16+ recommended
    A Sonder's production

    Did you ever see something that wasn't quite right? Like a glance of darkness in a stranger's eyes, or a shadow that shouldn't be there? No?
    Good. You don't want to.
    But there are people who do. They can see the monsters; they hunt them and they kill them.
    No, this isn't Twilight.

    It's October 2015 and Greenstone (USA) has never been so un-dead. The Werewolf-packs are bigger than ever, the Vampire-colony has never had this much power, but the Hunters are still managing to keep the city at balance. It's hard, it's difficult, it's even nearly impossible, but they can do it. With Codes, agreements and a try for peace, they can keep up.
    Until the Outcasts arrive and everything they have worked for has come to an end. These cruel Hunters won't stop until the last creature has burned to death. They will succeed, and nobody stands in their way, or at least not for long. Suddenly, the city is at the brink of war, and nobody can be trusted anymore. Hunter, Vampire or Werewolf, they all have the same question;
    Who is hunting whom?

    Dark souls are old souls.

    Before you claim a role, you have to read the information about the city.
    This information can be found here: GREENSTONE

    You also have to read the information about your creature very well.
    It's recommended to read the others too, but you can do that later.

    If you participated in the old MSV (A Bloody Hell), you'll have to read them too. I made some changes and they are quite important. I hope you'll see them as improvements (:
    If you want to reclaim your role, you can, but you'll have to change a few things, and ofcourse, rewrite it in English.

    If something remains unclear, don't be afraid to ask - in English or in Dutch.

    Vampires VOL
    Marthe ~ Aincrad ~ Helias ~ idk ~ Colony (2nd ic)
    Liesje ~ Sonder ~ Thorne ~ 16 / 815 ~ Loner
    Lene ~Tamaki ~ Theodore Zachariah Wren ~ 26 / 239 ~ Colony | 2 AF
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age/Real Age ~ Status
    Nichelle ~ Fukari ~ Marley Georgia Paleari ~ Age/Real Age ~ Colony (3th) | 4
    Cheryl ~ Feyre ~ Catherine Amelia Kingston ~ 20 / 187 ~ Colony | 2 AF
    Amber ~ Vulcan ~ Daelyn Orsay Willow ~ 22 / 677 ~ Leader colony | 4

    Marthe ~ Aincrad ~ Freya Historia Rose Maria Ackerman. ~ 16 | 3
    Mirte ~ Caster ~ Zachaël Nathanael Ackerman ~ 19 | 5 AF
    Gabriëlle/Gaby ~ Feared ~ Obsidian "Sid" Elladore Genefray ~ 19 | 5 AF
    Amber ~ Vulcan ~ James Maximus Watson ~ 27 | 5
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age

    Loïs ~ Serenata ~ Claire Gena Brooks ~ 26 | 2 AF
    Lene ~ Tamaki ~ Vester Wolfgang Morgenstern ~ 22 | 5
    Megan ~ Kepner ~ [Reagan Catalina Brennan] ~ 20 | 5
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age

    Liesje ~ Sonder ~ Fox Jonathan Francis Timaeus Ackerman ~ 26 ~ Alfa St.-Louis | 2 AF
    Cheryl ~ Feyre ~ Leilani Kiera Dawson ~ 23 ~ Warrior St.-Louis
    Robin ~ Yisha ~ Rebecca Ann Ravens ~ 20 ~ ? St.-Louis
    Nichelle ~ Fukari ~ Celaena Karolyna Madar ~ 24 ~ Oméga St.-Louis | 5
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age ~ Status
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age ~ Status
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age ~ Status

    (if you want something, just ask (: )
    • Alfa
    • Béta
    • Oméga
    • Others
    • Alfa: Fox Jonathan Francis Timaeus Ackerman
    • Bèta
    • Oméga: Fukari
    • Others: Leilani & Rebecca

    • Leader:
    • Second in command:
    • Third in command:
    • Others:
    • Leader: Deceased: Paxton Cornelius Ackerman Now:
    • Second in command:
    • Others:

    Vampires (colony):
    • Leader: Daelyn
    • Second in command (2): Helias
    • Third in command (3): Marley
    • Others:


    • Name
    • Creature
    • Status (Vampire: Loner, or Colony (think logically about the numbers. There aren't many Loners),
    Werewolf: Loner, Alfa, Bèta, Warrior, Oméga or just a pack member (and which pack),
    Hunter: OldHub or Outcast.)
    • Age: (Vampire: Age of Death between 16 and 35, Real age between 16 and 750. Thorne is 815, but that's because he is my inspiration for all of this and he has been the oldest one since I was six (this is based on a fantasy from when I was a little weirdo.) It's just a part of him, and I hope you'll understand.
    All the others: Between the age of 16 and 35. When you're a hunter and younger than 18, your training has not been completed yet. Even if you're an Outcast!)
    • Residence
    • Inner: (Not just single words, I want a bit of explanation.)
    • Outer: (Vampire: Remember it's possible your char has a scar from his death.
    Werewolf: Wolf-form too, especially fur, height and eyecolour. Scars will be adapted from his human form.
    Hunters: Don't forget the Artifact and tattoo! Most of them have scars too.)
    • History: (Vampires: How'd they die?
    Werewolves: When did they change? In which environment?
    Outcastmembers: When, why and how did they join the Outcasts?)
    • Extra:
    • Relationships. (The Outcast hunter group has been in Greenstone for about a week. They haven't hunted yet, because of the many preparations, but it won't take long anymore. There are rumours about their arrival, but they are still just rumours.)

    Vampires: • Master (killed, or not?)
    • Subjects
    Hunters: Partners

    • Quizlet's Houserules!!
    • Reservations will stay for 48 hours.
    • You have until next Saturday (24/10) to finish your role.
    • Maximum 3 roles, with different creatures, unless I say otherwise.
    • I want decent roles.
    • Don't leave me hanging. This was really a lot of work. If you don't have time, then don't make a role.
    • If you don't react, I WILL NAG YOU! Be warned.
    • Please tell me if you change your name.

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 dec 2015 - 18:06 ]



    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Helias and Freya pls. :Y)


    Can I get a female vampire? :Y)

    [ bericht aangepast op 18 okt 2015 - 19:21 ]

    But perhaps the monsters needed to look out for each other every now and then.

    Marthe: I know, hon ^^
    Nichelle: Done (:


    Sonder schreef:
    Marthe: I know, hon ^^
    Nichelle: Done (:

    (Het was een subtiele MT weetjewel.)


    Woah Liesje, I must say the changes are amazing. Also that artwork in the story. [Stiekeme MT]

    kindness is never a burden.

    Tamaki schreef:
    Woah Liesje, I must say the changes are amazing. Also that artwork in the story. [Stiekeme MT]

    Thanks ^^


    God, I really like the idea, but im quite sure I can't keep up with al the information etc. But i'll think i will just follow the story.

    Sophisticated ignorance, write my curses in cursive...

    Bastaard schreef:
    God, I really like the idea, but im quite sure I can't keep up with al the information etc. But i'll think i will just follow the story.

    It's really not that hard.

    You just have vampires, werewolfs and hunters.
    There is a new group of hunters who want to kill all monsters.
    The story is mostly just for information. Really, it isn't that hard (:


    Cheryl and I would like to change Milo and Alyx to vampires, pretty please. I might get a hunter later, but I'll have to figure stuff out with school first.

    kindness is never a burden.

    Tamaki schreef:
    Cheryl and I would like to change Milo and Alyx to vampires, pretty please. I might get a hunter later, but I'll have to figure stuff out with school first.

    Allrighty (:


    Can I get a female hunter?

    Seasons will change, but I shall remain

    Serenata schreef:
    Can I get a female hunter?

    Oucast or not?


    Zou ik ook een vrouwelijke wolf mogen reserveren?

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Feyre schreef:
    Zou ik ook een vrouwelijke wolf mogen reserveren?

    Sure (:
