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Titel Schrijver Kudos Woorden Hits
OTH quotes LeylaP 0 - 75
maraa nolovenome 0 - 87
Drop the shit Bieberbaby 0 - 60
I have got a fan Delevingner 0 - 215
my love fckyoubiatch 0 - 70
09/08/2011 - Dag 1 CharlyFox 0 - 87
Reclame! AngelSky 0 - 174 (1)
geen beschrijving Jzargo 0 - 31
Nieuw Astridge 0 - 53
g RubLoveBill 0 - 63
Shoppen Zaynstagram 0 - 166
9 augustus. Jera 0 - 39
Set Ups WillowBlue 0 - 73
san en rula bff TroetaX 0 - 70
haii TroetaX 0 - 99
vraagje. maudhoran 0 - 195
Drop hier je reclame, YasminU 0 - 535
Verveling! ILove1DHarry 0 - 66
Kamijo's blog voor Jasmine You BerryCake 0 - 144
(no subject) TheFunnyOne 0 - 69
Recommended Drarry Fics [English] Jessxclusive 0 - 296
Nieuw Fleurbigler 0 - 75 (1)
veranderen Just1DFan 0 - 151
Freaky Just Like Me ZivaDavid 0 - 59
Love him so much Prisjexx 0 - 69
Personages. QuatroRush 0 - 192
Schrijven!~ Miyara 0 - 67
figureren Flikken Maastricht juli 2011 EefjeWolfs 0 - 102
Writing can save your life. BlameRenske 0 - 212 (1)
Nick Jonas <3 roosjecadeautje 0 - 61
Quotes van oude amerikaanse presidenten en hun families LeylaP 0 - 67
I listen to: lovelessness 0 - 32
Reclamedump. Mingo 0 - 19
Sweet messages Vivaldi 0 - 174
Columnist - Communist?! Harpy 0 - 94
Ghandi quotes LeylaP 0 - 43
Random quotes LeylaP 0 - 49
Ken je dat..? Harpy 0 - 116
dit pakt je. <333 Harrybo 0 - 98
Invulluuuuh! :3 Harrybo 0 - 90
ja of neeee? Harrybo 0 - 113
Ninja. Harrybo 0 - 96
one direction. Harrybo 0 - 150
Because you are my best friend. Reichenbach 0 - 133
And this picture, I like it! Veniality 0 - 80
You. BlameRenske 0 - 196
Zin in morgen! DaanzLuvTao 0 - 107
hallo iedereen decatte 0 - 34
hey decatte 0 - 46
cool decatte 0 - 52