• The Pirates of Tortuga

    A man, a pirate, is in Tortuga in need of a crew, because the last crew died of fighting and deseases.

    Everyone in Tortuga is busy doing their own work and had their own reasons to start a pirates life. So when the word about a man, who wanted a crew, reached their ears, they immediately decided to sign up.
    This is how the crew of the Black Sirene came to a stand.
    Before they begin their journey, the captain wants to test them. He sends them out to find a treasure from a legend to get them to work together as a team. Will they achieve their mission?


    Age - at least 20


    Captain - Blade Mahir Lynston || 36 || Male || 1,5 || Magnus
    Right hand of the Captain - John Delahaye aka Blackwood || Unknown || Male || 1,2 || Lolicia

    - Marina Elizabeth Elwyn || || Female || 1,1 || Illicit[/i]
    - Billy James Bainbridge || 25|| Prisoner || Male || 1,3 || Rasalhague
    - Briar Elisabeth-Rose Memphis || 22 || Female || 1,3 || Sherrinford[/i]
    - Asilah Sinead Salomn || 32 || Female || 1,3 || Morticia
    - Ceasar Julius || 25 || Male || 1,3 || Agadir
    - Oliver Hornigold || 21 || Male || 1,5 || MikeGClifford

    You can also be a prisoner on the ship.


    - Spoken and written in English.
    - Minimum of 250 words.
    - Your English does nog have to be perfect, but do your best.
    - 16+ is allowed, but put a warning in your post when you do so.
    - More characters are allowed, but don't neglect your characters.
    - No Mary and Gary Sue's, nobody is perfect.
    - Keep it realistic.
    - No fighting, keep it friendly.
    - No piracy.
    - If you have any questions, go to me or Lolicia.
    - Only we open the topics unless we ask someone else.

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 sep 2015 - 21:22 ]

    It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just... I don't love them. ~ Loki

    Can I have a female prisoner please?

    Tijd voor koffie.

    Name Billy James Bainbridge (Also knowns as Billy Bones or Captain Bones Bainbridge)

    Age - at least 20: 25 (Born on the 5th of april)

    Characteristics Billy is a very mysterious man, there’s not much known about him except for the fact that he’s a brutal killer. He isn’t merciful at all, he doesn’t hesitate whatsoever and he never blinks an eye when he is in great danger. Billy is self-assured and brave but he’s also very arrogant and vicious. He’s not someone who you would hang around with just for fun.
    Vulgar, rude, obnoxious but yet very honest are words that people use to describe him. Billy isn’t someone who would hide from the truth. He knows who he is, where he came from and what he’s capable of and he will remind every living soul of it.
    He’s not very fond of people in general but he would do anything for the people on his ship. Or that’s what he used to do. (Read history)

    Appearance Billy, a 6 foot tall man (1m82), has tousled, thick, dark brown hair and a fuzzy, thin beard. He doesn't spend much time on his appearance just because he doesn’t really care. His eyes are mesmerising deep ocean blue puddles with flecks of silvery and his

    dark eyebrows, sloped downwards in a serious expression gives him this cold, distance and slightly dangerous look.
    His face is strong and defined with a sharp jawline and high cheekbones. A very long time ago there was a playful smile on his small lips but they turned into a hard line across his face, hiding his perfectly white teeth.
    Billy has strong hands, slightly rough from working on his own ship for years. Muscles shape his entire body; strong arms and calves, a firm chest and strong shoulders to carry heavy weights.

    History Billy grew up in an orphanage. His mother died giving birth to him and his father died two years later, he drank himself to death. Billy couldn’t live by the rules of the orphanage so he ran away at the age of ten. He found work at a marine ship as a cabin boy, that’s where he met Elise Killigrew. The captain’s daughter.
    They lived together on that ship for eight years when they eventually fell in love. Billy knew that he wasn’t good enough for her so he tried to let her go. Elise promised him she didn’t wanted any other man but him. So they left their lifes on the marine ship behind to start a new life on the seven seas. Billy bought his own ship with the money he made over the years, combined with the money he and Elise had stolen from her father.
    Billy became the captain of a big ship named The Killigrew, named after his beloved Elise. They found recruits, ready for an adventure and willingly to obey him and his wife.

    Billy and Elise found their happiness, but not for long. Two years ago, during a battle with another pirate ship, he lost the love of his life. Elise got shot in the heart. She was his right hand, his light and his life and other pirates took that from him. That was when he got so ruthless.
    In order to find the killers of his wife, Billy sailed across the oceans, ready to take revenge. Unfortunately his ship sunk during a battle. He lost most of his crew but offered himself as a prisoner so he could save the life of the others. Deep down in his heart, he knows that his crew will find and rescue him. But he doesn’t know when that will be. He’s been a prisoner for two months now.

    Billy is hiding a small knife in his boot. No one has found it yet, even though he’s a prisoner. He’s waiting for the right moment to use it because they took away his guns.

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 sep 2015 - 22:38 ]

    Forget the risk and take the fall...If it's what you want, it's worth it all.

    So, I'm just going to set up a basic construction for my character - I know females were prohibited, but as this is a prisoner, I thought it might be okay. If it's not, I'll change it (: By the way, this made me snicker:

    - No piracy

    Ehe, piracy, geddit, geddit? No?


    And with that, can I please FC Penelope Cruz? I know it's really unoriginal, but I'm really bad at finding appearances.

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 sep 2015 - 22:15 ]

    Tijd voor koffie.

    I might change my male character just a bit...I don't know yet. But for now I'm going to leave it like this.
    Oh, I will be gone from the 3th of september til the 8th. I'm visiting New York and I don't think I'll have time to use internet. (:

    Forget the risk and take the fall...If it's what you want, it's worth it all.

    @Sherrinford: That made me laugh also. Oh, do feel the irony of this.

    Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.

    Fillion schreef:

    Yeah, something like that. Thanks. That way, I'll read & learn before I have to write myself.

    Yeah sure. I dont see the problem in that.

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.


    A S I L A H • S I N E A D • S A L O M N

    Name: Asilah Salomn, although her real name is Shinead. She doesn't want anyone to know, because that's a chapter she ain't like telling.
    Role + Rank: In the past ten years she was part of one of the most feared pirate ships: the Medusa. A mutiny caused everything to fall apart and she disappeared with the horizon. No one heard from her ever since. Actually, Asilah lost sight of pretty every single pirate she knew. She wasn't a simple buccaneer either, but the right – hand woman of none other than the Captain himself.
    Age: 32
    Sex: Come at me bro. Female.
    O1 - O2 - O3
    History: For several years she belonged to the crew of the Medusa, as the faithful, sadistic right hand of the Captain. A sudden storm caused the ship much damage, their stock fell into the sea – along with Asilah. The damned pirate, who is now Captain thanks to the mutiny, had left her on a deserted island.
          At first, when she woke up there, the only emotion was to be confused about the whole current situation. Until it came who'd done it to her, that blasted son–of–a–gun, she was pissed. Still is. The beauty was missing her right eye, apparently he didn't want to leave without an souvenir. She started wearing an eye patch to conceal the scar. Time passed without her knowing the exact date. However – she continued to concoct plans specifically for the man who had done this to her.
          Eventually, a ship took her to Tortuga, where she wore out her days. Every pirate knows Tortuga, otherwise it'd be a simple landlubber, so she thought the bastard could've been seen here. But, as she remained there for a longer period, the vengeance she wanted so badly faded into the background. Almost every night she spent in a tavern or pub, as her addiction to rum was still far from over. It's the perfect place to hear rumors, gossips and facts, like that it's still not quite out of sight. Although she is a bit on track, it couldn't hurt to get more information about the whereabouts of the ship and / or the rest of the crew. Especially that bastard.

    Likes: Drank, drank en nog eens drank, vooral rum, aangezien ze daar nooit genoeg van lijkt te hebben. Vechten en dat winnen, om vervolgens de verliezer de grond in te trappen met zijn zwakte. De zee. Goede seks, al is dat verdomde weinig. Schelden. Het schip de Medusa. Sarcasme. Haar zwaard. Muziek.
    Dislikes: Kinderen, insecten. Deze twee vergelijkt ze dan ook vaak met elkaar. Mannen die haar proberen te verleiden, alsof ze één van de zwakkere vrouwen is en die zich direct in zal geven. Verliezen, al zal ze dat nooit laten blijken. Tekenen van zwakte tonen. Bijna alle bemanningsleden die bij de Medusa hoorden, zoals Abigail, Ace, Tristan. De dood van Jarret. Werken in de tavern/ pub, al moet ze dit doen als ze er wil overnachten.
    Extra: Ze heeft een zwakte voor drank, waardoor ze vaak rum bij zich heeft. Ondanks dat ze al weet dat ze hiermee zou moet stoppen, het lukt niet. Wanneer ze rum op heeft, of andere drank, reageert ze regelmatig nog erger dan dat haar sadistische persoonlijkheid al was. Uitermate goed kan zij tegen drank, maar wanneer zij aangeschoten is, zal ik wel voor haar oppassen, dan is ze driemaal erger van haar gedrag. Echter wanneer zij dronken is, echt bezopen, dan reageert ze heel anders en flirt ze met alles en iedereen. De volgende dag kan zij er echter niets meer van herinneren en is zij weer de dodelijke, koude Asilah.
    De vrouwelijke piraat heeft deze tattoo op haar lies, vlak boven de inkeping van haar heup staan. Het is een teken dat het piratenleven haar gered heeft en zij de wateren – zee – altijd zal dienen.

    Het is één van mijn oude personages en ik moet alles nog een beetje veranderen + omzetten naar Engels. Komt vanavond of morgen wel.
    Ik kies overigens toch voor Angelina Jolie. <3

    [ bericht aangepast op 25 sep 2015 - 20:56 ]

    Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.

    Name - Ceasar Julius
    Age - at least 20 - 25
    Characteristics - It has been said that he is cold. Cold as stone. It always seems like he does not feel a thing, even though deep down inside, he keeps tons of emotions hid. He is not one to take care for others and when he first meets you, he won't like you right away. And you will never know if he does. He barely smiles. He is a man with a bad temper and gets aggressive very quickly. He would be the first to attack and he is not afraid to hurt people, whether that is emotionally or physically.
    He is great at fighting with his fists and kicks. No swords, no guns, no knives. He grew up with a father that taught him everything he needed to know about fighting. He likes to be in charge and is very dominant. He curses a lot. He doesn't speak often, he only talks when he has something to say that is worth to be said. He is not a bully but when he's angry with you, hell is about to break loose.
    When it comes down to women; they are his toy. He is very dominant and as has been said, likes to be in charge. He usually spends the night, but never shares his life.
    In his career as a pirate he is very ambitious and he is not a slave. He makes sure nobody is slacking their jobs and keeps an eye on the slaves. When things break, he is the one who will fix it. He is also the one who won't always listen to the captain but would risk his life for him, because he respects him but not as much as his own opinion.
    Appearance - His hair is black, his skin is light brown and his eyes are the brightest dark green you have ever seen. They would remind you of swimming pools in mid-July. He is a tall guy, lets say 1.90 m.
    History - He won't tell anybody where he comes from but, he was born in Greece. His mother died when she gave birth to him, so he was raised by his father. Who taught him how to fight and how to fix things. When he was 20 he had a relationship with the 18 year old daughter of the king. He got her pregnant and that is why the city wanted him to be a dead man. He escaped thanks to pirate life, as he could work at a ship. Five years and ten ships later, he got on this one.
    Extra - Wants to go back to Greece for his child.

    A dream is a reality you can create

    ‡ Briar Elisabeth-Rose Memphis ‡
    22 Years old (quite young for a pirate, but her father was 'in the bussiness') • Elisabeth-Rose is her real name, yet it remains to be unused • Prisoner


    Briar is probably the most stubborn pirate (and human being for that matter), that you will ever meet, it knows no boundaries. Her pride is also a participant in this matter. In stands in the way of ever admitting that she makes mistakes, or that she's ever wrong. Her perkiness gets her into fights often and is also a reason she's still held prisoner at this ship. All of this does have a good side, as Briar never betrays anyone. Loyalty is essential in Briar's character, she'll never betray friend or foe and holds the pirate rules in high regards. When someone manages to break the unwritten laws or betrays one another, she never, ever forgets. It's an incredible sin to Briar.
    Still, giving in when she knows someone is right in a discussion, would be a more likeable feature for the pirate, but she's too proud to admit she makes mistakes - and thus work on it. Giving in to someone ('Oh, you're right' or 'I'm sorry, I made a mistake'), is what Briar sees as weakness, also, because it means you were wrong from the beginning.
    All of this wouldn't be such big of a deal, if it wasn't so out of proportion. As you have just read, Briar is too proud.

    Furthermore, Briar is very streetwise and not very kind. She learned how the dark side of the world from a very young age and sometimes, this gives Briar a more pessimistic point of view, even though she's very optimistic from heart. This street wiseness leaves Briar with very little patience when there's someone who doesn't know how everything works. Briar hates explaining things, especially when she has to do so multiple times.
    This with the exception of children. Briar loves children, even though she doesn't want them yet (herself). It's also very much hidden beneath the surface, but Briar never got much attention from her father when she was a kid and unconsciously, Briar wants to give the kid a better childhood than herself. It's like a wicked transformation: when working with children, Briar becomes patience itself and acts lovingly towards it.

    Briar likes to play with humanity, although she doesn't really like manipulating people. She's too honest for that, but she does know how to do it. Forgiveness is not in Briar's vocabulary and she will never forget your mistakes, which actually is a bad trait. The world is very black and white to Briar and she finds it hard to find the grey part in between. This brings me to her arrogance, which she possesses. As you might've noticed, Briar is a bit fiery.

    Living with Briar is quite the challenge. She's rude, harsh and loud, but once you understand how she works (kind of, Briar never reveals herself fully), she's honest and funny. If you like dark humour, that is. Briar's jokes consist of cynicism and sarcasm a lot, but if you like that, you'll learn to appreciate her eventually. Briar also knows how to keep a secret, which is part of her loyalty complex (yes, it's so extreme it's become a complex) and is very trustworthy overall. When Briar's on your side, she will fight with and for you, even if she has to die trying.
    Last, but not least, like said above, Briar is honest and tells things like it is. Of course this can come across of as rude, but Briar doesn't even mean it that bad. It's what she is. Briar is a person of the extremes, not the in-betweens.

    Briar has dark, wavy brown hair, which is very thick and quite long. It can be unpractical at times, so Briar has the habit to make a knot or a ponytail with it when she finds it annoying. She often wears the 'stereotypical' pirate clothing (as seen in the pictures), but her unconditional favourites are her hat, the white off-shoulders top, the black-ish corset and best of all: the long leather jacket and the bandana which she sometimes wraps around her hat. This is the outfit she's been wearing for the last few months, as she hasn't really been out to get something else (you know.. As a prisoner and all). She wears tight black trousers and long leather boots.
    The necklace is a present from her father (she always wears it). It seems kind of eccentric, considering the fact that Briar is religious until a certain extent, but she wears it melancholically, even though she detests that kind of nostalgia. The only accessories she has more, is her shoulder bag and very rarely earrings (which can be either long things or big rings). She's been wearing them more and more lately.
    Briar has bright green eyes and quite a pretty face. She's rather tall for a woman in that age, around 1.75 cm. She often holds herself in a very arrogant position, although it's faltered a bit over the months imprisoned. It's not gone, however, not at all. It's impossible to break Briar Memphis.

    Briar practically grew up on a boat. Her father Davy was the cruel captain of the Damned Emerald and Briar has always followed him on his travels, which made her a mascotte to the crew. It was very safe, as many saw her as their own daughter. Briar's mum was murdered quite shortly after Briar's sixth birthday, but Briar was already accompanying Davy by that time. This also, because Briar was in constant danger, being the daughter of a very vicious captain. Davy never loved Elizabeth-Rose (Briar's mother) enough to let her travel with him. This imminently had her death as a result.
    It was all very twisted, but Briar grew to accept that faith and past. She loved her mother unconditionally, but Briar soon tried to forget about her grief (using a lot of bad coping mechanisms) and succeeded in this. Some parts of her held her father responsible, but her father was all Briar had and she learned not to think about it too much. I do not want to fore-shadow anything, but Briar has never come to accept her mother's death and holds herself responsible for a bit. Thinking about it, feels like cutting open a raw wound to Briar.

    Briar grew up along side the crew and she was the right-hand of Davy (many called him Davy Jones, as he was so successful in hijacking ships). Once, the ship got hijacked by the VOC (multiple ships, at least five) and in that epic battle, Briar saw her father get killed, right before her eyes, felt his blood clatter on her face. That day, Briar saw her life-long friends die and it turned her bitter.
    This all happened in May and marked the end of the best period of Briar's life.
    From there, it all went downhill. She was captured by the VOC on her sixteenth, only because she seemed like a pretty enough woman to marry and soon, a life was planned out for this pirate. She was to marry an official, but was kept locked up for a long time.
    Briar was incredibly stubborn and unwilling and kept protesting. This resulted in the cancellation of the marriage, and instead, she was to be hanged for her crimes. A week before all of this could take place, an attack on the town happened and through the hiatus, Briar managed to escape.
    From then on, Briar hopped from ship to ship, offering herself as an experienced crew-member wherever she could be of help. As a woman, this was hard and Briar came across many nasty situation. This resulted in fleeing from ships in the middle of the night, fights on board and more horrible plights I will not expand on now. Eventually, she boarded the Sanctum, a pirate ship which was good for a longer stay, and Briar and had already stayed for two months before she got attacked and imprisoned on a new ship. It was never very worthy to Briar, and she never felt quite at home like she felt on the Damned Emerald. However, it was at sea and good enough, until she was imprisoned by another ship: The Black Sirene.

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 sep 2015 - 22:02 ]

    Tijd voor koffie.

    Can I ask for you guys opinion, and ask if you think that the guy that I took fits with the character? I don't want it too be a Gary Sue and be creative.

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    When is the roleplay going to start, Magnus? And for the waiting piratemateys around here. Enjoy this pirating music:

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 sep 2015 - 22:32 ]

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    Sherrinford schreef:
    So, I'm just going to set up a basic construction for my character - I know females were prohibited, but as this is a prisoner, I thought it might be okay. If it's not, I'll change it (: By the way, this made me snicker:
    Ehe, piracy, geddit, geddit? No?


    And with that, can I please FC Penelope Cruz? I know it's really unoriginal, but I'm really bad at finding appearances.

    I really had to laugh because of this post. You can have a female prisoner, but only because it's a prisoner.

    @Lolicia; I will start the Roleplay when all the roles are ready. - Of which I'm actually ashamed that I don't have my role ready yet.

    It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just... I don't love them. ~ Loki

    Lolicia schreef:
    Can I ask for you guys opinion, and ask if you think that the guy that I took fits with the character? I don't want it too be a Gary Sue and be creative.

    I think it fits.

    It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just... I don't love them. ~ Loki

    ^ Magnus: Don't wait too long to start the roleplay, or else it will die.

    [ bericht aangepast op 7 sep 2015 - 16:38 ]

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    My man is almost done.

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.