16+ recommended
    A Sonder's production

    Did you ever see something that wasn't quite right? Like a glance of darkness in a stranger's eyes, or a shadow that shouldn't be there? No?
    Good. You don't want to.
    But there are people who do. They can see the monsters; they hunt them and they kill them.
    No, this isn't Twilight.

    It's October 2015 and Greenstone (USA) has never been so un-dead. The Werewolf-packs are bigger than ever, the Vampire-colony has never had this much power, but the Hunters are still managing to keep the city at balance. It's hard, it's difficult, it's even nearly impossible, but they can do it. With Codes, agreements and a try for peace, they can keep up.
    Until the Outcasts arrive and everything they have worked for has come to an end. These cruel Hunters won't stop until the last creature has burned to death. They will succeed, and nobody stands in their way, or at least not for long. Suddenly, the city is at the brink of war, and nobody can be trusted anymore. Hunter, Vampire or Werewolf, they all have the same question;
    Who is hunting whom?

    Dark souls are old souls.

    Before you claim a role, you have to read the information about the city.
    This information can be found here: GREENSTONE

    You also have to read the information about your creature very well.
    It's recommended to read the others too, but you can do that later.

    If you participated in the old MSV (A Bloody Hell), you'll have to read them too. I made some changes and they are quite important. I hope you'll see them as improvements (:
    If you want to reclaim your role, you can, but you'll have to change a few things, and ofcourse, rewrite it in English.

    If something remains unclear, don't be afraid to ask - in English or in Dutch.

    Vampires VOL
    • Marthe ~ Aincrad ~ Helias ~ idk ~ Colony (2nd ic)
    • Liesje ~ Sonder ~ Thorne ~ 16 / 815 ~ Loner
    • Lene ~Tamaki ~ Theodore Zachariah Wren ~ 26 / 239 ~ Colony | 2 AF
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age/Real Age ~ Status
    • Nichelle ~ Fukari ~ Marley Georgia Paleari ~ Age/Real Age ~ Colony (3th) | 4
    • Cheryl ~ Feyre ~ Catherine Amelia Kingston ~ 20 / 187 ~ Colony | 2 AF
    • Amber ~ Vulcan ~ Daelyn Orsay Willow ~ 22 / 677 ~ Leader colony | 4

    • Marthe ~ Aincrad ~ Freya Historia Rose Maria Ackerman. ~ 16 | 3
    • Mirte ~ Caster ~ Zachaël Nathanael Ackerman ~ 19 | 5 AF
    • Gabriëlle/Gaby ~ Feared ~ Obsidian "Sid" Elladore Genefray ~ 19 | 5 AF
    • Amber ~ Vulcan ~ James Maximus Watson ~ 27 | 5
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age

    • Loïs ~ Serenata ~ Claire Gena Brooks ~ 26 | 2 AF
    • Lene ~ Tamaki ~ Vester Wolfgang Morgenstern ~ 22 | 5
    • Megan ~ Kepner ~ [Reagan Catalina Brennan] ~ 20 | 5
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age

    • Liesje ~ Sonder ~ Fox Jonathan Francis Timaeus Ackerman ~ 26 ~ Alfa St.-Louis | 2 AF
    • Cheryl ~ Feyre ~ Leilani Kiera Dawson ~ 23 ~ Warrior St.-Louis
    • Robin ~ Yisha ~ Rebecca Ann Ravens ~ 20 ~ ? St.-Louis
    • Nichelle ~ Fukari ~ Celaena Karolyna Madar ~ 24 ~ Oméga St.-Louis | 5
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age ~ Status
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age ~ Status
    • Name ~ Username ~ Character ~ Age ~ Status

    (if you want something, just ask (: )
    • Alfa
    • Béta
    • Oméga
    • Others
    • Alfa: Fox Jonathan Francis Timaeus Ackerman
    • Bèta
    • Oméga: Fukari
    • Others: Leilani & Rebecca

    • Leader:
    • Second in command:
    • Third in command:
    • Others:
    • Leader: Deceased: Paxton Cornelius Ackerman Now:
    • Second in command:
    • Others:

    Vampires (colony):
    • Leader: Daelyn
    • Second in command (2): Helias
    • Third in command (3): Marley
    • Others:


    • Name
    • Creature
    • Status (Vampire: Loner, or Colony (think logically about the numbers. There aren't many Loners),
    Werewolf: Loner, Alfa, Bèta, Warrior, Oméga or just a pack member (and which pack),
    Hunter: OldHub or Outcast.)
    • Age: (Vampire: Age of Death between 16 and 35, Real age between 16 and 750. Thorne is 815, but that's because he is my inspiration for all of this and he has been the oldest one since I was six (this is based on a fantasy from when I was a little weirdo.) It's just a part of him, and I hope you'll understand.
    All the others: Between the age of 16 and 35. When you're a hunter and younger than 18, your training has not been completed yet. Even if you're an Outcast!)
    • Residence
    • Inner: (Not just single words, I want a bit of explanation.)
    • Outer: (Vampire: Remember it's possible your char has a scar from his death.
    Werewolf: Wolf-form too, especially fur, height and eyecolour. Scars will be adapted from his human form.
    Hunters: Don't forget the Artifact and tattoo! Most of them have scars too.)
    • History: (Vampires: How'd they die?
    Werewolves: When did they change? In which environment?
    Outcastmembers: When, why and how did they join the Outcasts?)
    • Extra:
    • Relationships. (The Outcast hunter group has been in Greenstone for about a week. They haven't hunted yet, because of the many preparations, but it won't take long anymore. There are rumours about their arrival, but they are still just rumours.)

    Vampires: • Master (killed, or not?)
    • Subjects
    Hunters: • Partners

    • Quizlet's Houserules!!
    • Reservations will stay for 48 hours.
    • You have until next Saturday (24/10) to finish your role.
    • Maximum 3 roles, with different creatures, unless I say otherwise.
    • I want decent roles.
    • Don't leave me hanging. This was really a lot of work. If you don't have time, then don't make a role.
    • If you don't react, I WILL NAG YOU! Be warned.
    • Please tell me if you change your name.

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 dec 2015 - 18:06 ]


    Loner - Montandon

    Make sure you have tasted your words before you spit them out.

    Thorne: Derived from the Old English word for "thorn."
    Madison:: Means "son of Maud"
    Nicknames: Maddie

    Thorne was born before the use of surnames. When surnames became more common, he simply used his mother's name. He never changed his name, or used another. It is pronounced differently than he tells people now.



    He was born somewhere in the summer of 1200. He died 16 years later. Being 815 years old, he is one of the oldest vampires around the world, although it's not really known in America.

    When he just arrived, he bought a small residence in Hillside. He stays there a lot, since it's closer to his school. It's a place for him alone, and he won't allow Helias staying there as well. It's his and his alone.
    His residence in Montandon is a lot bigger and fancier. Officially, it's Helias'. Thorne stays here mostly over the weekends.

    Confidence with an Ego

    Impulsive, Stubborn, Mighty, Cocky, Playful/Teasing, Sarcastic, Happy, Teenager, Cruel, Nonchalant, Reckless, Egocentric, Smart, Charming, Cold, Real, Lazy, Licentious, Adaptive, Wonderingly.

    • Fuck it. - My final thought before making most decisions.
    Thorne never aged and will always be a teenager. Although he has become a quite wise and experienced vampire, he still is a teenager. He still is impulsive, stubborn and moody. When he gets into life threatening situations, it's often because of his impulsivity.

    • And though he be but little, he is fierce.
    Eventhough he doesn't look like it, he is a very mighty vampire. He is very known and powerful in Europe, and if he survives, he will be in America too. He knows how to rule an empire, if he wants to, but he got tired of it and moved to America.

    • "Be humble, you could be wrong." "Nah."
    He is very cocky and arrogant. He knows what he is capable of, and will brag about it. He gets a lot of girls, even with his young age, and he knows that very well. He is quite sarcastic too, and will talk more than fight.

    • Be happy. It drives people crazy.
    Although he has a rather dark appearance, most Hunters or Creatures are surprised he is a vampire. Not only because he can walk in the sun like it's nothing, but also because he is a really happy and cheerful guy. He teases a lot and is very playful. He can be nice, but likes to be rude too. It depends on how much he likes you.

    • Devil is just evil with a D..
    He hasn't survived for over 800 years by being nice to everyone. He is a bad person, you cannot deny it. He is cruel and cold, and likes to hurt other people. It doesn't mean he'll hurt everyone he meets, though. He chooses his victims very carefully. He doesn't care about them, nor their families. Actually, he doesn't care about anyone except for himself.

    • You know who's gonna give you everything? Yourself.
    Like I said, he doesn't give a damn about other people. He only thinks about himself. He is selfish and selfcentered, although you cannot call him a narcissist. He won't overestimate himself, but he isn't humble either. He doesn't shout that he is awesome, but if you ask him, he wiill tell you he is.

    • I might not know the square root of Pi, but I do know how to kill you in the blink of an eye.
    Thorne couldn't read for centuries, has dyslexia and hates learning. He isn't a great student at school and doesn't give a damn about science or literature. Still he isn't stupid. His intelligence is based on his experience and logic. He knows a lot about the stuff he needs to know. You won't find him reading a book, though. If he needs to know something, he'll probably go to Helias and ask him about it.

    • I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.
    Eventhough he has the mind of a sixteen year old, he knows what's going on. His head isn't up in the clouds and he likes to know what's going on. He doesn't underestimate his enemies, although he might make it look like he does. He is very realistic and knows he can die every day, he just doesn't count on it.
    When he has business to do, he is very serious and won't joke around. At first, you will not believe he is the mighty vampire everyone says he is, but soon you'll know that was a mistake.

    • do you know what's easier than applying sunscreen? Not going outside.
    As almost every sixteen year old, he is very lazy. He doesn't like working or doing stuff, eventhough he doesn't get tired. He doesn't like chasing his victims either and won't mind to take easy targets. His room, house and everything else he owns, are very messy. He makes it even worse, just to annoy Helias.

    • If I was meant to be controlled, I would have come with a remote.
    He doesn't like rules, etiquette or hierarchies. He doesn't care about rituals or old uses either. Just get to the fucking point. You don't have to do weird stuff to show him respect, as long as you don't treat him as garbage, you're fine. He also likes partying. He always did.

    • My intuition told me.
    Last, but not least: He knows how to survive. He is a true master at adapting and surviving. His intuiton is seldomly wrong and he knows who to kill and who to spare. A lot of Hunters have made the mistake to underestimate him.

    I do a thing called what I want.

    [F.C. Anton Lisin]
    • Face for some reason, he always looks tired or sad. Ofcourse he isn't, but that's just his face. It's a cute face, though. He looks like his age (i mean 16, not 815, that would be yukky). He has lightgreen eyes and brown hair. It's always short, although the style changes sometimes. He doesn't really care about his appearance, because the beautystandards always change. His cheekbones are quite prominent, but the rest of his face is rather small and round. He still has something childlike, which is sometimes annoying, other times useful.
    • Body He had a normal height in his time, he even was quite tall. Nowadays he is small,, even for his age. He's about 5,4 ft (166 cm) tall and weighs about 132lbs (60 kg). He doesn't have many muscles, but he doesn't need them either. He still is inhumanly strong. He isn't a twig either, he's just average.
    • Tattoos and scars He doesn't have any tattoos. He's got a few smaller scars from when he was still alive. He does, however, have a really big scar around his neck. It's from the rope that killed him. It looks like a vague bruise, and isn't always visible. When he gets a tantrum, it reappears like he has just been hanged. It's quite nasty, to be honest.
    • Clothes jHe doesn't really care how he looks like. He adapts the clothing style of the moment. He doesn't like too much accessories and you won't see him wearing ties or anything else around his neck.
    • Jewelry: He likes silver, and has a silver ring since the day he has been transformed. It's worth a lot of money, due to its age.

    CARPE that fucking DIEM


    • 1200: Thorne was born as the fifth child, but first son in a poor farmer family. He had three older sisters, one twinsister (who was born only minutes before him) and a younger brother and sister. He still remembers his family, although his father died a couple of days after the birth of his two years younger brother. His mom worked her ass of, and so did the rest of the family. It wasn't a happy life and Thorne wants to forget his 'life'. He often went stealing and was really good at it.
    • 1216: When he was sixteen, he was accused of magic. He just had really quick fingers, but that didn't matter. He never believed in a God, and that opinion didn't help him either. He was hanged in the winter. His death was slow, cruel and very painful, because his feet could still touch the ground. He stayed alive for hours, until his body gave out and he couldn't breath anymore. In the mean time, a young woman named Aelia had fed him her blood, which turned him into a vampire.
    His new Master tortured him for 72 years. She occasionally put him out in the sun, which almost killed him several times. His eyes, who couldn't bear the sun even when he was still alive, gave up on him and he turned blind.
    • 1288: Luckily for him, that didn't stop him to set his Master on fire. Aelia died a painful death and he enjoyed every second of it. When she was gone, he was finally free. Although he couldn't see, his vampire skills made it possible for him to survive. He could hear and smell extroardinary good and due to his teleportation skills, he could feel what was around him. He wore a blindfold, because apparantly, his eyes didn't look too well. He left Great-Brittain (he was born in Scotland) and went to France.
    • 1291: He didn't need any money, but he did need blood. He often posed as a blind beggar until somebody let him into their house. He killed a lot of people back then. There were already Hunters, but they were never a real threat. One day, he knocked at the door of a small castle. He didn't think he would be let in, but he tried nevertheless. Surprisingly, one of the owner's sons let him in and gave him a blanket and some food. He ate it, although he didn't need it and listened. He hid until everyone was asleep and sneaked into a bedroom. Because he was curious about having a Subject of his own, he didn't kill his victim right away. He attacked Helias, drank his blood, gave him his own and slit his wrists. He vanished right afterwards, because he lost his interest right away.
    He roamed around Europe for quite awhile, establishing few of his contacts already.

    • 1386: In 1386, he met Helias again. His eyes already started to heal some time ago, but he still acted like he was completely blind. He stayed with Helias, who wasn't really that happy to have a sixteen years old brat as a master, for nine years, before leaving him again.
    • 1405: He started to build his European empire and began making a lot of money. He hated religion and everything about it, but managed to get a part of the money the church owned back then. His eyes fully recovered and he could see as good as any vampire again.
    • 1486: He met Helias again and stayed a little longer this time. They traveled to America and returned. Thorne didn't like the new continent an wouldn't be seen there until the civil war.
    • 1531: He left Helias again and became one of the most powerful vampires in Europe. He traveled a few times to Africa and Asia, but wasn't really interested in those countries. Ofcourse, he owned some land over there, but that was about it.
    • 1779: He found his Subject again, and right in time. There were a lot of wars and revolutions going on, and it was an exciting time. Thorne liked it, because he often got bored. His power didn't lessen.
    • 1912: Helias left him in the beginning of the 20th century, but this time, they still had contact. The World Wars happened. During the second one, Thorne accidentally got stuck in a concentration camp. It didn't end well for the Germans over there. He still remained a very powerful vampire in Europe, but didn't know a lot about America.
    • 2015: In September, he moved in with Helias. The latter managed to become his legal guardian and Thorne has to go to school. Some child services keep an eye on him, and there are too many people involved to just start killing them. He is trying to come up with some sort of solution, since he wants to grow his name in America too.

    • Reading: Thorne has severe dyslexia. He didn't learn to read until the late 1800th's. He still can't read very well, which makes him look dumb. He hates it and tries to hide it as much as possible.
    • Languages He has a knack for languages. He speaks 11 modern languages and knows 6 older variants. His mother language is early Middle (Scottish) English.
    (Old and New English, Gaelic, Old Scottish, Old and New French, Old and New Dutch, Old and New Spanish, Italian, Old and new German, Polish, Portugese, Russian, Swedish.)
    • Drawing maps & doodling: He has a talent to draw maps and likes to doodle.
    • Piano & Bagpipes He can play the piano perfectly and for some reason, he knows how to play the bagpipe.
    • Sex Although he is stuck in the mind and body of a sixteen year old, he isn't a virgin anymore and likes sex. He doesn't get it as often as he wants, but learned to live with it.
    • Puberty He still has a voice that leaves him sometimes. He hates it, ofcourse. Except for his impulsivity and the fact he is not and never will be fully grown, there are no signs of his puberty anymore.
    • Teleportation He has mastered his gift to teleportate. He can disappear and reappear in the blink of an eye. It makes him a very difficult target.
    • Sunlight: Due to his real age, he doesn't get burned that easily. To kill him, you would have to put him longer than a day in the sun, which isn't really possible, because he would heal overnight. Nevertheless, he still hates that big, bright orb in the sky.
    • Sight: He was blind for over two centuries and knows how to move and live without his eyes. He can feel everything around him and is more aware than you expect him to be.
    • Likes
    His skateboard
    Bouncy Castels
    • Dislikes


    • Master: His master was a female vampire, born in 699. Aelia was killed by Thorne in 1288.
    • Subjects He has made fourteen subjects, but Helias is the only one who is still alive.

    • Helias

    Although it's not completely clear why they haven't killed each other, they have lived together for many years. Helias knows him and he knows Helias, though they both still have secrets for each other. Thorne doesn't know anything about the Colony, ot Helias' influence in America. He hates and likes him at the same time. He knows killing him wouldn't be easy and it's possible he would get killed himself. Therefore, he doesn't even try it.

    • Fox

    • Theodore

    • Marley

    • Catherine
    He once met her in the supermarket where he had to choose between some products. He couldn't read it very well, and they were all unknown things. They didn't have that stuff in America. Cat saw him struggling and helped him out. For that, he likes her and will be nice to her.

    • Daelyn

    • Freya
    He has some classes with her, and he suspects her being a Hunter. He thinks she is pretty and definitely likes teasing her, although she can annoy him as well. He has to do a project with her.

    • Zachaël

    • Obsidian

    • Claire

    • Vester

    • Leilani

    • Rebecca

    The only reason I haven't tried to kill you, is because I know you'll return the favor.

    [ bericht aangepast op 26 okt 2015 - 17:41 ]


    Loner - No residence yet

    "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the baddest bitch of them all?"

    Avalina: Derived from the Germanic element avi, of unknown meaning, possibly "desired".
    Thomson:: Means "son of Thomas"
    Nicknames: Ava, Ave, Lina

    Ava was born before the use of surnames. When surnames became more common, she simply used her father's name. Although she never really changed her name, only a few persons know it's Avalina and not Ava. Some people think it's a short form of Avery or something like that, and she just goes with it.



    She was born somewhere in the summer of 1200. Se died 19 years later. Being 815 years old, she is one of the oldest vampires around the world, although it's not really known in America. She is more famous than her brother, though.

    Since she just arrived in the city, she doesn't have a residence yet. It will take some time too, because she loves to stay a few nights with a victim before moving to the next one. It's making it a lot harder for the hunters to catch her and she knows that.

    Insane, Girly, Hot-tempered, Happy, Sadistic, Chaotic, Curious, Enthousiastic, Smart, Loving, Revengeful, Sly, Cheerful, Adaptive, sort of Psychopathic, Deceiving, Stubborn, Graceful, Cold, Careless, Unsettled, Dreamy, Know-it-all, Jealous, Unreliable, Dangerous, Proud

    • "You wish you were this twisted."
    "She must have bumped her head when she was born," is a sentence she has heared a lot in her long life. She hasn't, but she is nuts anyway. You can even call her insane, although she manages to hide it most of the times. She doesn't have fears (except for drowning again, maybe) and sometimes simply want to watch the world burn. She is the embodiment of chaos and disorder. All of this makes her very unpredictable and dangerous.

    • "The only time a woman is helpless, is when her nail polish is drying."
    Avalina is a girl and you'll notice it. She likes dresses, cute shoes, flowers, nail polish and all those other things. She doesn't have crushes, but she definitely likes men. She is, just like her twin, almost always happy and cheerful. She has an enthousiastic vibe hanging around her, and if she isn't killing you, her presence will cheer you up. To be honest, she doesn't even look like the monster she is, when she is completely covered in blood.

    • "Crazy evil is much more fun than plain evil."
    Ava is very sadistic and loves to hurt other people. She will grab every chance she gets. When she leaves a place, there is almost always only chaos and disaster to be found. Although she fits a big part of the profile, she isn't a true psychopath. She is capable of love and she has cared about people, her brother among them. That didn't stop her from hurting them every now and then. She did feel guilty afterwards, something that is very rare.

    • "Off with their heads!"
    Although she is crazy and you'll have to push it far to actually get to her, she is also a time bomb. When you hit the right spot, she'll explode. She has had a lot of tantrums throughout the years, simply by getting mad. She is also fierce when she is discussing something, almost intimidating even. She knows what she wants and will get it, no matter what.

    "You poor, simple fools. Thinking you could defeat me?"

    • "Blessed are the curious for they will have the adventures."
    Ava is a very curious person. She likes to get to the bottom of almost everything and wants to learn as much as she can. She has studied at almost every important university in Asia, America and Australia. Therefore, she isn't stupid. Unlike her brother, she isn't very good at math, but then: she can read a hell lot better.

    • "I will burn the heart out of you."
    Despite her cruelty and insanity, she can be very lovings. It takes some time, but when she grows fond of you, she'll give you all of her heart. She may hurt you physically, but will always regret it and make it up to you. When she loves you, you'll have to love her back. She does feel insecure then, since she knows she can push it too far and lose your love. Therefore, she'll constantly try to get you to show your love for her, although you wouldn't always notice it. You cannot break up with her without dying, though.

    • "Happy endings are for pussies."
    Because of this insecurity, she can be very jealous. She won't hesitate to eliminate every threat to her relationships. If it ends, her jealousy will turn into revenge. No one who has ever hurt her, has gotten away with it. Most of them died a painful death, others had the unfortune to be still alive after she has gotten her revenge.

    •"Distrusting me was the wisest thing you've done."
    This is also a trait she shares with Thorne. She is a master in blending in and is very adaptive and sly. Furthermore, she is deceiving (especially for the masculine popularity) and you cannot trust her at all. She likes playing games, just to hurt people even more.

    [F.C. Laine Rogova]

    • Face Ava has a very innocent face and appearance. She seems even less threatening than her brother. Just like him, she has light green eyes. They are quite far apart, which gives her an unique appearance. Her hair is more blonde and has always been rather long. She has pretty, full lips, which she often uses in her advantage. Her skin has the same colour has her brother's.
    • Body Since she was born more than 800 years ago, she isn't very big. Measuring 155cm, she isn't one of the biggest people on this planet. She is used to her length, although it is pretty annoying people are growing taller and taller. She is slim, but not really fragile. She is very graceful, since she has been a dancer for centuries, and you won't call her weak. She radiates some kind of power and elegance, eventhough she looks innocent too. She uses make-up frequently.
    • Clothes: She has always loved clothing and every era brings something beautiful. She has loved the big dresses of the last centuries, but also likes the modern fashion. She almost always were pretty, girly dresses, even in the winter. Nowadays, she wears mostly sneakers.
    • Jewelry: She doesn't always wear jewelry, but when she does, it's mostly bracelets and necklaces.

    "Don't underestimate the importance of body language."

    • 1200: Ava was born three minutes before her twinbrother Thorne. It made her the fourth daughter and child. she was a very difficult child, since she was slightly insane. She often hurt her siblings, eventhough she couldn't live without them. She just had to. Thorne had the most to bear, but also loved her the most. She cared about her twin, and so did he.
    • 1216: One day, Thorne had been caughed steeling an apple. Because of her insanity, the villagers thought the family was cursed and Thorne was a monster who had to be killed. She couldn't stop them and lost her brother. She still doesn't know he turned into a vampire. Her sadism increased and she turned into a living hell.
    • 1219: Three years later, an old vampire took her from her family. Without a warning, he attacked her, drank her blood, fed her his own and drowned her in a lake. He left her afterwards, and she has never seen him again. She knows he's dead, because she doesn't feel any connection anymore. She didn't have a Master to explain her the know abouts of vampires, but she adapted really quick to her new lifestyle. Since she was crazy, she didn't wonder about the new aspects of her life. She left Scotland and traveled to Asia, where she lived for almost 400 years.

    "Let's have a toast for the douchebags."

    • 1603: She moved to India for some time. She saw the colonies coming and going, and learned about the changes in Europe since her departure.
    • 1796: She learned about the new colony, Australia, and traveled to it. The harsh country didn't have any Hunters and people died all the time. It was her golden age.
    • 1889: She got tired of Australia and moved to America. She has explored the country ever since.
    • 1920: She has had a few lovers and one of them was Atlas/Helias. She encountered him at a fancy party, and again at one of her dance performances. She was interested in him and through the years, he gained her heart.
    • 1930: Ten years after their first encounter, he left her without a warning. She found out he was faking his love all along, and went raging mad. She had a tantrum, killed a lot of people and left. Luckily for her, it was the time of the Great Depression and the murders were never connected. It's not her number one drive, but she is still looking for Atlas/Helias. She wants her revenge and one day, she will get it.
    • 2015: She arrived in Greenstone only today, following Atlas' tracks. She finally found him.

    • Languages: New: English, French, Japanese, Mandirin, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Maoiri and some other Asian languages.
    Old: English, French, Dutch, Sanskriet, Portugese.
    • Disney: She knows every songtext of every disneysong ever made. She really likes the films, eventhough they always end happy.
    • Dance: She has always been a dancer. She masters almost every style, and has never stopped learning more.
    • Likes
    Other's pain
    Nail Polish
    Bouncy Castels
    • Dislikes
    Being ignored
    Being bored


    • Master: Unknown - died
    • Subjects She has made a lot of subjects and actually lost count. She has killed the ones she kept close and lost track of the others.

    • Helias
    Although he has faked his love for her, she still knows the man very well. She knows how his brain works. She hates him with every cell in her body and will do almost everything to get her revenge. Nevertheless, she still has some feelings left for him, which makes her hate him even more.

    • Thorne
    She loved her brother and thinks about him every day. When they were still alive, he was the one who kept the world real to her. She doesn't know he's a vampire, and he doesn't know she is as well.

    "My name will be on everyone's lips. Assuming their lips won't be torn off."

    [ bericht aangepast op 3 nov 2015 - 13:08 ]


    N A M E
    Emmeline Mia Penderghast. She usually introduces herself as Mia. Emmeline is a foreign name to her. She only uses it when she's trying to hide something. It's a name people know her by when she doesn't want them to know who she is as a person. Emmeline is a character in her head. There's actually very little people who call her Mia.

    C R E A T U R E

    S T A T U S
    Alpha of the Mariston Pack, so called because it's been lead by the Mariston family for generations. Mia is the first one in a hundred years to be alpha and not be a Mariston. It's origins lie in New York City, it is one of the biggest packs in all of North America and is very notorious for its wild cruelty. Mia does not know how to lead them, nor does she care. The Mariston Pack consists out of 300 werewolves and are spread out over various states. The central Pack that's directly under Mia's command - or actually more under that of her sister since Mia doesn't really lead them the way she's supposed to - has a number of something around 150.

    A G E

    R E S I D E N C E

    P E R S O N A L I T Y
    Threatening, Closed-off, Sadistic, Intelligent, Arrogant, Protective, Introvert, Foul-mouthed, Aggressive, Hot-tempered, Forthright, Forceful, Stubborn, Unforgiving, Observant, Impulsive, Perfectionist, Selfish, Hostile, Greedy, Calculated (but not really), Dominant, Critical, Cynical, Cowardly, Abrasive, Narrow-minded.

    A P P E A R A N C E

    H I S T O R Y

    E X T R A

    [ bericht aangepast op 29 nov 2015 - 11:53 ]



    • • •

    I am not you sun or your goddamn sky,
    I am the fire that will B U R N all your hope to the ground.
    I was born to the wild darling, I'm not here for you to [ love ] .

    • Name
    Thea Ellis Penderghast. Everyone just calls her Thea or T (Tea). Thea is Greek and means ""goddess, godly", Ellis is Welsh and means "benevolent" and Penderghast is Irish and derives from the 12th century Norman Knight Maurice de Prendergast.

    • Creature

    • Status
    Bèta of the Mariston Pack. She's her sisters second-in-command, although she's more the leader of the Pack than Mia is. She's planning on murdering her sister, or dethroning her, so she can be both the actual and the acting Alpha.

    • Age

    • Residence
    None. She's camping with her sisters and about 75 other werewolves in the woods near Hillside at the moment.

    • Inner
    — Eccentric
    — Classy
    — Elegant
    — Friendly
    — Untrustworthy
    — Caring
    — Intelligent
    — Protective
    — Hurt
    — Vengeful
    — Patient
    — Strong; doesn't take shit from anybody
    — Ambitious
    — Perfectionist
    — Feminist

    • Outer

    • History
    Thea was born as the first daughter of a Werewolf couple, Mr. and Mrs. Penderghast in London. Fours years later she got another sister: Emmeline Mia and another five years later came Isla Bronwen. They moved to New York not long after and lived in a community of Werewolf in Manhattan. Thea was about 17 when she met Fox and they started dating. Eight or nine months later they broke up, when Mia, Isla and Thea lost their parents in a car accident. As she was 18 then, and her sisters were only 13 and 9, she took it upon herself to take care of them and became not only their sister but also kind of another mother, mostly towards Isla.
          They joined the Mariston not long after and when the Alpha died, Mia took over and appointed her sisters as the Bèta and Oméga. They have lived in Manhattan ever since, travelling to other cities and countries as well.

    Do no harm, but take no shit.

    Be as you wish to seem.

    • Extra
    Likes: flowers, make-up, fashion,

    • Relationships

    [ bericht aangepast op 3 dec 2015 - 14:11 ]

    kindness is never a burden.


    [ bericht aangepast op 22 nov 2015 - 20:33 ]

    kindness is never a burden.

    Isla Bronwen Penderghast

    Want to set the world on fire? Follow me.


    And if you do me right
    I am gonna do right by you

    Just don't fall recklessly in love with me

    Isla Bronwen Penderghast

    Isla is mostly known by her first and last name. People close to her tend to call her Izzy, and even though she prefers Isla, she is kind of okay with it.
    Her name means island, which suits her. Because she likes to be on her own.


    Isla is the Oméga of the Mariston pack. Something she hates to the core. Make no mistake in teasing her with this — since she would actually tear your guts out. She despices being the weaker one — the one that needs to be taken care of. And she does not desire to be reminded of that.


    A camp around Greenstone.

    It is common knowledge that Isla is one of the biggest rebels you will ever meet. She loves causing trouble. Simple chaos, as she calls it. Nothing too bad, though. Since she also has a conscience. She can act like big bad wolf — but that's just that. The person underneath is a sensitive and curious girl that tries to figure the world out. Whilst doing that, she makes impulsive decisions and numerous mistakes. Something that definitely shows that she should not be on her own. She just doesn't listen, which can make her look like a stubborn little brat.
    You can often find her on an adventure, doing things she hasn't done and will probably regret. She never asks people to tag along, but they tend to go with her anyway. She has that natural vibe that makes others curious of why the hell she is doing what she does. That, and the fact that Izzy is a funny person. She can take a joke, but also make plenty of her own. Sarcasm is not something she's into. Just because she hates tearing people down.
    As a teen, you can expect Isla to be provoking. But she takes that trait to a whole new level. When it comes to getting under people's skin she's the best. It's a miracle no one has killed her yet. Although, what dumbass would go after a Penderghast sister? It's something that has protected her, but there will come a time where it won't anymore. And that's what Isla does not see.
    Because she's sensitive, she's got a temper that grows taller than the girl herself. It's not irritation or annoyance that gets her angry, but comments about her family or someone she loves. She might be an Oméga, but that won't keep Isla from biting you.
    She will never say it out loud, but she can actually find comfort in her status. No one is ever expecting something from her — which she takes immensely for granted. Izzy is careless, does not mind the things she does. However dangerous they may be. She has no real purpose, after all. In this carefree attitude, she found bravery. You dare it, she tries it. It is as simple as that. Mostly because she is curious about everything.
    Isla doesn't need much. She's a very practical person when it comes to living her life. She's more of a person to give than a person to take. Not that you would assume that. Isla is very loving. When she loves someone, she loves them with all of her heart. And you better don't talk them down in front of her, because you'll see the feisty side of her where the sun don't shine. There is only one rule she sticks to, and that is to never — ever — harm her loved ones.
    That, and to never trust a pretty face.

    Isla isn't tall or short. She blends in, which makes her of average height. Between her sisters she's the shortest, though. But Isla wouldn't be Isla if she cared much about appearance. She's slim, to the thinner side — although she has an appetite that could scare a grown man. Just like her sisters, Isla also inherited blonde locks. Hers are quite messy textured. They don't match her eyebrows, which are darker and more defined. You would expect blue eyes, but Isla got eyes as dark as night. They would be scary if her face hadn't been so angel—like overall. Isla wears a lot of casual clothing. Typical for her are boyfriend jeans and the color black. It can be quite a shock to see her in a dress or heels; but she sometimes wears it to confuse the hell out of mostly boys. Isla enjoys comfortable clothing in which she can move freely. She doesn't believe that clothes matter. It's the attitude that defines you.
    As a wolf, Isla is ofcourse smaller than almost everybody. Her fur's mixed with lighter sandy tones, which make her eyes look scary as hell since they are so big then. Because she's small, she can run insanely fast. She prefers her human form, though.

    Isla Bronwen was the third and last child to Mr. and Mrs. Penderghast. She wasn't planned, causing a gap between her and her two sisters. Growing up she was closest to her father. Just like her sisters, Isla was also a born werewolf. Eventhough she turned out to be the Omèga, she still changed at the age of twelve. Three years after her parents died. She plans on leaving the day she turns eighteen.


    — She's dyslectic and should wear glasses to read at all, but she refuses to put something on her head. And she thinks that it'll make her look stupid.
    — Isla doesn't really do the school thing.
    — She's got a scar on her back from a very bad scratch.


    — Starry nights
    — Long walks
    — Running
    — Watching people
    — Photographing
    — Music
    — Warm beds
    — (Secretly) Tight hugs
    — Her sisters
    — Playing / Games


    — Mornings
    — Crappy coffee
    — Crying
    — Creatures that have something against other creatures
    — Her sisters
    — Sour candy
    — Books
    — Being bored
    — Pain

    Thea Ellis Penderghast

    Thea is the oldest sister; the Béta of their pack. Naturally, she's looked after Isla from day one. But when she turned out to be the Oméga, she almost became her second mother. After her actual parents died, her sister sort of took over that role. She loves her sister, but she doesn't show it very often. Isla likes to be on her own, and although she's got a pack, she's more of a loner. Her sister worries about her 99% of the time, and she doesn't make it very easy for Thea, but they can actually get along and their bond is strong whatever it may look like when they argue.
    Emmeline Mia Penderghast

    Mia is her Alpha, and also her sister. Because they share some of their traits — they don't always get along. But because they are Alpha and Oméga, Mia always looks out for her little sister and can be very overprotecting. Especially when there are boys involved. Isla tolerates her sister, and they do have their moments, but overall she makes her own plans and tries to stay out of their sister's lives. Mostly because the difference in age.

    I finish her asap. (:

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 dec 2015 - 11:26 ]

    Feel the fire, but do not succumb to it.


    No words can explain the way I'm missing you

    Caleb Caldwell
    Small apartment in Montandon
    Height 184 centimeters
    Hair Dark brown, he uses hairgel to bring it in the right model
    Eyes Hazel, framed with long, full lashes most girls would be jealous of
    Body Rather muscular due to all the Huntertrainings, but he also works out on his own
    Facial hair Small beard and mustache (see pictures)
    Clothing Whatever is in fashion at that moment.
    Other He wears contacts most of the time. However, sometimes he can also be seen with glasses

    • Manipulative
    • Cunning
    • Adventurous
    • Charismatic
    • Flirt
    • Intelligent
    • Sometimes a bit cocky
    • Decisive
    • Eloquent
    • Protective
    • Can be harsh
    • Keeps his walls up

          Caleb was the only child of two loving parents, Joe and Jill Caldwell. They adopted him when he was a baby. He grew up in a big mansion in Scotland and has a Scottish accent. He went to a private primary school, but already then he was interested in acting. However, his parents didn't want him to only focus on acting, but also on a back-up plan. Therefore he followed normal classes at a private primary school, but acting classes at a theatreschool, where he also met his girlfriend, Kayla.
          A few weeks after Caleb's eightteenth birthday, his parents died in a burglary in their home. Caleb inherited all their money. His rock during this time was Kayla and they got closer than they already were.
          About a year later Kayla passed away. She was caught up in a fight between a vampire and a werewolf. During the autopsy of her body it turned out that Kayla was pregnant. The police said it was an animal attack, but Caleb suspected that there was more behind it. While doing this he ran into a group of Hunters, who were also looking into the case. It took a lot of time, but in the end Caleb managed to convince them to let them into the group, but they only let him in after they found out that Caleb had Hunterblood. Something that he didn't know, since he had never met his biological parents.


    [ bericht aangepast op 11 dec 2015 - 20:30 ]

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Hi imma rejoin this. I'll post my role again and edit it for the adaptation :Y)

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque


    "Duty before all else."


    Clarkson 'Clark' James Ackerman-Raeken
    "Balance is the law, it's our duty to make sure there is a balance."

    "Think about it... Wait, I just caught you, you're just plain stupid with a cherry on top."

    • Naam:
    Clarkson • Priester • Oud Engels
    James • Vervangt • Engels
    Ackerman • Veldman • Engels
    Raeken • Onbekend • Onbekend

    • Nicknames:
    Clark • Algemeen
    Jamey •
    CJ • Bepaalde kringen

    • Leeftijd:
    32, 30 december, Steenbok

    "A hunters life is the hardest life; you chase once and you never stop chasing."

    • Uiterlijk:
    Clark is best groot met zijn 190cm, en valt dan ook op in de massa. Hij is eerder slank gebouwd, maar zijn lichaam bestaat toch grotendeels uit spieren, en hij is dus sterker dan hij lijkt te zijn.
    Zijn haarkleur is donkerblond, halflang en altijd een totale warboel. Niet dat het hem wat kan schelen hoe zijn haar er bij ligt, het mag gewoon niet in de weg zitten. Hij is het meeste van de tijd ongeschoren en heeft dus een baardje en een snor die niet iets donkerder gekleurd zijn dan zijn haar. Hij is een eerder bleek figuur, ondanks de uren zon, maar hij is gewoon een binnenmens en dat zie je ook aan hem, hij heeft dus meestal wel een zonnebril nodig om buiten te komen als de zon schijnt, omdat zijn donkerblauwe ogen het zonlicht moeilijk kunnen verwerken. Die ogen brengen ook een bepaalde intensiteit met zich mee die hem soms nogal eng en gefocust doen voorkomen.
    Boven zijn ogen is een paar wenkbrauwen te vinden die een verschillende vorm hebben en dezelfde kleur hebben als zijn snor en baardje, ze brengen ook het intense in zijn ogen nog verder naar voren. Zijn wimpers zijn eerder lang en relatief dik. Zijn kaaklijn is eerder sterk aflopend en zijn jukbeenderen komen lichtjes door, meer naar de zijkant van zijn gezicht. Door zijn scherpere kaaklijn heeft Clark ook een redelijk scherpe kin.
    Clarkson is ook een persoon met stijl en dat zie je duidelijk aan zijn manier van kleden. Hij kan namelijk zeer classy zijn als hij dit wilt, maar ook trashy kan hem sieren, dat hangt af van het moment. Maar alles wat hij draagt ziet er goed uit, daarmee is hij ook erg fotogeniek en is hij amper slecht te vinden op foto's, zelfs zijn pasfoto's niet.
    Hij heeft een tattoo die start op zijn linkerschouder en verder naar beneden loopt. Deze leest: 'Bleed with me and you will forever be my brother'. Daarnaast heeft hij een litteken op zijn rechterkuit van een motorongeval dat hij ooit heeft gehad, eentje op zijn linker onderarm van een weerwolf die hem gebeten heeft en eentje die over zijn borstkas loopt, over zijn borstbeen en dan buigt het litteken zich af naar rechts, door een mes dat hij net van zich af wist te houden terwijl hij werd aangevallen door een vijandelijke huntersgroep.
    Het zilveren sieraad dat hij draagt is een manchetknoop die in een leren armband zit gevlochten, dit is dus eerder een onopvallend sieraad en dat vindt Clark ook maar best, aangezien hij opzichtige sieraden afschuwelijk vindt.

    [FC: Boyd Holbrook]

    "Welcome to the jungle without the fun and much more lethal games."

    • Karakter
    Om te beginnen is Clark een persoon die beschermt en een gevoel verantwoordelijkheid heeft voor mensen. Deze eigenschap geldt zowel voor gewone mensen als voor mensen die hij graag mag, maar zal zich het hardst uitspelen bij familie, want dat vindt hij het allerbelangrijkst. Hij stel zijn familie ook altijd in als prioriteit om veilig te houden. Daarnaast heeft Clarkson naar de meeste mensen toe een spontane en charmerende man, die mensen op hun gemak stelt, ondanks het feit dat zijn voorkomen nogal intimiderend en eng kan zijn.
    Je kan ook wel stellen dat hij een hart van goud heeft als het aankomt op mensen die hij mag, maar ondanks dit alles kan hij toch wel eens een eikel zijn. Zeker tegen mensen die hij niet moet, want die krijgen een hele andere kant van hem te zien die minder aangenaam is, dan speelt hij ook zijn meest favoriete vorm van humor uit: sarcasme. Dit wil zeggen dat hij ook zeker niet op zijn edele mond is gevallen en geen schrik heeft om mensen die hij niet mag aan te spreken omdat ze iets wat ze doen hem niet zint. Hij heeft het ook absoluut niet op leugenaars en mensen die hem zich vroom gedragen ten opzichte van hem. Hij heeft ook een absolute hekel aan slijmballen en mensen die té aanhankelijk zijn.
    Clark is ook wel iemand die zijn gedachten op een rijtje heeft en twee keer na zal denken alvorens te handelen. Hij kan ook wel improviseren, maar zal vaker en sneller eerst een plan uitdenken voor hij een stap neemt richting het meer der risico's. Hij ziet echter wel in wanneer zijn plan niet werkt en zal vandaaruit dan wel verder werken. Over werken gesproken, dat is ook iets dat in zijn aard ligt. Hij is namelijk een echte werker en doet alles liever zelf dan dat het voor hem gedaan wordt, hoe moeilijk het ook voor hem is.
    Hij is ook iemand die zicht plichtig voelt. Zo is het zijn plicht om mensen te beschermen tegen bovennatuurlijke wezens en zo verder. Hij is ook wel een persoon die een onrecht naar mensen toe niet links kan laten liggen, hij is dus best wraakzuchtig, iets wat je niet van hem verwacht. Daarnaast ziet hij zijn bestaan als 'hunter' als zijn job en is dus niet vies van geweld, bloedvergieten en moorden. Om je een geheim te vertellen, hij kan er soms wel eens van genieten. Hieruit kan je afleiden dat hij het echt meent en dus een hardcore jager is. Wat het bovennatuurlijke ook nog moeite geeft is zijn intelligentie: hij heeft een IQ dat hoger ligt dan het gemiddelde. Hij is ook een strateeg en iemand die graag zijn omgeving kent, met als gevolg dat hij wel vaker gaat wandelen in het gebied waarin ze leven, ondanks dat hij niet graag buitenkomt overdag. Ook is hij een er koppig persoon en ambitieus persoon, al weet hij wel wanneer het nodig is om een toegeving te doen, wat hem een goede leider maakt die een evenwicht zoekt tussen alle partijen.

    "Come out, come out wherever you are little bitch."

    • Geschiedenis
    Clarkson kent al hel zijn leven geen ander bestaan dan zijn leven als Hunter. Hij ging in training op zijn zesde en werd pas op zijn elfde een partner toegewezen: zijn broer Marnix, omdat die toen pas van leeftijd was om een partner te krijgen en ze het liefste de banden in de familie wilden houden. Zo groeiden de broers onafscheidelijk op, ze vertrouwden elkaar dan ook volledig en zochten elkaar voor problemen ook op. Ze kibbelden ook wel eens, maar uiteindelijk duurden die ruzies nooit echt lang. Ook de band met zijn ouders zat wel snor, maar niet zoals zijn band met Marnix. Maar het noodlot sloeg toe zo'n drie jaar geleden, toen Marnix zijn dood vond door een stomme misrekening van een andere Huntersclan, waarbij ze zijn broer doodschoten in plaats van het eigenlijke doelwit. Na dat voorval zonderde hij zich af en werkte hij twee jaar solo, tot er een plek vrijkwam langs de zijde van zijn nichtje Freya.

    • Familie
    Vader: Donovan Gregg Raeken • 59 • Alive • Normal
    Moeder: Sarah Valerie Ackerman • 57 • Alive • Hunter
    Broer: Marnix Amos Ackerman-Raeken • 27 • Deceased • Hunter
    Nicht: Freya Historia Rose Maria Ackerman • 16 • Alive • Hunter
    Neef: Fox Samuel Ackerman • 26 • Unknown • Werewolf

    "Don't underestimate me, I'm a brooding hurricane."

    • Extra
    > Clark heeft een grijze papegaai die Peekaboo heet. Hij heeft het beestje opgeleid tot een rasechte verklikker die handig is tijdens het jagen en hen ook waarschuwt bij gevaar. Peekaboo maakt in elke situatie een ander geluid
    > Clark is een motorrijder en heeft dus een zwarte Ducati Streetfighter waarmee hij zich snel kan verplaatsen.
    > Clark heeft ook een gewone auto, namelijk een mahoniekleurige Chevrolet Pick-up.
    > Clarks vader is een militair op rust.
    > Clark is een all-rounder wat muziek betreft, maar heeft wel een absolute haat naar rap en een genre dat hij aanduidt als 'Negermuziek'.
    > Clark valt op vrouwen en is dus straight.
    > Clark is een roker.
    > Clark is tekenaar
    > Clark loopt regelmatig en is in staat een marathon te lopen op anderhalf uur.
    > Clark spreekt naast Engels ook Russisch (gevorderd), Zweeds(gevorderd) en Spaans(iets meer dan basis).
    > Clark is tweehandig.
    > Clark heeft lichte Thantofobie; angst om iemand waarvan je houdt te verliezen.
    > Clark is Allergisch voor de meeste pijnstillers (NSAID's), hij kan bijvoorbeeld geen Advil of Nurofen nemen, maar wel Aspirines.
    > Clark heeft last van insomnia en slaapt dus slecht en heel erg licht. Hij heeft dus wel vaker een slaaptekort en slaapt soms ook met oorstopjes in.
    > Clark is de volgende in lijn als familiehoofd.

    "I will not tolerate you. Not now, not ever. So stop hoping, and get out."

    • Partner:
    Freya Historia Rose Maria Ackerman

    • Wapens
    NOTE: Alle onderstaande zijn aangepast aan de situatie waarin ze zitten en zijn dus opgevoerd, of zo gemaakt dat hij er het bovennatuurlijke mee kan opjagen. Hij beheerst ook heel wat wapentechnieken door zijn ietwat oudere leeftijd.
    Escort Handgun • USA • Afstand: kort.
    Kalasjnikov • Russia • Afstand: gematigd.
    L115A1 Sniper Rifle • UK • Afstand: ver.

    Carbon Steel Longsword • Italian • Afstand: kort
    Scimitar • Middle East • Astand: kort.

    Chinese Ringdagger • China • Afstand: kort/gemiddeld.
    Hunting knife • USA • Afstand: kort.


    Recognition Gear

    Clark ziet bij de weerwolven een waas over de de irissen en de pupil door middel van Blacklight of Glowsticks, al werkt het eerste wel het beste voor hem. Bij vampieren ziet hij een volledig zwarte aura. Dat komt enkel bij vampieren voor, omdat ze in feite levende doden zijn.

    • Beroep
    Clark is sinds zijn twintigste in dienst bij de GPD (Greenstone Police Departement). Hij begon er als Deputy en heeft zich ondertussen opgewerkt tot Sherrif van het globale korps. Hij overziet ook dat de onverklaarbare zaken niet aan het licht gebracht worden zodat Homeland security of een ander agentschap zich niet komt moeien in hun 'vredige' stadje en dus dat de buitenwereld niets te weten komt over al de vreemde en onverklaarbare gebeurtenissen. Het is voor hem en zijn huntersclan ook een verademing, want hij kan voor zichzelf en zijn familie wel eens een oogje dichtknijpen, want hij is de zogenaamde 'hoeder van de wet'.

    "No fear of blood, no fear of bullets, no fear of the messenger of death."


    [ bericht aangepast op 2 jan 2016 - 4:21 ]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    *insert cheerleading smiley*
