• Hier kun je al je frustraties, euforische momenten en hersenspinsels kwijt.
    Dus zit je iets dwars? Heb je problemen?
    Is je ijsje niet lekker? Is de enige die je plan om Mount Olympus over te nemen helemaal door de war kan schoppen nog springlevend? Of voel je je gewoon zo ontzettend blij en wil je dat met de rest van Quizlet delen? Schrijf hier dan alles van je af.

    Three words, large enough to tip the world. I remember you.

    Bye Halpert :)

    Als ik een dichter was dan was ik dichter bij je.

    Pff, ik wil het heel de tijd kwijt maar ik wacht beter tot het weekend. :/ Want door de week hebben we niet veel tijd en er tijdens je werk mee zitten is ook niet goed. Ik vind het alleen zo moeilijk voor me te houden, omdat ik ermee in mijn hoofd blijf zitten. :/ Het geeft me geen rust.

    Ik wil een tuin vol egels

    Je bent echt kapot irritant he, verdwijn pls.

    The truth is out there.

    Mijn leven dezer dagen, echt serieus.

    26 - 02 - '16

    Ik zit zo vol dat mn buik zeer doet. But it was goooood

    I, Tahani Al-Jamil, shall do my level best to make every event too much.

    It kinda hurts to know that if I don't start talking, neither of us talks and it just makes me feel like a bother and it really sucks, 'cause apparently, you mean so much more to me than I do to you. And I know I am not a funny or interesting or special person, but I just hoped that - for once - I'd be enough. 'Cause I could just really use someone right now.

    She's imperfect but she tries

    Ah I'm such a fool...

    The truth is out there.

    Tad schreef:
    It kinda hurts to know that if I don't start talking, neither of us talks and it just makes me feel like a bother and it really sucks, 'cause apparently, you mean so much more to me than I do to you. And I know I am not a funny or interesting or special person, but I just hoped that - for once - I'd be enough. 'Cause I could just really use someone right now.

    Mijn gb en pb staan voor je open!

    Physics is awesome

    I get tired from stress and stressed from being tired, so basically I will always be tired and stressed unless I manage to de-stress and sleep, but yeah that's not gonna happen.

    The soul is like an appendix: I literally don’t even use it.

    Ga ik zo om 00:00 douchen of morgenochtend om 06:15

    There are poems inside of you that paper can't handle

    I'm struggling to exist with you and without you.

    — Inner peace, it's hard to find. —

    En dan word je rond kwart over 4 wakker en kan je, tot nu toe, niet weer in slaap vallen. Bruh.

    "Nice is different than good." CORPSEHUSBAND > SCORPIO

    Aaaah zometeen de presale van panic tickets
    I have zero experience with buying tickets but i hope i’ll be able to get two so my friend and i can go
    (And that she will be able to go in march too ofc)

    A to the Z

    Conceal don't feel, don't let them know

    26 - 02 - '16

    In between being young and being right, you were my Versailles at night.

    — Inner peace, it's hard to find. —