16+ recommended
    A Sonder's production

    Did you ever see something that wasn't quite right? Like a glance of darkness in a stranger's eyes, or a shadow that shouldn't be there? No?
    Good. You don't want to.
    But there are people who do. They can see the monsters; they hunt them and they kill them.
    No, this isn't Twilight.

    It's October 2015 and Greenstone (USA) has never been so un-dead. The Werewolf-packs are bigger than ever, the Vampire-colony has never had this much power, but the Hunters are still managing to keep the city at balance. It's hard, it's difficult, it's even nearly impossible, but they can do it. With Codes, agreements and a try for peace, they can keep up.
    Until the Outcasts arrive and everything they have worked for has come to an end. These cruel Hunters won't stop until the last creature has burned to death. They will succeed, and nobody stands in their way, or at least not for long. Suddenly, the city is at the brink of war, and nobody can be trusted anymore. Hunter, Vampire or Werewolf, they all have the same question;
    Who is hunting whom?

    Dark souls are old souls.

    Before you claim a role, you have to read the information about the city.
    This information can be found here: GREENSTONE

    You also have to read the information about your creature very well.
    It's recommended to read the others too, but you can do that later.

    If you participated in the old MSV (A Bloody Hell), you'll have to read them too. I made some changes and they are quite important. I hope you'll see them as improvements (:
    If you want to reclaim your role, you can, but you'll have to change a few things, and ofcourse, rewrite it in English.

    If something remains unclear, don't be afraid to ask - in English or in Dutch.

    Vampires VOL
    Marthe ~ Aincrad ~ Helias ~ idk ~ Colony (2nd ic)
    Liesje ~ Sonder ~ Thorne ~ 16 / 815 ~ Loner
    Lene ~Tamaki ~ Theodore Zachariah Wren ~ 26 / 239 ~ Colony | 2 AF
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age/Real Age ~ Status
    Nichelle ~ Fukari ~ Marley Georgia Paleari ~ Age/Real Age ~ Colony (3th) | 4
    Cheryl ~ Feyre ~ Catherine Amelia Kingston ~ 20 / 187 ~ Colony | 2 AF
    Amber ~ Vulcan ~ Daelyn Orsay Willow ~ 22 / 677 ~ Leader colony | 4

    Marthe ~ Aincrad ~ Freya Historia Rose Maria Ackerman. ~ 16 | 3
    Mirte ~ Caster ~ Zachaël Nathanael Ackerman ~ 19 | 5 AF
    Gabriëlle/Gaby ~ Feared ~ Obsidian "Sid" Elladore Genefray ~ 19 | 5 AF
    Amber ~ Vulcan ~ James Maximus Watson ~ 27 | 5
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age

    Loïs ~ Serenata ~ Claire Gena Brooks ~ 26 | 2 AF
    Lene ~ Tamaki ~ Vester Wolfgang Morgenstern ~ 22 | 5
    Megan ~ Kepner ~ [Reagan Catalina Brennan] ~ 20 | 5
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age

    Liesje ~ Sonder ~ Fox Jonathan Francis Timaeus Ackerman ~ 26 ~ Alfa St.-Louis | 2 AF
    Cheryl ~ Feyre ~ Leilani Kiera Dawson ~ 23 ~ Warrior St.-Louis
    Robin ~ Yisha ~ Rebecca Ann Ravens ~ 20 ~ ? St.-Louis
    Nichelle ~ Fukari ~ Celaena Karolyna Madar ~ 24 ~ Oméga St.-Louis | 5
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age ~ Status
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age ~ Status
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age ~ Status

    (if you want something, just ask (: )
    • Alfa
    • Béta
    • Oméga
    • Others
    • Alfa: Fox Jonathan Francis Timaeus Ackerman
    • Bèta
    • Oméga: Fukari
    • Others: Leilani & Rebecca

    • Leader:
    • Second in command:
    • Third in command:
    • Others:
    • Leader: Deceased: Paxton Cornelius Ackerman Now:
    • Second in command:
    • Others:

    Vampires (colony):
    • Leader: Daelyn
    • Second in command (2): Helias
    • Third in command (3): Marley
    • Others:


    • Name
    • Creature
    • Status (Vampire: Loner, or Colony (think logically about the numbers. There aren't many Loners),
    Werewolf: Loner, Alfa, Bèta, Warrior, Oméga or just a pack member (and which pack),
    Hunter: OldHub or Outcast.)
    • Age: (Vampire: Age of Death between 16 and 35, Real age between 16 and 750. Thorne is 815, but that's because he is my inspiration for all of this and he has been the oldest one since I was six (this is based on a fantasy from when I was a little weirdo.) It's just a part of him, and I hope you'll understand.
    All the others: Between the age of 16 and 35. When you're a hunter and younger than 18, your training has not been completed yet. Even if you're an Outcast!)
    • Residence
    • Inner: (Not just single words, I want a bit of explanation.)
    • Outer: (Vampire: Remember it's possible your char has a scar from his death.
    Werewolf: Wolf-form too, especially fur, height and eyecolour. Scars will be adapted from his human form.
    Hunters: Don't forget the Artifact and tattoo! Most of them have scars too.)
    • History: (Vampires: How'd they die?
    Werewolves: When did they change? In which environment?
    Outcastmembers: When, why and how did they join the Outcasts?)
    • Extra:
    • Relationships. (The Outcast hunter group has been in Greenstone for about a week. They haven't hunted yet, because of the many preparations, but it won't take long anymore. There are rumours about their arrival, but they are still just rumours.)

    Vampires: • Master (killed, or not?)
    • Subjects
    Hunters: Partners

    • Quizlet's Houserules!!
    • Reservations will stay for 48 hours.
    • You have until next Saturday (24/10) to finish your role.
    • Maximum 3 roles, with different creatures, unless I say otherwise.
    • I want decent roles.
    • Don't leave me hanging. This was really a lot of work. If you don't have time, then don't make a role.
    • If you don't react, I WILL NAG YOU! Be warned.
    • Please tell me if you change your name.

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 dec 2015 - 18:06 ]


    I'll feel my heart implode
    And I'm breaking out
    Escaping now
    Feeling my faith erode.

    NAME † Vester Wolfgang Morgenstern.
          Vester is the short form of the German name Silvester and means "of the forest". Wolfgang is derived from the German words wulf meaning "wolf" and gang meaning "path". Morgenstern means "morning star" and is also German.

    CREATURE † Hunter.
    STATUS † Outcast.
    AGE † He turned eighteen on October 4th.
    RESIDENCE † Currently he lives in a shitty hotel in Montandon, but he's looking for an apartment.
    INNER † Vester doesn't really like people, that's for sure. He loves being on his own and could easily be called a loner. He's kinda antisocial and definitely an introvert, which means he's rather home alone, than out and about with a group of other people. But also that he can get very grumpy when he's been social or around others for far too long. It's not like he hates people or that he wishes they were dead, but more that he doesn't necessarily think their presence is important for the sake of survival. He also believes that whatever someone else does, he can do as well and sometimes even better. You could say that this makes him slightly cocky and overconfident but it's not at all like that. He's just very aware of everything he does and as he is a perfectionist he will pay more attention to tiny details than others would. This perfectionism can also be a pain in the ass, because when things don't go the way he pictured it or don't go as flawless as he wanted, he'll get very frustrated with himself and the depression will take over. Under all this antisocialness, he really does have a heart of gold, though and he only wants what's best for the world.
          All these things are nothing compared to his intelligence and his skills, though. He's a very smart guy, who always knows exactly what he's doing and why he's doing it and how he should do it. He isn't very school-smart though. He knows a lot about the world and the way of life, but don't ask him the square root of pi. He's also a very good Hunter. He could easily take on a couple of Vampires on his own and get away without having too much damage. Although he's still fairly young, he's skilled in a lot of combat fighting types and knows a lot about weapons and different ways to murder someone. In another life he could've been an assassin. He's also very adventurous. Though he likes being alone, he also likes discovering new places alone and going on midnight adventures. He's not afraid of dying or getting hurt, so you could say he's quite daring. In classes, when the teacher used to ask for a volunteer and no one raised their hands, it was most of the time Vester who rolled his eyes and then volunteered to do a certain trick or answer a certain question.
          Vester also suffers from depression, as I stated earlier. It all started after his girlfriend died and even though there are some times he feels really good, there are also a lot of times he just couldn't really care if he died or not. Don't get me wrong, he's not suicidal. He'd never do something as stupid as shoot himself or whatever. He's very anguished by the death of his girlfriend and hasn't and will never forgive himself for the things he's done. He's also sure God won't forgive him either and he doesn't know which is worse. Sometimes he can get panic attacks and on moments like that, he's grateful for having a partner.
          And lastely Vester has a very dark sense of humor, which not many people understand. It can be racist or sexist sometimes, but when he's got the feeling he's offending people, he will apologize, though he'll still think it's funny.

    OUTER † Vester is a tall, not very muscular but certainly not skinny looking either young man. He is 189 centimeters. He's gotten quite musical in a short amount of time, due to the training the Outcasts give him. He also goes running every morning and goes to the gym twice or thrice a week. He's got a healthy weight of 80 kg; though he eats a lot of fast food, he compensates it with training.
          His hair is a kind of dark brown, short at one side and a bit longer on the other (he's got a fringe). He also sometimes has a beard and two dark brown eyes.
          His style of clothing is very dark and quite nonchalant. Some might call him a skater and although he does have a skateboard, he rarely used it. He wears a lot of sweatshirts and vests and snapbacks. Outerwearlike he wears a black leather jacket. You'll most likely see him in black jeans and dark coloured shirts, sometimes with bandnames on them. He also always wears either black Chuck Taylors or black Vans or some other type of sneakers.
          Vester has a lot of tattoos which include a skull in his neck, wings and a batlike creature on his chest, roses on his hand and a skeleton of a dinosaur on his arm.

    HISTORY † Vester was born in Germany on the fourth of October, 1997, as only son of Elaine and Engelbert Morgenstern. He's lived most of his life in the United States, after he and his parents moved there when he was about 5 years old. There he trained with a lot of other Hunter children, until he met a human girl, Willa Bauman in the summer of 2010. He fell in love with her and they were together for nearly two years, but then he lost her. She got bitten and turned by Daelyn, the leader of the Vampire Colony. In his rage and pain and sadness he killed the love of his life. Ever since he's lived with the Outcasts, not forgiving himself for not being able to save her or forgiving himself for allowing Daelyn to turn his love in a Vampire.
    EXTRA † He's very religious and believes there is a God, Heaven and Hell. He's also convinced he'll go to Hell.
          He's specialized in combat fighting and a very skilled sword fighter. Although he knows how to use a handgun, rifle and other guns, he prefers to use two long black swords (with a thin layer of silver on top) or two daggers. He mostly uses these to burn werewolves or cut of the heads of vampires. His combat fighting skills include Kyosho-Jitsu, Jujitsu, Aikido, Karate, Taekwondo, Hapkido, Kungfu, Judo, Cha Quan, Tai chi and Eskrima. His fighting technique is to wait until the other person or group makes a mistake and to attack then.
          He has a white English bulldog called Pietro, who doesn't do much and is pretty useless.
    Likes: Horror movies, cigarettes, tattoos, drugs (sometimes), fast food, (cleaning) his swords, video games.
    Dislikes: Himself, panic attacks, Daelyn, pink and blue foods.

    Daelyn: Vester hates her with everything he has in him and still wants revenge.

    [ bericht aangepast op 14 dec 2015 - 18:54 ]

    kindness is never a burden.

    Obsidian Elladore Genefray

    • Name

    • • •

    You know what they say;
    Good things come in small packages.’

    • • •

    • • •

    I would punch you if I could reach your face.
    You know that, right?’

    • • •

    • • •

    I am allowed to be mean; small girls are closer to Hell.
    What is your excuse?’

    • • •

          Obsidian (Obsidie•en)
    — Igneous rock of volcanic glass, colored black

          Elladore (Ella•dor)
    — Her grandmother's name

          Genefray (Gen•e•free)
    — The combination of Gene and Fray. Gene meaning the Hunters gene, and Fray meaning battle or fight.
          The family Genefray has always had only a few Hunters per generation. They're extremely rare; without much of an explanation. It's a battle for the gene. A very suiting surname.

          Obsidian has never liked the way her name sounds. Her parents chose to call their children after black stones. Onyx, Obsidian and Opal. Because of her dislike, Obsidian introduces herself almost always as Sid. A nickname that's both modern and short. It's still part of her actual name.
          Obsidian is mostly used by her parents and during formal occasions.

    • Creature

    • Status

    • Age
          Sid is nineteen years old — although her appearance doesn't fit her age, and people often think she's younger.

    • Residence

          Sid left home with the message that she was needed there rather than home — just so she could get away from her father. As she's closing in to her twentieth birthday, her father has gotten even more demanding causing Sid to suffocate under the pressure. She needed to get away — so her and Zach moved into two rooms at OldHub.

    • Inner
          Obsidian — or Sid as she prefers to be called — is a bright young lady, that knows what she wants and how she has to get it. Sid is not the type of person you want to get in the way of; when you're in her way, she won't hesitate to go through you if that is what it takes. The strongest part of Sid is her brain. She can be insanely smart, about the most different of subjects. Her intelligence isn't questionable. Still — she won't act like a know—it—all.
          For a Hunter, Sid always had her struggles with mastering her abilities. She was born with only a small amount of talent; all the rest she had to learn by very hard work. Her family situation did not help her either. Her father was incredibly hard on Sid, which made her a huge perfectionist. Sid carries the urge to prove herself along pretty much everything she does. That tends to collide with her adventurous side, and also the way she loves to dare others.
          She's a good person — at least she considers herself as good. Sid is a natural at helping the people around her, without asking for anything in return. She enjoys company, although she prefers to be alone. It's known that Sid isn't the most scary Hunter you will ever meet — yet I wouldn't recommend belittling her, or even underestimate her the slightest bit. Sid will surprise you massively when you make that mistake.
          She can be a hand full for the tiny girl she is. Zach can be called a brave man for handling her the ten years they've spent together. She surely isn't the easiest person to be around. You can hurt her, or challenge her if you like — but you should know that Sid has a particular way of dealing with those things. There is no fear in her when she's angry. Angry Sid is comparable with a storm in a glass. But her anger will never come in the way of her duties. Obsidians loyalty lies with the Hunters and their Code — and therefore she will always put that above her own feelings.

    • Outer
          With only 159 centimeters, Sid can hardly be called intimidating. From afar, many wouldn't even guess that she's a Hunter at all. As a kid she was teased for the way she looked; like a startled rabbit. Nowadays, when you look closer, you can almost see her for the gracious little woman she is. With a fierce gaze in her electric—blue eyes, she could almost make you believe that she's going to conquer the world.
          Her skin is pale, slightly milky. It's a wonder she doesn't often get sunburned. It's a trait all of her siblings share, inherited from her mothers side of the family. The same goes for her locks — which are an old—brown shade; as if they're constantly on fire. They're quite long and messy textured. Sid is fond of her hair, but not in an idle way.
          Her body is in proportion, well balanced at the most. With soft facial curves and a following frame. She would've been fragile if she hadn't been so active. Because of the muscles in mostly her legs, she doesn't look like she'll break easily. Thus making her an interesting petite lady.
    Her height can be annoying, but she likes to get lost in big crowds. It's like she's invisible — and at times that's exactly what she craves.

          As a Hunter — Sid is used to her damages and imperfections, regarding the rough training and numerous fights. The most visible scars are found on her hands, lower legs and upper arms. She's a master in protecting her face — although you can find an old cut following the line of her left jaw. It's done by a knife during one of her first training sessions. After that, she never let her face unarmed.

          The Artficact Sid wears, is a bracelet. A fine artwork, if she can say so herself. It's subtle and ageless. Sid cherishes the only piece of jewelry she possesses; it was a gift from her grandmother, and she holds it very dear.

          Her Sign is located on her left collarbone; she can cover it up and show it at ease. Her partner Zach got the Sign on the same spot.

    • History
          Obsidian Elladore Genefray was born on an unusually cold day in late March. Her human mother overjoyed to welcome a daughter into her arms; her Hunter father only slightly happy. Her brother Onyx, three years older, had already proven that he didn't carry the Hunter gene with him — which left their father determined to have another child. The fact that Obsidian turned out to be a Hunter was a huge surprise for both her father as herself. Obsidians mother — Colette — had hoped that she would've been normal as well. When Sid started her training, her mother delivered another boy. Her younger brother Opal.
          There were high hopes for him — but Sid remained the only one of her siblings that possessed the Hunter gene. To much dislike of her father, whom treated her harshly. It wasn't a perfect life. In fact, there were many times Sid wanted to flee. But she never did. It was her responsibility to stay and succeed. Whatever that meant to her own wishes.
          Her brothers couldn't understand her struggles, nor did her mother. The only person that tried was her grandmother — the mother of her father. When she died, Obsidian thought she'd lost the only person that truly cared for her. But she was wrong — because the week after her funeral, she met her partner.
          After that Sid found peace with herself, she did her best despite the fact that her father was never completely satisfied. Zachaël made it a lot easier to forget the expectations and just do it. Sid wasn't a natural Hunter; she probably never will be. But she fights and pushes herself to the best she can get — every day.

    • Extra
    — Sid is left handed
    — She can hold her breath for a full two minutes
    — Sid is very good at telling whether someone is speaking the truth or lying

    Books, adventures, tea, stories, stupid facts, Zach, movies, cats, her crossbow, candor, candy, trees, stars, riddles, fire, music, ruins, poems, photography
    Liars, dirty fighters, coffee, heels, self—centered people, drugs, blood, cold, rats, comments about her height, gossip, cowards, people who mistreat Zach, rain, not being good enough, her father, disappointments

    • Relationships
          — Zachaël
    Zach has been her partner since they were nine. He is the only person that understands everything about Sid. They're a strange team. Although Sid knows for a fact that she's the reason for that. She trusts him with her life, and vice versa. They designed their own codes, words and signs to communicate with each other. During fights they're almost one and the same person; so well trained that Sid only needs a look to know what she's got to do.
          Besides the Hunting, they became really close as people. Zach was her way out of her own family — he is her family, probably more than her own will ever be. It's not unusual for Sid to get nagged or called out by Humans or other Hunters. Yet — Zach has always had her back. Even when they were really young and Sid was one pain in the ass during her training. She might not be particularly big — she's still a pretty good Hunter. And he knows that. He encourages her, and they do what they need to do. Sid can't picture her life without him. From day one he has been her partner in crime; the person — she was told — would be next to her for the rest of her life. It was only a few years ago they really got the meaning of those words. And it's been really hard on Sid to keep herself from feeling what she feels when she's with him and they are joking and fooling around — to when they're Hunting and he's right beside her to do the things she can't. She can't allow it — but still. She shows it anyway.
    And although she won't think of it; if there comes a day he dies, she'll go too. It's some sort of silent agreement. They are in it together. Until it all ends.
          — Fox
    Fox was very important to Sid when she was younger. As a child, he could exactly understand what Sid was going through with her father. His advise helped her quite a lot. After Fox became the person he is today — Sid started visiting him once in a while, since he's also Zach's family. They get along pretty well, although they both don't really show it. At times Sid will meet up with him to train a little and talk. In her eys, Fox is the brother she should've had.
          — Vester
    This fellow Hunter has a sensitive spot over Sid. Since he turned his back on the Code — and in Sid's eyes that's the worst thing you could do as a Hunter. Yet they've known each other for a longer time, because Sid even trained with him. She doesn't see him a lot, but when she does she's always a little uncomfortable. She does not know how to react to him, but she doesn't hate him. It's more that she can't understand why he did it.
          — Theodore
    A little while ago, this particular Vampire tried to get on with Sid. Mainly because she's not the Hunter—like type, and isn't very hateful against other creatures (unless they are plain evil). His flirtations were not taken by Sid — whom turned him down and proved to be a challenge. Of course Zach heard about this and that lead to the fact that he wants to kill Theodore even more. Ever since she actually tries to avoid Theo for his own good. They never sorted the whole thing out, but Sid does think that he didn't like her 'no' for an answer, though.

    [ bericht aangepast op 25 okt 2015 - 17:33 ]

    Feel the fire, but do not succumb to it.

    Does anybody want to be Freya's partner already? She's gonna be a fierce warrior dressed in flowery patterns. :Y)


    Zachaël Nathanael Ackerman

    • • •

    'Do not tell me the sky is the limit;
    when there are footprints on the moon.'

    • • •

    • • •

    'If you fight hard en fair;
    you have got a good chance on winning.'

    • • •

    • • •

    'You will never know your limits;
    unless you push yourself to them.'

    • • •

    • Name
          Zachaël (Zack•ah•el)
    — An old combination of his grandfather's name and the meaning of the word angel

          Nathanael (Nay•than•yel)
    — Meaning God has given in Hebrew

          Ackerman (Ack•er•man)
    — Meaning farmer

          Zachaël is part of a long line of Hunters named the Ackermans — one of the oldest Hunter families that still exists.
    Most of the times he will introduce himself with his full name. After a while people start using the short name "Zach" to describe him — with which he is OK because it reminds him of his grandfather.

    • Creature

    • Status
          Old Hub

    • Age

    • Residence
          Old Hub — after Obsidian told him she wanted to get out of her parents house it was obvious that he would go with her. With the approval of both their parents Zachaël found two nice little rooms — right next to each other — in the second sleeping quarter so they can always be together when it is needed within the second.

    • Inner
          Zachaël is a closed—off person to other people in the world, which results in the fact that others see him most of the times as a person someone does not want to be around with. Zachaël can be sarcastic, antisocial and even a little harming towards others with negative comments and element in which that person can improve. Zachaël does not think of himself as a bad person — just as a person who does not want to be in the company of a lot of other people.
    When Zachaël does not like someone, that person will know it from the first moment on. Zachaël takes his stand in his opinion the first moment after he meets someone and it will be hard to change it afterwards — even with great effort.
          When Zachaël is with a person he likes, he will become a different person so others will not recognize his actions. Especially around Obsidian Zachaël acts completely different, so she is the one who knows his true self — a fact which makes Zachaël love her even more.
    Zachaël is deep down a loving person who cares more about the persons around him than about himself. He will sacrifice himself for another without a single blink, although he needs to be sure the person has deserved it. When that is the case, Zachaël even likes to make jokes — which he often uses to make fun of the other in a caring way.
          There is one thing in the world Zachaël loves most: hunting, it is his life and even the life beyond that life. He is competitive and will even get mad when he loses something or will not end at first place. During his training, he will go on and on until he masters something without fault so he can make his family proud and can show that he is willing to go to the end of his powers to achieve something. It happens quiet often that he will stay up until late in the night, practicing and practicing all over again.

    • Outer
          Zachaël is a long male around 185 centimetres tall with strong muscles due the extensive training he received since he was little. Although Zachaël has received training in all different sections — most of his strength is in his arms, what shows in the muscles of his chest and upper arms. Zachaël has multiple scars due to battles and fights, spread all over his body. The largest one is on his back, from his left shoulder blade to his right hip from the teeth of a Werewolf.
    When Zachaël walks into a room he beams an aura of confidence and dominance: he knows he will have to make a good first impression because otherwise people will think he is less than nothing and will not take him serious. “Normal” people often get a feeling of intimidation from Zachaël, but that is not often the case with the supernatural creatures.
          With his pale skin it is clear that Zachaël does not like to be outside a lot: he prefers the inside of a building or otherwise the late evening and dark nights. When he does go outside, he will get sunburned fast which he hates until death.
    Zachaël has a fierce, strong jaw line which he keeps clean of a beard because he think it is too much work to keep it up which his schedule. His cheekbones are less prominent, but still there — which results in a little hollowness to his cheeks. When Zachaël laughs, he will get little dimples in his cheeks. For the ones who will take a good look at him, will see that he tilts the left corner of his mouth a little higher than the right one.
          With his dark locks, he does not fit in with his siblings. But his green eyes tell otherwise. Most of the time Zachaël’s hair is a little bit too long so it falls in front of his face so he can push it back with a slight form of irritation — which will happen quiet often.
    Zachaël’s sign is located on his left collarbone, the same spot as his partner Obsidian — a fact that makes his real proud of the two of them.

    • History
          Zachaël was the first son of Dalemir and Elizaveta Ackerman — two Hunters who were proud to have a boy as their first child because of old fashioned reasons. When Zachaël turned six, his training started the first minute of the day: a fact he was waiting for since he heard that he could become a Hunter likes his parents. His father was not surprised to see that Zachaël was as competitive as himself, which made the trainings burn like fire due to the rage if one of them would not win. Even though Zachaël was small at the moment, it was clear that he could win from his father at several moments due his speed and length.
          At the age of nine, Zachaël was introduced to his partner — Obsidian. At first he was nervous as Hell, because he knew it would be a girl and to be honest: what could he say to a girl? Although, after the first meeting it was clear that they would be inseparable for the rest of their lives.
    Around the time Zachaël met Obsidian, he got surprised with twin siblings: one boy and one girl, Selion and Citadel Ackerman, both with the Hunter gene. After a few years his father mostly spent his time on the twins, with Zachaël as his help. Late in the evening, when the twins were lay down to sleep, they would practice the things Zachaël needed to learn. Due to this fact, Zachaël does not need much sleep because he is used to the nights of a few hours.

    • Extra
          — Zachaël has a passion for languages: he can speak fluent English, French, Russian and Spanish.
          — Zachaël is addicted to cigarettes.

    Hunting, Obsidian, winning, the twins, fights and battles, languages, crossword puzzles, darkness
    Losing, failure, incompetence, mess, loud music, pictures of himself, sunlight, other guys around Obsidian

    • Relationships
          — Obsidian Elladore Genefray
    His partner since the age of nine and the one person in the world he trusts his life with. Even without words the two of them can understand each other perfectly without a single mistake. Zachaël can get a painful feeling in his stomach when he sees Obsidian in pain or just in a negative state of mind: so he will do all what is in his power to make it better for her. It is safe to say that he prefers his own pain above the pain of Obsidian and therefore he can be a bit protective sometimes — although he knows better than others that she can save herself.
          During fights the two of them are one single person — Obsidian is a simple extension of Zachaël's body and the other way around. Also outside fights Zachaël is most comfortable in the presence of Obsidian: he can be his true self and that is something he does not find in any one else.
    Since two years or so Zachaël developed a little crush on Obsidian which grew out to a massive form of love which he does not dare to out to her. He is so afraid to ruin the bond between them that he pretends they are just OK together as Hunting partners. It even makes it harder for Zachaël in a battle because he is more worried than ever about her safety. His worst nightmare is to lose her: in every single way thinkable. Zachaël knows that he could not live without her, her company is the air to his lungs.

    Sid is af. (:

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 okt 2015 - 23:04 ]

    Feel the fire, but do not succumb to it.

    Welke rollen zijn nog af?


    Zach is ook af. (:

    Claire is ook af ^^

    Seasons will change, but I shall remain


    Celaena Karolyna Madar.

    Celaena is a werewolf.

    Oméga — St.-Louis.
    Celaena is the Oméga, which means that the girl is the weakest one of her pack. The other packmembers are usually rude to her and they like to make fun of the poor girl. They also like to imitate her in a way that is intended to make her appear ridiculous or silly. She hates it.

    She is twenty-four years old — her birthday is on the 25th of December, which means that Celaena was born on Christmas Day.


    Keen — Celaena is very sharp and quick to understand things.
    Gentle — She is very kind and the girl tries to use very little violence.
    Sensitive — The girl is also very senstive. She is aware of her emotions and in thouch with them, Celaena is also aware of/and careful about the attitudes, circumstances and feelings of others.
    Adventurous — Celaena isn't afraid to take risks. She likes adventures, new experiences and she isn't afraid to try new/unknown things.
    Curious — She is eager to learn more, she will ask a lot of questions. The girl wants to know what is going on.
    Jealous — The girl is jealous of her pack member quite a lot, she is feeling unhappy about someone else's luck. This is because they always leave her in the dark and she usually doesn't get the opportunities they have.
    Calm — Celaena is peaceful; quiet, calm and nonviolent.
    Clever — She is able to learn and think quickly.
    Astonished — Celaena is filled with wonder and a feeling of amazement for even the smallest things in life.
    Careful — pays attention to possible danger.
    Funny — Celaena is actually a very funny person and she likes to joke around.
    Faithful — Celaena is trusthworthy and loyal to Alfa Fox, a duty or promise.
    Attentive — She is alert and shows careful attention to others.
    Innocent — The girl is very innocent (in a lot of different ways). She is for example a very pure girl and more naïve than most people.
    Grateful — She also has a feeling/desire to thank somebody.
    Weak — Celaena is the Oméga of the pack. She is not mentally, physically or emotionally strong.
    Observant —

    Hair — Celaena's hair is a dark brown color, which reminds her of dark chocolate.
    Eyes — Her eyes are a beautiful shade, which are a mixture of light/golden brown and green. Celaena has "mood eyes", they change color depending on what she is wearing, her mood and the lightning. Her eyes are one of the few things Celaena likes about her appereance.
    Height — 167 centimeters.
    Wolf-form — Celaena has a rather small wolf and her fur is a mixture of brown, black, white & grey shades. Her eyes are exactly the same as in human-form, only a bit brighter.


    Likes —
    Dislikes —


    Een snel beginnetje.

    [ bericht aangepast op 23 okt 2015 - 23:43 ]

    But perhaps the monsters needed to look out for each other every now and then.

    James Maximus Watson
    “Hunting season has begun.”

    James • masculine
    Maximus • greatest


          Status and residence

    25, 13/4

    “Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it. Not me.”

    James is known as a man who knows what he wants. Many people seem to think he is too direct and honest, which is true and he won’t shed a tear if you can’t handle it. He will also appreciate it if you’re being honest with him. Most of the time he knows it when someone is lying to him. He won’t say anything about it but he’ll know he can’t trust you.
          James is a man with class — always been and always will be. He’s really nice and helpfull and is all about ‘ladies first’. He’s very charming and will always make sure that you’re comfortable with him. He occasionally likes to flirt with woman, as long as he knows they’re okay with it. He won’t do anything if you don’t want it.
    He’s also very righteous. He always wants to hear all the sides of a story before he makes up his mind. When it comes to monsters it’s different. He’ll kill them without hesitation. He thinks it’s the right thing to do, since most of them harm other people. His dad died because of a vampire so James hates them more than anything. You can say he’s quite vengeful. He is also very quickly annoyed by little things. When someone breathes too loudly for example, or chews with their mouth wide open.
          James doesn’t really like to sleep. He is a morning and an evening person. In his free time he likes to read, cook or game. Besides that he loves animals and wine. He really wants to have a dog, or some sort of pet, but he isn’t that much at home and he finds that sad for the pet. James has a blind sister and she used to have a dog who was trained to help her. That was the only time in his life he sort of had a pet.
          James looks intimidating, so some people rather stay away from him than talk to him. He doesn’t really mind it, though, since he only likes it when people can handle him. He’s also a very dominant person, in multiple ways. He likes to have control over everything — people and situations for example.
    James is very broad and muscular due to all the training he had. He still works out three times a week in the gym since he cares a lot about his health and body. He has a few scars but most of them have already faded away.
          He has light–brown hair and even darker eyebrows. Most of the time he doesn’t do anything about his hair in the morning since it already is okay. He has a lot of stubble, which gives him an older look.
          His eyes have a bright green colour. There’s nothing special about them besides the glittering in it. He does like his eyelashes, since they’re quite long and black. Mostly women comment on them, being jealous of it and all.
          James has a very ‘sharp’ face. His cheekbones are very clear and even his jawline is very sharp. It gives him a bit of unique face. His nose is quite small and fits his face perfectly. The thing he hates about himself is the fact that he blushes very quick. Most of the time there’s a pinkish colour on his cheeks, which makes him look cute.
          James likes to wear comfy clothes but he also makes sure it looks good on him. He likes to dress with class — suits and all that, but he can’t go hunting in those. While hunting he wears black jeans and black shirts, since he always gets dirty. The artifact he has is a ring.

    [ bericht aangepast op 25 okt 2015 - 1:17 ]

    " icarus had loved the sun, and so daedalus lost his. "

    R E A G A N      C A T A L I N A      B R E N N A N

    —— Name
    Reagan Catalina Brennan
    —— Creature
    —— Status
    —— Age

    —— Residence
    Working on it..

    —— Inner
    Working on it..

    —— Outer
    Working on it..

    —— History
    Working on it..

    —— Extra

    —— Relationships

    —— Partners

    but do you feel held by him? — does he feel like home to you? ( Anatomy » Midsommar )

    Would it be okay if I dropped my male Werewolf? I don't have much inspiration for a role like that right now, sadly.

    but do you feel held by him? — does he feel like home to you? ( Anatomy » Midsommar )

    Kepner schreef:
    Would it be okay if I dropped my male Werewolf? I don't have much inspiration for a role like that right now, sadly.

    Okay, I'll delete it tomorrow, since I'm away now (:






    Name —
    Helias has always preferred his own name. He was registered as Helias Albright five years ago - that's when he came back to Greenstone. Helias Albright is the name his estate in Montadon is registered to. It still exists, but Helias Albright left Greenstones two years ago. That's when he joined the Colony and became known as Atlas Hunter. He took a job at Greenstone University under that name about a year ago. Helias, originally pronounced like Élia, is the name of the infamous Lone Vampire people think can read minds. He figured it wouldn't be a great idea to join the Colony with such a powerful name, and though being the second in command, he's managed to keep a low profile.
          Since he came from a family of high aristocrats in Paris, his original name was Helias de Paris and his most famous name is Helias Vanparys, as that was the name that is known to be one of the co-founders of Greenstone.

    Creature —

    Status —
    Helias poses as a Loner, but he's actually the second in command of the Colony since last year.

    Age —
    Helias was born in 1269, which makes him 746 years old. He never really tells anybody his actual age, though. It depends on what he wants people to think of him. When asked, he usually depicts himself younger than he actually is. Helias was bitten at the age of 22, but usually acts older in order to be able to get a job.

    Master —
    Thorne Madison

    Subjects —
    Helias has had several subjects over the years. All of them only served one purpose: experiments. Helias only turned people into vampires to figure out how far he could stretch his own physical abilities. He wanted to know what could kill and harm a Vampire without risking his own life, which means none of his subjects ever survived. He also simply didn't want any of them to get left behind. His last victim was a twenty-year old girl in the sixties.

    Residence —
          Montadon, Greenstone, CT, United States
    Helias owns two estates in Montadon, because it would be pretty useless to keep his secrets if he only had the one he shares with Thorne. The one he shares with Thorne, is located somewhat in the middle of the district. The second house is way more to the edge of Greenstone. It's remote and big. The atmosphere in this estate is cold, because Helias rarely shares it with anyone.

          Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA, United States
    During the twenties and the beginning of the thirties, Helias bought a fancy house in Hollywood, which had just started blooming because of its movie-industry. At the time, Helias was a share-holder of some big company and a refinded, rich businessman. Most of the money he owns contemporarily, he gained during that era. Since the thirties, he hasn't returned to the estate he shared with Ava. On one hand, this is because he does not long to be reminded of the memories he gained during that period and on the other, he hasn't had time to return anyway.

          Bruges, Belgium
    The house he owns in Bruges, is far smaller than all of the other pompous villa's Helias has ever lived in. That might also just be because Belgium is almost invisible on a world map. It's the house he lived in right after Thorne changed him into a vampire. During the 1970's, he actually bought it - because the family that had just moved out, hadn't discovered the ginormic wine cellar yet.

          Paris, France
    Even though this beautiful house in the City of Light isn't registered under Helias' name, but Thornes, still it is the place he's most likely to return to. Helias denies this is because of nostalgia and Thorne also doesn't know he often spends his days in Paris by re-visiting the Louvre again and again.

          Florence, Italy
    Most of Helias' lifework is stored in his estate in Florence. It holds a huge amount of books that date from the thirteenth century and are probably worth a fortune. He often returns to Florence, so he can take a stroll through the city and rewatch all of the city's beauty all over again.


    Brilliant, Stubborn, Manipulative, Callous, Sarcastic, Foul-Mouthed, Ambitious, Composed, Egocentric, Nonchalant, Charming, Cold, Ruthless, Adaptive, Resourceful, Charismatic, Articulate, Adaptable, Anticipative, Challenging, Arrogant, Courteous, Curious, Romantic, Intense, Direct, Discreet, Cynical, Rational, Abrasive, Witty, Apathetic, Cunning, Secretive.

    • "The answers you seek never come when the mind is busy. They come when the mind is still."
    Anybody who's ever met Helias will think the following: does this guy ever lose his cool? Helias has only twice before experienced a Tantrum and it made him only more determined never to get one again. Even though vampires are stronger when they throw a Tantrum, Helias will remain the eternal stoic and rather choose to save his own skin by using some well-chosen words right before he runs away than staying to fight. He's rarely ever underestimated someone and he does not long for the day he does.
          Because of his stoic behaviour, it is extremely hard to influence Helias. He's amazingly sceptical and only believes what he's seen or experienced himself. He's not easily impressed and his reactions to something you hoped would make him seem excited, are usually those of boredom and laziness. He is arrogant in a way that when he presents you with his full atention, it is a definite miracle. It happens really very rarely.
          You could call Helias immune to emotions, which makes it hard to be able to distract him from something. He might make you believe you did, but rarely does he ever lose sight of his target - or anything that is going on around him, for that matter. Because of this, Helias possesses a brilliant, rare intelligence. He's sudden and unexpected - it's almost scary. It's more than logical that Helias is immensely frustrated when he can't figure out something. He hates not knowing and he's scared someone will surpass him some day - or that his mind will ever abandon him when he needs it most.

    • “What you do in this world is a matter of no consequence. The question is what can you make people believe you have done.”
    Helias is a fascinating person that cannot be summarised with just one word. If anyone ever got this as an obliged task, the word might be the cliché and over-used mysterious. However, as soon as your lips have formed it, you'll realise that this word doesn't quite capture it. It doesn't capture it at all, to be exact. Is it better to turn to something rather like resolute? Or will you focus more on his inelligence? Strange?
          Anyhow, Helias hates labels and criticises anyone who uses them. He thinks people who do, are narrow-minded and if there is one thing he's truly irritated by, it's just that: narrow-minded people. This doesn't mean he thinks anyone who isn't as smart as he is, is narrow-minded - because if he did, he could eliminate everyone right away. People who aren't mentally as strong as he is, those are amusing in Helias eyes. People who think actions hold more power than words; people who are naïve and who think acting on impulse is a definite do in this world of monsters and those who shut the monsters down. Yes, he thinks it's quite hilarious.
          Helias is a master in manipulating everything and everyone. It doesn't matter what you say; as long as you project your goal clearly on another person, and as long as you can make them believe you are something you could have never been. There were only three people who could see through him only a little and Helias hate that two of them still do; doing everything in his power to keep his secrets from him. Those two people are Ava and Thorne, the third being Louise, whom he killed.

    • Eyes are useless if your mind is blind.
    One of his main principles is action and reaction. He'll never act without a good reason. Because of this, people think Helias is fairly easy to defeat, just because he doesn't exactly reach for all his lethal weapons right away. However, he is kind enough to let you know half a second in advance when he will strike back. A sly smile is all you'll get and even so, it's usually too late for you to try and defend yourself. Helias only knows two people who could form a match to his strategies and those two people happen to be related.
          Helias will always wait and think before taking matters into his own hands. He takes his time to try and fathom a person, to form a plan inside of his brain. Not that it takes thát long for his brain to figure out patterns and form a strategy, but he'll never plunge into something without knowing. His self-control is unbelievable and it's highly unusual for him to reach the point of a Tantrum. Even in his first twenty years of being a vampire, he's only had a Tantrum once. The second time it happened, was when he reached a very low point in his life, living on the streets It was the moment he found out Thorne was his master: a sixteen year-old brat.

    "There are only two masters in this world: Fear and Pain."
    Helias knows the human body just as well as he knows his own bedroom. Anatomy has no secret and it's knowledge he'll use the moment he can. He knows one hundred and three different ways to make someone bleed to death and has tried them all out in the same week. Your body has no secrets for Helias; one glance and he knows how many freckles your nose owns. One glance and he knows what kind of person you are, what your job is, whether or not you have pets and what kind of horrible things you've seen and experienced.
          Sometimes, it might even seem as if Helias can read your mind - which is why he became as notorious as he has. Perhaps it's not exactly like this, but if you don't practise any control as to how you show yourself to the outside-world, Helias will know all of your secrets in only a matter of time.
          Human knowledge and torture are incidentally a great way to get to certain pieces of information and sleight of hand is something he's definitely mastered.

    "I wanted to end the world, but I'll settle for ending yours."
    It might not at all seem like it, as if it doesn't bother him at all, but Helias is quite an ambitious person and enjoys the reputation he's acquired - even though he's trying to stay low at the moment. It's something he won't openly tell anyone, nor is it something he devotes himself to: because he is scared it will swallow him and drive him insane; longing for power.
          Revenge isn't something Helias cares for. He has a very strong opinion about it: an obsession such as revenge only breaks down rationality. He's so immensly stoic that you'll start wondering if he has any emotion inside of him left. No one can form a clear answer to this question.

    "Is this one of those times you need me to lie to protect your delicate emotions?"
    Helias does not care. He's abrasive and acts out of sheer need for satisfaction. He's charming, all right, but rarely emotionally involved with a woman. He's actually really rude most of the time and posesses the ability of aggressive words.
          The truth is, however, that Helias is capable of caring for someon. He'll just surpress that feeling and make himself believe he never has. Emotion is only something that could distract him. He's realised that years ago, which was far too late to finally get it.


    Appearance —

    Helias is not your typical hulk type of guy who can rip a dictionary in half in only one fraction of a second - anyhow, that's not what he seems like. He's not into power training or anything of the sort, but the fact he's a Vampire and possesses supernatural strenght, makes it a whole lot easier for him. Funnily enough, Helias is a partisan of sports. There isn't really one kind of sport he absolutely devotes himself to, but there are two he practises quite frequently: swimming and sprinting and though not a lot of people know this, he has a sports area in his house. There's been a time where Helias loved rowing a whole lot, but now he's grown rather bored of it. Sailing, as well as the weekly street fight, mountaneering and even golf are examples of sports he likes practising whenever he has the time and right surroundings to do so.
          Winning in a fight with Helias is, to say it in a simple manner, extremely hard. There's no hunter who's ever survived a fight with him and even though he is cautious, Helias is pretty confident no Vampire could defeat him either - unless they're in a tantrum.
          His skill in fighting isn't something that's caused by only his power, but also because of his extraordinary knowledge of the human body. He's capable of paralysing a person for twenty minutes with one simple twitch of his hand.
          Basically, Helias has the body of someone who runs a lot and it doesn't really show he swims a lot as well. He's slim and athletically built, with a height of 188 centimetres, which is highly unusual for someone born in the thirteenth century. He's got certain expensive brands he often wears and is usually dressed rather dark. It rarely happens you see him walk around with a simple T-shirt and a pair of jeans, though his style is quite casual - but still expensive.
          Helias has intimidating, green eyes and blond hair that's always in perfect shape without him having to do anything for it. Sometimes it's a little messy, though. Helias doesn't seem like anything special when you take your first glance at him, but there is something - except for the fact he's a Vampire - unfathomable about him you can't really seem to get a handle on right away. He has quite the conceited posture and knows perfectly well how to trick a person with just his body language.


    Biography —

    • Family
    Father: Louis de Paris // 66 // Deceased
    Mother: Isabelle de Paris // 51 // Deceased
    Brother: Atlas de Paris // 17 // Deceased

    The family was very keen on their social position and wanted to keep it that way. This means that in several branches of the family tree, there has been incest, but Helias never cared for his family name so he never looked into it.

    • Biography

    • 1269:
    Helias was born in Paris on the sixteenth of January 1269. His parents and other family members belonged to the high-class aristocracy of France and he hated it from the very moment he could think. Their catholic habits didn't make any sense to him and their obsession with their family remaining pure of blood, disgusted him. This is why Helias wasn't exactly acknowledged by his family, especially because his criticism to their beliefs and uses, wasn't exactly a secret - something that wasn't exactly his brightest idea, he realised later on.
    • 1291: Helias can't remember much of this faithful night, only a sharp pain that filled up his head and a metallic taste in his mouth. The pain seemed everlasting, and eventually it stopped, a manic hunger taking its place. He was lost for quite a while after that, moving to Flanders where he tried to lay low. He stole money that was inside of his parents' estate and used it to rent his own home in Bruges.
    • 1301: After ten years of having been a vampire and more or less setting his life in order, Helias returned to France and slaughtered his family. The only reason he ever needed to do it, was hatred. He didn't really hate his brother, but he decided it would be best if he didn't stay behind alone and saved him from insanity because of what he'd just witnessed. Helias did not have a Tantrum the moment it happened: he was completely conscious doing it. The only Tantrum he'd had before, was right after he'd been turned, because he had no idea what happened. He's still kind of surprised he survived his first ten years without guidance.
    • 1386: Everything went downhill since he murdered his family. Helias didn't have a place to live and murdered random people out on the street in a haze of wanting more blood. He made sure he never experienced a Tantrum, because he hated the feeling of not having control over his body, but the fourteenth century was probably the lowest point in his life. He was chased by witch-hunters and by the Church and for some reason ended up in the Holy Roman Empire (Germany at the time). There, he met Thorne for the first time in his life and he was more than angry finding out his Master was a sixteen year-old brat. He had already been grumpy and hungry and this only made it worse: it was the second and last time he ever reached the point of a Tantrum and it's the only time Thorne's ever influenced him with the telepathic power he has over Helias - which only made him angrier. This moment is why he decided to make his own Subjects and experiment on them. He stayed with Thorne for nine years, and then the split up again.
    • 1395: After they split up, Helias started focussing on the things he actually wanted to do now that he had realised being immortal knew no boundaries. He was lonely, most of the time, but he almost spend all his time reading and collecting books. He moved to Italy, because he wanted to see what was left of the Roman Empire and read every books he could get his hands on. He learned new languages and new dialects and gained some power in Europe by finally using his brilliance to his advantage. After there were no more books to read, he devoted himself to music.
    • 1486: He met Thorne again and they traveled to America together. Helias wanted to see more of the New World, but Thorne didn't like the new continent and they split up again after 45 years. After that, Helias began to make a name for himself as a notorious Vampire. He noticed he liked the power, but he did make sure it didn't swallow him. After having lived over a century in America, he traveled back to the main land and visited countries he hadn't been to yet - he did go back to America around the 1700's. He actually founded the city of Greenstone alongside the others. Not a lot of people know about this.
    • 1779: He was in Paris again around the time he met Thorne again. The French Revolution started and they both held a lot of power during that era. They stayed together for a long while - not because of friendship, though, but because of usefulness. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Helias moved to Switzerland and hereby left Thorne. They still held contact, though.
    • 1918: When the end of the war seemed to come, Helias went back to America, where he bought an estate in the flashing town of Hollywood. The Roaring Twenties started and he had a ticket at the front row, being a wealthy business man and attending a lot of parties. Helias never cared for love, but Avalina seemed to shift that vision if only slightly. They met each other at a fancy party, and later on, he saw her again at one of her dance performances. Ava seemed like an interesting person to him and she might have won him over - if it wasn't for Louise.


    You're afraid of what's in it.

    • 1930: During the year of 1929, Helias had spent a week in Paris and had met a peculiar woman. He was stupid enough to fall in love with her. She had an interesting mind, one that could match his own. Interesting beliefs and habits. She was bold and she had a love for jazz and old books. She was also insane.
    Helias had left Ava for Louise; had cut off the power and hot water and simply left her in the middle of the night, to catch his plane back to Paris. You can call it ironic how Helias was the one who was cheating and ended up being cheated on himself. You see, he caught the woman in bed with someone else and it turned out she had been manipulating him to see how people worked. She didn't contain her brilliance: it had driven her insane; a schizophrenic nymphomaniac who slept with anyone who seemed interested. He killed her not long after, not feeling any regret, only a slight disappointment he pushed away right the moment he felt it creep up in his skull.
    In reality, he did get hurt. And that hurt has penetrated itself deep into Helias soul, but he denies it and that only makes him all the more the callous man he is today. He doesn't know how it feels to devote yourself completely to someone. Relationship are only a matter of usefulness to him.
    • 1950: As from the fifties, Helias started travelling a lot again. He went back to Paris a couple of times and fell in love for the very last time with Edith Piaf; denying the fact it was only because the music reminded him of Louise. At the end of the 1960's, he returned to America. It wasn't until the 1980's though, he returned back to Greenstone for the first time since it was founded and bought two houses because for some reason, one isn't enough. After having lived there for about two years, he left again and went to New York instead.
    • 2013: Helias did eventually return to Greenstone after he'd gotten word of a Colony forming in the suburbs. He changed his name for the first time in forever and joined the Colony. A year later, he became the second in command without anyone knowing who he actually is. Now, he's one of the most powerful Vampires in all of America and no one knows exactly who he is and what he looks like. When Thorne came back to Greenstone, he did everything he could so he wouldn't be in his way; sending him to school and taking over as legal guardian under a different name than he actually lives by.

    Extra —
    Helias was originally left-handed, but he became ambidextrous because people hit his fingers whenever he tried writing with his left hand when he was younger. He's mastered perfect pitch and is an amazing musician. He plays the piano, the violin, the guitar, the accordion, the flute, the saxophone and the cello. You might often hear him whistling Je Ne Regrette Rien by Édith Piaf, something he does subconsciously. When you're at his house, you'll often find Helias cleaning up things, because he hates chaos and secretly likes cleaning. Helias is able to speak eight different languages and adapts his accent to wherever he lives. He's fluent in English, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, German, Portuguese and Russian and can basically speak Latin and Ancient-Greek if he freshens it up again. He's generally quick at picking up other languages.
          Helias is an extreme perfectionist and excellent at multitasking. His personality type is INTJ, the Architect.
    • Likes: Books, music, women, order, rain storms, fire, Paris, Ava, the smell of wood, Italian food.
    • Disikes: Ava, animals, obnoxious people, narrow-minded people, people, hangnails, not knowing.

    Relationships —
          Thorne Madison


    [ bericht aangepast op 13 dec 2015 - 17:26 ]


