• Hier kun je al je frustraties, euforische momenten en hersenspinsels kwijt.
    Dus zit je iets dwars? Heb je problemen? Is je ijsje niet lekker? Of voel je je gewoon zo ontzettend blij en wil je dat met de rest van Quizlet delen?
    Schrijf hier dan alles van je af.

    "A good book is always good, no matter how many times you've read it."

    Duistergruis schreef:
    Hoe halen mensen het in hun hoofd om zulke verschrikkelijke dingen te doen?

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Guess who's not going to be able to sleep tonight because of Paris. I think I might be sick.

    kindness is never a burden.

    Kirigaya schreef:
    Guess who's not going to be able to sleep tonight because of Paris. I think I might be sick.

    "Yes, that was a banana. No one expects the banana!"

    Kirigaya schreef:
    Guess who's not going to be able to sleep tonight because of Paris. I think I might be sick.

    but do you feel held by him? — does he feel like home to you? ( Anatomy » Midsommar )

    Whiiieeeooooh, best day of my lihihihife :'D

    Tickets voor twenty one pilots, hell yea. Toch iets leuks om me aan het eind van deze dag op te vrolijken,.

    "She was fury, she was wrath, she was vengeance."

    Stay calm Megs, just stay calm.

    but do you feel held by him? — does he feel like home to you? ( Anatomy » Midsommar )

    Kirigaya schreef:
    Guess who's not going to be able to sleep tonight.

    While it is indisputable fact that Laurens and Hamilton served as aides-de-camp to Washington, whether the men also served each other sexually or romantically is the subject of speculation. So Washington may be saying, “Yoo-hoo, Alex, your boy Laurens is here!”
    Subtiel. :'D

    "Just words." "But good words. That's where ideas begin." - Star Trek, The Wrath of Khan

    It's a cruel world we live in.

    kindness is never a burden.

    jezus man gisteren waren het er nog zestien wtf is er in parijs gebeurd ????

    Ik kijk uit het raam, naar de lucht en de zon, ik loop naar buiten en flikker van het balkon.


    [ bericht aangepast op 14 nov 2015 - 9:14 ]

    "Ignite, my love. Ignite."

    Eddard schreef:
    Tickets voor twenty one pilots, hell yea. Toch iets leuks om me aan het eind van deze dag op te vrolijken,.

    Ben je gisteren geweest of ga je in februari? (:

    Stop. Met. Huilen.

    "The world is a filthy place. It's a filthy goddamn horror show."

    I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it