• Nothing like Highschool
    RPG - 50 - English - ©Sarn

    Roles      ☠      Talking      ☠      Drama


    Boys - 5
    Username ~ Name ~ Age ~ Status ~ Faceclaim ~ Page
    Sarn ~ Val(entino) Jack Lyne ~ 18 ~ Popular nice guy/psychopath ~ Kian Lawley ~ 1.4
    Webster ~ Fergus Fraser ~ 19 ~ The Artist ~ Herman Tommeraas ~ 1.4
    Kendol ~ Name ~ Age ~ Status ~ Faceclaim ~ Page
    Webster ~ Archibald Arlington~ 19 ~ The Anti-Hunter~ Florian Neuville ~ 1.4
    Sameer ~ Name ~ Age ~ Status ~ Faceclaim ~ Page

    Girls - 7 - STOP
    Username ~ Name ~ Age ~ Status ~ Faceclaim ~ Page
    Cranston ~ Ailsa Nielsen ~ 17 ~ Bubbles ~ Hermione Corfield ~ 1.4
    Ziegler ~ Tansy Elizabeth Jenner ~ 17 ~ Teacher's pet ~ Oliwia Wedzicha ~ 3
    Eternitarian ~ Nicole 'Sully' Sullivan ~ 17 ~ Firecracker ~ Anna Christine Speckhart ~ 3
    Carneliana ~ Name ~ Age ~ Status ~ Faceclaim ~ Page
    Yellowstone ~ Hannah Sawyer ~ 17 ~ Clumsy Marshmellow ~ Scarlett Leithold ~ 3
    Sameer ~ Alessandra Flores ~ 18 ~ Wallflower ~ Chiara Scelsi ~ 3
    Soco ~ Eve Marilyn Freyz ~ 16 ~ Status ~ Faceclaim ~ 1.4
    Iratus ~ Lidiya Delov ~ 16 ~ Follower ~ Maria Almenta Poole ~ 3

    Val & Hannah
    Fergus & Sully
    Tansy & Alessandra
    Dude & Ailsa

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 juli 2017 - 21:42 ]


    Archibald ‘Archie’ Arlington

    • Ailsa Nielsen — Ailsa en Archie lijken heel erg op elkaar, dus wellicht dat we daar iets mee kunnen — dat ze samen een bepaalde activiteit vaak doen omdat ze zich prettig voelen bij elkaar?
    • Alessandra Flores — Archie's friend who helps him out with emotional stuff. After one time where Archie ran off because of his emotions, Alessandra found him and managed to calm him down. Since then Archie has great respect for her and likes being around her. After a little while he saw that Alessandra has problems of her own and right now the two of them support each other if needed.
    • Eve Marilyn Freyz —
    • Feliks Ilya Konstantin Vasilyev — Well, ik zat even over alles na te denken: en ik heb besloten om Archie biseksueel te maken (him being a soft person and all that has no issue with boys / girls at all). Zocht je nog exen / hook—ups / whatevs voor Feliks?
    • Hannah Sawyer —
    • Lydia Delov —
    • Nicole ‘Sully’ Sullivan — Archie’s mentor in different training areas, who has not given up on him (like most people have). Archie looks up to Sully and is kind of intimidated with her fierce behavior. Still, he respects her to the end of the world because of her Hunter skills. Archie looks at Sully with awe and listens to all she tells him. Whenever Sully is training Archie, he often ends up walking off because he is going to burst into tears — she is fierce, harsh and does not except failure. Still, Archie ends up going back to her all the time because deep down he knows this is the treatment he needs to improve.
    • Tansy Elizabeth Jenner — Archie's rival in the theoretical classes. Because the two of them are both intelligent as fuck it is not simple to prove who is better. Archie loves pointing Tansy at small mistakes because it makes him feel like he is good at something.
    • Valentino Jack Lyne — Archie's project partner, where he is afraid of because of the intimidating behavior. Archie sometimes point out a small mistake to Val (even though he knows Val does not like that). Archie likes the fact that Val is smart even though he is popular.

    Fergus Fraser
    • Ailsa Nielsen — Ik ben even uitgegaan van hoe Fergus over Ailsa zou denken: hij zou zeer beschermend over haar willen zijn vanwege haar zachte persoonlijkheid, maar tegelijkertijd zou hij ook wel aangetrokken worden door haar uiterlijk (because she is cute and he likes cute in a girl). Helemaal nu ze het uit heeft gemaakt met Val. But on the other hand: hij is vaak samen met Val en zou haar nooit 'van hem af willen pakken' op een manier. Daarbij is Fergus nogal een zacht ei op het gebied van meisjes en kan hij absoluut niet flirten. (': Zouden Ailsa en Fergus elkaar al eens eerder tegen gekomen kunnen hebben en zo ja, waar? Wellicht bij een les of specialisatie?
    • Alessandra Flores — Fergus' training partner at Close Combat and the two of them are buddies inside the garage, working on cars and motorbikes (it calms Fergus down like nothing else). Fergus loves looking at Alessandra working during Weapon Development — because his developments end up in failure most of the times. Fergus' opinion is that he can learn Hell of a lot from Alessandra and he has great respect for her.
    • Eve Marilyn Freyz —
    • Feliks Ilya Konstantin Vasilyev — Fergus is heel gemakkelijk in omgang en is vrij sociaal, dus ik denk dat hij het wel goed zou kunnen vinden met Feliks? Misschien dat Fergus wel eens hulp vraagt aan Feliks over meisjes (aangezien hij een total dork is op dat gebied)?
    • Hannah Sawyer —
    • Lydia Delov —
    • Nicole ‘Sully’ Sullivan — Fergus’ partner since he was ten, because of the fact that their test results were almost the same (except for the answer at one little answer). Fergus was more than ecstatic with getting a partner and from the fist moment he looked at Sully as the most important person in the world to him. Of course, he saw that she needed some time to get used to the fact of having someone close. But Fergus was compassionate, patient and never gave up on her — he crept up on her, slow. During fighting, the two are more than complimenting each other. Most of the times it seems like the two of them are two people with one set of brains, anticipating each other’s moves within seconds. Outside fighting, Fergus knows what is on Sully’s mind as well — with a single look he knows what she is thinking or what she wants. The partnership between the two of them is one without much words, their silence is soothing for Fergus — he knows what he is up to with Sully.
          Just one month back, Fergus and Sully ended up sleeping with each other. This happened at a night where the two of them needed someone — each other. It also happened without much words. It was Fergus’ first time and he does not regret a single bit of it. Still, he is anxious about it — because Sully never spoke of it again and Fergus is too afraid to break the bond between them to bring it up. Fergus knows he has feeling for Sully, he just is not sure what those feelings are. He likes her. Hell. He loves her and could not live without her. But he is not sure if it is true love.
    • Tansy Elizabeth Jenner — Fergus’ mentor at the theoretical classes, because he is bad at remembering all the small facts and stuff he needs to learn there. Fergus’ opinion about Tansy is simple: he thinks she is the most intelligent person in the Hunter world and had respect for the fact that she never backs down and wants to do her best all the time. Fergus is a bit ashamed of the fact that he cannot remember all the stuff at once and that Tansy needs to have patience with him. Fergus has made it his mission to show her he can remember stuff and that she can be proud of her pupil.
    • Valentino ‘Val’ Jack Lyne — Fergus’ friend, which he hangs out with a lot. Fergus and Val are both cheerful (at least, for the sight of the rest of the world) and Fergus likes that Val can laugh as much as he can. Fergus likes hanging out with Val, because he is a bad, big Hunter like him and he feels like a ‘man’ when he is around Val.

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 juli 2017 - 12:28 ]


    Ziegler schreef:

    Over Tansy: partners lijkt me goed! En het lijkt me ook inderdaad grappig als Tansy haar crush is c:

    Yayy. Dat crush-gedoe wil ik nog even afwachten tot Soco (Eve Freyz) reageert, als dat oké is?

    kindness is never a burden.

    Ik houd Archie partnerloos — omdat hij door zijn onkunnen toch geen nuttige partner zou zijn. :Y)


    Wat zijn de partnerkoppels?


    Fergus — Sully.

    Over Archie ben ik nog in overleg / dubio.

    Zou hij aan iemand gekoppeld worden als partner als op jonge leeftijd al duidelijk was dat hij suckt als Hunter, Liesje?


    — Tansy & Alessandra
    — Mijn atm nameless dude & Ailsa

    kindness is never a burden.

    Webster schreef:
    Fergus — Sully.

    Over Archie ben ik nog in overleg / dubio.

    Zou hij aan iemand gekoppeld worden als partner als op jonge leeftijd al duidelijk was dat hij suckt als Hunter, Liesje?

    Ze koppelen eigenlijk altijd wel iemand, omdat dat één van de grootste en oudste regels is van het Jagen: ga nooit alleen. Maar op zich, er kan altijd iets gebeurd zijn: een dode partner, of als je het veel minder dramatisch wilt: de familie is teruggevonden of heeft hem/haar teruggeroepen en laat niets meer van zich horen?


    Is dit oké voor een beginsituatie of hebben jullie nog een ander voorstel?

    It's the 21st of March, a month after their annual move to 'warmer' resorts (this year, our characters all went to Dubhaile, Scotland). everything is sort of back to normal, and they still have more than a month untill their exams. It's a friday afternoon (14:00) and to celebrate the beginning of spring, the students don't have classes for the rest of the day. The oldest (and ofcourse, most popular/richest) students will host the annual springparty later that night, in one of the old, unused hangars in the northern part of the school's domain. Every student older than 15 talks about it, as it is one of those events you look forward to the entire year.


    Nog mensen die een relatie met Ailsa willen c: ?

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered


    - Je kan inspringen, moest je rol nog niet klaar zijn/moest je het te druk hebben
    - Je mag in het Nederlands schrijven, maar alle dialoog en dingen die de volgende poster nodig heeft, moeten in het Engels.


    Wie voor Archie / Fergus?


    Webster schreef:
    Wie voor Archie / Fergus?

    Ik heb Val? ^^


    Sarn schreef:

    Ik heb Val? ^^

    Meet up with his oh so lovable project partner Archie? (wbw)


    Webster schreef:

    Meet up with his oh so lovable project partner Archie? (wbw)

    Yesh ^^ Wie schrijft er eerst? (:


    Sarn schreef:

    Yesh ^^ Wie schrijft er eerst? (:

    Ik heb m'n laptop weggezet voor de rest van de avond. Dus als jij vanavond nog kan schrijven, be my guest. Ik ga morgenvroeg aan de slag.
