16+ recommended
    A Sonder's production

    Did you ever had a moment when you saw something strange? Something that wasn't quite right? Like a glance of darkness in that stranger's eyes, or a shadow that shouldn't be there? No?
    Good. You don't want to.
    But there are people who can. They see the monsters, they hunt them and they kill them.
    No, this ain't Twilight.

    It's October 2015 and Greenstone (USA) has never been so un-dead. The Werewolve-packs are bigger than ever, the Vampire-colony has never had this much power, but the Hunters are still managing to keep the balance. It's hard, it's difficult, it's even nearly impossible, but they can do it. With Codes, agreements and a try for peace, they can keep up.
    Until the Outcasts arrive and everything they have worked for has come to an end. These cruel Hunters won't stop until the last creature has burned to death. They will succeed, and nobody stands in there way, or at least not for long. Suddenly, the city is at the brink of war, and nobody can be trusted anymore. Hunter, Vampire or Werewolve, they all have the same question.
    Who is hunting who?

    Dark souls are old souls.

    Marthe ~ Aincrad ~ Helias ~ idk ~ Colony (2nd ic)
    Liesje ~ Sonder ~ Thorne ~ 16 / 815 ~ Loner
    Lene ~Tamaki ~ Theodore Zachariah Wren ~ 26 / 239 ~ Colony | 2 AF
    Nichelle ~ Fukari ~ Marley Georgia Paleari ~ Age/Real Age ~ Colony (3th) | 4
    Cheryl ~ Feyre ~ Catherine Amelia Kingston ~ 20 / 187 ~ Colony | 2 AF
    Amber ~ Mayakovski~ Daelyn Orsay Willow ~ 22 / 677 ~ Leader colony | 4

    Marthe ~ Aincrad ~ Freya Historia Rose Maria Ackerman. ~ 16 | 3
    Mirte ~ Caster ~ Zachaël Nathanael Ackerman ~ 19 | 5 AF
    Gabriëlle/Gaby ~ Feared ~ Obsidian "Sid" Elladore Genefray ~ 19 | 5 AF
    Amber ~ Mayakovski ~ James Maximus Watson ~ 27 | 5

    Loïs ~ Serenata ~ Claire Gena Brooks ~ 26 | 2 AF
    Lene ~ Tamaki ~ Vester Wolfgang Morgenstern ~ 22 | 5
    Megan ~ Kepner ~ [Reagan Catalina Brennan] ~ 20 | 5

    Liesje ~ Sonder ~ Fox Jonathan Francis Timaeus Ackerman ~ 26 ~ Alfa St.-Louis | 2 AF
    Cheryl ~ Feyre ~ Leilani Kiera Dawson ~ 23 ~ Warrior St.-Louis
    Robin ~ Yisha ~ Rebecca Ann Ravens ~ 20 ~ ? St.-Louis
    Nichelle ~ Fukari ~ Celaena Karolyna Madar ~ 24 ~ Oméga St.-Louis | 5

    It's the ninth of october, a friday evening. At midnight, there will be fireworks and afterwards the party continues at the Scrubs. It could be a fun and silent night, but that's up to you (:

    [ bericht aangepast op 25 jan 2016 - 21:14 ]


    Loner - Montandon

          He had to bite his tongue so he wouldn't start defending the girl next to him. Not that he cared about her feelings, but he hated people who couldn't admit they were wrong. The only reason he didn't say anything, was because it was friday and he really wanted to leave this bloody place. Since he had to go to school, he only had the weekends to explore the city and tonight he was planning to see the last part he hadn't been to.
          He'd always liked theme parks and they only grew bigger and better throughout the years. He was really looking forward to it, thus he couldn't get any more trouble. Every teacher was already looking at him as if he was planning to murder the whole school, just because he teached some bastard a lesson. They weren't completely wrong, though, but still. He needed his freedom.
          "Sorry, sweetpie," he spoke softly. "I'm not good at writing things down." He smiled apologetically at the pretty girl next to him, who was glancing at his almost empty sheet. It wasn't a lie - writing and reading was difficult for him, although he wouldn't admit it. The teacher didn't pay any attention to them anymore, thus he just stared at her. There was something odd about her; something more than the cute attempts to flirt with him.
          Disgust? No, not really, though it was close. He couldn't see it, though, it was more as if he could feel it. He may have been able to see again for nearly six centuries, but he still was remarkebly aware of his other senses. Still, he didn't know for sure if she was really flirting with him or something else. He didn't know if she was just a normal human being or a Hunter either. He suspected it, but he hadn't seen much silver, nor a tattoo or a weapon.
          Nevertheless, he was interested in her plans - whether it involved kissing him or killing him - and he did like to get to know her better. He stopped doodling - although he was in the middle of turning Columbus in a fancy, girly vampire - and leaned forward.
          "Are you going to the fireworks?" he asked innocently. He didn't know many people or creatures yet, or what the hell was going on in this city, but he hadn't been completely oblivious. He also knew Helias was hiding something for him, but Thorne still let him. He didn't want to rush things up. He liked exploring the area.
          While he was thinking and waiting for an answer, he moved his leg, causing his skatebboard to fall over with a loud blow. He muttered some cursewords which haven't been used for centuries except by him, and grabbed the wooden plank of the ground. Then he looked up with a goofy smile on his face while he mumbled a sorry. When he looked at another girl, she blushed and he smiled back. Humans were really easy sometimes. He looked back at Freya.
          Sometimes too easy.


    [ bericht aangepast op 4 nov 2015 - 19:29 ]


    Obsidian Elladore Genefrey

          Zach strolled into the room a few seconds after she'd arrived. She zipped his leather jacket up before she took a seat on his made bed. Zach always made his bed. It was actually him that taught her the importance of personal hygiene.
          'You are such a little kid, Sid. But I’m not going in the ferris wheel with you, I don’t like heights.' Sid had secretly hoped he'd done it — but she knew of his dislike towards heights so she let it go with a small sigh.
          'That's probably why I'm still short. You don't like tall girls either.' She returned the grin he'd given her, when he decided to go and she had to stand up. It was then she reminded herself of the earlier thoughts about weapons.
          'Do you think we should take something with us? I know Fox wouldn't let anything happen. . . But. . .' There were vampires and other hunters; and she knew very well that some of them liked to cause trouble. So, before her could answer her, she leaned over his bed to dig up some weapons she'd hidden there when they moved in. Her favorite weapon was in her own room; her crossbow. But the small set of silver coated knives would do as well. She stuck them down her boots, so they wouldn't be visible or clumsy to handle.
          'Come on, Zachie. I've got a lot to do before the fireworks start.' She jumped off the bed, surprisingly gracious, and strolled towards the door which she opened with a touch of her shoulder. Her hands were busy running through her hair; making sure she looked okay before the wind would ruin her freshly cleaned locks. 'How would you feel about cotton candy as diner, by the way?' Sid looked over her shoulder, very much interested in what Zach would answer. After all these years she was used to him being around her. How he could throw a shadow over her by walking next to her; mostly because Zach only wore black. It was as if he was her personal bodyguard; but they knew better than thinking that he was the only one that could put up a good fight.

    Feel the fire, but do not succumb to it.

    Very late MT.


    “Sometimes it’s best to just say ‘Whatever’ and watch everyone else make the dumb mistakes.”

          If Leila had been able to, should would have prodded Fox in the side, but that didn't really work as they were already in the seats of the rollercoaster. 'You are such a pervert,' she grinned instead. Not that she minded though, otherwise she never would have seen that delicious body of him naked. Nothing wrong with being a bit of a perv.
          The trolleys started to move and even though it wasn't the spectacular type of rollercoaster (it only had one loop), Leila was excited for it. She liked going rollercoaster and it had been quite a while since the last time she had been in one. So, it wasn't that scary, but she still screamed a little bit. Partly because some other girls in the ride sounded like they were about to die, but also because she knew that it would probably annoy Fox. It was so fun to irritate him sometimes.
          When the ride was over she wanted to go for another run, but when she saw Fox' slightly pale face, she decided that is was better not to. She was not that mean to let Fox go through it again. Plus, she didn't really want his puke all over her.
          'I'm sorry, if I had known that you get sick of rollercoaster, I would have taken you into the kids' ride,' Leila apologized. 'But don't worry,' she continued, while she patted his shoulder. 'You still look rather handsome, eventhough you might look like you are about to puke. And in case you really need to...' She stood on her toes, so she could reach his face easier, put her hands on his cheeks and turned his face toward a trashcan. 'You can do it in there. And not on me.'

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Alfa St.-Louis

          "But that would be pity, wouldn't it?" he pouted. He did feel a bit sick, but he hadn't eaten that much, so he should be able to keep it in. He grabbed Leila's hands and took them off his face, his thumb exploring her soft skin. He never denied the pervert-comment, because he did feel like he needed some different kind of fun. He had a lot of tension and would be more than happy to release it. Only not now.
          Now he still needed his focus. The evening wasn't even started yet and things still could get ugly. He let Leila go and took a look around. He recognized some pack members of his own, but also a few from Alexander's*. They obviously didn't smile at him, but didn't show disrespect either. He made a good arrangement with Alexander and that without a single scorn. He was still very proud about that.
          "Let's go do something I actually enjoy." He smiled mischievious at Leila and put his arm playfully around her shoulders. He leaded her to a shooting stand, while he checked his cellphone. He'd gotten a few texts, most of them from pack members saying everything was still okay, but none of his little sister. The school should be over by now, but he tried not to worry too much. Freya could handle herself.
          "Did I ever learn you how to use these things?" he asked Leila while pointing at the guns.

    *I just decided the other big pack's Alpha (in Hillside) is called Alexander.

    For fuck's sake.

    [ bericht aangepast op 29 okt 2015 - 0:03 ]


    Claire Gena Brooks
    Hunter, Outcast

    As Claire stood under the shower she thought about tonight. 'Should I continue training or do something fun for one time?'She asked herself. Fun was something she rarely had. It was always training and hunting. That was her life and maybe it was time to do something else for one night. When Claire was done showering she looked at her scars in the mirror. She had tiny scars on my arm. She also had a few scars on her face. The scars didn't bother her at all, but there was one that did bother her: It was a huge scar that started at her belly and went to her back. A long and painfull wound caused a huge and visiable scar. It wasn't the appearence of the scar that botherd her, it was the memory attached to it. She quickly walked to her closet and looked through her clothing. Again she was think about leaving the place. The rest would be happy if she went away, but that didn't bother her at all. She picked a nice but simple outfit. She did her hair and put on a little bit of make-up. She walked to her weapons. Although she wasn't on the job tonight, she couldn't resist to grap a gun and a uv-light. Claire looked at the clock and left the house. On her way Ocean Town she cleared her mind. Tonight was a free night, with no hunting. Atleast, she hoped that nothing would happen.

    Seasons will change, but I shall remain


    “Sometimes it’s best to just say ‘Whatever’ and watch everyone else make the dumb mistakes.”

          'Maybe once or twice,' answered Leila, while she was glad that the guys from Alexander's pack didn't come over or something like that, since she slept with one of the guys and hadn't spoken to him since, so that could have gotten awkward. Even more so because her hair looked rather messy because of that ride in the rollarcoaster, just as it looks when she has just done the deed. 'But I am not going to do some kind of bet with you, since you'd probably kick my ass and you know I don't like losing.'
          She waved over the mid-thirties looking man that managed the shooting stand and she gave him some dollars, so she could give it a go. 'Do you need some exp-' the man started, but Leila cut him off. 'No, I can do it.' She grabbed one of the fake guns and aimed at the target. You saw it movies all the time that someone that never held a gun before could easily hit a target, and she was quite sure that she was more skilled than those stupid movie characters, so how hard could it be?
          Her first shot hit the target. Just not her target but the one next to it. The next shot hit the the target, but only on the side. The following eight shot didn't go much better. Only one shot came close to the middle, but that was probably because she had to sneeze just when she shot.
          'Okay. I suck,' she admitted. 'I think you need to tutor me some more,' she said to Fox as she waved with the gun. 'Otherwise I will be dead meat if there ever comes a zombie apocalypse with lightning speed running zombies.'

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Freya Historia Rose Maria Ackerman

    Freya toyed around with her pencil as she had no idea what she was supposed to write down. She didn't want to get out her glasses, even though staring at the blackboard gave her a headache. She looked back at Thorne and clicked her tongue, then biting her lip. He was fascinating though. Freya wondered how old he was. He didn't seem like he was all that powerful. Once she'd get him where she wanted him, she'd have no problem taking him down.
          The teacher said something but Freya didn't grasp it, leaving her with another blank spot on her sheet. She sighed and reached down to her bag, pulling it in her lap and searched for her glasses. She was stopped, however, in the middle of the process, when Thorne asked her if she was going to the fireworks. Oh, thank God, he's actually making this easy for me. She leaned in a bit so she didn't have to speak up all that much - also because she was curious if Thorne would take advantage of it by looking at her cleavage (not that she had that much to show off). Hey, it was all about knowing your target. Freya was wearing a low-cut shirt with a high-waisted skirt on top of it. Her legs were bare and she was wearing the most unfitting shoes ever underneath it all; Timberlands with hiking socks. Somehow, Freya managed to pull it off. She had an odd kind of style, but she didn't really care. She liked flowery patterns, but she also liked hiker boots.
          "Maybe." She tasted the word in her mouth before she spoke it and wet her lips before she continues. "Kinda useless to go to a festival when you don't have anyone to go with, don't you think?" She smiled at him and leaned back again, just in time for Montgomery to not notice it.
          "Madison, next paragraph," she ordered.

    [ bericht aangepast op 28 okt 2015 - 23:43 ]


    Alfa St.-Louis

          Fox flinched when she waved the gun at his face. It wouldn't be able to kill him, but he still didn't want to get shot. He grabbed it and pulled it gently out of Leila's hands, while he chuckled softly. He knew she liked that laugh, almost everybody did, including himself. It made him feel happy.
          "Careful, Dawson. I need this face." He grinned and payed for another round. He reloaded the gun himself and let it rest on his shoulder.
          "Now, watch and learn," he spoke. Without a single hesitation he shot his rounds. They all hit the targets prefectly in the middle. The owner of the stand looked at him and shook his head, while muttering something about another one. There must have been some Hunters who did the same thing before, since the man wasn't really shocked or surprised. He was rather grumpy when he handed him the teddybear. Fox thanked him and turned to Leila, raising his eyebrows at her.
          "One day, that guy's gonna find out about everything. Too many good shooters in this damned city," he whispered as if he was truely scared it would happen. He couldn't hide his playful smile completely, though, and when he handed her the toy, it was clear he was joking.
          "Okay, you almost made me throw up and I kicked your ass at the shooting stand. Let's do something we both enjoy, no?" Fox looked around to find something they could do, but tightened when he smelled something rather unpleasant. He didn't really like coffee, but the smell of blood and metal was far worse. He narrowed his eyes and eventually saw Daelyn sitting in a chair close to a small coffeeshop.
          He didn't like her and he definitely didn't like talking to her, but it was better if he went there and see if everything was okay with the Colony. He sighed and took Leila with him. Within seconds he stood before the Vampire and greeted her. Sort of.
          "Daelyn," he said while he nodded politely.

    Congratulations, I don't like you.

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 okt 2015 - 0:13 ]


    Loner - Montandon

          If he never had been blind, he would have looked when she got closer. But he had been and he never lost the habit of using his other senses for his pleasure. He smelled the nice and girly perfume and listened how her voice created the words coming out of her mouth. He didn't close his eyes, because that would have been strange, but kept them right at her face. Ofcourse he liked certain female bbody parts - only not with his eyes.
          He opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by the teacher. The room went silent and everybody watched him. It took him a few seconds to realize she had asked him a question. After a month, he still wasn't used to his so called last name. He did use it for centuries, but most people only used Thorne - though it was mostly pronounced wrong. He turned around and looked at the teacher. What the hell did she mean? He never went to school, ever and he didn't really know how all of this shit worked.
          "What about it?" he asked, with true curiosity. He heared some kids snicker and realized that it was a dumb question. He gave himself a mental facepalm, but remained utterly calm on the outside. His anger toward Helias, for getting him into this idiotic situation, was growing even more. The teacher was showing a great resemblance to how he felt. Her face was turning red and he could actually see a vein popping out. Thank God the woman was too ugly to get him hungry.
          Don't play games, Madison. Read the third paragraph or you can spend the rest of your afternoon copying it a hundred times," she threatened. Thorne wanted to facepalm for real this time, but he managed to stay still.
          "I'm going to kill the bloody bawbag for sure," he muttered while he tried to find the third paragraph.
          "In your book, mister Madison." He blinked en looked dumbfounded at the woman. What book was she talking about? Holy mother of peeing fish, what the hell was he doing in here?
          "What?" he blurted out. The teacher didn't answer immediately and just stared at him, clearly confused wether he was making a scene or not. She sighed and turned to Freya. Good, now he didn't had to fucking read.
          "Miss Ackerman, do you mind giving your foreign neighbour your book so he can finally read the third paragraph?" Well, fuck.



    Daelyn Orsay Willow

    Vampire • Leader of the Colony

    “What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
    It would be like sleep without dreams.”

    The coffee was very hot but Daelyn still drank of it. It burned her throat in a nice way, and it would heal very quick, so she didn’t care that much. She observed the people walking past her, unaware of the fact there was a Vampire staring at them. She was extremely thirsty for blood since she hadn’t drank it for a while now. She was careful though, this was werewolf territory. She sighed and looked at her watch. She and Atlas had agreed to meet here but she was too early for once.
          Daelyn smelled the scent sooner than she saw them. She immediatly sat up straight and took off her sunglasses — she liked having eye contact while talking. “Daelyn,” Fox said while nodding. “Ah, the big bad wolf,” whispered Daelyn, although he could probably hear her.
    “I already thought I smelled something like a wet dog,” she said, smirking. She respected the guy for his leadership but that was all. She wasn’t going to act nice to him but she had to be careful though. Daelyn didn’t know the girl next to him and looked at her. “So, who are you?” She asked, licking her lips. She would never drink the blood of a werewolf but she liked to make people uneasy. The girl looked quite innocent but Daelyn knew better, the smell of wet dog was awful and it was all around her.
    “So, what are you here for, —” she almost said ‘doggies’, but kept her mouth shut at the right moment. Fox looked like he didn’t want to deal with her right now, and that feeling was mutual. They probably wanted to talk about the Vampires being on their territory or something like that.

    [ bericht aangepast op 29 okt 2015 - 21:44 ]

    " icarus had loved the sun, and so daedalus lost his. "

    Helias Albright | Atlas Hunter
    Having a body in his office was something that kept bothering Helias. He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. Unlike Thorne, he did know how to clean up blood after having had an absolute fest.
          Even though it had been a hurried flurry of clothes and had she been way too eager to jump on top of his desk before he could actually fulfill the act for her, it had been satisfying enough. Her blood had been sweet. She'd been a bright student. Helias had even doubted to change her, but that'd only give him more garbage to clean up.
          There was blood on his desk. He grimaced as he arranged the collar of his vest and he heard someone knocking on his door.
          "Professor Hunter?" Helias sighed theatrically and pulled out the handkerchief from his sleeve with which he cleaned up the blood from his desk. The room smelled like disinfectant, as if the cleaning lady had just left the room. He'd gotten rid of the body only minutes before. Sometimes, having an office near the parking lot had its advantages.
          "Come in," he said, unable to hide his exasperation. He sat down behind his desk and searched his drawers for something to drink that wasn't scotch. The door opened and one of his students entered. She seemed shy. Helias quit searching his drawers and looked at the girl with an eyebrow raised. "Yes?"
          "I hope I'm not bothering you..." Helias smiled seemingly genuine.
          "Not at all." And with that, he was stuck in his office for another hour. Seemed like Daelyn would be forced to wait some more till his arrival.

          At last, Helias left the building. After he'd dropped off his stuff at his home and had taken a shower after he'd discovered there'd gotten blood in his neck, he made his way towards Ocean Town. He hated theme parks. They were way too crowded - especially on a day like this.
          Eventually he found her, and he was displeased to find Fox Timaeus was with her. However did he know who Fox was - since his little sister had spilled the beans only weeks ago - he fough the temptation to greet his by his surname. His actual surname. He took in the sight of the girl that was with him. She came across as familiar, but he couldn't get to hername. Helias first turned to Daelyn, whom he was supposed to meet in the first place.
          "Daelyn," he said with a nod, eyebrow slightly arched, "nice to see you accompanied by a pair of lunar-obsessed freaks."



    “Sometimes it’s best to just say ‘Whatever’ and watch everyone else make the dumb mistakes.”

          Leila groaned internally when Fox dragged her with him towards the leader of the vampire colony. She didn't really have a thing against vampires in general, but that didn't mean that she liked talking to them. Most of them where way too stuck up in her eyes. Leila grinned slightly though when she heard what Daelyn said to Fox. She herself didn't really mind people calling werewolfes "wet dogs", since it is far from original.
          'I'm Leila, one of Fox' warriors,' she said to the vampire lady. Before she or Fox had the chance to answer her other quesion, another vampire showed up, a male one this time. His comment made her chuckle softly. At least thát was original. 'Good one,' she commented. 'Maybe you can teach your colony leader some lessons in originality,' she continued calmy, while she looked at Daelyn.
          'And while it is lovely to talk to all you old people, Fox here probably wants to know whether you will keep your vampires' bloodlust under control tonight.'

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Alfa St.-Louis

          He could take the first comment as a compliment, but the next one he found rather offensive. Fox squirted his eyes and shifted his bodyweight. He had spoken one word and was already pissed off. As if it wasn't bad enough, another vampire cared to join the conversation. Fox slightly tightened when he turned towards Atlas. He didn't like vampires, even hated most of them, but Atlas was on a whole other level. There weren't many things that would make him happier than setting this man on fire. Alas, he couldn't do that, because of Atlas' high position in the Colony.
          Before he could even think about an answer or an insult himself, Leila allready spoke. She did a great job, but Fox did not like her speaking before him. Normally, he wasn't that strict, he actually liked it if he didn't have to say something, but this time it made him look like a little puppy and that wasn't a good thing. He shifted his shoulders and stood straight. He could almost feel his own power radiate from him. He knew it didn't affect the vampires, it wasn't his purpose either; it was more of a warning towards his warrior not to cross the line. She meant well, but he could handle it and he would handle it. On his own.
          "I do, indeed," he said with a calm and steady voice. It wasn't easy, but he let go of his anger and annoyance, keeping a rather pragmatic facial expression. "Actually, this freak just wanted to know if everything is still allright, without any... difficulties," he stated. He put his hands in his pockets and leaned backwards, like he was relaxed and maybe even bored, just to let the vampires know they couldn't intimidate him or get on his nerves.

    May the bridges I burn light the way.

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 okt 2015 - 2:50 ]


    Daelyn Orsay Willow

    Vampire • Leader of the Colony

    “What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
    It would be like sleep without dreams.”

    Daelyn smirked when Atlas joined them since you could see Fox didn’t like it. And even though she hated to admit it, she was happy he had finally arrived since it was two against two now. She listened somewhat annoyed to the girl. Daelyn didn’t like was the tone of the child, but she said nothing of it, although the last comment made her a bit confused. Something true doesn’t have to be original. And her purpose in life wasn’t to be original. Daelyn had insulted them, yes, but at least she had talked about the problem here. She couldn’t blame the girl for being childish since she was still a child.
          Daelyn noticed Fox movements. Although he looked intimidating and powerful, she didn’t really feel it. That was probably because she knew her own strength. They were both really powerful and strong. She listened to him and laughed at the word difficulties. They all knew what he meant.
          “On our part? No. And yours? Can you keep them in control?” Daelyn asked, annoyed. She had already seen a few werewolves looking at her if they wanted to rip her apart. Something she could get, but she actually liked the 'peace' for once. She took a sip from her coffee and felt her throat burning. Ske kept a straight face, though, while she didn’t take her eyes off Fox.

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 okt 2015 - 16:47 ]

    " icarus had loved the sun, and so daedalus lost his. "