already not happy with her dating a girl.
    Claire's ideology changed when she slowly losed the people around her. First a few friends, but later at the age of 20, her parents. Her mother was killed by a werewolf and her father, a few month later, by a vampire. She had a lot of suppored form her girlfriend Naomi, which helped her a lot. However, even Naomi wasn't save. Two after the death of her parents, she gets killed by a old vampire. Since that moment Claire feels more alone than ever, but she still hold on to the people she still has. her ideology changed forever. She now does not see any good in the monsters anymore.
    Caire is trained to use all kinds of wapens, from little knives to big guns. Her favourite wapens is sword, coated with a very thin layer of silver. She also uses a small gun and a special UV-lamp. She also carries a baton with electricity. She uses this to give some an electric shock. She doesn't use this for killing, but to weaken the enemy.
    Claire is bisexual. She has dated a few man an women. She had a boyfriend at a very young age. She had a girlfriend, named Naomi. They had a relationship for almost 4 years. They meet at the age of 16 and ended when Naomi was killed by a vampire at the age of 22.
    Relationships: Open voor relaties

    [ bericht aangepast op 22 okt 2015 - 20:22 ]

    Seasons will change, but I shall remain

    Can I have a male vampire?

    Oceanid schreef:
    Can I have a male vampire?



    Alfa St.-Louis

    Fox: Either from the English word fox or the surname Fox, which originally given as a nickname.
    Jonathan: From the Hebrew name Yehonatan, contracted to Yonatan, meaning "YAHWEH has given"
    Francis: English form of the Late Latin name Franciscus which meant "Frenchman".
    Timaeus: Latinized form of the Greek name Timaios, derived from Timao, meaning "to honour".
    (Ackerman: Means "ploughman" from the Middle English word acker "field". )
    Nicknames: Foxy, Alfa, Boss, Bear, Sir

    He uses his last middle name as his surname, because the Ackermans are a very known Hunters family and he doesn't want anyone to connect him to them. Ofcourse there are other people with that last name too, but he still doesn't use it. When he has to introduce himself, he'll call himself Fox Timaeus.


    Alfa St.-Louis

    He was born on the 14th of march, 1989. He now is 26 years old.
    His sign is Pisces.

    He lives with his pack in St.-Louis. They own one and a half floor of a large apartment building. Fox has an apartment of his own.

    Cruel - Righteous - Dominant - Playful - Curious - Quickly irritated - Bitter - Defensive - Humorous - Brotherly - Protective - Hot-tempered - Cynical - Distrustful - Sacrificial - Stubborn - Secretive - Brooding - Threathening - Revengeful - In pain - Impulsive

    • Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will.
    Fox has made quite a name throughout the years and is known for a couple of things. For instance; he is known for his cruelty, especially when you are trespassing his territory. He doesn't show mercy often, and even if he does, you will never forget your encounter with him or his Pack. He isn't forgiving either.
    He is, however, very careful not to break the rules - or at least he makes it look like that.

    • If a million people say a foolish thing, it's still a foolish thing.
    Despite his cruelty, he won't hurt you unless you deserve it. He is very righteous, he always was, and will even help people when he sees them being punished for something they didn't do. He will not take anything more than he needs or deserves, but he won't stop fighting for the things he does need or deserve - or so he thinks he does.
    This characteristic is one of the traits that make him the excellent Alfa he is.[font]

    • Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack.
    Dominance is, without a doubt, his most prominent character trait. He radiates power, which even non-Werewolves will notice. He was born an alfa, and not many people dare to doubt that. He often uses his body to prove his leadership, but he is good with words too. He can get a room full of people quiet in a matter of seconds, just by opening his mouth. He still uses his muscles the most, because... Well, what else is he going to do with them?

    • That is a terrible, horrible, incredibly foolish idea. Let's do it and see what happens.
    Although his responsibilities, he still likes to do stupid and risky stuff. He is a very curious young man, and likes to play games too. When he is in a good mood, he often takes the kids of his pack to do crazy, but fun things (like throwing paint bombs at the Cathedral.) He's also always in some sort of prank war with his Packmembers. Ofcourse, he wins most of them.
    When he is alone with his sister, he teases her constantly. It's what big brothers do and he has a lot of annoying and irritating to catch up.

    • Why don't you go fucking shit yourself?
    He may be playful and put on prank wars daily, that doesn't mean he is a jolly ray of sunshine. In fact, due to the constant stress he has to endure, he is very quickly irritated. He curses like it's his mantra and sneers more at people than he should. He isn't a nice guy you'd want to hang out with, certainly not when you just get to know him. He'll soften up to people the longer he knows them, but you still have to be careful with what you say and do.

    • You call it defensive, I call it reason.
    Because he had a lot of pain in his past, he won't allow anyone to hurt him again. He is very defensive, and won't open up easily. He always expect the worst, which isn't always a bad thing, though it does keep people at a distance. Therefore, he is quite lonely sometimes, eventhough he is almost never alone.

    • Want to hear a real joke? Your life.
    Nevertheless, he always was and is a funny guy, who likes joking around. Aside from the prankwars, he also likes to make jokes or have a good laugh. He might be sarcastic and mean sometimes, he is able to be a really cool guy and have a fun time. He does laugh a lot, even if the joke is on him. He won't get mad if you prank him, but you can expect some sort of revenge.

    I'm trying my best to be polite, but if you move that knife one inch closer, I will tear you apart.

    • But I'll let no one hurt you or tease you today; cause I'm your older brother and beside you I'll stay.
    Another trait which makes him a good leader, is his brotherlike care. Although he doesn't trust anyone, he will always be there for his packmembers, especially the younger members. He is very brotherly, and will try to keep everyone save and happy. He teases a lot, but at the end, he is someone you can always count on. His sister knows this even better than anyone, since he loves her dearly.

    • Don't you even fucking think about touching her.
    He is also very protective and will put himself in danger to protect his loved ones. As an Alfa, he must do this. With kids, this is even more so. He will even protect Human and Hunter kids. He simply feels the need to keep them save. The people who experiences this the most, are Freya and his Oméga. He always wants to know where they are, with who they are, what they are doing... It's driving him - and them - crazy from time to time.

    • Don't make me angry, babydoll. You won't like it.
    Besides him being quickly irritated, he is also very hot-tempered. He will go from calm to raging in a blink of an eye. He has his changing onder controle, but that doesn't mean he won't punch a hole in the wall from time to time. He won't attack if he knows he can't win. If he can, however, he will jump at you and hurt you, even if you are a Pack-member. He won't hit them, though, he is more of a grabbing and pushing against a wall type of guy. Luckily, this is normal for a werewolf, and it shows his dominancy once more. He also likes to throw things too.

    • The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.
    He is a bitter man, and with that comes his cynicism. He has a talent to offend people with his truthfulness. He pulls no punches and can be very harsh. He isn't too shy to show his opinion, even if it isn't a positive one, and you have to be prepared for the answer if you ask him about it.

    • True friends stab you in the front.
    Again because of his past, he doesn't trust anyone. He has been betrayed by the people he trusted the most, and he will never forget that. He even doesn't fully trust Freya or his bèta. He knows every werewolf of his pack can try to take his position. Although he is capable of loving, and he does love certain people, he often acts like he doesn't. He simply doesn't want to let his guard down.

    • No. NO. I fucking said no!
    You won't get him to change his mind easy. He is very stubborn and always strongly believes he is right. That's probably because he is 95% of the time, but his stubborness can still be very annoying. He will listen to other's opinions and remarks, but only when he isn't sure himself. He is also very consistent with punishments. A no will almost always stay a no.

    • I do not hide behind walls; I hide in bunkers.
    Although he is the Alfa for almost seven years, only a few pack-members know more about him than his age and name. No werewolve knows of his Hunter background, though. They only know that he was born in Greenstone, left the city for a couple of years and returned. His family is simply one big mistery, and nobody even tries to ask about it anymore. A growl is the only answer they get, anyways.
    His past isn't the only thing about him that he hides. His true feelings and pain don't show either. That's why nobody really knows who he is. If he wasn't the great leader he is, he would probably have been killed by his pack a long time ago.

    • "Is that a threat?" "No, it's a promise."
    He isn't afraid to use violence and everybody knows that. He will hurt people to make sure they don't make the same mistake twice. He is very threatening, and uses fear as a warning to everyone who wants to hurt him or his Pack. He never shows fear himself and uses his body language very well to this cause.

    • His mind was filled with thoughts of French fries and revenge.
    However, if you don't listen to those threats and you get yourself on his blacklist, you should run. Hard. Fox never forgets any harm done to him or his beloved ones, and will get his revenge. In prankwars and in real ones. He will always be the one to give the final blow. He won't stop until he finds you and has given you the pain you deserve.

    • There are wounds that never show on the body and that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.
    Last but not least: There is a soft side of Fox, but it's hidden very well. It's quite possible he isn't able anymore to find it himself. Due to his past, he has experienced a lot of pain and he has never given himself the chance to heal. He still feels the pain of treason and abandonment everyday, and it makes him hate Hunters more and more.

    [F.C. Matthew Noszka]
    • Face: Despite his moody personality, he looks rather cute and happy. His large, hazel eyes always have some sort of spark and his full lips often curl upwards. His small nose, high cheekbones and the dimple in his chin finish the picture of his begging puppyface. Luckily, his strong jawline and heavy eyebrows give him the manliness he needs for his position and when he is angry, the cuteness dissapears in an instant.
    He is definitely a blond and his skin is quite light too, although he doesn't burn that easy. He often puts gel in his hair, although he rocks the I-slept-like-this-look too. He also often has a stubble, because he doesn't like shaving.
    • Body: Unlike his face, the rest of his body isn't cute at all. He is tall and muscular with a broad upperbody, small loins and firm legs. He is 6,4 feet tall (195 cm) and weighs about 225 lbs (102 kg), due to his muscles. He has been training since he was little, and never stopped. He likes to sport and you can see it. he is very proud of his body and likes to flaunt it. He doesn't have a lot of body hair.

    He isn't an Alfa for nothing. His wolf-form is one gigantic, pitchblack nightmare. His teeth are too long for his mouth and his claws can rip you apart without much effort. His fur is the darkest black you have ever seen. Therefore, you can barely see him at night, eventhough he is bigger than a brown bear. His eyes are a hypnotic green. The fur on his front paws is thinner due to the burningscars, but you'll hardly notice it.
    • Tattoos and scars: Arms: Because he never was a true Hunter, he didn't get the Sign. He doesn't have any other tattoos. However, he does have a lot of scars. Most of them are made by other werewolves, when he had to fight for dominance or territory. They are all over his body, but the biggest claw- and bitemarks are on his back and right, upper leg. He has burning marks on both of his arms, due to silver. They aren't very visible, but you'll notice them when you look closely.
    • Clothes: He likes comfy and light clothes. He only wears something expensive when he has to neggotiate with the Colony, other Packs or the Hunters. Otherwise, you will find him in a loose jeans or sweatpants and a plain shirt. In the winter, he wears sweaters too.
    • Jewelry: He doesn't wear jewely, because it can hurt him when he changes.


    • Early life: When Fox was born, everybody was excited. He was the leader's first child, and with both parents being a Hunter, the chances were very good. Nevertheless, when he turned four, they showed him a picture from a vampire. He could see the lady and the hopes of his parents were shattered. From that day on, his father stopped truely loving him. Ofcourse, he cared for his son, but the disappointment would never really disappear. His mom was less hard and she never stopped loving him.
    When Fox turned six, his training started. He wasn't a Hunter, but he was raised like one. He learned about Creatures and he started fighting. When he was seven, he beat up a nine years old Hunter kid. It turned out he was a natural talent and his training intensified. He could keep up with the other Hunter-kids, which was quite strange. He gave the best of him for years, so he would get the approval of his parents. He did not get a partner, since he would never go on a hunt.
    • Teenager: Although he never had the feeling he was really wanted by his parents or family, he turned out to be a happy teenager. When he was ten, his little sister was born. He immediatly loved her and was the best big brother for nearly eight years. He started practicing with a sniper when he was eleven and kept training. When he hit puberty, he was quite a pain in the ass for the community. He started rebelling with pranks and jokes. The fragile bond between his father and him, dissapeared completely. They fought a lot, but never abandoned each other.
    Despite this, he was a popular kid. The younger familymembers loved him for his craziness and jokes, and the olders could appreciate it too, or at least most of the time.
    • Change: He changed one month before his 18th birthday. He woke up and the first thing he saw, was the gun his father was pointing at him. Since he was also naked, in pain, and covered in blood, he was utterly confused about what was happening until he saw the determination in his father's eyes. It was when he heard the man speak those four horrible words "I should have known.", he realized he just lost his family and was about to lose his life too. If it wasn't for his sister's scream, Fox probably wouldn't have survived that day.
    The eight year old girl almost jumped in front of him, but their mother could stop her. The woman who could see the darkness in Fox' eyes too, objected his immediate death succesfully. Fox received three minutes to grab a pants and run for his life. In those three minutes, his father assembled a team to hunt down his son. The only reason Fox survived that hunt, was because he had lived among Hunters for all of his life and he knew what they would do. He did however, get awfully burned when he went through the silvery exit of the OldHub. The scars are still visible on his arms.

    • Departure: He ran, wearing only a pair of pants in the winter, and almost died several times. His arms were severely wounded, and the cold was almost overwhelming, but he managed to get to Lewis Port. He hid on a boat and left Greenstone. He went to New York and lived a harsh life, trying to control the wolf inside of him. He killed three people in the process. A fourth wasn't an accident anymore. Fox changed for good and became the bitter, distrustful and cruel man he is today. He joined a small pack in New York, but left a few weeks after.
    • Return & Pack: When he was 19, he returned to Greenstone. At first, he was an unknown rogue, until he had an encounter with a Hunter. It wasn't an Ackerman, but Fox still recognized the man. He killed him in his revengeful rage. The never found out it was him, but he knew he had to join a pack in order to survive. He joined the one in St.-Louis, which wasn't as big and strict as it is now. After a few weeks, Fox had already made a name in his pack. He disagreed with almost everything. When he was twenty, he couldn't handle it anymore.
    • Alfa: He challenged the muchs older Alfa and killed him after a long fight by ripping out his throath. Since then, he has been the Alfa. In those six years, he has been challenged three times. The first time was a few weeks after him becoming the Alfa. The challenger didn't like his young age and attitude, but soon regretted his choice. He was nearly killed, and isn't been seen since. The other two challenges were rogues, who wanted a quick leadership. They have been eliminated rahter quickly.
    Because his state as an Alfa, he had to negociate with his former family. He has seen his parents again, but acted like he didn't knew them. His father was quite shocked, although he wasn't really surprised. Fox still hates him untill this day, but he can't help feeling some sort of loss since the dead of his parents one year ago.
    He has seen his sister too, and loves her more than anything, although he won't admit that. He is worried about her and hopes he never has to choose between her and a pack member.
    To mock his previous community, he is constantly testing them. He doesn't allow his pack members to just randomly kill people, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. His knowledge about the community definitely helps and his previous training makes him almost unbeatable. He fights differently than any other werewolf, and only changes as his last resort.

    Congratulations; I don't like you.

    • Smoking: He smokes when he is stressed, which he is almost all the time. Thus, yes; he is addicted.
    • Alcohol: He loves drinking and partying, but he can't do it very often due to his responsibilities.
    • Women: He likes sex and women and has had a lot of different bedpartners. He never had a real relationship, because he doesn't want to worry about yet another person. He has liked some girls ans women more than others, but oppressed those feelings succesfully.
    • Drawing: He has been a talented drawer ever since the first time he touched a pencil. His mother was always very proud because of this, and although his father first thought it was useless, started to appreciate his work too. Until he turned out to be a werewolf, ofcourse. Nowadays, he still draws when he can, which isn't very often. He is very good at portraits, since he never forgets a face.
    • Dog: This is very rare for a werewolf, but Fox has a rottweiler called Hannibal. He trained the dog very well (his Alfa skills definitely helped) and the animal listens perfectly to him. It took some time, but the dog is used to the scent of werewolves, and doesn't mind their presence anymore. Fox has him for four years and will take her with him almost anywhere.
    • Job: Trainer: A lot of his Packmembers have jobs, because they need the money. Fox himself owns a large gym in St.-Louis. He himself is a trainer too, or at least when he has the time for it.
    • Fighting: He loves fighting. He may never have been a Hunter, his fighting skills are almost perfect. He still trains a lot and likes to compete with others, whether they are Human, Werewolf, Vampire or Hunter.
    • Shooting/weapons: He knows how to use a knife and a gun, but that's about it. The only thing he really keeps training, are his sniperskills. Since he would never go on a hunt, he has learned how to take enemies down from a distance. He is quite proud of his ability, although he never uses it for real.
    • Transportation: He likes running, but for greater distances he has a pick-up truck and a motorcycle.

    • Likes:
    The ocean
    American football
    • Dislikes:
    Hunters (except for Freya)
    Dog whistles
    Drama queens
    Other Alfas
    Pineapple on a pizza
    His father

    • Helias

    • Thorne

    • Theodore
    Fox doesn't like vampires and Theo isn't an exception. The two of them don't get along very well, especially since Fox threatened Cat in a misunderstanding. They haven't try to kill each other. Yet.

    • Marley

    • Catherine
    Although Cat was friendly to him, Fox didn't like her as well. He thought she would try to hurt him and got defensive. This got him in a fight with Theo, and for some reason he blames Cat too. Honestly, the girl didn't do anything wrong, but Fox still dislikes her.

    • Daelyn
    With his one, he is careful. He can't say he likes her, but he does have some sort of respect. When they are together, to neggotiate or talk, there is some sort of tension between the two leaders. She likes to tease him and play games with him, which makes Fox furious. Nevertheless, he won't attack her since she is quite powerful.

    • Freya
    He has always loved his sister very much. She was the only one who always looked up to him and didn't mind that he wasn't a Hunter. He was still the best to her, even when he teased her and he is very grateful for that. Although she knew he was back, it was only three years ago when they met again. He saved her ass from a vampire in a Tantrum and she almost shot him, but eventually, everything turned out allright. Since that day, they meet very often and even train with each other. They both keep this secret. Fox also kinda stalks her, since he is deeply worried something's going to happen to her. It's not clear if Freya knows this.
    He has thought about adopting her, and even has the papers ready, but he is still doubting. Until now, he hasn't told anybody about it.

    • Zachaël
    He was a great example for his little cousin and he still is. Zach looks out for his sister and Fox is very grateful for that. He also likes to talk to him, but they don't see each other very often.

    • Obsidian
    Fox is a very protective man, and Sid has been one of his protegies for a long time. After he left, this didn't really change. He knows what's bugging her, since they both have/had a dissapointed father. She often comes to him to talk or even train, just to get better. Although Fox won't tell her any werewolf secrets, he likes to help her and he cares for her.

    • Claire

    • Vester

    • Leilani
    Since she is one of the stronger werewolves in his pack, Fox knows her quite well. He often asks her opinion about stuff, and she will give it to him. Even when doesn't ask about it. He likes her, maybe even more than other females, but they do have there fights. Those fights always end up with slamming doors, holes in the walls or sex. It depends on their moods.

    • Rebecca

    May the bridges I burn light the way.

    [ bericht aangepast op 28 okt 2015 - 16:35 ]


    " quote "


    • Name
          Rebecca Ann Ravens.

    • Creature

    • Status

    • Age:

    • Residence
          St. - Louis.
    • Inner:

    • Outer:
    [FC: Lindsay Hansen]
          height: five feet; four inches; short
    Compared to many other girls , Rebecca would be considered short. although, there are girls shorter than her, so she doesn't usually feel singled out. but she doesn't mind her height much, as it's not something she can change, so why bother worrying about it?

          weight: one hundred thirty two pounds; slim
    Rebecca is a very petit young girl, and it's not just because she's shorter. she is very small, with a thigh gap and her collar bones sticking out. but she's by no means underweight, it's just her body type.
    Her skin is very pale and has almost no freckles, moles, or birthmarks on it, but she burns very easily in the sun, making summer her most dreaded season

          eyes: green

    Surrounded by long, thick eyelashes are Rebecca's deep, rich, green eyes. she doesn't consider them unique or special, but really, they are. they have little golden flecks surrounding the pupil, and they seriously stand out against her light blonde hair and the pale pallor of her skin. they are the tellers of all her emotions, much to her displeasure.

          hair: brown ; straight

    Reaching to just above the small of her back is Rebecca's long, naturally straight brown hair. She has dyed her hair a shade lighter at the bottom and likes that a lot. Style wise, Rebecca prefers to keep things simple, with just a side part and a side bang, and she usually wears it in a braid or ponytail, as she does not enjoy having it in her face.

    Her neck

    Werewolf: Wolf-form too, especially fur, height and eyecolour. Scars will be adapted from his humanform.

    • History:
    Werewolves: When did they change? In which environment?

    • Extra:

    • Relationships.

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 okt 2015 - 12:13 ]

    If someone wants to take a Hunter, or maybe knows someone who might, please do so (:


    Sonder schreef:
    If someone wants to take a Hunter, or maybe knows someone who might, please do so (:

    I'll take a Hunter if you're in desperate need of them. A dude pls.

    kindness is never a burden.

    Tamaki schreef:

    I'll take a Hunter if you're in desperate need of them. A dude pls.

    Thanks, darling (:
    Outcast or local?
